disproportionate 发音
英:[,dɪsprə'pɔːʃ(ə)nət] 美:[ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːrʃənət]
英: 美:
disproportionate 中文意思翻译
disproportionate 网络释义
adj. 不成比例的不成比例地
disproportionate 同义词
unbalanced | uneven | unequal | disparate | lopsided |excessive | top-heavy | inconsistent | disproportional
disproportionate 反义词
disproportionate 短语词组
1、disproportionate retribution tv tropes ─── 不成比例的报复电视比喻
2、disproportionate share hospital ─── 不成比例共享医院
3、disproportionate punishment ─── 不成比例的惩罚
4、disproportionate reaction ─── 不成比例的反应
5、disproportionate stratified random sampling ─── 不均衡分层随机抽样
6、disproportionate minority contact ─── 不相称的少数人接触
7、disproportionate representation definition ─── 不成比例的表示定义
8、disproportionate meaning ─── 不成比例的意义
9、disproportionate dividends ─── 不成比例的股息
10、disproportionate definition ─── 不成比例的定义
disproportionate 词性/词形变化,disproportionate变形
副词: disproportionately |名词: dispropor-tionateness |
disproportionate 相似词语短语
1、disproportionated ─── 歧化
2、disproportionation ─── n.歧化作用;不相均
3、disproportionable ─── 不成比例的
4、disproportionality ─── n.比例失调
5、disproportional ─── adj.不相称的
6、disproportionates ─── 不成比例的
7、disproportionating ─── 歧化
8、to disproportionate ─── 不成比例
9、disproportionately ─── adv.不成比例地
disproportionate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、cephalo-pelvic disproportion ─── 头盆不称
2、The cephalopelvic disproportion was the major indication in the spontaneous labour group. ─── 在剖宫产指征方面两组有所不同。
3、disproportionate stratified sampling ─── 不等比例分层抽样
4、The equity analysis show the distributing of MMR in different provinces is disproportion, and indicates the maternal and infant health situation in our country is inequitable. ─── 健康公平性研究表明,孕产妇与儿童死亡在各省分布不均衡,妇幼健康存在不公平现象,并逐年加重。
5、This limitation insures that this enormous expenditure will not go in disproportionate share to a few individuals with large holdings. ─── 这种限制保证了这种大规模的花费不是投入了少数拥有大量土地的人的不合理的分额之中。
6、The Anatomy about Disproportion Characteristic of the Tang Chang'an City Form ─── 从隋、唐长安城看中国古代都城空间演变的功能趋向性特征
7、disproportionate class numbers ─── 不成比例组含量
8、congenital fiber type disproportion ─── 先天性纤维型失调
9、They suddenly found out that they had spend a disproportionate amount of their money on clothing. ─── 他们忽然发现他们花在衣物上的钱太多了。
10、JCF: Well the other thing that amazes me is that Lithuania has so much size.It's wild to see this small country have access to such a seemingly disproportionate number of bigs. ─── 令一件不可思议的事情是在立陶宛有这么多不太相配的大个子(和领土面积比)。
11、Small mountain states, such as Nepal and Bhutan, have a disproportionate share of water resources, which they can potentially leverage against the hegemonic influence of their larger neighbors. ─── 尼泊尔和不丹等高山小国,对于水资源掌握着不成比例的巨大控制权,这使得它们可以对强大邻国的支配性影响进行制衡。
12、Can the heart become misshapen and contract incurable deformities and infirmities under the oppression of a disproportionate unhappiness, as the vertebral column beneath too low a vault? ─── 人心难道也能象矮屋下的背脊一样,因痛苦压迫过甚而蜷屈萎缩变为畸形丑态,造成各种不可救药的残废吗?
