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08-28 投稿



grisly 发音

英:['grɪzlɪ]  美:['grɪzli]

英:  美:

grisly 中文意思翻译



grisly 短语词组

1、grisly manor ─── 恐怖庄园

grisly 词性/词形变化,grisly变形

形容词最高级: grisliest |形容词比较级: grislier |名词: grisliness |

grisly 相似词语短语

1、gristle ─── n.软骨;软骨结构

2、grizzly ─── adj.灰色的;n.灰熊

3、gristly ─── adj.软骨的,似软骨的

4、grisy ─── 猪

5、grimly ─── adv.可怕地;冷酷地;严格地

6、ogrishly ─── 怪诞地

7、grossly ─── adv.很;非常

8、grimily ─── adv.肮脏地;污秽地

9、grill ─── n.烤炉;烤架;烧烤的菜肴(尤指烤肉);烧烤店;(门或窗的)护栏;金属格栅;v.(在烤架上)炙烤;(非正式)严厉盘问

grisly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a grisly accident ─── 可怕的意外

2、P>When a turn of the century prison reformatory is slated for demolition, a grisly discovery is made. ─── 当一座经历了世纪之交的监狱由于毁损而发现一可怕的真相。

3、23.Prince Hamlet used revoltingly grisly images in the vicious baiting of his hatred uncle when he told him that in nature‘s food chain,the worm is king. ─── 哈姆雷特王子使用了令人作呕的形象比喻来设下恨毒的圈套,引他那个可憎的叔父上钩。他对他叔父说,在大自然的食物链中,以蛆为王。

4、She was spared a grisly death. ─── 或者说,她躲过了死亡的厄运。

5、A ship named the ‘Demetrius’ had foundered off Whitby’s coast a few years earlier and emptied its grisly cargo of occupied coffins into the North Sea. ─── 几年前,一艘名叫“德美特里”的船在惠特比海岸沉没,船上满载的棺材全部流入北海。

6、Why did I not marry King Grisly-beard? ─── 我为什么不嫁给画眉嘴国王?

7、He was insane when he carried out the grisly murders. ─── 他在进行那些恐怖的谋杀时已精神错乱。

8、A grisly run of teenage murders before this episode had already caused Britons to wonder what is up. ─── 而在此次事件之前的,犯罪青年化的倾向已经使不列颠岛民开始思考到底发生了什么。

9、Prince Hamlet used revoltingly grisly images in the vicious baiting of his hatred uncle when he told him that in nature's food chain,the worm is king. ─── 哈姆雷特王子使用了令人作呕的形象比喻来设下恨毒的圈套,引他那个可憎的叔父上钩。

10、But the killings and clearances have been grisly and wretched. ─── 但是,杀戮与大清理却让人毛骨悚然而且悲惨揪心。

11、Chuck’s vast cricket plans don’t pan out, and he vanishes under murky and ultimately grisly circumstances. ─── 恰克巨大的板球计划没能成行,他消失于晦涩阴暗、令人不快的环境中。

12、With those of the red panther and the yellow grisly bear . ─── 实墉实壑、实亩实籍、献其貔皮、赤豹黄罴。

13、If anybody spoke of that grisly matter, I was all ears in a moment. ─── 如果谁谈起那件可怕的事情,我马上就会聚精会神地听起来。

14、Although, it does help when Grisly Adams finally shaves off his beard! ─── 不过我们的鲁滨逊先生把胡子刮了是绝对必要的!

15、The sheriff is investigating a grisly murder. ─── 探长在调查一起令人发指的谋杀案。

16、He passed a night of grisly dreams, waking once, chilled to the heart with what he took to be a cold sweat. ─── 这一夜他恶梦频仍,还醒了一次,觉得奇寒彻骨,自以为是出了一身冷汗。

17、When their grisly work was done? ─── 因为他们的手段是多么可怖?

18、a grisly crime ─── 可憎的罪行

19、He passed a night of grisly dreams, waking once, chilled to the heart with what he took to be a cold sweat. ─── 这一夜他恶梦频仍,还醒了一次,觉得奇寒彻骨,自以为是出了一身冷汗。

20、But if Lula is right, that grisly economic plotline may no longer be so eminently Latin American. ─── 但是如果卢卡这次是对的,那可怕的经济发展趋势也许不再那么确定就是发生在拉美了。

21、There was another noise, a grisly snarling that seemed to be coming from deep in Jasper's chest. ─── 另一种声响,一种毛骨悚然的吠声像是从雅斯珀胸腔中发出来的。

22、A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed. ─── 一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。

23、He was never absent during business hours, unless upon an errand, and then he was represented by his son: a grisly urchin of twelve, who was his express image. ─── 上班时间他从不缺席,除非是跑腿去了。 可他走了也还有他的儿子代理:那是个十二岁的丑陋的顽童,长得跟那人一模一样。

24、My uncle who had traveled to many counties in the world told a grisly story about people who ate human flesh. ─── 我那去了世界上很多个国家的舅舅讲了一个人吃人肉的可怕故事。

