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08-26 投稿



esse 发音

英:[['esɪ]]  美:[['esɪ]]

英:  美:

esse 中文意思翻译



esse 相似词语短语

1、ese ─── n.(Ese)(美)埃塞(人名)

2、ease ─── n.容易;舒适;安逸;v.减轻,缓解;小心缓缓地移动;使容易;放松;(使)贬值;(股票价格、利率等)下降,下跌

3、else ─── adv.其他;否则;另外;adj.别的;其他的;n.(Else)人名;(英)埃尔斯;(德)埃尔泽;(芬、丹)埃尔塞

4、Jesse ─── n.杰西(男子名)

5、Hesse ─── 海塞(姓氏)

6、fesse ─── 中带(盾形纹章的中央横线)

7、desse ─── 向下

8、esses ─── n.(Esses)人名;(匈)埃谢什

9、esne ─── n.奴仆;底层人;下层社会之人

esse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conclusion The intilted fixup operation is an effective treatment of solving the mid-nosepiece float after ESS. ─── 对鼻窦内窥镜手术后发生漂移的中鼻甲采取的内移固定术,效果良好、简单易行,是解决中鼻甲漂移的有效方法。

2、Front, travel the key problem that resources develop aspect esse is:The limited resources faces the pressure of bigness that travel the quick expansion in market. ─── 当前,旅游资源开发方面存在的主要问题是:有限的资源面临着旅游市场迅速扩张的巨大压力。

3、The Cultural Root of Yasukuni and Its Nationalistic Esse ─── 国家主义与靖国崇拜的本质

4、In addition, the statesmen and the educators, especially Thomas Jefferson andHorace Man , make deep effect on the ESS. ─── 大科学时代的到来使得国家对教育的控制和监督成为必然;

5、Using senum bottle as reactor,the anaerobic digestion proc ess of atelate was assayed to determine the optimum trace metals combination and the optimum supplement dosage of the trace metals. ─── 以血清瓶为反应器,乙酸钙为基质,研究了厌氧消化过程中甲烷菌所需的微量金属营养元素的最佳组合和投加量。

6、Because of my esse, the air of London can delightfully fresh. ─── 由于我的存在,伦敦的空气得以清新。

7、He urged responsible departments to heighten their awaren ess of urgency and spare no efforts to study the plans, steps , policies and measures for development. Simultaneously, full mental preparations should be made for a long-term fight. ─── 他要求有关部门,既要有紧迫感,抓紧研究发展方案、步骤和政策措施,又要做好长期奋斗的充分思想准备。

8、The Ess in responsive hyperglycemia group was significantly lower than that of normal glyecmia group but bad hypothesis was higher(P

9、After analyzing the application of Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA), a new randomized, population-based evolutionary algorithm is proposed which deals with the Eigenvector Subset Selection (ESS) problem on face recognition application. ─── 分析了贝叶斯优化算法(BOA)在特征选择方面的应用问题。

10、The third problem is:If the veins and arteries is modern to return the objective esse, that end you to think that is China to discovers first, or do we are western to discovers first? ─── ||第三个问题是:如果经络现代还客观存在,那末你们认为是中国先发现,还是我们西方先发现?”

11、Ich esse in der Schule zu Mittag. ─── 我在学校吃中饭。

12、Ich esse nicht oft Hamburger. ─── 我不常吃汉堡包。

13、Ess positive strains have multiple resistance to drugs. ─── ESS阳性株多重耐药性较多见。

14、It can be safely concluded that agriculture played an important basic role in the proc ess of the townlets development. ─── 因此,在宋代小城镇的发展过程中,农业起着十分重要的基础作用。

15、It was found that,when with KT,IAA wasmost effective on embryogenesis,2,4-D was ess effective. ─── IAA、2,4-D 与 KT 并用时,IAA 最易诱导胚胎发生,2,4-D 最差。

16、Th e number of AECOPD patients requiring intubations in group B was significantly l ess than that of the group A(8/171,26/71,P=0.002). ─── B组后期插管率(4·7%,8/171)显著低于A组(15·2%,26/171,P=0·002)。

17、Is because of the esse of the distributed capacitance but the coupling of the creation. ─── 是由于分布电容的存在而产生的耦合。

18、experimental approach of composition proc ess ─── 写作过程的实验研究法

19、Normalerweise esse ich Chinesisch. ─── 我一般吃中国菜。

20、NOD32 upgrade ID Tie together. At present, 1050 nod32 Ess Eav id has been published . ─── NOD32升级ID汇集帖,主要用于收集整理以前的公布的nod32升级id还没有失效的和其它网站的升级id。

