disunity 发音
英:[dɪsˈjuːnəti] 美:[dɪsˈjuːnəti]
英: 美:
disunity 中文意思翻译
disunity 短语词组
1、disunity in christ ─── 在基督里不团结
2、disunity syn ─── 不统一综合征
3、disunity gui ─── 不统一图形
4、disunity define ─── 不统一定义
5、disunity movie ─── 不统一电影
6、disunity tool ─── 不统一工具
7、disunity definition ─── 不统一定义
disunity 词性/词形变化,disunity变形
名词复数: disunities |
disunity 相似词语短语
1、disquantity ─── vt.使减少;取消……的韵律
2、divinity ─── n.神;神性;神学
3、disunite ─── vt.不和;使分离;vi.分散;分离;变得分离
4、disunited ─── adj.分裂的;不和的;v.使分离(disunite的过去式)
5、disunion ─── n.分裂;分开;不统一
6、dignity ─── n.尊严;高贵
7、disuniter ─── 不团结
8、disunites ─── vt.不和;使分离;vi.分散;分离;变得分离
9、disunify ─── v.(使)分裂;破坏……的统一
disunity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Nor do the costs of disunity fall equally. ─── 单个国家为不团结付出的代价也不一样。
2、Such will require focus with the intent to transform, transmute and then subsequently integrate the new unity patterning and thought-form in lieu of the disunity based one. ─── 这些将需要聚焦于去超越的意想,改变并随之整合为一新统一模式和思想形态,代替某一以不统一为基础的。
3、Firstly, if members of a group are confused, or worse, if they suspect each other, the seed for disunity has just been sown. ─── 第一,团队里的成员如果感到疑惑,或更糟的是大家互相猜忌,等于已播下了分崩离析的种子。
4、dissension and discord; disunity ─── 离心离德
5、In China, bourgeois liberalization means taking the capitalist road and leads to disunity. ─── 在我们的国家,搞资产阶级自由化,就是走资本主义道路,就统一不起来了。
6、Ascension creates a pathway out of the disunity inherent in the cellular structure to a new structure that is totally unity based. ─── 提升从细胞结构内先天的不统一中创建一条通向完全基于统一的新结构的道路。
7、Each of these 36,000 sets of cells can lock in disunity and polarity based behavior or belief or thought-form in the human dance. ─── 这36,000套细胞每一套都被锁在人类舞蹈中的不和谐和以极性为基础的信念、信仰或思想形态里。
8、Although the sectarianism we are now discussing is not of this extremely serious kind, it must still be guarded against and we must do away completely with all manifestations of disunity. ─── 现在讲的,虽然不是这种极端严重的宗派主义,但是这种现象必须预防,必须将各种不统一的现象完全除去。
9、Due to the disunity of the empirical formulas and separateusage of parameters, the results of estimation are highly dispersedand cannot be used in practice. ─── 但是由于经验公式无统一形式,且参数皆单独使用,估计结果离散度大,难以实用化。
10、Underlying all disunity is a split in sacred geometry that spins one pattern in the space within and one in the space without. ─── 隐藏在所有非统一之下的是神圣几何学的分裂,即在两极空间中旋转一种图案,却在一致空间中旋转另一种图案。
11、In fact, he will be under severe pressure, resulting in tension and even disunity within his rank-and-file. ─── 事实上部下会因此感受到强大压力,以致搞到关系紧张,甚至团结不起来。
12、When any one part is not acting in cooperation or collaboration, it is a sign of disunity within. ─── 当任一部份没有在协同与合作中行动,这是一个内在不统一的征兆。
13、The Psychological Analyses and Countermeasures of the Disunity of Knowing and Doing in Moral Education ─── 道德教育中知行不一现象的心理分析及对策
14、But at a time of great challenges and disturbing disunity, nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past. ─── 但是在这个面临巨大挑战和令人不安的离心倾向的时刻,在指责过去上花费我们的时间和精力,一点用也没有。
15、Yet the capitulators, reactionaries and die-hards are deliberately creating friction and disunity within the anti-Japanese ranks. Is this kind of activity right or wrong? ─── 现在偏偏有那些投降派、反动派、顽固派,在抗战的队伍中闹磨擦,闹分裂,这种行为对不对呢?
