respective 发音
英:[rɪˈspektɪv] 美:[rɪˈspektɪv]
英: 美:
respective 中文意思翻译
respective 网络释义
adj. 分别的,各自的
respective 短语词组
1、respective field ─── 各自领域
2、respective location ─── 各自的位置
3、respective fields ─── 各自字段
4、respective field meaning ─── 各自的字段含义
5、respective movement ─── 各自的运动
6、respective jurisdiction ─── 各自管辖权
7、respective order ─── 各自的顺序
8、respective definition ─── 各自的定义
9、respective ly adv. ─── 分别地,依次地
respective 反义词
respective 同义词
gracious | attentive | conformable | decorous | deferential | venerating |reverential | polite | reverent | formal | mannerly | gentle | humble | respectable | dutiful | courtly | obeisant | submissive | regardful | civil | gentlemanly | proper | obliging | well-mannered | courteous
respective 词性/词形变化,respective变形
名词: respectiveness |
respective 相似词语短语
1、irrespective ─── adj.不考虑的,不顾的;adv.不考虑地,不顾地
2、refective ─── 反射的
3、rejective ─── adj.拒绝的,排斥的
4、respectively ─── adv.分别地;各自地,独自地
5、prospective ─── adj.未来的;预期的
6、perspective ─── n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的
7、unrespective ─── 毫无期待的
8、inspective ─── adj.检查的;注意的;留意的
9、reflective ─── adj.反射的;反映的;沉思的
respective 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、All students should respect their teachers. ─── 凡是学生就应当尊敬老师。
2、His deed claims our respect. ─── 他的行为值得我们尊敬。
3、Justin and Audrey sleep with their respective pigs at night. ─── 大小贝贝晚上都要分别与自己的猪一起睡.....
4、Other trademarks belong to their respective corporations. ─── 其他的商标属于他们的分别的社团法人.
5、Relating to, measured from, or with respect to the center of the earth. ─── 与地心相关的,从地心测得的,关于地心的
6、The various countries are striving to develop their respective economies. ─── 各个国家都在努力发展各自的经济。
7、They rode their respective biles. ─── 他们各自骑着自己的自行车.
8、The periodic variation in speed of a synchronous motor with respect to the current. ─── (同步电动机的)速度偏差同步电机运行速度的周期性变化
9、In one respect, I like your work better than his. It is neater. ─── 在有一点上,我喜欢你的工作胜过他的工作,那就是你的工作做得利落多了。
10、They went home to their respective houses. ─── 他们分头各自回家。
11、He has a great respect for his father. ─── 他很敬佩他的父亲。
12、Well, their karma went unreleased in their respective ascensions. ─── 在他们各自的提升中,业力没被释放。
13、The word "captain" resonates with new respect. ─── “艇长”两个字里透出了前所未有的敬意。
14、In this respect they are making great strides. ─── 在这方面,他们正大步前进。
15、The position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus. ─── 产位,(胎儿)先露位置分娩时胎儿在子宫中相对于子宫口的位置
16、In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations. ─── 在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。
17、They went their respective ways. ─── 他们各行其是
18、The senior defense official said the U. S. was prepared to engage the Chinese about their respective missile-defense efforts. ─── 这位高级防务官员称,美国打算对中国不同的导弹防御努力加以理解。
19、No one could rival him in this respect. ─── 在这方面没有人能胜过他。
20、They felt that we had performed a miracle in this respect. ─── 他们感到在这方面我们创造了奇迹。
21、When I send you an account sales, I will deduct the insurance premium from the respective accounts. ─── 在寄送销售帐单时,我将从有关帐户中扣除保险费。
22、Genius, in one respect, is like gold; numbers of persons are constantly writing about both, who have neither. ─── 天才,在某一点上,像黄金一样; 许多人不停地在写有关此二者的事,但他们自己一无天才、二无黄金。
23、They are each recognized specialists in their respective fields. ─── 他们在各自的领域都被视为专家。
24、Linda is respective in spite of her age. ─── 不管她的年龄,琳达是应受尊敬的。
25、To develop potential distributor and new salon clients in respective sales territory. ─── 在有关地区开发潜在经销商和新的美容院客户。
26、He drove them both to their respective homes. ─── 他驾车把他们分别送到家里。
27、His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his colleagues. ─── 他专心致力於教学的精神赢得了同事们的尊敬。
28、They rode their respective bikes. ─── 他们各自骑着自己的自行车。
29、If they had any respect for human life they wouldn't do such terrible things. ─── 他们如果还顾及人的生命就不会做出这样可怕的事来。
30、They each excel in their respective fields . ─── 他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的.
