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09-13 投稿



encyclopedical 中文意思翻译



encyclopedical 相似词语短语

1、encyclopedian ─── 百科全书

2、encyclopaedical ─── 百科全书

3、encyclopedias ─── n.百科全书(encyclopaedia的复数)

4、encyclopaedias ─── n.百科全书(encyclopaedia的复数)

5、encyclopaedia ─── n.百科全书

6、encyclopedic ─── adj.渊博的;知识广博的

7、encyclopaedically ─── 百科全书式的

8、encyclopedically ─── 百科全书式的

9、encyclopedia ─── n.百科全书(亦是encyclopaedia)

encyclopedical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、encyclopedical almanac ─── 百科年鉴

2、Taoist school and Taoism's ideas were an encyclopedical system and have self-contradictory content. ─── 士大夫在接触道家、道教时,总是根据自己的需要、喜好做出自己的理解和取舍。

3、Along with the development of the subsection in market and industry, knowledge is required to be professional and encyclopedical, and at the same time team-work is demanded a lot. ─── 随着市场和行业的进一步细分,就进一步加大了对知识的专业的与广,人与人之间的协调合作的要求。

4、It's encyclopedical and abstruse,so we should learn it actively. ─── 他博大精深,所以我们要好好学习他.

5、More encyclopedical knowledge, responsibility to durative development, perspicuous theory and design system are demanded for the designer in green design. ─── 接着介绍了绿色设计的概念、历史、现状和发展趋势,分析了绿色设计与传统设计的关系;

6、Doctors as the medical main body should be encyclopedical human diathesis represent hospital human care. ─── 医院人文关怀表现为作为医疗主体的医生必须具备广博的人文素养;

7、The Han Jiang of vast builds Ling and fall, feed two sides is encyclopedical and the wet Shan Campagna of rich and popular. ─── 浩瀚的韩江建瓴而下,哺育两岸广博而富庶的潮汕平原。

8、Zhouyi is an encyclopedical Chinese ancient book which represents the greatest wisdom of human being. ─── 《周易》是一部包容广大,代表人类最高智慧的中国古代典籍。

9、Have encyclopedical culture temperament. ─── 具有广博的文化气质。

10、their knowledge structure shows: the foundation knowledge is firm, accessorial knowledge is encyclopedical, their military professional knowledge is deep; ─── 基础知识扎实、辅助知识广博,军事专业知识精深的知识结构;

11、Blue, the color with the most encyclopedical nature, blue sky is presenting its colour. ─── 宝蓝色能彰显出成熟、稳重,它代表聪明,神秘莫测;

12、The students, who we cultivate, are of encyclopedical knowledge, profound leechcraft, gracious medical morals, and precise medical manner. ─── 我们的高等医学教育不仅要培养拥有广博的知识,精湛的医术,而且要有高尚的医德、严谨的医风的医学人才;

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