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08-28 投稿



glittered 发音

英:[ˈɡlɪtəd]  美:[ˈɡlɪtərd]

英:  美:

glittered 中文意思翻译



glittered 词性/词形变化,glittered变形

动词过去分词: glittered |动词过去式: glittered |副词: glitteringly |动词现在分词: glittering |形容词: glittery |动词第三人称单数: glitters |

glittered 相似词语短语

1、glistered ─── 闪闪发光

2、blistered ─── adj.起泡的;长水泡的

3、chittered ─── v.唧唧喳喳地叫;(苏格兰古语)冷得发抖;喋喋不休

4、bittered ─── 使变苦

5、blithered ─── 布利特雷德

6、glitterand ─── 闪闪发光的

7、clittered ─── 断断续续的

8、littered ─── n.垃圾;轿,担架;一窝(动物的幼崽);凌乱;vt.乱丢;给…垫褥草;把…弄得乱七八糟;vi.产仔;乱扔废弃物;n.(Litter)人名;(匈、德)利特

9、flittered ─── n.一掠而过的东西;vi.飞来飞去;匆忙来往

glittered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A glitter career has been predicted for her in the civil service. ─── 她在政府的文职机关任职,前途无量。

2、Use of 51-1026 gives maximum brightness of glitter. ─── 使用51-1026能使闪光亮度达到最高点。

3、Super Sparkle Washable Glitter Glue,5Ct. ─── 5色可水洗闪光胶水笔。

4、How beautiful the night was,in summer.The dark blue sky, the glitter stars, the cool wind, and the quiet mountains... ─── 但夏天的夜晚真是美丽啊,深蓝的天幕,闪烁的星辰,风是凉的,山是静的。

5、There was a triumphant glitter in his eyes. ─── 他眼睛里闪烁着胜利的光辉。

6、Her dress was fully covered with tinsel, which glittered to all directions. ─── 她的礼服上缀满了亮片, 真是光芒四射啊。

7、Semidouble light pink star/ rose-pink glitter overlay, pink-white wavy edge. ─── 半重瓣的星型花,亮的粉红底色有玫瑰色到粉红色装饰其上闪闪发光,粉红到白的颜色波浪镶边。

8、However, we understand that each individual is negligible.Only when we unit together can we send out marvelous glitter. ─── 但我们明白,个人的能量是那样的微不足道,只有汇聚在一起,才会绽放出令人惊叹的辉煌。

9、Paint a coat of silver glitter polish over the original polish. ─── 在银色指甲油上覆盖一层带有亮粉的甲油.

10、Young writers, surf -riders upon nowness, sometimes glitter with talent. ─── 在现在瞬间中随潮起伏的青年作家,有时确实闪耀着才华。

11、Have a rest in each Monday's afternoon. Your mood will be glitter like the sunshine at that time. ─── 人生难得偷得半日闲,在周日的午后小憩一会儿,醒来后你的心情会像午后的阳光一样灿烂。

12、One Red Cross badge glittered with the solemn light of charity on Mr. Pan's lapel, giving its wearer a new kind of courage. ─── 一个红十字徽章早已辍上潘先生的衣襟,闪耀着慈善庄严的光,给与潘先生一种新的勇气。

13、He had a pointed thing, made of gold, on his head,it glittered in the bright light of midday. ─── 在中午的阳光里,那玩意几照得多么亮。

14、Above him shall the quiver rattle, the spear and shield shall glitter. ─── 牠背上的箭袋震震作响,还有闪烁发光的矛与枪。

15、The gloss and glitter of Hollywood seemed fascinating to the girl. ─── 好莱坞的虚荣与繁华似乎强烈吸引着这个女孩。

16、She glittered at the elegant table. ─── 她坐在典雅的桌子旁边显得光彩照人。

17、The water glittered in the sunlight. ─── 水面在阳光下闪闪发光。

18、And every so often, amid the blur of bureaucratic tedium, a little nugget would glitter. ─── 在冗长乏味、模糊晦暗的官腔官调之中,不时会有小金块闪闪发光。

19、Crystal chandeliers glittered brightly above them. ─── 他们头顶的水晶吊灯闪闪发亮。

20、His eyes glittered with greed. ─── 他眼睛里闪现出贪婪的神色。

21、Low temperature glitter glue to make beautiful decorations. ─── 低温珠光热熔胶(多种颜色可选择)。

22、He broke off, and, looking up, saw the glitter of tears. ─── 他停止谈话,抬头看时,发现她眼中噙着闪光的泪珠。

23、"Harry, guess what? " said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring glittered there. ─── “哈利,你猜怎么着?”唐克斯坐在洗衣机上,朝哈利晃动着她的左手:一枚戒指在闪闪发光。

24、Semidouble pink large star/ red glitter band, white-green edge. ─── 半重瓣的大型星型花,粉红色底,镶红色及白绿色边。

25、Dirt glitter when the sun happen to shine. ─── 太阳照耀下,污垢也闪光。

26、There was such a savage bright glitter in his eyes when he spoke that Scarlett shrank from him, frightened. ─── 他说这话时眼睛里迸发着凶悍的光芒,吓得思嘉畏缩着不敢作声了。

27、Show youthful mien, glitter wise light, hold social reality and imagine future life. ─── 展示青春风采,闪烁智慧光芒,把握社会现实,畅想未来生活!