21、me smaragdum esse ego sum et colorem meum retinere. ─── 我一定还是我自己,保持我的色彩。

22、Ma egli rispose: No, che talora, cogliendo le zizzanie, non sradichiate insiem con esse il grano. ─── 他说:‘不用,因为拔稗子的时候,恐怕也把麦子连根拔出来。

23、CT early ischemic changes(EIC) and low ESS scale were the main risk factors of cerebral hemorrhage after intraarterial thrombolysis,representing a risk of 8.33 and 11.35,respectively. ─── CT早期缺血改变及较低的ESS评分是脑动脉溶栓术后脑出血的主要危险因素,它们的相对危险度分别为8.33和11.35。

24、E mi fece passare presso d’esse, tutt’attorno; ─── 他带我在骸骨的四围经过;

25、Ich esse keine Hamburger Quelle:de.veduchina.com. ─── 我没有吃过汉堡包。

26、Based on the linearized equal area criterion and small signal analysis,the Principle and techniques of Energy Storage System(ESS) Damping Power System Oscillations are proposed in this paper. ─── 基于线性化等面积法则和小干扰分析方法,提出储能系统抑制电力系统低频振荡的原理和方法。

27、However, use of pictorial representations declined with the progr ess of the grade among children without MD, but children with MD didn't show the same trend. ─── 但在图像表征策略的使用上,一般儿童有随年级的升高而下降的趋势,MD儿童却没有下降的趋势。

28、However, for human beings, God is ineffable, the proper name which humans can attribute to God is the name of "Ipsum esse" . ─── 但神却非人能以语言表达,人给予神最适当的名字即存有本身。

29、The combined application of SMA, MSA, and Desmin is great helpful for the differential diagnosis of ESS versus HCL and, of those antigens, CD10 is a relatively particular immunohistochemical marker for the differentiation. ─── CD10、SMA、MSA及Desmin的联合应用是鉴别ESS与HCL有用的免疫组织化学标志,CD10蛋白是一种相对特异的子宫内膜间质标记物,在子宫肿瘤中可以区别ESS和HCL。

30、In this paper,we prove that maximal strategy and ESS are equivalent in ESS model which payoff matrix is symmetrical. ─── 主要证明了在由对称支付矩阵所决定的进化稳定策略模型中,极大策略与进化稳定策略是等价的.

31、Ich esse Eis, weil ich das gern mag. ─── 我吃冰激凌, 因为我喜欢吃它.

32、Le due mogli di Davide, Ahinoam la Izreelita e Abigail la Carmelita ch’era stata moglie di Nabal, erano anch’esse prigioniere. ─── 大卫的两个妻子,耶斯列人亚希暖和作过拿八妻子的迦密人亚比该,也都被掳去了。

33、It is my great pleasure to say a word of hearty welcome to all the alumni and alumnae who have come ?some of them from very great distance ?to attend this reunion of former ESS members. ─── 我很荣幸对所有的男女校友们表示衷心欢迎,校友们来----有些是从很远的地方---参加这以前英语演讲学会成员的聚会。

34、Conflict method development up to now, law evade does the system have its esse the value? ─── 冲突法发展至今,法律规避制度是否有其存在价值?

35、The fourth part: Sum up the basis character of the US ESS. ─── 二是投资巨大,成就显著,突出英才主义培养特色;

36、However, for human beings, God is ineffable, the proper name which humans can attribute to God is the name of“Ipsum esse”. ─── 但神却非人能以语言表达,人给予神最适当的名字即存有本身。

37、Even if u need tom mail your product, you still will have top pendy ess time and money. ─── 即使你需要的产品送达你,你还是得花较少的时间和金钱.

38、Kant thinks “human is a limited and rational esse”.On one hand, human is not God. ─── 康德认为,人是具有两重性的,人在自然界中受到自然的必然性支配,人只有在理智世界中才是自由的。

39、His mental ideal returns the esse nce of Chinese traditional culture: Confucian hum anism, independent personality in T aoism and mental freedom in Buddhism to Chinese contemporary literature. ─── 他的心灵境界在文本中使中华传统文化中的精髓即儒家的人道主义、家的人格独立、家的精神自由回归到中国当代文学之中。

40、Besides, we cannot regard ontogeny as a linear proc ess simply. ─── 另外 ,我们不能把个体发展单纯地看成线性过程。

41、His goal in life is to own his own busin ess. ─── 他追求的目标是要拥有自己的公司。

42、The strength of shear stress in position of source is calculated by the data of mid-small earthqudkes.The strength of str ess field or state of primary stress is also studied. ─── 利用腾冲火山区中小地震地震波资料,计算得到的地震震源处剪应力强度值,对火山区应力场强度或初始应力状态进行了研究。