16、However, the hard times of war exposed just how much disunity there was in Dixieland. ─── 然而,战争的艰难时期暴露了南方联盟中的各州是多么的不团结。
17、More pressingly, they will have to heal an awkward sense of transatlantic disunity that has emerged in the run-up to the meeting. ─── 更紧迫的是,他们将不得不修复在会议准备过程中出现的大洋两岸微妙的不团结感。
18、Annabergite will assist initiates in surrendering to the changes inherent in ascension, allowing the old foundation of disunity to crumble and the new foundation of unity to be constructed in one's life dance. ─── 镍华将协助提升者臣服于提升所固有的变化,允许生命舞蹈中粉碎不统一的旧根基,从而构建统一的新根基。
19、In a state of disunity like a sheet of loose sand ─── 像一盘松散的砂子;比喻人多却不团结、力量分散
20、Geological observation data have the disunity and uncertainty characterastics. Original data are the objective signs based on present understanding of geological phenomena. ─── 地质观测数据具有不统一性和不确定性,原始数据是人类在现有认识水平上对地质观察结果的一种客观标度。
21、China always used to be described as "a heap of loose sand".But when our Party came to power and rallied the whole country around it,the disunity resulting from the partitioning of the country by various forces was brought to an end. ─── 中国一向被称为一盘散沙,但是自从我们党成为执政党,成为全国团结的核心力量,四分五裂、各霸一方的局面就结束了。
22、Disunity based biology has some organs functioning adequately, doing their job in full. ─── 基于不统一的生物体有一些器官运行适当,充分地工作。
23、The controversies and divergences, the opposition and disunity arising among some comrades in the past were not on this fundamental question of principle but on secondary questions, or even on issues involving no principle. ─── 过去有些同志间的争论、分歧、对立和不团结,并不是在这个根本的原则的问题上,而是在一些比较次要的甚至是无原则的问题上。
24、Then we will not receive any criticism of our disunity from the world, and the name of God will be lifted up and glorified. ─── 如此,基督徒不至被外界讥讽为一盘散沙,神的名也必被高举、得荣耀。
25、For once disunity was created in the act of eating of flesh;disharmonious behavior and eventually warfare amongst humans became the norm. ─── 当不统一的状态在食肉的行为中被创造,不和谐的行为和最终的冲突也在人类中开始变为一种准则。
26、It is also the duty of Muslim organizations to reach an agreement on this issue in order not to cause disunity and division among Muslims. ─── 为了不造成穆斯林之间的不统一与分歧,在这个问题上达成一致也是穆斯林组织和团体的义务。
27、One of the saddest sights is to see the disunity and division among God's people today. ─── 今天,最令人难过的,莫过于看见神的子民中间出现不和与分裂。
28、however the holographic path of transformation out of disunity thought-form and into unity thought-form can be shared as the journey parallels enough to do so. ─── 然而转化出不统一的思想形态而进入统一的思想形态的全息道路是能够彼此分享的,因为相应的旅程足够相似来这么做。
29、Imbalance can be equated not only to disunity or inequality thought-form but also to certain parts of the field holding more chi or spinning larger or smaller chakras than other parts of the field. ─── 失衡不仅等同于不统一或不平等的思想形态,也可以等同于部分能量场比其它部分持有更多气,或比其它部分旋转更大或更小的脉轮。
30、In the same way,if the people and various decision-making groups of a country begin to suspect each other instead of working in cohesion,disunity will set in. ─── 国家的情况也一样,如果人民和各个决策团体不同心同德,而是开始你怀疑我、我怀疑你,便会渐渐形成一片散沙。
31、Because of national disunity, these tribes had become separated and indifferent, as is evident in their refusal to give Gideon and his hungry men bread, possibly for fear of Midianite reprisal. ─── 由于以色列国的分裂,河东的支派对他们保持距离,对基甸的要求也无动于衷。他们拒绝给基甸和他饥肠辘辘的随员一点面包,大概是怕米甸人报复。
32、When Sun died, in 1925, warlordism and disunity still engulfed many parts of China. ─── 1925年,孙中山逝世以后,军阀割据在中国存在了很长时间。
33、The program shall delve into the karma that causes disunity between humans so that each participating may choose to release the karma triggered in reading the materials. ─── 此项目将深入研究导致人类之间不统一的业力,所以每个参与者也许选择释放在阅读资料中被触发的业力。
