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09-13 投稿



excavates 发音

英:[ˈekskəveɪts]  美:[ˈekskəveɪts]

英:  美:

excavates 中文意思翻译



excavates 反义词

bury |inter

excavates 同义词

grub | scoop out | pull | dig up | hollow | gouge | burrow |dig | dredge | unearth | pull up | ditch | hollow out | mine | exhume | up | dig out | quarry | turn up | shovel | scoop | deepen

excavates 词性/词形变化,excavates变形

动词过去式: excavated |动词过去分词: excavated |动词现在分词: excavating |动词第三人称单数: excavates |

excavates 相似词语短语

1、excavators ─── n.[机]挖掘机;开凿机(excavator的复数形式)

2、excarnates ─── vi.剥除肉质;免去肉体

3、unexcavated ─── 未发掘的

4、excavated ─── v.发掘;挖掘(excavate的过去式和过去分词)

5、excavating ─── v.挖掘(excavate的现在分词)

6、excavator ─── n.挖掘机;开凿者;打洞机;挖泥工

7、excavate ─── vt.挖掘;开凿;vi.发掘;细查

8、excarnated ─── vi.剥除肉质;免去肉体

9、excavations ─── n.挖掘,发掘

excavates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This article is bases on Lukacs the social being ontology thought, excavates his ethics, the morals discusses as well as the humanitarianism thought. ─── 本文就是立足于卢卡奇的社会存在本体论,来挖掘他的伦理学、道德论以及人道主义思想。

2、excavates the working surface ─── 采掘工作面

3、Then by making use of the numerical simulation technology, the dredging measure that excavates the ridge which blocks water on the downstream of the spillway can avoid the safety threat of flood. ─── 并利用数值模拟技术验证了对溢洪道下游阻水山体采取开挖的疏导措施可以避免洪水威胁大坝的安全。

4、biblical criticism excavates the various deposits that have been gathered in successive layers in these writings ─── “圣经”考证把向来积聚于这些作品的各层中的各种堆积物掘开。

5、The third part excavates the new opportunity of teacher professional development by encircling the new demand of current basic education curriculum reform. ─── 论文的第三部分主要围绕新一轮基础教育课程改革的新要求挖掘教师专业发展的新契机。

6、According to a practical example, this paper introduces that controlled blasting excavates the little diameter basic stake rock. ─── 介绍了在闹市区对多种小断面桩井采用控制爆破技术进行开挖的工程事例。

7、Chapter Two focuses on the figures and excavates the poetic emotion of Zhivago and Lara.As a poet and a woman of colorful soul, Zhivago and Lara sing poetically together. ─── 第二章以人物为中心,挖掘日瓦戈和拉里莎两位男女主人公身上的诗情,认为他们分别以诗人的身份和内蕴丰富的女性形象进行了整体性的诗化歌唱。

8、With the background of Huotong Ancient Town, this paper deeply studies and excavates its historical context and characteristic. ─── 摘要该文以霍童古镇为背景,深入研究与挖掘传统聚落的历史脉络和特色。

9、In continues in the unceasing transformation, excavates own success experience, and continues in this foundation to develop, achieves the true innovation. ─── 在持续不断的变革中,挖掘自身的成功经验,并且在这个基础上继续发展,达到真正的创新。

10、Diplomonads may belong to a group of protists known as excavates, specifically related to Parabasalia such as Trichomonas(9,10). ─── 双滴虫类也许属于挖掘微生物的一种,尤其是与毛滴虫这种异种共生的生物相关的(9,10)。

11、a worker who excavates for foundations of buildings or for quarrying. ─── 为了建筑物的根基或采石而开凿挖掘的工人。

12、But light -like joyful actually just right opposite, it produces in the life corner, only treat people excavates, goes to the feeling to become aware. ─── 而平淡式的快乐却正好相反,它产生于生活的角角落落,只待人们去发掘,去感悟。

13、worker who excavates for foundations of buildings or for. ─── 为了建筑物的根基或而开凿挖掘的工人。

14、, a HMG Company, specializes in logistics &supply chain management, devotes in improving information flow through the management, and excavates the potential of logistics in enterprise value chain. ─── Ltd. 作为泓明国际物流集团的成员,泓明信息技术有限公司专注于物流和供应链管理领域,致力于通过管理和改善信息流,发掘物流在企业价值链中的潜力。

15、Finally according to monitors the information of feedback, has analyzed the influence of the distortion which excavates regarding the side slope. ─── 最后通过对监测信息的反馈,分析了变形对边坡开挖的影响。

16、In residents, reporter saw excavates many precious utensils from this ruins. ─── 在一处民宅内,记者见到了从该遗址发掘出来的多件珍贵器物。

