dunt 发音
英:[dʌnt] 美:[dʌnt]
英: 美:
dunt 中文意思翻译
dunt 短语词组
1、duntdunt ─── 邓特 ─── 邓特
2、dunt barn ─── 小孩
3、dunt meaning ─── 愚蠢的意思
4、dunt dunuh ─── 沉淀物
5、dunt define dunt ─── 定义
6、duntduntdunt ─── 灌篮
7、duntdunt song ─── 哑巴歌
8、duntduntdunt dunna song ─── 邓纳松
dunt 词性/词形变化,dunt变形
dunt 相似词语短语
1、dent ─── n.凹痕;削弱;减少;vi.产生凹陷;凹进去;vt.削弱;使产生凹痕;n.(Dent)人名;(英、葡)登特
2、dant ─── v.使胆怯;使气馁;使失去信心(等于daunt);n.(Dant)(美、英、俄、印、法)丹特(人名)
3、aunt ─── n.阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈
4、bunt ─── n.短打;推;顶撞;vt.短打;顶撞;n.(Bunt)人名;(英)邦特
5、cunt ─── n.女性阴部;性交;淫妇
6、Lunt ─── n.冒烟;火矩;vt.点燃;vi.着火;冒蒸气;n.(Lunt)人名;(英、瑞典)伦特
7、dunts ─── n.沉闷的重击;v.给……沉闷的重击;n.(Dunt)(美、英)邓特(人名)
8、Hunt ─── v.打猎;搜索;追捕;(英国)猎狐运动;用(马和猎犬)狩猎(尤指猎狐或鹿);用猎犬(或骑马)打猎;(动物)追捕猎物);(机器、仪表针或系统)摆动;(飞机或火箭)不规则摆动;n.搜寻;打猎;(英国)猎狐活动;(英国经常举行猎狐运动的)猎狐队伍;狩猎团;狩猎场;追捕;n.(Hunt)(美)安(人名)
9、daunt ─── vt.使气馁,使畏缩;威吓;n.(Daunt)人名;(英)当特
dunt 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、i dunt care !just do what i want to do! ─── 以后我不会再因为别人影响我了,我就是这样!
2、Do you often have things happen to yourself and you dunt know what do you have in the future. ─── 常常,你会因为发生在自己身上的事情,对未来的一切不知所措。
3、" dumb.............i got nothing to say. its true. even if you dunt trust anyone, but at least you cant toss hope. only i can say is" its sad. its so sad. ─── 是啊,人为什么一定要用某种方式,有意或无意的去伤害别人呢?想想真是很可悲的。希望大家都过的好。不要再为一些琐碎的事烦恼了。
4、Do you often have things happen to yourself and you dunt know what do you have in the future. ─── 常常,你会因为发生在自己身上的事情,对未来的一切不知所措。
5、U have no proof at all.U don't even know me, so dunt jump so quick to conclusions, because u r completely wrong. ─── 事实上,很多人还真把这些罪恶加到我们广东人头上了,在网上经常看到有人说“广州是建国以来最罪恶的城市!”
6、I dunt understand what you try to ask??? Are you asking price? or design?? ─── 请问楼上,这个是不是是也包括加盖2层什么的?
7、everybody. just the first day here, dunt know anything about this site. wish i could get some friends from here. i ll write sth, if i have time, dunt ***et visit me sts, too. ─── 个人独白:看了我的材料记得留言,哪怕只是打个招呼说声你好,要不我都没办法回访道谢。
8、good!but I prefer to arrange all my "jobs" in non-sat/sun.Im who Im and I dunt care if you like to work on new year day and i feel zakkk is poor to work on Sun. ─── 我觉得股票本来就系数字游戏一场,除非有一日你真金白银在银行攞出来用,如果唔系都只系账面数而已,最后都系有机会输返晒出去!
9、Maybe the only good thing to me is that i dunt need to pay for diet, i am slim enough. ─── 人长大了,有了欲望,再也回不去小时候,只要收到礼物,就很开心。现在想要得,已经不再单纯。
10、You r the first girl who give me such a kind of feelings in my studying life.I love you while i dunt wanna hold u. ─── 你是我读书生涯中第一个有这种感觉的女孩,我喜欢你但不一定要占有你,只要能知道你开心就足够啦。
11、i dunt like peng jia hui ;[ but thats just me, dont bash me! ─── 好好听喔靖伦的歌声..实在太令人感动了!!!
12、You dunt need to make any change about it as i just wanna shout the truth out.i appologize for any inconvenience as i caused. ─── 你也不必为这件事而作出什么改变,我只是想说出我的真心话而已,如果有令你不开心的地方我表示深深的歉意.
13、Type type type.i juz do these. though i even dunt kown what i am doing.... ─── 嘴巴塞进了苔鲜.把盖子订牢.然后就再也吭不出声响.黑夜的概念是我愈加的沉默.
14、i will feel tire if i dunt drink it .anyway, it helps u to lose weight too.haha, girls need to take note. ─── 既然你已选择迎向挑战,就不要太在乎它的结局是成或败,只要尽力去做就好。
15、The conversation is over , i dunt wanna talk about this again ! ─── 你太不冷静了--------------这事明天再说!你先睡个好觉!