34、Nevertheless, the long-time disunity in classification criteria leads to the absence of uniform intervention measures and difficulty in the evaluation of intervention effects. ─── 但长期以来分类标准不统一,导致干预措施各异,无从评价干预效果。
35、Disun ( Lycopus lucidus Turez) ─── 地笋
36、Batan or Bataan all should be Bataan in the 6 records of Chronicle of the 20th Century. Reason of these mistakes is caused by too many translators and disunity of translations. ─── 《二十世纪大博览》 6条有关巴丹和巴坦的记录均应为巴丹,错误原因在于译者太多、翻译不一所致所致。
37、The entity lacking self-discipline is only in a state of disunity. ─── 缺乏自律的整体永远都只是一盘散沙。
38、rent by contradictions and disunity ─── 矛盾百出, 四分五裂
39、There should not be dispute, disunity and disintegration in the fansclub. Membership will be terminated without further notice when we discover any of it. ─── 不得在论坛/活动上分档分派,一经发现立即删除会员资格。
40、disunity within the Conservative party ─── 保守党内部的不统一
41、To prefer one at the expense of the other would bring on Civil War and worse disunity than that would result from peaceful partition. ─── 如果偏爱一方,牺牲另一方,将会引起内讧和分裂,比和平划分造成的不统一更糟。
42、Remember what Sun Tzu said about confusion and suspicion.They will lead to disunity, cause erosion of our competitiveness and provide victory to our competitors! ─── 记得孙子所说的: 迷惑、猜疑将导致不团结,削弱竞争力,结果让对手坐享胜利的果实。
43、The internal disunity of the biology translated into non-unity in the relations of our species, along with human civilization. ─── 生物体内在的不统一转化为我们物种与人类文明之间的不统一关系。
44、The management of the type of in a state of disunity in the past, already full tasted by the suffering of each checkmate; ─── 过去的一盘散沙式的经营,已经饱尝了被各个击破的苦头;
45、Disunity based cells do not fully support one another. ─── 基于不统一的细胞不完全互相支持。
46、The controversies and divergences,the opposition and disunity arising among some comrades in the past were not on this fundamental question of principle but on secondary questions,or even on issues involving no principle. ─── 过去,有些同志间的争论、分歧、对立和不团结,并不是在这个根本的原则的问题上,而是在一些比较次要的甚至是无原则的问题上。
47、Remember what Sun Tzu said about confusion and suspicion. They will lead to disunity,cause erosion of our competitiveness and provide victory to our competitors! ─── 记得孙子所说的:迷惑、猜疑将导致不团结,削弱竞争力,结果让对手坐享胜利的果实。
48、The article believes that in current Chinese foreign trade agency legal system there exist such problems as legislation disunity, unreasonable regulations, lack of operability and so on. ─── 本文认为:我国现行外贸代理法律制度存在着立法不统一、规定不合理、缺乏可操作性等问题。
49、The two types of geometry run within the field leads to disunity in all of its expressions known to mankind. ─── 在场中运作的两种类型几何学,导致了人类所知一切表达中的非统一。
50、What humanity knows with only two strands is not unity based, is disunity based, and as a result leads to the current dance that humanity knows along with the experience of aging, disease and death. ─── 2股的人类所知道的则并不基于统一,它基于不统一,结果带来了人类当前所知的舞蹈,以及衰老、疾病和死亡的体验。
51、Being in a state of disagreement or disunity ─── 处于分歧或分裂状态的.
52、There should be no disunity within our party. ─── 我们党内不应该存有分歧。
53、D.) in both north and south China.Despite the political disunity of the times, there were notable technological advances. ─── 尽管政治上分崩离析,而这个时期在科学技术上却有显著的进步。
54、The disunity of data expression becomes the bottleneck of data application. ─── 数据表示的不统一成为数据应用的瓶颈。
55、Disunity within the ruling elite, on the other hand, weakens the regime's repressive capacity and usually spells the rulers' doom. ─── 如果不团结社会的精英份子,另一方面,会使削弱政权的镇压能力,通常,也会使统治政权遭到厄运。
56、the disunity of knowing and doing ─── 知行不一
57、One of the saddest sights is to see the disunity and division among God's people today. ─── 今天,最令人难过的,莫过于看见神的子民中间出现不和与分裂。
58、Does disunity towards Russia hurt the common EU interest? ─── 俄罗斯步调不一有损欧盟的整体利益吗?
