fermentable 发音
英:[fərˈmentəbəl] 美:[fəˈmentəbəl]
英: 美:
fermentable 中文意思翻译
fermentable 短语词组
1、fermentable cho ─── 发酵cho
2、fermentable carbohydrates ─── 可发酵碳水化合物
3、fermentable carbs ─── 可发酵碳水化合物
4、fermentable carbohydrate food list ─── 发酵碳水化合物食物清单
5、fermentable sugar ─── [医] 发酵糖
6、fermentable fibers ─── 可发酵纤维
7、fermentable organic ─── 可发酵的有机
8、fermentable protein ─── 可发酵蛋白质
fermentable 相似词语短语
1、erectable ─── 装配的
2、permeable ─── adj.能透过的;有渗透性的
3、fermentative ─── adj.发酵性的;促起发酵的;有发酵力的
4、augmentable ─── 可增大的,可扩张的
5、cementable ─── 胶结的
6、lamentable ─── adj.可悲的;可怜的;哀伤的
7、fermentive ─── 发酵的
8、frequentable ─── adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的(frequent的变形)
9、sedimentable ─── adj.可沉淀的
fermentable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A hornos is a large oven used to bake the agaves converting the plant's natural starches into fermentable sugars. ─── 这是一种大型的烤炉,用来烘烤龙舌兰,使其内部的中性淀粉转化成可发酵的糖分。
2、Add soda powder to the flour when you are mixing it, and it will ferment. ─── 和面时撒点碱面儿可以使面粉发酵。
3、Edible ferment before if somebody sleeps in the evening, especially contribute to sleeping in the evening, eat before sleeping. ─── 如果有的人在晚上睡觉前食用酵素,特别有助于晚上睡觉,那可在睡觉前食用。
4、This paper introduces the techonological process of how to deeply ferment tremella gemma and how to co... ─── 介绍了银耳芽孢深层发酵及银耳露酒配制的工艺过程、操作要点及有关注意事项。
5、A best burying method and ferment conditon can be found. ─── 找出了最好的包埋方法和发酵条件。
6、In commercial brewing, the wort is made by producing fermentable sugars and yeast nutrients from malt, sugar, and hops. ─── 在商业酿造中,是用麦芽、糖、酒花和相应的酵母来得到麦芽汁的。
7、Although CLEAR, the beer is not sterile and a few viable yeast cells and low levels of fermentable sugars remain in the product. ─── 啤酒看上去是清澈透明的,但它却并非是无菌的,其中仍然存在着一些可以存活的酵母菌细胞和少量的可发酵的糖类。
8、The fusel oil is the most important factor to impact the quality of beer and is one of outgrowths during the beer ferment. ─── 啤酒中的杂醇油是影响啤酒品质的重要因素,是啤酒发酵过程中的副产物,利用小口径毛细管柱气相色谱法测定啤酒杂醇油的含量,是一种先进的的分析检测方法。
9、Youli Company is the syndic unit of the Chinese Ferment Association;it is vastitude at the technologies of biological zymogen cultivation. ─── 优利公司属中国发酵协会理事单位,在生物发酵菌种培育方面拥有多项成熟专有技术。
10、Enzymes can BE added to further break down any remaining starches that would not BE fermentable and thus contribute to caloric content. ─── 添加酶进一步降解任何不能用于发酵的残存淀粉,增加了产品的热量。
11、After the pinas are split into quarters, they are baked in a hornos (oven) to convert the plant's natural starches into fermentable sugars. ─── 当菠萝被劈成四瓣后,它们被放进烤炉中加热,把其中的淀粉转化成可以发酵的糖分。
12、Thus, the 1920s and the early 1930s became times of significant doctrinal ferment within the IJA. ─── 因此,1920年代至1930年代早期,日本帝国军内部,发生了重大的学说混乱。(注:语法越来越难,我技穷矣。)
13、Hawaiian dish of taro root pounded to a paste and often allowed to ferment. ─── 夏威夷菜,芋头捣碎成糊状,通常允许发酵。
14、Lactic acid bacteria A group of bacteria that ferment carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen, with lactic acid always a major end product, e.g. ─── 乳酸菌:一类能在缺氧条件下利用糖类物质发酵产生乳酸的细菌。
15、Ingredient: Claret ferment, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, rosemary extract, deep moisturizing factors, etc. ─── 主要成分:红酒素,维他命C,迷迭香萃取物,深层美白保湿因子。
16、As she was prepared of her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment. ─── 1628年8月10日,“瓦萨”号准备首航时,斯德哥尔摩一片欢腾。
17、Could you please comment if my thinking is incorrect, and if so, why is post ferment addition correct? ─── 如果您的评论是我的想法是错误的,如果有的话,为什么发酵后除正确?