43、Che tumulto di nazioni! tumultuano come tumultuan le grandi acque. Ma Egli le minaccia, ed esse fuggon lontane, cacciate, come la pula de’ monti dal vento, come un turbine di polvere dell’uragano. ─── 他们又被追赶,如同山上风前的糠秕,又像暴风前的尘土卷动。

44、Esse is also making a strong showing in Eastern Europe, ranking third in the super-slim category in Poland and Ukraine. ─── 爱喜在东欧的表现也很强劲,在波兰和乌克兰的超细领域排名第三。

45、Abstract: OBJECTIVE To detect the changes of serum thyroid hormone (TH) during CPB surgery and the reasonable therapy of ESS due to CPB surgery. ─── 体外循环(CPB)等重大手术及危重疾病均可引起病态综合征(ESS)。

46、The next in order, analyzed the reason of the esse problem, and give out the solving problem projected with the path. ─── 其次,分析了存在问题的原因,并给出了解决问题的方案和途径;

47、This be esse that way of thinking, viewpoint, with actuality is to should of, I am something to think like this. ─── 这就是思路,想法的存在,和现实是对应的,我就是这样想的。

48、Ich esse normalerweise Amerikanisch. ─── 我一半吃美国菜。

49、I'll skip over your ru den ess. ─── 我不会计较你的粗鲁。

50、In the year 2003, ESS became a venture company of the investment arm of Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB SEEDS Capital). ─── 2003年,公司引进了策略投资伙伴及获颁新加坡经济发展局创业基金。

51、The next in order, analyzed the reason of the esse problem, and give out the solving problem projected with the path. ─── 其次,分析了存在问题的原因,并给出了解决问题的方案和途径;

52、After LVMI reached 140g/m~2, EDV, ESS and MBP increased sharply, while BP/ESV and FS decreased markedly. ─── LVMI达140g/m~2后,EDV,ESS,平均动脉血压(MBP)明显增加,SBP/ESW与左室内径缩短率(FS)明显下降。

53、Esse giunsero a Bethlehem quando si cominciava a mietere l’orzo. ─── 我肚子里还有儿子作你们的丈夫吗?

54、We are in esse. ─── 我们存在着。

55、How to satisfy the huge number of ESS is of great significance because it relates to the implementation of social equity、equality and the development of social economy. ─── 如何满足好数量庞大的老年人养老需求,关系到社会公平、平等的实现,关系到社会经济的发展,意义重大。

56、In hemorrhage stroke group,the concentration of glycemia and bad hypothesis were higher and Ess were lower than those of ischemic stroke group(P

57、Objective Analysis influence health education esse problem that into practice, study among them possibility counterplan. ─── 目的分析影响教育旗袍的存在问题,探讨其中可行性对策。

58、Principles for Approval and Esse. ─── 外商投资企业合同、章程的审批原。

59、Cum non sis, qui fueris, non esse,cur"velis vivere. ─── “当你到了今日之我非复昔日之我的时候,就没有再要活下去的理由了”。

60、Criminal laws stipulate that detention de bene esse can apply to active criminal. ─── 刑事诉讼法规定对现行犯可以适用先行拘留。

61、esse corsero per luoghi aridi, come un fiume. ─── 在干旱之处水流成河。

62、If one or both of the above situations existed, the septal deviation was corrected concomitantly with ESS by endoscopic septoplasty. ─── 如果上述情况存在,鼻中膈弯曲同时利用内视镜鼻中膈整形术来矫正。

63、The mural as soon as appearses with the that its contains esse method with realizes way and environment with construct the space knot and down does not solve. ─── 壁画一经出现就以其特有存在方式和实现方式与环境和建筑空间结下不解之缘。

64、In this article the production proc ess of zirconium sulphate was described,and counter -measures to the problems in production were brought out which had gotten good results. ─── 介绍了硫酸锆生产工艺,针对生产中存在的问题和原因,提出了改进措施,简述了改进后的生产效果。

65、Only by doing so,can we hold back the power corruption and speed the realization proc ess of the socialist modernization. ─── 只有这样,才能遏制权力腐败,加速社会主义现代化实现的进程。

66、The reason of CPC's representing the forward direction of advanced Chinese culture is that it is decided upon the esse... ─── 为了更好地代表中国先进文化的前进方向,必须深刻理解、认真落实党的十五大报告中关于建设中国特色社会主义文化的基本目标和基本政策。

67、The core sand binder can be characterized with higher strength, easy collapsibility, better gradation and l ess cost, hence it is particularly suitably used in non-ferrous metal castings. ─── 它的主要特点是:强度高、散性好、毒、污染、本低,特别适用于低熔点的铝、合金及铸铁件的生产。