25、To the eyes of Mr.Jeremiah Cruncher, sitting on his stool in Fleet Street with his grisly urchin beside him, a vast number and variety of objects in movement were every day presented. ─── 每天,坐在舰队街板凳上,跟他那相貌丑陋的顽童在一起的耶利米亚-克朗彻先生眼前总有大量的五光十色的东西川流不息。

26、FARC's kidnap and murder of a provincial governor in late December was a grisly throwback to the bad old days of a decade ago. ─── 去年十二月的哥伦比亚革命武装力量的绑架案和一个省州长的谋杀案让人惊恐地想到十年前的那些黑暗日子。

27、Accusations of treachery were common on the border, and perpetrators faced a grisly end: hanging, being skewered and burnt, or buried alive. ─── 在边界上叛国的罪名司空见惯,犯人面临可怕的下场:吊死、刺死、烧死,或是活活烧死。

28、Agatha Christie even used the case as a model for a grisly crime in her best-selling novel, Murder on the Orient Express. ─── 阿加莎•克里斯蒂甚至用这个案件作为原型创作了一个可怕的犯罪故事,那就是她最畅销的小说《东方快车谋杀案》。

29、If anybody spoke of that grisly matter, I was all ears in a moment ─── 如果谁谈起那件可怕的事情,我马上就会聚精会神地听起来。

30、the grisly gang who work [ Hitler's ] wicked will (Winston S. Churchill). ─── 按邪恶的愿望行事的一群可恶的歹徒}(温斯顿 S 丘吉尔)

31、Or grisly frosts, first autumn morns, ─── 或者可怕的霜冻,初秋的清晨,

32、Ziada shies away from little, including the grisly intimate details of her life. ─── 兹亚达很少回避什么,即便是那些她生命里面最可怕的私人细节问题。

33、But while there a grisly discovery is made in a holiday cabin in the hills - a body, bound and tortured, and decomposed beyond recognition. ─── 但是,当初他在山上的小木屋度假时,却发现一个可怕的命案现场:一具被捆绑著且已腐烂认不出模样的尸体。

34、Shortly afterwards, the like grisly sense of the humorous again stole in among the solemn phantoms of his thought. ─── 不久,在他脑海中的肃穆幻想中又悄悄夹杂进来同样可怕的古怪念头。

35、Here, Frances uncovers grisly horrors the little girl is subjected to and as Frances fights to save her young soul, her friends fight to save themselves from the monster the doctor has created. ─── 房子里住着一个小女孩和一个男人,奇怪的是,女孩只用“教授”来称呼后者。

36、with his grisly flag flying at the fore! ─── 船头插上吓人的旗帜,这该有多么威风!

37、Nearly all the combat vets had endured such grisly traumas. ─── 我会幸运地存活下来么?

38、He described the crime in grisly detail to members of a co-defendant's family later that evening and signed a written confession a few days later. ─── 夜晚迟些时候,他向共同被告者的家属详尽描述了这一可憎的罪行并在不久签订了一份书面供词。

39、To the eyes of Mr. Jeremiah Cruncher, sitting on his stool in Fleet Street with his grisly urchin beside him, a vast number and variety of objects in movement were every day presented. ─── 每天,坐在舰队街板凳上,跟他那相貌丑陋的顽童在一起的耶利米亚 - 克朗彻先生眼前总有大量的五光十色的东西川流不息。

40、Last night I met a wild and lurid, gruesome and grisly bandit. ─── 昨晚我遇到了一个野蛮而可怕,可憎而令人毛骨悚然的强盗。

41、Voidhide armor comes from similar methods used by the sorrowsworn to preserve their grisly trophies. ─── 虚空厚皮甲的制作方法和哀誓魔用来保存它们可怕的战利品的方式一样。

42、Global warming endangers a grisly ritual ─── 全球变暖危及到一项可怕的惯例

43、a grisly countenance ─── 狰狞的面孔

44、A television audience with a grisly eagerness for depression stories was meant to conclude that California's middle class, being foreclosed upon en masse, was now living in shantytowns. ─── 大量的电视观众带着过分的好奇心期盼听到沮丧的故事,这意味着很多被取消赎回权的加州的中产阶级现在正住在临时棚户区。

45、In either case, it gives us pause as to what China has come to that such a grisly incident could have occurred. ─── 不管是何种可能的情况,都让我们感到困惑:居然会发生这样一个恐怖事件,究竟中国怎麽了?