18、Thus, only a small amount of starch is degraded to fermentable maltose by handling dough. ─── 因此,面团处理只有一小部分淀粉降解为可发酵的麦芽糖。
19、The Dolcetto component was crushed and macerated for 4 days prior to yeast addition. A warm ferment (28 degrees) with 4 times daily hand-plunging. ─── 将酿酒的葡萄压碎后,先经过4天的浸软,再添加酵母。暖温发酵下(28度),以人工每日搅动四次,并保留葡萄皮十天,一直到进行挤压前。
20、To ferment(liquor, for example). ─── 发酵(如酒)
21、Barley is a grain that, when steeped in water, germinates and provides the source of fermentable sugars for the brewing process. ─── 大麦是一种谷物,当被浸泡在水中后就会发芽并提供发酵所需的糖分。
22、The sixties were a time of theological ferment. ─── 六十年代是神学上骚动的时代。
23、Palate: Excellent fruit and lovely flowery aroma, fresh palate because it do not ferment in the oak barrel at all. ─── 口感:由于没有酿造时经过橡木桶,因此其特点是果香花香醉人,入口新鲜的宝祖利新酒。
24、To have the capability to ferment in different vessels is far more desirable than being restricted to only one production technique. ─── 我们更希望能使用不同类型的发酵罐进行发酵,而不仅局限于采用一种酿造手段。
25、A heroic working-class struggle against the Japanese and the traitors is now in intense ferment and,judging by the situation,it will erupt before long. ─── 工人阶级的反日反卖国贼的英勇斗争,现在是在深刻地酝酿着,看样子离爆发的时候已不远了。
26、Dextrine subjected to heat plus an acid or a ferment is changed to dextrose (C6H12O6). ─── 受热浆糊加上酸或酶就变成葡萄糖(C6H12O6)。
27、Rather was it the result of a long molecular process which worked like a ferment within the army, producing a change in its psychology. ─── 它是一种漫长的逐步变化过程的结果,这种过程就像发酵一样,在军队内部发生作用,使军心起了变化。
28、INGREDIENTS: Snow lotus Cohobation, Natural Soap Essence, Pawpaw Ferment, Fibrin, Lubajiao, Etc. ─── 雪莲纯露、天然皂角精华、木瓜酵素、纤维素、芦芭胶、金缕梅、橄榄油等。
29、I had thought that ML should be added after the ferment had hit peak temperature but was still ongoing. ─── 我原以为应加毫升发酵后气温曾达到高峰,但仍在继续。
30、When ferment is complete(about 3weeks)syphon off sediment into clean secondary.Reattach lock. ─── 完全发酵后(大约3周),用虹吸管将沉淀物分离到中级清洁水平。密封。
31、Although clear, the beer is not sterile and a few viable yeast cells and low levels of fermentable sugars remain in the product. ─── 啤酒看上去是清澈透明的,但它却并非是无菌的,其中仍然存在着一些可以存活的酵母菌细胞和少量的可发酵的糖类。
32、fermentable soy has been used as a diet staple by Asian countries for thousands of years. ─── 亚洲国家把未加工的、可发酵的大豆作为主食饮食了数千年。
33、Inoculate lactic acid funguses ferment in the mixture of banana and milk. ─── 将香蕉泥与牛奶调配接种乳酸菌发酵制成凝固型香蕉酸牛乳。
34、The production of EPO raw material belongs to the biology ferment. ─── EPO原料生产经过数次的试生产,就是达不到标准;
35、The effect is a less fermentable wort, with a bit more mouthfeel than beer made with a pale ale malt. ─── 它的作用是比啤酒更有一种麦芽麦酒的口感,较不容易发酵。
36、SGAS how is the ferment inside system of block up patient right of anaesthetic decompose? ─── SGAS如何阻碍病人体内的酵素对麻醉剂的分解的?
