direful 发音
英:[['daɪəfəl]] 美:[['daɪəfəl]]
英: 美:
direful 中文意思翻译
direful 词性/词形变化,direful变形
名词: direfulness |副词: direfully |
direful 相似词语短语
1、direfully ─── 肮脏地
2、ireful ─── adj.盛怒的,愤怒的
3、dareful ─── 大胆的;鲁莽的;无畏的
4、dureful ─── 胁迫的
5、lifeful ─── adj.充满活力的;生机勃勃的
6、dueful ─── 决斗的
7、doleful ─── adj.寂寞的;悲哀的;阴沉的;忧郁的
8、dirgeful ─── 哀伤的
9、careful ─── adj.仔细的,小心的
direful 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Precaution was impossible in those dire circumstances. ─── 在紧迫的环境下无暇再去周密慎重。
2、Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs, the "Financial Times" and the "Economist"? Not so you'd notice. ─── “金融时代”和“经济学家”这两种无所不为的刊物发出了可怕的警报吗?还不太惹人注目。
3、This plague that has gripped the Northlands could have dire ramificati**. ─── 困扰着诺森德大地的瘟疫能很快蔓延到别处。
4、Should he succeed, he might be followed by other governments in similarly dire economic straits. ─── 如果他能成功,其它的经济处于类似困难境地的政府,就很可能仿效他。
5、You have to come see me tomorrow and work to stay the dire fate before us. ─── 你明天必须来见我,想办法终止这可怕的命运。
6、The Lakers made it to the NBA Finals last season and found themselves in a collection of dire mismatches with Boston. ─── 上赛季湖人打入总决赛,在对阵波士顿的时候他们发现了自己人员配置上的失调。
7、Gary Gardner, a senior researcher at Worldwatch Institute, says this is having a dire effect on people. ─── 世界观察研究所资深研究员,表示这对人们产生了可怕的影响。
8、We should, of course, draw lessons from the dire straits welfare states find themselves in. ─── 不过,我们的确也应吸取福利国当前面对困境的教训。
9、O Krsna I am unable to keep composed, my mind is unsteady and I see dire indications of inauspicious omens. ─── 奎师那啊,我无法振作起来,我心神不安,看到了种种不祥的凶兆。
10、When in Bear Form, Dire Bear Form, Cat Form, Travel Form or Aquatic Form, the druid is now considered a Beast. ─── 在各种变身形态下,德鲁依被认为是野兽。
11、The consequences would be dire, changing the entire ecosystem. ─── 后果将是可怕的,它会改变整个生态系统。
12、Terrible, appalling, dire, useless, waste of space. ─── 一塌胡涂,完全不像话,非常糟糕,毫无建树,浪费位置。
13、Krsna I am unable to keep composed, my mind is unsteady and I see dire indications of inauspicious omens. ─── 奎师那啊,我无法振作起来,我心神不安,看到了种种不祥的凶兆。收藏指正
14、Most people look down on satyr, Hen Buneng without prior warning of the dire straits. ─── 世人都看不起,恨不能群起而诛之。
15、Just how a secondary school could achieve such a success despite dire economic circumstances is a good question for us to ponder over. ─── 为什么一所中学在那样困苦的经济环境中能那样成功,是值得我们深思的。
16、She looks unhappy and in dire need of a bath. ─── 她看起来怏怏不乐,并且风尘仆仆需要沐浴一番。
17、Je voudrais vous dire aller au lit. ─── 同埋考试考得差..:(我也很差..
18、For some years the Javanese attacks placed Palembang in dire peril . ─── 在几年内爪哇人的进攻,看来已使巴邻旁处于极度危险之中。
19、They are in a dire extremity. ─── 他们在悲惨的穷途末路。
20、He told investors last week that “the consequences of bankruptcy would be dire and extend far beyond” the company.G. ─── 他上星期告诉投资者,“破产的结果将是可怕的,其影响范围远远超过”这个公司。
21、Controlling the rise of drug costs has become a problem which is in dire need of solution. ─── 如何控制药品费用的上涨已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。
22、The vote topped off a dire week for Mr Cameron. ─── 为卡梅隆先生的投票在紧张的一周后结束。
23、Four British divisions and the whole of the first French Army were now dire peril of being cut off around Lille. ─── 四个英国师和整个法国第一集团军情势十分危急,在利尔附近有被切断之虞。
24、The company is in dire straits. ─── 公司处于极度困难的境地。
25、You may have heard that a few manufacturers have fallen into dire straits. ─── 你可能听说过一些厂商已陷入困境。
26、They are huge like dire wolves (with the occasional resemblance to wolfhounds), with shining red or black fur. ─── 他们就像恐狼一样大(极少数的时候有点像爱尔兰猎狼狗),有着光亮的红色或黑色毛皮。
27、Ed ella fu turbata a questa parola, e si domandava che cosa volesse dire un tal saluto. ─── 她却因这话惊慌起来,反复思想这样祝贺是什么意思。
28、He led his clerks a dire life in the City, his family at home were not much happier. ─── 在市中心,他的书记们给他逼得走头无路,在家里,上上下下的人也一样倒楣。
29、Vuoi dire che hai dei sospetti su di me e lei? Ti sembra possibile una cosa del genere?! ─── 你怀疑我跟她有什么?你觉得是这样吗?
