unsullied 发音
英:[ʌn'sʌlɪd] 美:[ʌn'sʌlɪd]
英: 美:
unsullied 中文意思翻译
unsullied 网络释义
adj. 清白的;无污点的
unsullied 相似词语短语
1、Kunstlied ─── n.艺术歌曲
2、unsurmised ─── 无病态
3、unsublimed ─── 不愉快的
4、outbullied ─── 爆发的
5、sullied ─── v.玷污,败坏;弄脏(sully的过去式和过去分词)
6、unsupplied ─── 不适用
7、unsalaried ─── 不拿薪水的;不支薪的;不取报酬的
8、tunbellied ─── 大腹便便的
9、unallied ─── 无关系的;无关联的
unsullied 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、noble and unsullied eharaeter ─── 品格高洁
2、In unsullied damp brown circles of soft earth the roses bloomed serenely against the pink Mexican wall. ─── 在未受污染的圆形花坛潮湿柔软的褐土上,映衬着粉色的墨西哥墙,玫瑰花安详地开放。
3、Noble and Unsullied Moral Character Showed in Li Qingzhao's Ci --Personal Charm Seen from Li QingZhao's Words ─── 品性高洁词如其人--从李清照的词看其人格魅力
4、Environmental groups push to preserve Antarctica as a world park, the last unsullied continent. ─── 环境保护团体竭力主张把南极洲这块最后的洁净大陆作为世界公园来保护。
5、noble and unsullied character ─── 高洁
6、Yet in the long run such concerns could boost the desire for products that combine modern hygiene with unsullied, back-to-the-land imagery. ─── 在很长一段时间里,人们对于合乎现代卫生标准的无污染、纯天然产品的需求将会增加。
7、My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world. ─── 我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个苍茫淳朴的世界一往情深。
8、He spoke of the honor of the family: the unsullied reputation of the Crawleys ─── 他谈到家门的体面和克劳莱家洁白无瑕的名声。
9、you experience desire and connection unsullied by desperation. ─── 你会体验到洁净没有绝望的欲望和社会关系。
10、"Ye shall be witnesses unto Me" - that means a life of unsullied, uncompromising and unbribed devotion to the Lord Jesus, a satisfaction to Him wherever He places us. ─── "你们要做我的见证"--这是指自觉自愿,不妥协,未被玷污的对主耶稣的忠心,无论祂把我们放在哪里都使祂心满意足。
11、his unsullied name; an untarnished reputation. ─── 他清白的名声;清白的名声。
12、In this atmosphere the BNP, posing as unsullied avengers, might have been expected to do even better. ─── 在这种氛围下,国家党以身无污点的复仇者形象出现,其实本有望取得更大成功。
13、Untouched or unsullied; fresh. ─── 未被触碰的或未被玷污的;新鲜的
14、The Lib Dems emerged relatively unsullied from the parliamentary-expenses debacle; ─── 相对而言,议会开支弊案中自民党没受多少牵连;
15、He is a tax collector of unsullied reputation. ─── 他是个名声清白的税务员。
16、Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes; ─── 真令人遗憾,我们的星球上高尚的野蛮人与未被玷污的自然风光越来越少了。
17、Our planet is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes. ─── 我们地球上高尚的野蛮人和未玷污的地方越来越少。
18、The pine branches on the remote mountains are like silver flowers in wild blossom, further eloquent of their noble and unsullied character. ─── 冬天茫茫白雪,大地冰封雪裹,远山松枝银花怒放,更具高洁。
19、Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped; except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. ─── 不幸的是,在我们的地球上,高尚的野蛮人和未被破坏的自然景色已越来越少;除了两极地区以外已经没有未开发的土地了。
20、a tax collector of unsullied reputation ─── 名声清白的税务员
21、[Swami materialises a Golden Lingam, shows it to the audience and then continues]: THIS is the pure and unsullied Truth and this Truth is only with this Sathya! ─── 这个是纯洁无瑕的真理,而此真理只有和这个沙迪亚在一起。
22、Jia Tan-chun has noble and unsullied character.She is open-minded, gentle and obedient.She is good at writing poems. ─── 摘要贾探春,品格高洁,性格开朗,温婉孝顺,善作诗文;
23、She is a girl of noble and unsullied character. ─── 她是一个品格高洁的姑娘。
24、Lotus is always pretty, pure, free from vulgarity as she emerges unsullied from the dirt. ─── 莲花总是那麽清纯脱俗,皆因她出污泥而不染!