28、There was a cold glitter in his eyes as he jerked her to her feet. ─── 他眼里闪着冷峻的光芒,便一手把她拽了起来。

29、Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water. ─── 小湾对岸,沿着河边,东卵豪华住宅区的洁白的宫殿式的大厦闪烁着光彩。

30、Jean Valjean set the two candlesticks on the chimney-piece, where they glittered to the great admiration of Toussaint. ─── 冉阿让把一对闪烁发光的银烛台放在壁炉架上,杜桑看了十分羡慕。

31、Semidouble white large ruffled pansy/ dark pink to light fuchsia glitter, variable green on top petals. ─── 半重瓣大朵折边堇型花,白色底,深粉红色到亮樱红色喷点,上花瓣有变异的绿色。

32、His eyes glittered with mirth. ─── 他因喜悦而两眼闪亮。

33、The glitter of precious stones cannot be dimmed by dust. ─── 宝石的光彩,灰尘蒙不住。

34、A large diamond glittered on her ring finger(= the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand). ─── 一颗大钻石在她的无名指上闪闪发光。

35、His glitter jackets, the tabloids claimed later, hid a body that was half-starved, subsisting on painkillers. ─── 后来小报称,在闪亮的夹克下,是半饥饿,靠止疼片支撑的身体。

36、They say the resolution is good, and they can add glitter and sparkles to jazz up the image. ─── 他们说,美甲喷绘不仅清晰度好,而且还可以在其上装饰亮点使之更为光彩夺目。

37、The cross and the dove glitter so dazzlingly that it hurts the eyes to look at them. ─── 十字架和鸽子光芒四射,看得人眼睛发酸。

38、Single white sticktite star/white glitter overlay. Variegated medium green, quilted, fringed. Large. ─── 单瓣不掉落的白色星形花。中绿色的折边斑叶,叶脉向上气状突起。大型。

39、Glitter and be gay, that's the part I play:Here I am in Paris, France. ─── 光彩照人,心花怒放,这是我扮演的角色:我身在法国巴黎。

40、The diamond ring on her finger glittered in the light. ─── 她手指上的钻石戒指在灯光下闪闪发光。

41、It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian glittered on the red carpet in a slinky silver dress. ─── 与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。

42、A myriad stars glittered in the sky. ─── 天上闪烁着无数的星星。

43、They sat there with a kind of glitter in their eyes. ─── 他们坐在那儿,个个目光灼灼。

44、In these cities what remains of the old China is hidden by the glitter. ─── 在这些城市里,旧中国所遗留下来的东西都被闪烁的灯光掩埋了。

45、The sea glittered in the sun. ─── 大海在阳光下闪闪发光。

46、It glittered in the gigantic sky. ─── 它在庞大的空中闪耀。

47、Tin cans glittered in the sun.The road led past the first houses to a church.The church was a Gothic monument of shingles painted pigeon blue. ─── 三个月后,他回到了纽约,却发现科特兰德政府居家工程的设计早已被改得面目全非了。

48、Inside Lori had spelled out @I love you@ in white glue and covered the letters with glitter. ─── 在卡片里萝蕊用白胶水拼写出“我爱你”的字样,然后在上面撒了碎金纸。

49、Precious stones will glitter wherever they are placed. ─── 宝石放在哪里也会发光。

50、There was stage smoke and glitter grit on the runway. ─── 在展示台上有舞台烟幕和闪光的沙砾。

51、All is not gold that glitters.But gold will glitter forever. ─── 发光的不一定是金子。但是,是金子的总会发光。

52、His little blue eyes glittered and he moistened his lips with the tip of his tongue. "Go ahead, " he said hoarsely. ─── 他小小的蓝色眼睛又开始闪光,一边用舌缘湿润着嘴唇。“继续,”他哑着嗓子说。

53、Exhibits: Glue Stick, White Glue, Glitter Glue &Liquid Glue. ─── 展品:固体胶,白胶,闪光胶,液体胶

54、Its noble mane and forelock and tail of hair-fine wire tossed and glittered as it stamped, waiting. ─── 在它踏地而待的时候,贵气的马鬃与额毛,还有梳理的井井有条的马尾在那里摇曳生光,。

55、The diamond ring on her third finger of left hand glittered in the fire light. ─── 她左手无名指上戴的钻石戒指在火光下闪闪发亮。