37、Look, O LORD, upon my distress: all within me is in ferment, My heart recoils within me from my monstrous rebellion. ─── 上主,求你怜视,因为我实在痛苦:五内恐惧,心如倒悬,因为我常背命顽抗。
38、I'm here as a plenipotentiary from the realm of free spirits.I'm here to create a fever and a ferment. ─── 在这儿我像一个来自无拘无束的精灵的国度里的全权大使,来这儿旨在创造狂热和激动的气氛。
39、They will not putrefy but rather ferment. ─── 它们虽没有变腐但的确发酵了。
40、Ingredients: AHA ferment, squalane, amino acid, liquorices extracts. ─── 成分:果酸酵素、角鲨烷、氨基酸、甘草提取物。
41、The effect is a less fermentable wort, with a bit more mouthfeel than beer made with a pale ale malt. ─── 它的作用是比啤酒更有一种麦芽麦酒的口感,较不容易发酵。
42、Contents: 100% Pure Organic Papaya Extract Powder, Papaya Extracts, Natural Papaya Ferment, Papaya Prolease, Renieratene, Buttermilk Extracts. ─── 成份:100%高纯度有机木瓜精粉、木瓜萃取液、天然木瓜酵素、木瓜蛋白酶、胡萝卜素、优酪乳萃取物。
43、Prior to the days of refrigerators and sushi bars, fresh fish were wrapped in cooked rice and pressed between rocks in order to ferment them. ─── 在冰箱与寿司店问世前,人们将新鲜的鱼肉包在煮好的米饭中、在石头堆里,以使鱼肉发酵。
44、Is also used to ferment light red varieties. ─── 也是用来发酵浅红品种。
45、The key issue for the industrialization of cellulosic ethanol is the conversion of lignocellulosic feedstocks into fermentable sugars. ─── 纤维素水解转化为可发酵糖工艺是纤维素乙醇炼制过程中至关重要的环节。
46、Bifidobacteria are nonmotile, anaerobic, and ferment lactose and other sugars to acetic and lactic acids. ─── 双歧杆菌元运动性,厌氧杆菌,能发酵乳糖和其它糖产生醋酸和乳酸。
48、Leaves used for black tea ferment for days before they're heated, causing the leaves to blacken and many chemical changes to happen within them. ─── 如果是制作黑茶,先发酵几天,然后加热,这样做是为了使叶子变黑,还有在其中产生多种化学变化。
49、It was impossible for natural yeast to ferment xylose. ─── 天然酵母不可能用来发酵木糖。
50、Dead flies cause the perfumer's ointment to stink, to ferment; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor. ─── 1死苍蝇使调制香料者的膏油变臭发酵;这样,一点愚昧也败坏智慧和尊荣。
51、As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment. ─── 1628年8月10日,当这艘船准备首次出航时,斯德哥尔摩沉浸在激动的气氛中。
52、Wu was always in great ferment when he was painting, and his works exhibit an expressionist style. ─── 他在创作的时候,处于一种高度兴奋与紧张状态,很有点表现主义的味道。
