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08-30 投稿



herby 发音

英:[['hɜ:bɪ]]  美:[['ɜ:bɪ]]

英:  美:

herby 中文意思翻译



herby 相似词语短语

1、herbal ─── adj.草药的;草本的;n.植物志;草本书

2、Derby ─── n.德比(英国中部的都市);德比赛马;大赛马

3、herb ─── n.香草,药草;n.(Herb)(德、英、瑞典)赫布(人名)

4、herbs ─── n.[植]药草;[植]草本植物(herb的复数)

5、herbary ─── 药草园;草本植物园;草本园

6、herdboy ─── n.牧童

7、hereby ─── adv.以此方式,据此;特此

8、hery ─── 赫里

9、herry ─── v.(不断)烦扰;不断袭击(等于harry);n.(Herry)(印)赫里(人名)

herby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don: Herb, why are you still sitting here? ─── 唐:赫伯特,你怎么还坐在这边?

2、North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit. ─── 北美的一种草本植物,其根有毒,果实可食用但平淡无味。

3、The nose is tighter than the other two wines and felt rusty, herby, with sesame oak and paper on the background. ─── 在香味上比其他两瓶紧闭,铁锈和香草味渗透在芝麻桶和纸味的背景中。

4、Don: Hey, Herb is over there. ─── 唐:嘿,赫伯在那里。

5、It sounds like a very good medicinal herb. ─── 听起来是一种不错的药材呀。

6、In this period, Chinese medicine develops a lot of new herb pharmaceutic... ─── 并研制出了许多新的中药制剂,提高了临床疗效。

7、Lycoris radiata (L'Her.)Herb. ─── 女神的名字;

8、It matches pastes, herby dishes, ham and mature cheeses. ─── 适合搭配大麦粥,奶酪,火腿等。

9、Asiatic herb cultivated for its short pods with one or two edible seeds. ─── 亚洲的一种草本植物,现广部于西部球,短荚具一粒或两粒种子。

10、California herb with white conic or bell-shaped flowers usually green-tinged. ─── 加利福尼亚的一种草本植物,花园锥状或钟状、白色、常略带绿色。

11、I met herby sheer chance. ─── 我完全出于偶然遇见了她。

12、He stood over the cowering Herb with fists of fury. ─── 他紧握着两个拳头怒气冲天地站在惊魂未定的赫伯面前。

13、The herb can also live for 100 years. ─── 在北部天气比较热因为这里靠近赤道。

14、North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots. ─── 北美的一种植物,根茎有类似齿状鳞片覆盖。

15、He doesn't recognize this kind of medical herb. ─── 他不认识这种草药。

16、Furthermore, it is an effective herb for insomnia, headache and ailment. ─── 对失眠、痛或心神不宁具有缓和的作用。

17、Chinese herb tea is also useful for mild heatstroke. ─── 中国茶对预防中暑很有帮助。

18、Don: Herb! Never leave a ladys table without her phone number! ─── 唐:赫伯特!没要到小姐的电话前不可以离座。

19、The Effect of single Herb On Mouse Follicle Growth in vitro. ─── 单味中药对体外培养毛囊生长影响的研究。

20、North American woodland herb similar to and used as substitute for the Chinese ginseng. ─── 北美森林地区的一种草本植物,与中国的人参相似,通常被用作中国人参的替代品。

21、Was a famed herb washing pool. ─── 就是非常有名的洗药池。

22、Don: Right. Well, Herb just got a promotion. He's moving to Hsinchu. ─── 唐:没错。嗯,赫伯刚升官。他要搬到新竹去了。

23、South American herb with sticky glandular foliage; source of madia oil. ─── 叶子上有腺体的南美草本植物;可制麻迪菊油。

24、He just soaked my ankle in some herb and then put a patch on it. ─── 他只是把我的脚踝浸在一些中药里,然后贴上一块膏药。

25、Pinellia.ternata(Thunb.)Breit is a kind of important herb plants. ─── 半夏是一种重要的中药材。

26、Don: No, Herb, no. Say it with more 2) style. ─── 唐:不行,赫伯特,不行。你要说得更有个性一点。

27、It used in confect a series of essence of coffee,herb,fumes and tobacco. ─── 主要用于配制咖啡、香草、熏烟和烟草等型香精。

28、North American herb with white poisonous berries. ─── 北美的一种草本植物,具有白的、有毒的浆果。

29、Karyotype analyses of four species (varieties) of Lycoris Herb. ─── 四川石蒜属植物染色体核型研究.