56、The sky glittered with a myriad stars. ─── 天空中繁星闪烁。

57、He stared at me with a cruel glitter in his eyes. ─── 他眼露凶光地瞪着我。

58、The bay glittered in the sunshine. ─── 海湾在阳光下闪闪发光。

59、When night fell, countless bright stars glittered in the clear sky and the tropical temperatures plummeted. ─── 夜幕降临时,晴朗的天空繁星闪耀,气温转寒。

60、Single white sticktite star/white glitter overlay. ─── 单瓣不掉落的白色星形花。

61、The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold. ─── 大教堂的天花板金光闪闪。

62、The guest list glittered with famous names. ─── 客人的名单上赫然写着一些名人的姓名。

63、Winter came, and the plant was covered with snow, but the snow glittered over it as if it had sunshine beneath as well as above. ─── 冬天来了;雪把植物盖住了。不过雪层上发出光,好像有太阳从底下照上来似的。

64、Everything's got a glitter to it. ─── 一切都显得有了光彩。

65、In the darkness , his eyes glitter faintly , his irises flecked with gold . ─── 在黑暗中,它的眼睛微弱的闪耀著,它的金黄色的斑点于虹膜上。

66、Imitation gold leaf; tinsel; glitter. ─── 仿金箔仿造金片;闪闪发光的金属;闪烁

67、Before this army glittered the prize of Egypt. ─── 在这支军队的面前闪耀着争夺的目标-埃及。

68、Every snapshot consists of smiling expression what converts the minutes of joy into a landmark of glitter. ─── 一张张充满笑脸的快照,将无限欢愉的每一刻变为闪闪动人的陆标。

69、His eyes, normally pale and reserved, snapped and glittered. ─── 他平时黯淡,含蓄的双眸,这时放射出了光茫。

70、They stand out there, each alone and aloof, the only thing common to them being their contest in glitter and shine. ─── 它们各自冷漠地矗立在那儿,唯一的共同点便是在耀眼夺目中竞争着。

71、"Not your only talent, as I recall." Her eyes glittered. ─── “据我所知,这可不是你唯一的天分。“她的眼睛里闪着光。

72、At midnight the storm abated, the rolling clouds parted, and the stars glittered keenly about the sleeping camp. ─── 午夜,风雨渐渐平息,滚滚的乌云分散开来,星星在进入睡乡的露宿地上空明亮地闪烁。

73、Say to thy Consorts: "If it be that ye desire the life of this World, and its glitter,- then come! ─── 你对你的众妻说:“如果你们欲得今世的生活与其装饰,那末,你们来吧!

74、The unnatural colour still burnt like a flame in her cheeks, the unnatural light still glittered in her eyes. ─── 不自然的猩红色依旧象火焰似的在她面颊上燃烧,不自然的光芒依旧在她眼睛里闪烁。

75、Semidouble mauve star/ darker fantasy, glitter edge. ─── 半重瓣淡紫色星形花,有深色的喷点,耀眼的镶边。

76、A half-moon caused the rippling sea to glitter. ─── 半月于微波的海面闪闪发亮。

77、Glitter Shape: Glitter now has 5 options for the shape of glitter applied. ─── 亮片形状:现在亮片有5个形状选项了!

78、The mall with a diamond-like appearance will glitter with the vibrancy of the city. ─── 商場的外形建築以鑽石為藍本,於晚上發放的光芒將與上海的繁華夜色互相輝映。

79、Scarlett said nothing but her eyes glittered and her heart contracted with a little pain . ─── 思嘉什么也不说,然而她的眼睛在发光,她的心紧缩得有点疼痛。

80、Bingley fancied the world was fascinated with its glitter . ─── 宾利相信,它的光彩足以使全世界着迷。

81、But your future, the glitter is incomparable. ─── 但你的未来,灿烂无比。

82、He had a pointed thing, made of gold, on his head; it glittered in the bright light of midday. ─── 在中午的阳光里,那玩意几照得多么亮。

83、Dew glittered upon the grass and the aroma of the soil pervaded the air. ─── 作者感受到了春天预示着一个新的开始,带来新的希望。

84、Her gold ornaments glittered under the light. ─── 在灯光的映衬下,她的黄金首饰灿灿发光。

85、Earth and heavens glitter, and the sword-fern clumps are diamond sunbursts pinned to the silver-sequined ground. ─── 大地和天空都在闪闪发光,蕨草丛恍若别在银色大地上的旭日钻石胸针。(增加副词)

86、His glance glittered shrewdly . ─── 他的目光机警地闪动着。

87、HALL: Lots of silver glitter. ─── 太多的亮银色眼影了。

88、Single pink sticktite pansy/ fuchsia glitter edge. Dark green, quilted. Semiminiature. ─── 单瓣不掉落的粉红色堇型花,樱红色点点镶边。深绿色叶,叶脉向上气状突起。半迷你型。

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