16、Dunt think too much lar. Everything will b gd. ─── 抛开不开心的事吧,大人的事总有他们的想法,.
17、For boys the basic reaction you said to her: "You never eat health food for dinner , always eat some of the things with no nutrition, dunt buy to much, ok! ─── 出于男生基本反应你对她说:“你这孩子每次都不好好吃饭,总吃一些没有营养的东西,不要再买零食了喔!
18、hey wassup!! dunt u know im lookin 4 ya? dun't be shy n step out the crowd let me c ya!! there's a surprise 4 ya ─── 我知道你在等我拉,但我不知道你在哪儿。请不要让这云烟将你掩盖!!!(用歌唱的方式来读)
19、you said you will go with me ,even though we dunt know which day,however,i trust you! ─── 真想就这样牵着彼此直到彼此消失,但这对我们来说却是一种奢侈品,因为未来不在我们的掌控制中
20、Even I dunt wanna face on, but I am really afraid to fail in love with someone! ─── 尽管不愿意承认,但是自己真的很害怕爱上一个人!
21、you often have things happen to yourself and you dunt know what do you have in the future. ─── 常常,你会因为发生在自己身上的事情,对未来的一切不知所措。
22、" and he said," i dunt trust nobody. ─── 坏人当腻了,偶尔当当好人,也挺开心的。
23、In this shit lift,we must chuck sths...dunt even think you can get all of them... ─── 争取你想要的,听起来是值得鼓励的,但可能会失败的结果,你又能有几份承受力?!
24、Born in Tianjin, resident in clubs in Beijing. Founded dance party label DUNT in 2005, played at Yen stage at MIDI Festival in 2005/2006, and NOTCH07 Beijing. ─── 生于天津,在北京多家俱乐部驻场。2005年创立舞会厂牌DUNT,2005/2006年两次参加MIDI音乐节焱舞台,2007年参加NOTCH07北京站。
25、We dunt have wrong, because we jusu fall in love with a person who the same you are. ─── 我喜欢这部电影也喜欢他的配乐 A good song can bring us into a deep feeling.
26、hole me now, touch me now, i dunt wanna live without you.... ─── 细个已经好中意听呢首歌.....真系好爱呢........
27、LOL . anywayz, they dunt even care if u have money or not, as a matter of fact, some Chinese chics even pay for my drinks. ─── (笑)不管怎么说,她们甚至不在乎我有没有钱。有些中国妞还帮我买酒喝呢,。
28、"I know you are in Beijing. But I dunt want to see you!" (just tonight, actually ─── 他看着我说,五年了,你不知道我还是一样的爱你。
29、dunt try to fix me. im not broken. ─── 我6月1号考完。。。考完就撒鸭子了。。。。今年铁定补考了
30、"..i dunt think i quite measure up the person which you want me to be and i just can't take the look of disappointment anymore. ─── 曾经无数次的伤痛。曾经无数次的受伤害。曾经无数次的难受。曾经无数次的被抛弃。曾经我也有感情的。曾经我也被人温暖过。曾经已经不在复还。曾经已经成为了历史。
31、dunt ask me why, anyone who know me are knew d reason. ─── 虽然我刚刚拿到了驾照,但是最近还是在学车啊,没有办法,活到老学到老.哈哈
32、For boys the basic reaction you said to her: "You never eat health food for dinner , always eat some of the things with no nutrition, dunt buy to much, ok!" ─── 出于男生基本反应你对她说:“你这孩子每次都不好好吃饭,总吃一些没有营养的东西,不要再买零食了喔!
33、to dunt the guard ─── 给哨兵以沉闷的重击
34、Reali dunt be under my control. ─── 说实话,我也不解,哎...没办法的事情.
35、I dunt think IC is more fascinating than arts. ─── 直到现在才发现,自己的软弱与不坚定,是那麽的不堪一击。
36、I dunt think so...who would like teachers..they suck... ─── 同学会要回去找老师吗?
37、i dunt know, plz tell me! ─── 有没有人知道1+1=2的正确证明?
38、if you want any further information about that pair of jeans, dunt hesitate to contact me... ─── 请商家朋友不要无内容自顶,与人方便,与已方便!
39、I dunt laik you,u are the the badest! ─── 说他王八实在是抬举他了。。
40、All the impression dunt remember da much, I just feel physically as light as a cloud, floating in the air n floating ah. ─── 一切都没有太多印象了,只觉得身体轻如白云浮絮,在空中飘啊飘的。
41、Your the first girl who give me such a kind of feelings in my studying life. I love you while i dunt wanna hold u. ─── 你是我读书生涯中第一个有这种感觉的女孩,我喜欢你但不一定要占有你,只要能知道你开心就足够啦。
42、sometimes feel so strange,dunt know why...actually i feel lonly here,coz i m a stranger here,so sometimes i m glad to talk to u.but seems u dunt want to talk more,coz i m so boring,right? ─── 有时我感觉我们好陌生,但我不知道为什么,在这里我感觉很孤单,因为在这里我是个陌生人,所以有时我想和你说说话,但是你不愿意和说很多,因为我很烦,是这样吗?
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