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09-07 投稿



dobson 发音

英:[ˈdɑːbsən]  美:[ˈdɒbs(ə)n]

英:  美:

dobson 中文意思翻译




dobson 短语词组

1、Dobson's slit-faced bat ─── 多布森的狭缝蝙蝠

2、dobson family dentistry ─── 多布森家庭牙科

3、dobson ranch arizona ─── 亚利桑那州多布森牧场

4、Dobson's fruit bat ─── 多布森的果棒

5、dobson football ─── 多布森足球

6、dobson and guadalupe ─── 多布森和瓜达卢佩

7、Dobson's trident bat ─── 多布森的三叉戟蝙蝠

8、fefe dobson ─── 费多布森

9、dobson nc ─── 多布森北卡罗来纳州

10、dobson fly n. ─── 蛇蜻蜓;鱼蛉

dobson 相似词语短语

1、dob on ─── 双倍

2、Dowson ─── 【人名】道森

3、Robson ─── n.罗布森街(位于温哥华);罗伯森(姓氏)

4、Robeson ─── n.罗伯逊(姓氏);罗伯逊(美国黑人歌唱家)

5、Dobson ─── n.水虫,水虿;n.(Dobson)人名;(英)多布森

6、dobs in ─── v.报告;检举;(为共同事业)捐款;强迫……做事

7、dobs on ─── n.水虫,水虿;n.(Dobson)人名;(英)多布森

8、Hobson ─── n.霍布森(姓氏)

9、dobsons ─── n.水虫,水虿;n.(Dobson)人名;(英)多布森

dobson 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whatever form enhanced scrutiny ultimately takes, "regulators have to work together more closely, " Dobson said. ─── 多布森说,加强监督无论最后采取何种形式,各国“监管部门都必须进行更密切的合作”。

2、Mr Dobson is at the heart of his movement's difficulties, just as he used to epitomise its success. ─── 杜布森正面临他人生的关口,这就像是他过往成就的一个缩影。

3、Home-schooling expert Linda Dobson says many people have helped the movement grow. ─── 家庭教学专家琳达?多布森表示,这个队伍正在不断扩大。

4、"I am afraid the U.S. Banks are going to have get used to seeing Doutsche Morgan Grenfell more often," says Chief Executive Michael W. R. Dobson. ─── 总裁迈克尔·多布森说:“恐怕美国银行将不得不习惯于经常与摩根·格伦费尔打交道。

5、Dobson blames activist judges for undermining families with favourable gay-marriage rulings. ─── 多布森责备激进派法官们通过赞成同性婚姻的裁决破坏家庭。

6、The problem is that Mr Dobson is not all that good at politics. ─── 而事实上杜布森对政治并不那么在行。

7、In an interview this week, Palin told Colorado Springs-based evangelical leader and broadcaster James Dobson that God "would do the right thing" on election day. ─── 他们指责这是一项虚伪的提议,因为佩琳的小儿子患有唐氏综合症(先天痴呆)。

8、Dobson (total) (ozone) spectrophotometer ─── 多布森臭氧全量分光光度计

9、Mrs Dobson has produced two fine sons. ─── 多布森太太生了两个好儿子。

10、Mr Dobson also has an unmatched power-base. ─── 杜布森还拥有无可比拟的权力基础。

11、Dobson prop ─── 多布森支柱

12、Also Mac believes that the continuing investigation into what happened with clay Dobson is nothing but media pressure. ─── Mac仍旧认为内部调查是源于媒体的压力。

13、Messrs Ford and dobson are piano repairers ─── 福特和杜伯森先生是钢琴修理师。

14、Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, one of three pastors named Sunday to counsel Haggard and his family, issued a statement Friday saying he was" heartsick" upon learning of Haggard's admissions. ─── 另外一名教会的创建者詹姆斯牧师指定星期天为哈歌德和他的家庭辩护,并且于星期五发表声明称当他获悉哈歌德的坦白时他感到万分的难过.

15、Dobson's fruit bat ─── n. 中非饰肩果蝠

16、Dobson support system ─── 多布森支架

17、Dobson spectrophotometer ─── 多布森分光光度计

18、Ford and Dobson are piano repairers. ─── 福特和杜伯森先生是钢琴修理师。

19、Dr Dobson and his team have shown that it would be possible for the rocks to be stable at the extreme temperatures and pressures found at the edge of the Earth's core. ─── 道布森和他的团队展示从地核边缘找到的石头是可能在极端的温度和压力下保持稳定。

20、Dobson's trident bat ─── n. 澳洲三叶蹄蝠

21、The famous mirror maker, John Dobson, routinely uses the street lamps few block away from his home to star test his mirrors. ─── 著名的反射镜制造者约翰多布森先生经常利用距离他住屋数座之外的街灯进行星点测试他的反射镜。