30、Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs,the"Financial Times"and the"Economist?Not so you'd notice. ─── “金融时代”和“经济学家”这两种无所不为的刊物发出了可怕的警报吗?还不太惹人注目。
31、In their dire straits, his followers called to him with telepathic distress signals. ─── 在穷途末路之际,曾为他捐躯的亡魂们向他呼唤着他感应到的求救信号。
32、There was an exceptional pilot on board and despite the dire situation he was able to land the aircraft safely. ─── 好在有一个杰出的飞行员在机上,尽管条件恶劣但是他还是驾驶着飞机安全的着陆了。
33、Unemployment is high, public schooling poor and the physical infrastructure in dire need of renewal. ─── 失业率居高不下,公立学校质量堪忧,物质基础设施急需更新。
34、Grandma: Well as a matter of fact, I just bought the new Dire Straights song book. ─── 外婆:事实上我刚刚买了一本新的流行曲的集子。
35、His family is in dire necessity. ─── 他的家庭赤贫如洗。
36、She had been oppressed by dire poverty. ─── 她曾因极其贫困而心情沉重。
37、He only seemed to contrast his present cheerfulness and felicity with the dire endurance that was over. ─── 他只不过像是拿他今天的欢乐幸福跟已成过去的苦痛经历做着对比。
38、Carthage did not use citizens outside of elite military units unless there was a dire need to do so. ─── (所以)迦太基是不会动用公民和外面的精锐军队作战,除非迦太基有极度紧急的需要时才会动用他们。
39、To be sure, the traditional management consultants are hardly in dire straits. ─── 可以肯定的是,那些传统管理咨询公司并没有陷入困境。
40、Yet the wagging tail was utterly surprising and endearing to me given this dog's dire condition. ─── 但是,这轻轻摇动的尾巴还是让我吃了一惊也让我更加同情她的悲惨处境。
41、His life is in dire danger from cancer. ─── 他因患癌症而生命垂危。
42、Si vous ne l’aimez pas, vous pouvez le dire franchement. ─── 倘若您不喜欢,您可以坦率的说出来。
43、In return for the potion, I shall tell you the story of what I did last night to put me in such dire need of said. ─── 为了报答你送我魔药(的好意),我会跟你说说我昨晚做了些什么让我此刻非得对你倾吐不可的事儿。
44、Dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy. ─── 不幸由于损失或不幸而导致的极度痛苦
45、The main thing in combat is to avoid dire situations and try not to let a single Hydra die. ─── 在战斗中主要是为了防止劣势,不让单个九头蛇阵亡。
46、The 20-year-old GPS is in dire need of upgrading to stop it from deteriorating, said officials. ─── 20岁的全球定位系统是迫切需要升级到阻止它恶化,官员.
47、Si il y aura une encore chance pour moi,je vais lui dire trois mots: Je t`aime. ─── 不用再犹豫了!如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你!