31、I respect him all the more because he has faults. ─── 因为他有缺点,我反而更尊敬他。
32、They are each recognized specialists in their respective fields. ─── 他们在各自的领域都被视为专家。
33、Let that monster go away and I will soon let you know what is the respective strength of a Goat and a Bull. ─── 等那个怪物走了之后我会很快让你知道一只羊和一头牛在实力上有多大差别。
34、The rate of change of velocity with respect to time. ─── 加速度速度相对于时间变化的速率
35、The mythology of other cultures and societies reveal the underlying traits of their respective cultures just as Aesop's fables did. ─── 其他文化和社会的神话揭示了他们各自文化的潜在特征,就像伊索寓言一样。
36、Each spool support is coupled to a respective motor by means of a drive coupling providing at least one fixed transmission ratio. ─── 每个卷轴支撑装置由提供至少一个固定传输比的驱动耦合装置耦合到对应的电机;
37、He treated his subordinates with respect. ─── 他对部下以礼相待。
38、They both led their respective teams to countless championships. ─── 他们带领着各自的队伍夺取了总冠军。
39、Depending upon the number of tables and their respective sizes, a join operation can be very resource intensive and time consuming. ─── 连接操作可能要消耗大量的资源和时间,这取决于表的数量以及这些表各自的长度。
40、State statutes must conform to the respective state's constitution. ─── 各州法令必须与其宪法相一致。
41、Mary and Diane have been chatting on the phone at their respective office. ─── Mary与Diane从各自的公司打电话聊天。
42、Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex. ─── 不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。
43、He was held in respect by everyone. ─── 他受到大家的尊重。
44、The Ministers have overall responsibility for the respective ministries or commissions under their charge. ─── 各部、各委员会实行部长、主任负责制。
45、The students returned to their respective schools after the summer camps. ─── 夏令结束之后学生们就回到自己各自的学校。
46、A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order. ─── 保守主义一种强调尊重传统制度、不信任政治激进主义并反对在已确定秩序中的突然变化的政治主张或态度
47、They each succeeded in their respective fields. ─── 他们在各自的领域里都取得了成功。
48、The musicians took their respective places at the orchestra pit. ─── 乐师们各自在乐池就座。
49、His opinion differs from mine in one respect. ─── 他的意见和我的有一点不同之处。
50、They each excel in their respective fields. ─── 他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的。
51、They treated me with respect. ─── 他们对我很敬重。
52、Anyone can join the club, without respect to class, race, or sex. ─── 任何人,无论阶级、种族或性别,都可以加入该俱乐部。
53、Russia joined five leading Western powers on Thursday in calling on Yugoslavia to respect democratic norms and warning Belgrade to refrain from political violence in Serbia or against Montenegro. ─── 俄罗斯周四加入五个西方主要国家的行列,同声呼吁南斯拉夫尊重民主规范,并警告贝尔格勒当局不要在塞尔维亚及蒙地内哥罗境内进行政治迫害。
54、Each of us holds a special weight in our respective sides of the world. ─── 两国都在地球上自己的一边发挥着特殊的作用。
55、We still lag behind in this respect. ─── 在这方面,我们还比较落后。
56、His work is good in respect of quality but bad in respect of quantity. ─── 他的工作品质好但数量不够。
57、You should show greater respect for your elders and betters. ─── 你应该对长辈和上级尊重些。
58、They were taken back to their respective quarters. ─── 以后他们又被送回各自场所。
59、The three methods described above have their respective merits. ─── 上述的三个方法都有它们各自的优点。
60、The respective stored procedures can be referred to in the agents created for the corresponding applications. e. g. ─── 在为相应应用程序(例如,GoDatwarehouse、Gosales)创建的代理中,可以引用各个存储过程。
