stonewort 中文意思翻译
stonewort 相似词语短语
1、stoneworts ─── n.车轴藻类的植物;轮藻纲植物
2、stoneborer ─── n.石蛏属动物
3、stoneboat ─── 石橇
4、stonework ─── n.石雕工艺;石制品;石料加工厂
5、stoneware ─── n.瓷器;石器
6、stoneworker ─── n.石工;石匠
7、stoneboats ─── 石橇
8、honewort ─── n.北柴胡
9、stonehorse ─── 石马
stonewort 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Discovery of stonewort fossils from the bottom of Shazhenxi Formation in Xietan, Zigui, Hubei Province ─── 湖北秭归泄滩沙镇溪组底部轮藻化石的发现
2、2. A group of cells at the tip of the oogonium in certain green algae (Chlorophyta), such as the stonewort Chara and the mermaid's cup (Acetabularia). ─── 2某些绿色藻类(绿藻门)中颈卵器顶部的一组细胞,例如轮藻属和伞藻属的冠细胞。
3、Discovery of stonewort fossils from the bottom of Shazhenxi Formation in Xietan, Zigui, Hubei Province ─── 湖北秭归泄滩沙镇溪组底部轮藻化石的发现
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