68、The knowledge of the dynamics of engine working load is esse ntial condition for dynamic analyzing and matching for engine and tractors. ─── 了解发动机载荷动态特性是对发动机及机组系统进行动态性能分析和动态匹配的前提。

69、Ess people from other companies, it might be good practice to address your higher-ups as Mr., Ms. Orwhatever is appropriate. ─── 好。不过。如果有外人在时,如其他公司的人,最好能称呼你的上司为先生、小姐或任何适当的称谓。

70、There were significant difference among ESS,RDI,the largest oxygen desaturation range (LODR) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) in patients of each group of simple snore and OSAHS. ─── 单纯鼾症、OSAHS各组患者ESS评分、RDI、最大氧减幅度、氧减指数差异有显著性。

71、Espero um dia poder voltar a Shanghai e retribuir esse carinho de alguma forma. ─── 我希望有一天能够再次来到上海,以不同的方式回报被给予的爱.

72、Quod Rex non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et lege. ─── 只要继续在体制内做文章,难免最后不是隔靴搔痒......

73、During the 2002 Broward County recount, I was allowed to try out machines from Electronic Systems and Services (ESS), one of the country's major election machine makers. ─── 2002年布劳瓦郡重新计票时,我获准试用电子系统服务公司(ESS)的机器,这是美国最大的投票机制造厂商之一。

74、How to establish a new model of economic management run by government under the market economy with state ownership as basic and ess... ─── 宏观市场环境具备后 ,微观经济的运行载体如何构造就成为关键。

75、Only the esse, I having you am this the most happy person of the in this world. ─── 只要有你的存在,我就是这世上最幸福的人。

76、Here the process inside, system invite the wheel gear to pare away what technique develop the esse the wheel gear inside cave error margin and knife design, manufacturing...etc. that have problem. ─── 在此过程中,制约齿轮剃削技术发展的是存在剃齿齿形中凹误差以及剃齿刀的设计、制造等问题。

77、The only risk factors independently associated with falling asleep while driving were the ESS score, associated with 14% higher risk, and the ISCS score, associated with 2.5 times higher risk. ─── 在驾驶中,与发生嗜睡症有关的独立危险因素是ESS评分和ISCS评分,前者可以使危险度增加14%,后者可以使危险度提高2.5倍。

78、Esse grammatici non indiget esse hominis. ─── 作为语法家不是作为人。

79、Only the esse, I having you am this the most happy person of the in this world. ─── 只要有你的存在,我就是这世上最幸福的人。

80、The surgeries included 1323 primary ESS cases and 177 revision ESS cases. ─── 1323例内视镜鼻窦手术是初次手术,177例是再次手术。

81、Si leva il sole, esse si ritirano e vanno a giacere nei loro covi. ─── 太阳升起的时候,它们就躲避,回到自己的洞穴躺卧。

82、Alla tua minaccia esse si ritirarono, alla voce del tuo tuono fuggirono spaventate. ─── 因你的雷声,水就奔逃。

83、LC-T V that is achieving a larger screen than CRT has the advantage that 100% brightn ess for entire screen can be achieved,even by a size that reaches 60 inches. ─── 在屏幕尺寸上已经超过CRT的液晶电视,即使屏幕尺寸达到60英寸,也可以实现全屏100%亮度的高水准。

84、Esse saranno sul capo di Giuseppe, sulla fronte del principe de’ suoi fratelli. ─── 他把从天上来的福,地下深渊蕴藏着的福,哺乳和生育的福,都赐给你。

85、Ich esse Pizza. ─── 我吃过比萨饼。

86、Kindn ess and gentleness are often more effective than force. ─── 仁慈与温和往往比压力更有效。

87、This paper describes the progr ess obtained on the half model testing technique research in high speed adaptive wall wind tunnel in Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). ─── 为了克服自适应壁风洞在模型支撑方面的困难和加大试验模型,提高试验雷诺数,西北工业大学在高速二元柔壁自适应壁风洞中开展了半模型试验技术的研究。

88、ESS is associated with AP and related to the severity and prognosis . ─── 急性胰腺炎易伴发正常甲状腺病态综合症,并与其严重程度和预后相关。

89、For each multiple choice question, the students first selected an a nswer and then a memory awareness response category: remember , know or gu ess. ─── 对于每道选择题 ,学生首先选择正确答案 ,然后指出记忆的意识状态 :记住的、知道的、猜测的。


ESSE是韩国产的一种香烟,它的中文名为爱喜。这个烟是韩国烟草人参公社出品,它的全称为 ESSE Menthol,也叫爱易,爱喜。


ESSE(韩国香烟品牌)esse是韩国产的一种香烟,它的中文名为爱喜。这个烟是韩国烟草人参公社出品,它的全称为 ESSE Menthol,也叫爱易,爱喜。

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