59、Thirdly, confusion and suspicion which create disunity, will erode the competitiveness of the organization. ─── 第三,导致不团结的迷惑、猜疑,也会削弱企业的竞争力。
60、We must do away with all manifestations of disunity. ─── 我们必须消除一切不团结的现象。
61、As all lifetimes are understood and forgiven, one moves out of disunity, finds their way home, and returns to the "Garden of Eden" and unconditional love that each human heart longs for. ─── 当所有生世被理解并被宽恕,你移出不统一,找到回家的路,并返回“伊甸园”和每一人类心灵所渴望的无条件之爱。
62、Social disunity caused by modernity in western Capitalism's developing, makes the Chinese to form a type of Utopia plot in hunting for modernization. ─── 现代性在西方资本主义发展中导致的社会分裂,使中国人对现代化的追求形成了一种乌托邦式的情结。
63、Humans also must ascend towards vegetarianism to leave behind the destructive and slaughter paradigm associated with disunity biology. ─── 人类也必须提升到素食中,离开与不统一的生物体有关的破坏性与屠杀的范式。
64、They settled their dispute and blew away disunity. ─── 他们解决了争端,消除了不团结的局面。
65、He had been accused of promoting disunity within the armed forces. ─── 他被指责曾策划军队中的不团结。
66、More pressingly, they will have to heal an awkward sense of transatlantic disunity that has emerged in the run-up to the meeting. ─── 更紧迫的是,他们将不得不修复在会议准备过程中出现的大洋两岸微妙的不团结感。
67、8. In addition, Fukien is now in a state of complete chaos, confusion and disunity. ─── 且福建现在完全是混乱状态,不统一。
68、Meanwhile, the authors put up some advices on the disunity of diagnostic and curative standard. ─── 并就目前存在的诊断、疗效标准不统一等问题,提出了一些建议。
69、Dividing the nation's elite into different linguistic streams may reflect the multifarious nature of our country,but it can also sow the seeds of disunity which may result in a national crisis. ─── 这些以语文为主导将国家精英分成几个小圈子,固然能够反映出我国多元的特性,但其中或许也播下不协调种子,造成危机。
70、Over the next three days, Mr. Trichet sought a way out of his bind by pushing Europe's leaders to overcome disunity and act. ─── 接下来那三天,特里谢试图找到一条解围之道,努力推动欧洲各国领导摒弃歧见、采取行动。
71、Torn apart by disunity;badly split ─── 四分五裂
72、Disunity is often caused by a few over secondary issues. ─── 教會的不合一往往是由少數幾個人為了次要的因素所引起的.
73、is now in a state of complete chaos, confusion and disunity. ─── 且福建现在完全是混乱状态,不统一。
74、In the same way, if the people and various decision-making groups of a country begin to suspect each other instead of working in cohesion, disunity will set in. ─── 国家的情况也一样,如果人民和各个决策团体不同心同德,而是 开始你怀疑我、我怀疑你,便会渐渐形成一片散沙。
75、As Buffalo as a species transcends all disunity DNA, then the culling of our kingdom will also cease as we will not call this unto ourselves in our own life mirror. ─── 当野牛作为一个物种,超越了所有不统一的DNA时,那么对我们王国的挑选也将会停止,因为我们将不会召唤这种情况进入到我们的生命之镜当中。
76、But it was during the long period of disunity at the end of the Han era that Buddhism really took hold among the Chinese peo-ple. ─── 不过,经历长期的分离局面,佛教到汉朝末年才真正在中国人中间立住了脚。
77、The downfall of the Han Dynasty brought China national disunity. ─── 汉朝的灭亡使中国陷入了分裂的局面。
78、Brothers quarrelling at home join forces against attacks. (or:Internal disunity dissolves at the threat of external invasion.) ─── 兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮。
79、From the view of epistemology, it is impossible for the disunity of humanities and sciences.Both of them are the necessary content for human beings. ─── 从认识论的知识观来看,人文与科学不可分裂,它们是人类认识(教育)活动中不可或缺的内容。
80、If does not have this line, the pearl is again big many, again in a state of disunity, cannot display the biggest energy. ─── 如果没有这条线,珍珠再大、再多还是一盘散沙,发挥不出最大的能量。
81、In fact,he will be under severe pressure,resulting in tension and even disunity within his rank-and-file. ─── 事实上,部下会因此感受到强大压力,以致搞到关系紧张,甚至团结不起来。
82、At times when the fact was division and disunity,the ideal manifested itself even more fervently,perhaps just because of its being denied in fact. ─── 当中国四分五裂的时候,也许是理想被否定的关系,这个理想就会显现得更为迫切。
83、Practically every politician on this island is stressing the importance of unity as disunity leads us nowhere and causes all our achievements to go down the drain. ─── 现在,岛上的每个政治人物可说都在强调团结的重要,因为不团结会破坏我们的成长,让我们所有的成就付诸流水。
84、Shoot cuttings in Disun ─── 地笋扦插苗
85、But this leads to disunity, even chaos. ─── 但是这导致了不团结,甚至混乱。
86、Despite the political disunity of the times, there were notable technological advances. ─── 尽管当时国家正处于政治分裂之中,但科技的进步却是显著的。
87、The days of national disunity and chaos which the people detested are gone, never to return ─── 人民所厌恶的国家分裂和混乱的局面,已经一去不复返了。
88、The age of civil wars and disunity began with the era of the Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu, and Wu, which had overlapping reigns during the period A. ─── 混战和分裂的时代以三国为开端(魏蜀吴三国鼎立于公元前220年至80年)。
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