13、The different value between the SPD and the BPD in 100 cases of normal labor is obviously larger than that of 55 cases of cesarean section who were diagnosed as cephalopelvic disproportion(P
14、The cesarean delivery rate more than doubles when passing the 42nd week compared with 40 weeks because of cephalopelvic disproportion resulting from larger infants and by fetal intolerance of labor. ─── 妊娠超过42周的患者,其剖宫产率是妊娠超过40周的患者的两倍,原因多为胎儿产程耐受不良,出现宫内窘迫或胎儿巨大造成头盆不称。
15、Labour women, intolerant of Islamist views on gender, make up a disproportionate chunk of those demanding change. ─── 女性工党认为伊斯兰教对性别的看法不可理喻,她们成群聚集,要求改革。
16、She said that Russia's response to Georgia's (ill-considered) attack on South Ossetia was both “disproportionate” and “unreasonable. ─── 她说道俄罗斯针对格鲁吉亚(恶意)攻击南奥赛地的反应是“不符合大国形象”和“没有理由的”。
17、In printing, the appropriate placement of the various units of composition, illustration and ornamentation so that the appearance of the whole does not look disproportionate. ─── 在印刷技术中,在印刷品的适当位置上安排正文、插图和装饰花边,使整体看上去均衡而协调。
18、You should try to restrain the disproportionate fervour with which you throw yourself into commonplace home pleasures. ─── 你应防止过分热衷于庸俗的家庭欢乐。
19、But you must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest ─── 但你不应让它过多地占据你的兴趣。
20、Experts are also a vital group because they have a disproportionate influence on less experienced users. ─── 专家也是非常重要的人群,因为他们对缺少经验的用户有着异乎寻常的影响。
21、Any study counting citations, depending on when it is conducted, runs the risk of registering the "impact" of the fad in disproportion to its scholarly merit or long-term value or interest. ─── 取决于其研究的时间,任何引用计数的研究都冒着记录时髦的“影响力”的风险,而时髦与其学术创见或长期价值或利益并不成正比。
22、Analysis of International Capital Flow's Character of Disproportion ─── 国际资本流动的非均衡性浅析
23、congenital fibre type disproportion ─── 先天性纤维型不(相)称
24、Suppose a moral disproportion obtains in M's case.He has been made to suffer excessively for his crimes. ─── 假设在M案件中出现了道德失衡,他遭受了过量的惩罚之苦。
25、Congenital growth disproportion ─── 先天性生长不匀称
26、For example, you can locate client-to-server connection problems, find a computer that makes a disproportionate number of work requests, and identify unauthorized users on your network. ─── 例如,可以确定客户端与服务器之间的连接问题,找到产生不成比例的工作请求数的计算机,以及发现网络上未经授权的用户。
27、The Seller may refuse to provide the kind of cure chosen by the Buyer if this cure is possible only at disproportionate expense. ─── 如买方选择的救济方式会必须消耗不合理的费用才能实现,卖方可以拒绝提供该救济方式。
28、The ESB is being implemented in a small organization or division of an organization where a large software inventory is disproportionate to the number of services. ─── ESB在小型组织或者组织的分部中实现,这些组织中软件总量与服务数量不成比例。
29、The Whigs, however, enjoyed disproportionate strength among the business and commercial classes. ─── 然而,辉格党在交易和商业阶层中享有不成比例的优势。
30、Before the rise of modern civilization, there had appeared disproportionate national developments in different European areas with the cultural foundation in West Europe being first set up in the ethno-national process. ─── 在近代文明崛起之前,欧洲民族发展的区域不平衡已经出现,西部欧洲的文化基础在民族过程里奠定。
31、"Chinese Internet advertisement and the consequence disproportionate that its achieve, this means the advertisement income space of Internet media to still can promote considerably. ─── “中国互联网广告与其所达到的影响力不成比例,这意味着互联网媒体的广告收入空间仍可以大幅提升。”
32、a supply in disproportion with the demand ─── 供求失调
33、It seems a very disproportionate sentence which puts Dida as the main offender and that goes against logic. ─── “这明显是一个不成比例的判决,将迪达作为主要的罪犯,与逻辑相矛盾。”
34、Cephalo-pelvic disproportion exists when the capacity of the pelvis is inadequate to allow the fetus to negotiate the birth canal. ─── 什麽是'头盆不相称-不相称婴儿的头部和母亲的骨盆'?
35、The article does not discuss the interesting policy issues presented by the disproportionate rate of exit of elite women from the workforce. ─── 因为精英女性从劳动中的出路不成比例而导致了有趣的政策问题的出现,这是该文所没有讨论到的。
36、Try to float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportion between water and vessel. ─── 何必要高飞九万里而到那遥远的南海呢?”