22、Dobson spectrophotometer station ─── 多布森分光光度测量站; 多布森站

23、In this article, Rick Dobson gives you a quick and useful intro to using XML templates. ─── 在本文中,Rick Dobson快速而有效地说明了如何使用XML模板。

24、At age 91, Dobson is as passionate about building inexpensive telescopes as he was when he built his first one in 1956. ─── 在91岁时,多布森作为热衷于制作廉价望远镜的人,他终于在1956年时制造出第一个。

25、Bias in Dobson total ozone measurements at high latitudes due to approximations in calculations of ozone absorption coefficients and air mass ─── 在高纬度由于臭氧吸收系数和空气质量计算中的近似引起的Dobson臭氧总量测量的偏差

26、Mr Dobson has long enjoyed unrivalled clout with Christian conservatives. ─── 杜布森对成功启发和影响基督教保守派们始终乐此不疲。

27、edited by Julian Dobson. ─── 作者声明: Ben Ezzell ;

28、The default settings for the InsertTitleAuthor. Xml template query designate author first name and last name values of Rick and Dobson. ─── InsertTitleAuthor.xml模板查询的默认设置指定了Rick和Dobson的作者名和姓的值。

29、I am afraid you 'd have to ask Mr. Dobson about that . ─── 恐怕这事您得问多布森先生。

30、Dobson died on May 3, 1965, and is buried at Mt. ─── 多布森死于1965年5月3日,并以山掩埋。

31、The first is that Mr Dobson is wrong. ─── 第一个理由就是多布森先生的话是错误的。

32、standard Dobson (spectrophotometer) ─── 标准多布森分光光度计

33、Dr Dobson came up with the theory while reading a book by Richard Fortey, the Natural History Museum palaeontologist. ─── 道布森博士是在读医本李查佛提的书想到这理论。佛提是国家历史博物馆的古生物学家。

34、James Dobson, the head of Focus on the Family, a conservative Protestant group, spluttered that the ruling was "judicial tyranny" . ─── 爱家协会(一个保守的新教组织)的会长詹姆斯·多布森说这次的裁定是司法暴力。

35、Mr. Dobson promised to widen the organization's scope of activity. ─── 布森先生答应扩大该组织的活动范围。

36、Dobson primary standard ─── 多布森一级标准

37、James Dobson, the former head of Focus on the Family, a social conservative group, used to berate Mr Obama for his " fruitcake " ideas. ─── 爱家协会——一个社会保守社团——的前任领袖詹姆斯。多布森过去一直批评奥巴马的“水果蛋糕”理念。

38、Holubec I, Dobson J, Manson S.Design and construction of an earth dam on highly plastic clay using wick drain foundation[A].Canadian Geotechnical Conference[C].1993. ─── 作者简介:陈祖煜(1943-),男,浙江镇海人,教授级高级工程师,主要从事边坡工程和水利工程的研究。

39、Dr Dobson will present their findings at the William Smith meeting of the Geological Society of London today. ─── 道布森博士会在11月24日的伦敦地理协会威廉史密斯会议中呈现结果。

40、Dobson spectrophotometer measurement ─── 多布森分光光度测量

41、A Dobson's Choice for Conservatives? ─── 一布森起用保守派?

42、Dobson's slit-faced bat ─── n. 大耳凹脸蝠

43、The movie, A Sidewalk Astronomer, produced in 2005 by Jeffrey Fox Jacobs, is a documentary about John Dobson and his contributions to amateur astronomy. ─── 不过,许多业余爱好者们尽管不属于这些组织,只要天气晴朗,他们也会走上街头为民众们科普宣传。

44、In his memoires, Doctor Dobson recalled performing five cataract operations in one hour. ─── 据杜布森医生自己回忆,他曾在一个小时内做了五例白内障手术。

45、Mr Dobson is at the heart of his movement's difficulties, just as he used to epitomise its success. ─── 杜布森正面临他人生的关口,这就像是他过往成就的一个缩影。

46、Dobson instrument ─── 多布森分光计

47、Practical Fracture Mechanics for Structural Steel,Dobson,U.K.Atomic Energy Authority,,TU501-532 ─── 各向异性材料与混凝土材料断裂力学引论,叶志明,中国铁道出版社,7-113-03574-4,TU501

48、Dobson's test ─── 多布森(氏)试验:检视觉抑制

49、DOBSON electric constant model ─── DOBSON介电常数模型

50、The main issue is inadequacy of national regulation of cross-border financial flows and innovation, Dobson told America. gov. ─── 多布森对《美国参考》说,主要问题是有关国家对跨境金融流通和金融产品创新的监管不足。

51、But David Dobson and co-researchers at University College London have come up with a theory to explain some unusual patterns in seismic waves travelling through the Earth. ─── 但伦敦大学的大卫道布森和共同研究者想到一个理论解释一些穿越地球的地震波里不寻常的模式。

52、/ Dobson, Theodore E. ─── 作者:Hurley, Kathleen V.

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