61、His accomplishments earned respect for him. ─── 他的成就赢得了人们的尊敬。
62、We go back to our respective dormitories after work. ─── 下班后我们回到各自的宿舍。
63、Two cubbies make it their respective study. ─── 两个小房间做成了他们各自的书房。
64、Product name is trademark or registered trademark of their respective owner. ─── 产品名称为它们各自所有者的商标或注册商标。
65、Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. ─── 其他名称可能是其各自所有者的商标。
66、The difference between two points in a system which differ in one respect. ─── 一个系统中在某方面不同的二点之间的差异。
67、Silk is distinct from rayon in every respect. ─── 在各个方面真丝跟人造丝截然不同。
68、The feature did not resolve the respective security threats because unmanaged code always was allowed to run in such a circumstance. ─── 然而它并没有解决相关的安全威胁,因为非托管代码在这类环境中一直是能够被执行的。
69、He found all his family well and hearty; but they all shook a cloth in the wind with respect to toggery. ─── 他看到他全家都很健壮; 但是在服装方面,他们个个都穿得破破烂烂的。
70、A human being considered with respect to his or her physical, as opposed to spiritual, nature. ─── 兽性,动物性一个人身体方面的特性,与精神和性情相对的方面
71、The main sensors of the engine and their respective functions. ─── 传感器有测发动机温度、转速等不同种类,故此处宜用复数。
72、A and B contributed the respective sums of 4d. and 3d. ─── a 和 B 的捐款分别是四便士和三便士。
73、The happy couple and their respective parents took to the floor. ─── 那幸福的一对和他们各自的父母开始跳起舞来。
74、He has no superior in this respect. ─── 在这个方面没人能胜过他。
75、There was no response in respect to your request. ─── 你的请求没有回音。
76、The two people put up the banns of marriage in their respective parishes. ─── 俩人在各自的教区里张贴了结婚预告。
77、All men have their respective duties. ─── 各人有各人的职责。
78、Both parties responsible for respective banking charges. ─── 各方银行的费用由各方负担。
79、He is a selfish, uncouth fellow, who has no respect for anyone. ─── 他是个自私、没教养的家伙,对人一点也不尊重。
80、In respect of financial standing, this firm is reliable. ─── 在资信方面,这家商行还是很可靠的。
81、Prior the screening time at the respective screening venue. ─── 在该放映场地发售
82、With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet. ─── 关于你的询问,兹附上有关说明资料。
83、No one can rival him in this respect. ─── 在这方面没有人能比得上他。
84、She suffers all pupil's patriarch's highly praising and respect. ─── 她受到全体小学生家长的高度赞扬与尊敬。
85、All other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. ─── 其他所有品牌名称是其各自所有者的商标或注册商标。
86、Regarded with respect; esteemed. ─── 受尊敬的; 得到好评的
87、Their respective pupils formed cheering squads. ─── 他们各自的学生组成了啦啦队。
88、A pair of capacitive rings attached to the respective pole piece is used to detect movement of the coil. ─── 两个分别附在各自极靴上的电容环被用来探测线圈的运动。
89、Worthy of no respect; vulgar or contemptible. ─── 不值得尊敬的;粗鄙的或可鄙的.
很多啊,写出来的话太长了,举个例子吧,你认为哪一个是对的,这句话按中式思维翻译应该是Do you think which one is right? 实际老外会说Which one do you think is right?
对于大部分人来说,学一门不是母语的语言都是困难的,难的不是词语难记,句子难写,难的是思维的转变。思维是人脑对客观事物间接和概括的反应,对于受汉语思维影响的英语错误表达我有几点表述:1、汉语思维讲究的是整体思维,而英语语言结构严谨,逻辑性极强,一般遵循主语+谓语(主谓型)的基本框架,辅之以其他修饰、限制、补充成分,构成层层搭架的语句结构。比如说一个句子To get good marks should study hard. 如果按照英语的写作思维模式来进行分析。会发现句中主语与谓语之间并不存在逻辑上的主谓关系,真正的主语被省略掉了,造成句子结构错误,概念表述含混不清,所以翻译句子不能用汉语的综合思维来翻译句子。2、汉语的主题思维影响。最简单的例子,我和你翻译成英语基本上都会是You and me而不是I and you。3、形合与意合。简单的例子,英语中从来不会将I don't think i can...写成I think i can't...,但对于汉语来说,我认为我不能和我不认为我能有多大区别,所以汉语思维更讲究的是意合,领会意思即可,但并不要求一个句子具体的表达形式,但英语不行。
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