17、Outburst prevention technique of excavating in coal seam will be directly concerned colliery safety production and excavates taking over. ─── 突出煤层煤巷掘进防突直接关系到煤矿的安全生产和采掘接替。

18、Goal:Excavates and the control medical consumes the material demand the influence factor,causes the medical consumption material the management to hasten the scientific style and the standardization. ─── 目的:发掘和控制医用耗材需求的影响因素,使医用消耗性材料的管理更趋科学化和规范化。

19、Whoever excavates and robs fossils of paleoanthropoids or paleovertebrates of scientific value which is under State protection shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. ─── 盗掘国家保护的具有科学价值的古人类化石和古脊椎动物化石的,依照前款的规定处罚。

20、The third part probes into five categories of aesthetics, excavates the thinking of "one divides into three". ─── 从它的萌芽、发生、发展以至成熟,本文选择了几个最具代表性的理论观点进行了阐释。

21、From aesthetic function and cultural function of the models,it summarizes the characteristics and the aesthetic rules of ancient teapot models and excavates out the model elements and model langua... ─── 最后运用演绎法,论述阐明紫砂茶壶传统造型对现代产品设计的启示作用并提出建议。

22、Makes every effort to pursue the different shape the function which molds regarding the space, from essentially excavates its basic rule and the form. ─── 力求找寻出不同形态对于空间塑造的作用,从本质上挖掘出其根本的规律和形式。

23、Simultaneously also may make the performer throughout to maintainpositively,the initiative study condition,the stimulation study interest,excavates performer own potential. ─── 同时还可以使演奏者始终保持着积极、主动的学习状态,激发学习兴趣,挖掘演奏者自身的潜能。

24、Especially in the study of Confucianism,he not only inspects rationally Confucius,Confucianism and classics,but also excavates the critical spirit of traditional humanism. ─── 尤其在儒学研究中 ,他不仅对孔子、孔教与经学做了理性的检视 ,还对传统哲学的人文批判精神做了有意义的挖掘 ,从中可见其传统意识。

25、The author thinks excavates the private-law attribute of constitution to the comprehensive understanding constitution, the development constitution has the vital significance. ─── 认为发掘宪法的私法性对全面认识宪法,发展宪法有重要的意义。

26、The excavator excavates the soil the trace to be clearly discernible. ─── 挖掘机开挖泥土的痕迹清晰可见。

27、The mite burrows into the outer layer of human skin and excavates a tunnel. ─── 螨的洞穴进入人体皮肤外层挖掘隧道。

28、Located at the Shanghai Nanhui area harbor new town water drop lake is present the home biggest artificial lake which excavates in not yet on Cheng Lu the beach, the total investment 500,000,000 Yuan. ─── 位于上海市南汇区海港新城滴水湖是目前在尚未成陆的海滩上开挖的国内最大人工湖,总投资5亿元人民币。

29、The excavator excavates the soil the trace to be clearly discernible. ─── 挖掘机开挖泥土的痕迹清晰可见。

30、Outburst prevention technique of excavating in coal seam will be directly concerned colliery safety production and excavates taking over. ─── 摘要突出煤层煤巷掘进防突直接关系到煤矿的安全生产和采掘接替。

31、Biblical criticism excavates the various deposits that have been gathered in successive layers in these writings. ─── “圣经”考证把向来积聚于这些作品的各层中的各种堆积物掘开。

32、likely excavates the world deepest evil. ─── 像是发掘世界最深的罪恶。

33、The results showed that th ere were no differences of burrowing behaviors and the efficiencies of the excav ating segment between male and female, except the digging duration of the male w as longer than that of the female in the same soil. ─── 结果表明,在相同的硬度条件下,雌雄动物的挖掘行为格局和挖掘效率基本相同,但是雄性动物挖掘所持续的时间明显高于雌性动物。

34、He poetry (lyrics) literariness and the work musicality carries on the perfect union, excavates the poetry the intrinsic emotion;And has promoted the steel. ─── 他将诗歌(歌词)的文学性和作品的音乐性进行完美的结合,挖掘出诗歌的内在情感;

35、The upper section of my thesis excavates and analyses German Life Philosopher Dilthey's unknown pedagogy thoughts. ─── 本论文的上篇挖掘并分析了德国生命哲学家狄尔泰为人所忽视的教育学思想。

36、The protector excavates the hole bottom air gap to powder charge the numerical analysis ─── 保护层开挖中孔底空气间隔装药数值分析

37、Thirdly, Thoroughgoing excavates the content of ideological and political education in teaching material. ─── 3.深入挖掘教材中的思想政治教育内容。

38、A worker excavates ancient timbers from layers of peat in a suburb of East London near the River Thames. ─── 在东伦敦的泰晤士河旁,一名工人正在挖掘一个古代泥炭层内的木材。