53、More people mean a greater ferment of ideas. ─── 人多主意多。
54、Because the ferment can help the nutrient to absorb rapidly , improve the human immunity , and can activate cells , promote metabolism. ─── 因酵素可帮助营养素迅速吸收,提高人体免疫力,并能活化细胞,促进新陈代谢。
55、We will discuss fermentable fiber more in Part 5 of this series. ─── 我们将会在这系列的部份 5 讨论沸腾的纤维更多。
56、In the so-called "second meal effect" , fermentable fiber and resistant starch are associated with improved glucose tolerance the next day. ─── 在那所谓的“第二个一餐产生”,沸腾的纤维和反抗的淀粉与改良的葡萄糖宽容有关那隔天。
57、Was developed to ferment dry whites at moderate speeds where bright fruit and heavy mouthfeel are desired. ─── 发展速度适度发酵干白人重口感是水果和光明如预期。
58、The place seethes with enthusiasm.; The whole place is in ferment. ─── 全场沸腾。
59、For example, bacteria cause milk to ferment so that dairies can use it to make buttermilk and cheese. ─── 例如,细菌使牛奶发酵,牛奶场可以用来生产脱脂牛奶和奶酪。
60、The paper introduces the mechanisms that lactic acid bacteria can ferment lactose into lactic acid during manufacture and storage of yogurt. ─── 介绍了酸奶发酵过程中,乳酸菌代谢乳糖的机理,及发生的各种生理生化反应。
61、Squash, dunk, ferment and beat the white materials. Mix them with the wood mash. ─── 将树皮原料等碾碎,浸泡,发酵,打浆,加入树糊调成浆。
62、INGREDIENTS: Snow Lotus Cohobation, Natural Soap Essence, Papaya Ferment, Fibrin, Plum, Etc. ─── 雪莲纯露,融合天然皂角精华及木瓜酵素、纤维素、金缕梅、橄榄油等。
63、Milk sugar is obtained from the milk of mammalia, but unlike cane sugar does not ferment. ─── 奶糖来自哺乳动物的奶,但跟蔗糖不同的是它不会发酵。
64、In order to develop ferment functional of rumen, researchers focus on the study on rumen microbial ecosystem. ─── 为了充分发挥瘤胃的发酵功能,研究人员一直致力于瘤胃微生态的研究。
65、They are left to ferment while their parents wring their tiny mouse paws in despair, tears drooping sadly from the tips of their whiskers. ─── 它们就被丢在那里开始发酵,而它们的父母正绝望地扭动着它们的渺小爪子,胡须尖端滴落下悲伤的眼泪。
66、Bifidobacteria are nonmotile. anaerobic. and ferment lactose and other sugars to acetic and lactic acids. ─── 双歧杆菌元运动性.厌氧杆菌.能发酵乳糖和其它糖产生醋酸和乳酸.
67、Do health people need edible ferment too? ─── 健康人也需要食用酵素吗?