37、"The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. ─── "一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。
38、NATO's Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer may condemn Russia for a "disproportionate use of force," echoed by Russia's traditional critics within the EU like Poland and the Baltic states. ─── 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯谴责俄罗斯“不对称的使用武力”,这遭到了欧盟内部传统俄罗斯实力范围(如波兰和波罗的海沿岸国家)的批评。
39、Your market report active but your order disproportionate try utmost. ─── 你处市场据说不错,但订单不成比例,请尽力照顾为盼。
40、In an effort to bolster male enrollment, some colleges are putting greater emphasis on sports, an area in which men are thought to have a disproportionate interest. ─── 为了增加大学里男生人数,有些大学更加强调体育,因为男生对体育的兴趣比女生大得多。
41、California's disproportionate exposure to the boom explains why its bust has been especially painful. ─── 加利福尼亚在经济繁荣时期的不对称的经济发展解释了其经济崩溃为何特别痛苦。
42、His secret consists in being able to find the exact point where they meet in their greatest disproportion. ─── 他的秘密在于他能够捕捉到这两个世界极度不成比例之时所交汇那一点。
43、Meanwhile, as plans for worldwide fiscal consolidation start to bite on household budgets, disproportionate pay and bonus packages will only further stoke public outrage. ─── 与此同时,随着全球财政整合计划开始影响家庭预算,不成比例的薪资和奖金方案只会进一步激起公愤。
44、The essence of the problem is of environmental equity,i. e. pepole some are forced to shoulder a disproportionate burden of the negative impacts of pollution. ─── 不是代际问题,因为它可导致代际公平,也可能导致代际不公平。
45、Still, such a disproportionate amount of inflows last year has a growing number of market participants calling for a correction when investors readjust their portfolios. ─── 不过,去年如此不成比例的流入量已经让越来越多的市场人士认为,当投资者重新调整其投资组合时,市场将会进行调整。
46、'The world has had a tendency to focus a disproportionate amount of attention on me, ' Mr. Gates said at the time of the announcement. ─── 盖茨在宣布这一决定时说,“世界将太多的注意力集中到了我的身上。”
47、A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic. ─── 不成比例的时间被用在一个话题上。
48、Islands around the world hold a disproportionate number of endangered species. ─── 世界上不少岛屿都拥有数目稀少的稀有品种。
49、the disproportion between the gravity of geopolitical events and the time available to deal with them ─── 地缘政治学事件的严重性与用于处理这些事件的时间极不相称
50、However, a moral disproportion also obtains in N's case. ─── 但是,道德失衡也可能在N的案子中出现。
51、The case was remanded for the taking of testimony on a plan that "would have a beneficial effect on the ... ecosystem without excessive destruction of existing natural resources or disproportionate cost". ─── 为了获得证据证明一项计划“在不对现存自然资源造成过度破坏或者不需要不相称的开支的情况下,对生态系统具有有益的影响”,该案件被发回重审。
52、A distinguishing feature of high office, however, is the disproportion between the gravity of actions and the time available to deal with them. ─── 但是,身居高官显职的人的一个显著特点是,他们所采取的行动,其重要性同可以用来处理问题的时间很不相称。
53、When the earthquake hit Sichuan last year, a disproportionate number of school buildings collapsed, killing thousands of children. ─── 去年地震殃及四川时,很多的学校都倒塌了,数千名学生为此丧生。
54、a disproportion between the price and the value ─── 价格与价值之间的不均衡
55、Disproportion of other origin ─── 其他原因的比例不称
56、By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations. ─── 到目前为止,学校竞争中最糟糕的形式是对考试的过分强调。
57、You spend a disproportionate amount of time on sport. ─── 你在运动方面花费的时间过多。
58、The responsibility he had at Atletico was disproportionate because of his young age and the state the team was in. ─── 他在马德里竞技承担的责任和他本身是不成比例的,因为他还年轻,而球队的状况又不太好。
59、disproportionate septal thickening ─── 不匀称性中隔增厚
60、The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. ─── 一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。
61、Col Kemp said the numbers involved were "disproportionate" and questioned why the potentially life-saving hardware was not at the frontline. ─── 理查德•肯普上校则认为,涉及的(装备)数量“不成比例”,并质疑为什么这些可能挽救(士兵)性命的装备没能在前线发挥作用。
62、disproportionate sub-class numbers ─── 不成比例级组 含量