25、She had the combined talents of toughness, intellect, experience and unsullied reputation. ─── 她坚强、有智慧、有经验,也有清白的名声。
26、We cannot rest with a running conceptualization of the unsullied stream of experience; ─── 我们不能安于对未被污染的经验之流做重复的概念化处理;
27、The unsullied and shining floor was paved with white mosaics ─── 干净明亮的地上镶嵌着白色图案。
28、In contrast, Chinese banks, apparently unsullied by losses, have expanded their loan portfolios. ─── 相比之下,中国的银行业,显然毫不考虑风险,一再加强各种放贷业务。
29、Her hair is blonde, her legs are long and her face is pretty, a perfect blank canvas unsullied by the wear of life. ─── 金发、长腿,脸蛋漂亮,生活还像是个完美无暇的空白画布。
30、unsullied reputation ─── 清白的名声
31、My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world. ─── 我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个苍茫淳朴的世界一往情深。
32、Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped; except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. ─── 不幸的是,在我们的地球上,高尚的野蛮人和未被破坏的自然景色已越来越少;除了两极地区以外已经没有未开发的土地了。
33、Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped; ─── 不幸的是,在我们的地球上,高尚的野蛮人和未被破坏的自然景色已越来越少;
34、He is a person of noble nature and unsullied character. ─── 他是一个品性高洁的人。
35、It was the beginning of a day in June; the deep blue sky unsullied by a cloud, and teeming with brilliant light ─── 那是六月的一天清晨,深蓝的天空洁净无云,充满着灿烂的光辉。
36、Yet in the long run such concerns could boost the desire for products that combine modern hygiene with unsullied , back-to-the-land imagery. ─── 在很长一段时间里,人们对于合乎现代卫生标准的无污染、纯天然产品的需求将会增加。
37、9 Rather, understanding is the hoary crown for men, and an unsullied life, the attainment of old age. ─── 其实;人的老年是在于有智慧,高寿是在于生活纯洁。
38、Bliss is the Form of God who is eternal, unsullied and nectarine. ─── 至福是不灭的,无瑕的,如琼浆般甘甜的神的化身。
39、It was the beginning of a day in June; the deep blue sky unsullied by a cloud, and teeming with brilliant light. ─── 那是六月的一天清晨,深蓝的天空洁净无云,充满着灿烂的光辉。
40、He will do anything to keep it unsullied, and save his fine reputation. ─── 为了保持家族的名誉不被玷污,维持他的良好的名声,他什么都会做的。
41、The third, viewing it from the concept of assimilation, personalizes Mei Flower as the noble and unsullied “snow beauty”with high personality. ─── 三是从同化观念出发,把梅同化成冰肌玉骨的“霜雪美人”,赋予梅花崇高的人格。
42、of noble nature and unsullied character ─── 品性高洁
43、In the history of poetry, the plum blossom has been given symbolic meaning of nobility and unsullied ness by ancient Chinese literates. ─── 摘要在诗歌史上,梅花很早就被文人赋予了高洁品格的象征意义。
44、10. Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscaped; except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. ─── 不幸的是,在我们的地球上,高尚的野蛮人和未被破坏的自然景色已越来越少;除了两极地区以外已经没有未开发的土地了。收藏指正
45、He ridiculed the unfair society, which expressed noble and unsullied society.In his lifetime of frustrations, he always wandered from a strong character to common customs. ─── 但是在坎坷的一生中,他始终在张扬个性与顺应社会世俗之间徘徊,其生存充满着困惑与矛盾,他“指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯”,表现出桀骜不驯的个性;
46、Now, unsullied from its tireless journey. ─── 而今,它在不倦的旅程中依然一尘不染。
47、He is an unsullied tax collector. ─── 他是一位一身清白的税务员。
48、The crystal depths of the lake would give her refuge. She would die unsullied. ─── 她要把身子投在晶莹清澈的湖水里,那里倒是一个很好的寄身的地方,她死了也落得一个清白的身子。 她要跳进湖水里去。
49、Two iron legions out of New Ghis, trained and armed in the same fashion as Unsullied, were encamped across the river to the north. ─── 两个新吉斯来的像无垢者一样武装、训练的钢铁军团则从南至北跨过河岸宿营。
50、” Old Archibald Kane, keen, single-minded, of unsullied commercial honour, admired his son's determination, and did not attempt to coerce him. ─── 他父亲阿基巴德是个精明直爽的人,在商业上享有无瑕的名誉,他听见儿子表示决心,倒也称许,就不再强迫他了。
51、2 When it is present men imitate it, and they long for it when it is gone; And forever it marches crowned in triumph, victorious in unsullied deeds of valor. ─── 有道德在,人都效法;道德不在,人都期待;道德在永远加冕奏凯,因为她在为无玷的报酬奋斗,获得了胜利。
52、A pure heart is unsullied ─── 玉心皎洁
53、The state of being pure, unsullied, or untouched. ─── 纯洁未被玷污或未被碰触的状态
54、Thrice they passed Unsullied guards, standing as if they had been carved from stone. ─── 有三次他们路过无垢者守卫,他们像石雕般站立着。
55、I will follow the example of the Pink Lotus to be a man who rises unsullied from mud. ─── 我愿效仿粉色莲花,做一个出淤泥而不染的人。
56、He will do anything to keep it unsullied, and save his fine reputation. ─── 为了保持家族的名誉不被玷污,维持他的良好的名声,他什么都会做的。
57、free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied. ─── 没有道德污点;无污点的。
58、Its soft texture requirements and complexeof, unsullied, impurities and pulp lumps, their appearance should not be broken and exuvaite, and so the hole. ─── 其质地要求柔软且为中性、无污点、杂质及纸浆硬块,其外观应无脱落、断裂及破孔等现象。
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