68、Hunan Taizinai Group Company is the largest group which make ferment lactobacillus milk drink. ─── 太子奶集团是中国最大的发酵型乳酸菌奶饮集团。
69、Out of her present ferment of change, the nation has the capacity to adapt her tradition to the modern world. ─── 基于该国目前改革的热情,她有能力使自己的传统适应当今世界。
70、Genetic engineers have spent20 years trying to create a type of yeast that can ferment xylose on an industrial scale. So far, they've failed. ─── 基因工程师已花费二十年时间来尝试制作一种酵母,它能在工业规模上使木糖发酵。但至今为止,他们并未成功。
71、Main Ingredients: Plant placental element, NMG moisturizing compound, arbutin, CEA whitening ferment, Jojoba Oil, MAP cleanser, lemon extract, etc. ─── 主要成份:海藻养颜美白因子、NMG保湿复合物、熊果苷、CEA美白酵素、霍霍芭油、MAP清洁乳、柠檬萃取液等。
72、We do not use this word, however, but prefer nicer terms such as ferment, cure, or ripen. ─── 当然,我们不会用“腐败”这个词,而代之以诸如“发酵”,“腌制”,“成熟”这类更动听的词。
73、An anti-bacteriophage engineering Escherichia coli was directly selected from the ferment lysate by spontaneous mutation. ─── 应用自发突变的原理成功地从溶菌液中筛选到抗噬菌体的工程菌株;
74、She said the juice probably continued to ferment as the birds digested the berries, causing them to become disoriented and fly into the panes. ─── 她还说,当那些浆果在鸟腹里被消化时,其汁液可能仍处于继续发酵的过程中,这使得燕雀们变得晕头转向,最终扑向玻璃自取灭亡。
75、Unprocessed % fermentable soy has been used as a diet staple by Asian countries for thousands of years. ─── 粮中高水平的可发酵纤维可以对猪有益,也可以对猪有害。
76、They had mostly gone to college during the intellectual ferment of thirties. ─── 他们绝大多数都是在三十年代知识界沸腾时期进的高等学校。
77、To ferment(liquor,for example. ─── 发酵(如酒)
78、We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content. ─── 为了使葡萄酒有较高的酒精含量,我们让它发酵了很长时间了。
79、As with other fermentable fiber, resistant starch is associated with more mineral absorption, especially calcium and magnesium. ─── 关于其他的沸腾纤维,反抗的淀粉与比较矿物吸收有关, 尤其钙和镁。
80、When the addition quant ity was4%,abnormity of core materials occurred easily during stacking ferment ation. ─── 一、二次酒的窖内发酵升酸幅度较大,产的酒总酸、总酯含量较低,酒的口感也差,但出酒率较高。
81、In the so-called "second meal effect", fermentable fiber and resistant starch are associated with improved glucose tolerance the next day. ─── 在那所谓的 "第二个一餐产生 ", 沸腾的纤维和反抗的淀粉与改良的葡萄糖宽容有关那隔天。
82、Ferment, change, and new ideas have enriched the field, and psychoanalytic practice has adapted and expanded. ─── 实际上,这并非是一个钱多钱少的问题,主要在于对钱的态度,以及如何安排的问题上。
83、Comparing with it, different medicaments and Streptomyces 702 ferment disposing had no significant difference on seeds germinate rate after storing. ─── 与对照相比,不同药剂及链霉菌702发酵液处理对贮藏后种子的发芽率影响无显著差异。
84、Within less than a decade, however, the progressive ferment had brought mighty changes in the American political scene. ─── 尽管如此,在不到十年的时间里,进步的巨浪却在美国的政治舞台上造成巨大的变化。
85、Hui Zhou City has there (dawn ferment) buy, price number? ─── 惠州那里有(晓酵素)买,价格多少?
86、It is mainly take the Hainan local tropical fruit mainly coconut water and coconut milk as raw material and using acetoxan to ferment. ─── 其色泽乳白、口感滑爽,富有弹性和韧性,优异的呈味性,良好的配伍性,卓越的热稳定性和抗冻性,耐酸,耐碱,耐光;
87、Five pounds of sugar, some water and yeast, ferment for about ten days, then distill it. ─── 制作方法是:五磅糖、些水以及酵母,大约发酵十天,然后蒸馏。
88、Nutritious healthy drink is made from maize and soybean by the method of natural ferment and scientific blend. ─── 以玉米、大豆为原料,运用自然发酵,经科学调配,研制出新型的营养保健饮料。
发酵的读音是 fā jiào
1. 发酵的读音是"fā jiào"。
2. 这是因为在汉语中,发酵的发音是由"fā"和"jiào"两个音节组成的,其中"fā"是轻声发音,"jiào"的音调是第三声。
3. 发酵是一种常见的生物化学过程,可以应用于食品、饮料、药品等领域。
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