46、A spiritual Impressive and vital seed has been growing into a grisly tactical and doctrinaire tree. ─── 一颗感人而生动的神灵种子,如今却长成一棵谋略与教条的狰狞大树。

47、Mistakenly blamed for the grisly murders of two traveling missionaries, Uldyssian is forced to flee his homeland and set out on a perilous quest to redeem his good name. ─── 由于被误会谋杀了两个旅行的传教士,Uldyssian被迫离开自己的土地并赎回名誉接受一个危险的任务。

48、The battle was also remembered for the heroism of Lieutenant Adnan Saidi, the leader of the brigade, who together with his men fought the Japanese to their grisly deaths. ─── 但却很勇敢的第一马来兵团。此战役中,兵团里的阿南中尉和他的战士们英勇对抗日本侵略者;不妥协,最后全部壮烈牺牲了。

49、Six months ago he sat alone in the home dugout, a blank stare of disbelief on his face as a grisly silence enveloped Yankee Stadium during Game 4 of the American League Division Series. ─── 在6个月前,他独自一个人坐在主场的休息室前,可怕的沉默包围著不敢相信的表情和空洞的眼神出现在他脸上,那是在洋基球场上演的美联分区赛的第四场比赛。

50、The first is the grisly state of the real economy. ─── 首先,实体经济正处于一个很糟糕的阶段。

51、Prince Hamlet used revoltingly grisly images in the vicious baiting of his hatred uncle when he told him that in nature's food chain, the worm is king. ─── 哈姆雷特王子使用了令人作呕的形象比喻来设下恨毒的圈套,引他那个可憎的叔父上钩。他对他叔父说,在大自然的食物链中,以蛆为王。

52、"the grisly gang who work[Hitler's] wicked will" (Winston S. Churchill). ─── “按邪恶的愿望行事的一群可恶的歹徒(温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)

53、My uncle who had traveled to many countries in the world told a grisly story about people who ate human flesh. ─── 我那遍游世界各地的舅舅说了一个吃人肉的可怕故事。

54、Those of us who advocate an end to this grisly business are frequently met with a series of pat arguments from those who defend the hunt. ─── 当我们提倡终止这种可怕的商业行为时,常会遇到一系列的、来自保护此猎捕业的人为的争论。

55、Major newspapers and state television were plastered yesterday with grisly images of the girls. ─── 各大报纸和中央电视台都有登出该张可怕的(严重烧伤)女童照片。

56、He didn't slaughter the cow until he had finished his grisly feast. ─── 把他那道可怕的菜吃完,他才杀掉那头牛。

57、"We have been saddened by the recent bombings in our country and are sorry for the families whose loved ones have perished in the grisly terror attacks," said Saed, a bank accountant. ─── 这是阿尔及利亚人发给那些在宰牲节前一天仍再次袭击的好战分子的信息。宰牲节是伊历中两个主要的宗教节日之一。

58、the grisly gang who work [ Hitler's ] I wicked will(Winston S.Churchill. ─── 按邪恶的愿望行事的一群可恶的歹徒(温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)

59、But everybody was talking, and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them. ─── 可是大家都在谈话,一心关注的是眼前的这个惨状。

60、Were this grisly performance the work of savage madmen it would be one thing but in fact many of these guerillas were university students from the University of Dacca ! ─── 若这种残酷的举动是出于野蛮疯人的作为,那又另当别论。但事实上,这些游击队员当中有许多是达卡大学的大学生!

61、And yet, every day, from all over the world, people come to Brzezinka, quite possibly the most grisly tourist center on earth. ─── 但是,每天都有许多人从世界各地来到布热津卡,这里可能是世界上最可怕的旅游中心。

62、Everything is hoary, grisly, bristling with merriment, swollen with the future, like a gumboil. ─── 一切都是古老的、可怖的,叫人笑得毛骨惊然,像牙龈脓肿,充满了未来气息。

63、At times, with her fake blonde hair and exaggerated wiggle of her hips, she seems more like a grisly drag queen than a real woman. ─── 那时她戴着金色假发,屁股扭得很夸张,像是男扮女装。

64、NPC slayers sometimes travel in bands of two or three and enjoy identifying their group with a grisly name. ─── NPC杀戮者有时会三两成群地旅行并喜欢给团队起一个恐怖的名号。

65、On April 27th the Supreme Court ordered an investigation into his role in a grisly episode in this pogrom. ─── 4月27日,最高法院指令就此次屠杀对他进行调查。

66、Despite the grisly nature of the task, volunteers have been enthusiastic, Mr. Shilling says. ─── 虽然这个工作恐怖特性,志愿者依然热情高涨,西林先生说。

67、How gloriously he would go plowing the dancing seas, in his long, low, black-hulled racer, the Spirit of the storm, with his grisly flag flying at the fore! ─── 他将乘坐那条长长的黑色“风暴神”号快艇,船头插上吓人的旗帜,披风斩浪航行在浪花翻滚的大海上,这该有多么威风!

68、Robbing graves is grisly. ─── 盗墓是可怕的。

69、New Year's bash in an abandoned high-rise building turns into a grisly bloodbath when five guests receive a mysterious txt invite to a VIP party on the 27th floor. ─── 在一个于弃置大厦顶楼举行的华丽派对中,五位宾客分别收到相同的神秘短讯,被邀约到大厦的27楼参加另一个派对。

70、a grisly murder; ─── 可怕的谋杀;

71、and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them. ─── 一心关注的是眼前的这个惨状。

72、a grisly monster ─── 可怕的怪物

73、Major new apers and state television were plastered yesterday with grisly images of the girls. ─── 各大报纸和中央电视台都有注销该张可怕的(严重烧伤)女童照片。

74、The king got the nickname of Grisly-beard. ─── 国王有了画眉嘴的绰号。

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