30、Do you have any herb medicine? ─── 你有没有草药。

31、He persisted in his headlong stagger, guided on by Herb. ─── 他一定要往前踉跄地走,赫伯给他带路。

32、They usually ate the herb raw. ─── 他们经常吃未煮过的药草。

33、Either Eve or Herb has been invited. ─── 伊夫和赫伯都被邀请了。

34、For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. ─── 因为他们如草快被割下,又如青菜快要枯乾。

35、Eurasian herb cultivated for its dark-centered deep red flowers. ─── 因其黑心的暗红色花朵而培育的欧亚草本植物。

36、He described himself as a shopkeeper in a Chinese herb shop. ─── 他形容自己有如中药店的掌柜。

37、California herb with pinkish purple flowers. ─── 具有粉紫色花朵的一种加利福尼亚草本植物。

38、The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure. ─── 从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。

39、She made a swipe at Herb, which he easily dodged. ─── 她使劲打了赫伯一下,但是他很容易地闪开了。

40、Or catmint. Aromatic herb (Nepeta cataria) of the mint family. ─── 亦称猫薄荷(catmint)。唇形科芳香草本植物,学名Nepeta cataria。

41、Don : (Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the 2) Dark Ages! ─── 唐:(对苏咬耳朵)柔丝和赫伯简直是黑暗时期的人!

42、There is no tea for cert on the saucer except herb to flavour food. ─── 在茶杯碟上,肯定没有茶,只有调味的香草!

43、"Now where has Herb got to?" cried Mrs. Tremaine in dismay. ─── “哟,赫伯上哪儿去啦?”屈里曼太太慌张地喊。

44、She set about brewing some herb tea. ─── 她动手泡一些药茶。

45、I actually coached with Herb in the World Championships with the USA team. ─── 在与美国队进行的锦标赛中,我确实与赫本一起进行过训练。

46、Macerate fresh herb for topical use. ─── 全草外用适量,鲜品捣烂敷患处。

47、How does one know if one no longer requires a particular herb? ─── 你如何来得知自己不再需要某个药草了呢?

48、The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb. ─── 宿根多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部

49、The first fellow that picked an herb to cure himself had a bit of pluck. ─── 头一个采下药草试看医治自己的那个人,可真得需要点勇气哩。

50、L. virgaurea and L. sagitta were guerrilla clonal plant of perennial herb. ─── 三种植物的生长型是:黄帚橐吾和箭叶橐吾是多年生游击型草本克隆植物,而掌叶橐吾是多年生丛生型草本植物。

51、Druids in Swift Flight form can no longer loot herb nodes. ─── 史诗飞行形态不能采药了。

52、The Wasabi is ctucifer Wasabia perennial root herb. ─── 山葵属十字花科山嵛菜属多年生宿根性草本植物。

53、This herb is good for the eyes and ears and for calming the liver. ─── 在中药里,该草本对眼、耳有益,也对镇静肝脏有益。

54、Here is what transpired when Hillary sat down to talk with Herb. ─── 以下是希拉里坐下来跟赫伯谈话时发生的情形。

55、Stolichnaya Okhotnichya is a 90 proof, herb and honey flavored vodka. ─── 它是一种45度的采用药本蜂蜜调味的伏特加。

56、He has introduced a herb medicine therapy for the pain in my chest. ─── 他介绍了一种草药疗法来医治我的胸痛。

57、Is considered as an authority on herb medicine. ─── 他被看作是草药方面的权威。

58、Parsley is an herb if you use just the greens. ─── 假如只食用其绿叶部分,荷兰芹是一种香草。

59、Nighttime teas and the herb valerian also have been shown to aid sleep. ─── 夜茶和颉草植物镇静剂也有助睡眠。

60、Don: Herb, why are you still sitting? ─── 唐:赫伯特,你怎么还坐在这边?