63、To match the slow adjustment of supply to meet rising demand, the need for such disproportionate price increases. ─── 为了匹配调整缓慢的供给,以应对需求的上升,需要这种有失比例的价格上涨。
64、There is a disproportionate ratio of men to women at university. ─── 大学生男女比例失调。
65、First Senator. Indeed, they are disproportion'd; My letters say a hundred and seven galleys. ─── 元老甲它们真是参差不一;我的信上说是共有船只一百零七艘。
66、By far the worst form of competition in schools is disproportion ate emphasis on examinations. ─── 学校里最最糟糕的竞争方式是不恰当地强调考试。根据这句话可知
67、A disproportionate share of the ambitious people of the world are fighting for a chance to use their ambitions in the United States. ─── 世界上过多的雄心勃勃之士,都在奋力拼搏,争取在美国实现他们的抱负。
68、And the underreaction increases with the uncertainty of subsequent information and with the disproportionate cost associated with revision reversal. ─── 同时,随着未来盈利不确定性的加大和变更预测修正方向成本的上升,其反应不足的程度也会上升。
69、You must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest ─── 你不应让它过多地占据你的兴趣。
70、To make disproportionate. ─── 使不成比例,使不相称,使不匀称
71、The SPD and BPD measured by ultrasound would be method for diagnosis of cephalopelvic disproportion in childbearing. ─── 临产前超声测量胎儿双顶径及孕妇骨盆骶耻径可作为产前头盆不称筛查的检测方法而值得临床应用。
72、One of the mechanisms for disproportionate permeability reduction (DPR) is that a new flow path will be produced with the residual oil when oil flows through oil_bearing porous medium treated by the gel. ─── 凝胶处理使油 /水相渗透率产生不均衡减少是由于油在通过凝胶时部分残余油占据的孔隙形成了新的流动通道 ;
73、Reflections on Handling the Gender Disproportion Problem of Newly-born Population ─── 对治理出生人口性别比失调问题的思考
74、Its border with Lebanon has been mostly quiet since a Hizbullah raid inside Israel provoked an equally “disproportionate” reaction in 2006. ─── 2006年,黎巴嫩真主党潜入以色列的袭击行动引发了一场“不对称”报复打击,从此,以色列和黎巴嫩的大部分边界地区都安宁无事。
75、But that leverage is "so disproportionate that it's not used," says Ms.Meissner, the former immigration commissioner. ─── 但这一手段“在数量上很难对称,因此并不常 用,”前移民官员迈斯纳说。
76、The disproportionate wealth that most whites enjoy today was first constructed from centuries of unpaid black labor. ─── 今天大多数白人享有的不成比例的财富,最初是由几个世纪以来无偿的黑人劳工创造出来的。
77、disproportionate subclass numbers ─── 不等比例子类数
78、Yet many blacks feel alienated in a way that is “vastly disproportionate to real-life stimulus,” frets Mr McWhorter. ─── 但很多黑人领袖还是感到被排斥。麦克沃特抱怨说,这种排斥“与现实生活中的鼓励做法十分不相称”。
79、Configure IIS to use process throttling, which prevents an application from using up a disproportionate amount of CPU time. ─── 将IIS配置为使用进程调节,这样可以防止应用程序消耗过多的CPU时间。
80、To much of the world, that looks like a crazily disproportionate response. ─── 对世界大部国家来说,以色列的这种反应似乎有点过激了。
81、"His punishment seems to be disproportionate to his crime, " Mr Nakano says. ─── 中野表示“他受到的惩罚与他所犯下的错误似乎不太相称。”
82、But gas has a disproportionate dynamical role. ─── 但是,气体具有不成比例的动力学角色。
83、Congenital fiber type disproportion myopathy ─── 先天性纤维型不相称性肌病
84、Continuous disproportionate growth of Gubei fault formed the palaeogeomorphology of Gubei slope belt with groove alternating with roof and with abrupt and gentle change. ─── 孤北断层持续不均衡发育形成孤北斜坡带沟梁相间、陡缓变化的古地貌,古地貌控制了隐蔽圈闭的平面分布。
85、The proband was a 9-year-old boy, with reticular pigmentation of the skin, leukoplakia in the oral mucosa, dystrophy of all nails and disproportionate dentition. ─── 先证者男,9岁。全身呈网状棕黑色色素沉着,口腔黏膜白斑,牙齿排列不整齐,20甲营养不良。
86、An instance of a disproportionate relation. ─── 不成比例的关系的事例
87、The great disproportion between the means of egress and the size of the imprisoned insect makes one wonder how the exit is ever accomplished at all-and it never is without great labor and difficulty. ─── 它的身体这样肥大,那条管儿这样细小,人人都会希奇它怎样才能够出来呢?一定会碰见多少难处,花费多少心机与力气。
88、At that time Anne's teacher always admonished her, “You spend a disproportionate amount of your time on sports. ─── 安妮就经常坐在那儿阅读很多有关运动的书籍。
89、The idea seems to be that rich countries should bear a disproportionate cost of protective actions that benefit all. ─── 因此,似乎富国应在有利于所有国家的保护行动中承担大部分成本。
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