48、Otherwise, younger sons might fall into dire poverty. ─── 否则,这些孩子们会落入可怕的贫困之中。
49、You'll be in dire trouble if you don't watch out. ─── 你若不小心,就会有可怕的麻烦。
50、There will be a dire calamity. ─── 一场可怕的灾祸就要来临。
51、People are in dire need of more services, particularly in peak times. ─── 人们迫切需要更多的列车服务,尤其是在高峰期间。
52、Some phishing emails threaten a dire consequence if you don't respond. ─── 如果你不回应,一些“网络钓鱼”电子邮件还以可怕的后果恐吓你。
53、Dire Ravens in Blade's Edge Mountains now tameable. ─── 刀锋山地区的恶鸦现在可以被驯服。
54、Even the gloomiest forecasters do not expect anything so dire this time. ─── 事实上,本轮经济危机的严重性甚至超过了最悲观的预测。
55、He failed, and is now in dire straits. ─── 他遭遇失败,处境狼狈。
56、Anger can be destructive, even if it doesn't lead to dire consequences. ─── 即使不会造成可怕的后果,愤怒也是具有破坏性的。
57、In Town and Country, a suburb of St Louis, Missouri, the problem has reached a dire stage. ─── 在密苏里州,圣路易斯市郊外的城镇,这类问题已经发展到了一个可怕的阶段。
58、but, bad as it was, he gradually grew to feel that it had not been the most direful mistake in his plan of education. ─── 但尽管糟糕,他还是逐渐感到,在他的教育计划中,这还不算是最可怕的错误。
59、Attendance issues due to dire circumstance will be noted in the records. ─── 出勤问题由于可怕的情况将被注意在纪录。
60、The surveyor's theodolite is one of the more direful symbols of the twentieth century. ─── 地质勘测员们的经纬仪是20世纪最恐怖的标志之一。
61、Il ne faut pas dire: Fontaine, je ne boirai pas de ton eau. ─── 不要把话说绝了。
62、"And if that is the sort of universe in which you believe you live, then it is a dire and foreboding universe, indeed. ─── “如果你相信你所居住的是这样一种宇宙,那么它的确是一个悲惨和宿命的宇宙。
63、His lungs are in a dire state of disrepair, and he's had some heart failure. Right now, he's listed as day to day. ─── 他的肺部情况很遭,已经无法修复。而且,他还有心脏疾病。现在,他只能多活一天算一天了。
64、Che non si deve mai dire a un bambino che i sogni sono sciocchezze: sarebbe una tragedia se lo credesse. ─── 只是因为有的人,他不像你想要的那样去爱你,但并不意味着他完全不爱你。(其实没理解后半句)
65、Il n’accepte aucun conseil. Vous aurez beau le lui dire. ─── 他不听任何劝告,您将白费工夫。
66、Composedly he behaves when confronted dire traits. ─── 在这个危险的处境中他表现得镇定自若.
67、Panarin insists he does not dislike Americans.But he warns that the outlook for them is dire. ─── 他一口咬定自己并不讨厌美国人,而只是对美国的悲观未来提出警告。
68、So dire did the desertions and mutinies in his camp become that Macrinus was forced to retire to Antioch. ─── 他们的离去造成了很大的影响,不久兵变就迫使马克林努斯退到安条克城。
69、"The situation remains (dire) for children in Myanmar, their physical and emotional well-being is of critical concern. ─── “对缅甸孩子来说,这种状况是很可怕的。
70、This task proved deceptively easy in the dire emergency of 1933. ─── 在1933年极端紧急状态中,这个任务出乎寻常容易。
71、Your contribution to the fund will reach those who are in dire need of your help, quickly and effectively. ─── 你捐献的基金将快速、高效地到达急需要你的援助的人灾区人民的手里。
72、What mind is there that does not shrink from its direful effects? ─── 哪一颗心不会在这令人毛骨悚然的三个字前抽搐痉挛?
73、Modern city-dwellers have stressful lifestyles. If the stress is not handled properly, the consequences can be dire. ─── 今都市人生活紧张,若不懂得处理压力,后果可能相当严重。
74、His lungs are in a dire state of disrepair, and he's had some heart failure. ─── 他的肺部情况很遭,已经无法修复。而且,他还有心脏疾病。
75、Is your child in dire jeopardy? ─── 你的孩子正面临死亡的威迫吗?
76、The question is, 'Does your organization have sufficient cash to survive the most dire circumstances? ─── 关键问题是:你的公司是否有充足的资金以度过最严峻的形势?
77、Mr. Obama acknowledged the increasingly dire nature of the situation in an interview on NBC's Meet The Press program. ─── 在全国广播公司“会见新闻界”的访谈节目中,奥巴马承认,局面越来越困难。
78、The consequences of economic catastrophe in addition to political problems could be dire. ─── 一次经济灾难再加上政治问题的后果可能是非常可怕的。
79、I am well aware of the dire consequences of fertility falling below the replacement rate in the long run. ─── 其实,我当然了解人口替代不足在一段时日之后将为我国带来多大的麻烦。
80、In fall 2008, officials issued dire warnings that inaction could lead to another Great Depression. ─── 2008年秋,政府官员发出严重警告,若不采取行动,将可能导致大萧条再次发生。
81、A shower of blood shall fall, and a dire famine shall afflict mankind. ─── 一阵血雨落下,可怕的饥荒会折磨人类。
82、National calamities happened one after another, and the masses lived in dire poverty. ─── 国故连连,民不聊生。
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