61、Do you have any unique kitchen herb hacks you’d like to share? ─── 你有独一无二砍调味用草本调料的方式想要分享吗?

62、The doctor let her buy herb. ─── 医生让她买药草。

63、Quoting from one of Herb's love letters? ─── 你在念赫伯情书里的东西啊?

64、I herby declare that the particulars as contained in Parts I and II above are true and correct. ─── 本人特此声明上文第一及第二部份所列之资料乃属真实正确。

65、Uh hun.I can't believe it .You're trying to set up Herb and me. ─── 卢丝:哦,我真不敢相信.你们想撮合我和赫本在一起.

66、We herby express our great gratitude. ─── 在此深表谢意。

67、North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers. ─── 北美的一种多年生草本植物,叶光滑,花管状、下垂、略带绿色。

68、Don: So Herb, how are things with your 1) little flower? ─── 唐:赫伯特,你跟你那朵小花怎么样了啊?

69、We herby commit that we serve goods of best quality! ─── 我的产品品质最好!

70、The nose is tighter than the other two wines and felt rusty , herby, with sesame oak and paper on the background. ─── 在香味上比其他两瓶紧闭,铁锈和香草味渗透在芝麻桶和纸味的背景中。

71、North American herb with bitter-tasting pinnate leaves resembling those of tansy. ─── 北美的一种草本植物,类似水芹,但叶象艾菊叶。

72、Herby , no matter big size or small size of the country, it will absolutely results advantages and disadvantages. ─── 由此可见,一个国家的尺寸,无论“大”或“小”,有利也会有弊。

73、Old World herb related to fenugreek. ─── 与葫芦巴相关的旧大陆草本植物。

74、He alighted on a rare medical herb. ─── 他偶然找到了一种稀有的草药。

75、When Herby Branscum and Rob Hill wouldn't lie for him, he indicted them. ─── 同样,赫比·布兰斯科姆和罗布·希尔不同意替他说谎,他又指控他俩。

76、Midvein of bracteoles spiny, long excurrent; an herb or a shrub. ─── 小苞片中脉多刺,长延伸;一草本或者一灌木。

77、Don: What? Get Herb to ask Rose for a date? Never in a million years. ─── 唐:什么?要叫赫伯约柔丝出来?再等一百万年吧。

78、If one finds oneself ascending into disease, call upon our kingdom and ingest the herb if one is so called from within. ─── 如果你发现自身提升进疾病之中,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

79、A Californian herb(Layia platyglossa) having daisylike flower heads. ─── 宽舌莱氏菊一种有似雏菊的头状花序的草木植物,(宽舌莱氏菊)生长在美国加利福尼亚州

80、Symptoms will subside once stop taking the herb. ─── 一般停药后即可恢复。

81、Oolong tea / Pearl milk tea / Herb tea. ─── 烏龍茶/珍珠奶茶/草本茶。

82、Manufacturing chinese traditional herby medicines, specialize in turtle jelly. ─── 产品包括龟苓膏、龟苓胶、龟中宝、龟苓茶及枇杷膏等。

83、Cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage. ─── 培植贫穷像贤人耕种花园里药草一样。

84、California herb with brownish-purple or greenish bell-shaped flowers. ─── 加利福尼亚的一种草本植物,花呈钟形,颜色呈褐紫色或绿色。

85、I have reviewed carefully the above information and herby guarantee its correctness. ─── 以上资料确由本人填写,并经详细检查,保证正确无误。

86、For vivacious Chang Lupan aid herb. ─── 为多年生常绿攀援草本植物。

87、Mexican bulbous herb cultivated for its handsome bright red solitary flower. ─── 墨西哥的一种球根状草本植物,为其漂亮而又鲜红的单花而栽培。


1、by 后接 人时,一般用于被动语句中,表示什么东西被这个人怎么样.如:The glass was broken by John.这个玻璃是被约翰打破的.

2、by 后接 动名词时,意为“通过····,靠·····,凭······” 可用来表示方法、手段、方式等.如:You can get in touch with her by sending an e-mail.你可以通过电子邮件和她取得联系.

3、by表示方式时,后可接名词,但这个名词前通常不用冠词.如:Can you contact her by telephone?你能通过**与她取得联系吗?

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