39、Data excavates ─── 数据挖掘

40、It also excavates the ethic resource of abiding by the law itself and analyses the ethic logic of abiding by the law to seek the ethic support for the benefit maximization of abiding by the law. ─── 挖掘“守法本身”的伦理资源,分析守法过程的伦理逻辑,为实现守法效益最大化寻找伦理支撑。

41、a worker who excavates for foundations of buildings or for quarrying ─── 为了建筑物的根基或采石而开凿挖掘的工人

42、The clamshell excavates the deep and shallow wall troughs because it has the characteristics of high working efficient, easy to move and . ─── 深、浅墙均采用抓斗挖槽,因其具有工效高、移动方便、施工无震动等特点。

43、A worker excavates ancient timbers from layers of peat in a suburb of East London near the River Thames. ─── 在东伦敦的泰晤士河旁,一名工人正在挖掘一个古代泥炭层内的木材。

44、Diligently excavates the curriculum resources; ─── 努力挖掘课程资源;

45、It likes plays in all directions, excavates the novel thing, the key has opens the meaning, the implication starts the new imagination, hoped the manner brings the tidal current gadget! ─── 牠喜爱四处游玩,发掘新奇事物,而钥匙有开启意思,寓意启动新想像,希望为人带来更潮流玩意!

46、Why excavates K-V5's archaeology one not to die a violent death? ─── 为什么发掘K-V5的考古者们没有一个死于非命呢?

47、This paper firstly excavates the definition and intension of the enterprises growth. ─── 在论文的写作过程中,首先基于前人的研究对企业成长的定义和内涵进行了挖掘;

48、Yan Lianke explores and excavates the root of suffering constantly. ─── 阎连科不断探索、挖掘苦难的根。

49、????In further excavates, the archaeologists discovered that two grave scales are big, length 4 meter width 1.8 meters, length 4 meter width 1.5 meters. ─── 在进一步发掘中,考古人员发现两座墓葬规模都非常大,一个长4米宽1.8米,一个长4米宽1.5米。

50、Excavates and uses therural education superiority; ─── 挖掘和利用农村教育优势;

51、The author thinks that Beethoven piano sonata "dramaticism" has incisive social roots and ideological root-cause , excavates in depth in very, unique , being worth it on technique of expression. ─── 笔者认为贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲的“戏剧性”具有深刻的社会根源和思想根源,在表现手法上十分独特,值得深入挖掘。

52、The 21st century educations must take person"s development as the center, the education are for displaying person"s potential, excavates person"s individuality. ─── 21世纪的教育要以人的发展为中心,教育是为了发挥人的潜能,发掘人的个性。

53、At the same time, the participation mass organization moves,is advantageous to excavates university student's intelligence ONpotential. ─── 同时,参与社团活动,有利于发掘大学生的智力潜能。

54、The first part excavates and reorganizes harmious spirit and human rights thought in Chinese and western philosophy, and carries on the conformity and the development in this foundation. ─── 第一部分梳理和挖掘了中西哲学中的和谐精神与人权思想,并在此基础上对中西哲学的和谐精神与人权思想进行了整合和拓展。

55、He excavates the reasonable kernel ofChinese excellent culture with great efforts; ─── 他努力发掘中国优秀文化的合理内核;

56、Excavates the Resources Potential Expansion Computer Function ─── 发掘资源潜力扩展计算机功能

57、It excavates the thinking source of civilized etiquette education from inheriting our traditional culture and absorbing the foreign helpful etiquette . ─── 继承我国传统文化,借鉴外来礼仪文化有益成果,使其与现有文明礼仪相互补益。

58、7Th, may use many kinds of must excavates the way, the enormous place was advantageous for has worked the construction and the spatial attire ─── 7可采用多种非开挖方式,极大地方便于工作了施工和空装

59、One that excavates, especially a backhoe. ─── 挖掘者,挖土机挖掘的人或装置,尤指反向铲挖土机

60、How therefore retains the original customer, excavates the latent customer seriously to become various cosmetics merchant the competition center to be heavy. ─── 因此如何保留原有的客户,挖掘潜在的客户成为各化妆品厂商的竞争的重中之重。

61、After that in the cultural relic archaeology, Anyang also many times excavates the chinaware and the kiln furniture. ─── 其后,在文物考古中,安阳还多次发掘出瓷器和窑具。

62、Thirdly, Thoroughgoing excavates the content of ideological and political education in teaching material. ─── 深入挖掘教材中的思想政治教育内容。

63、Woman's total energy excavates U.S.A., and the one that gave play to is omnipresent, out when not having. ─── 有谁可以帮我翻译??很重要的...>>>女人总能将美挖掘,并发挥的无所不在,无时不在。

64、The data mining is excavates from the magnanimous data possibly has the latent value information technology. ─── 数据挖掘就是从海量的数据中挖掘出可能有潜在价值的信息的技术。

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