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09-02 投稿



eulogistic 发音


英:  美:

eulogistic 中文意思翻译



eulogistic 短语词组

1、eulogistic meaning ─── 褒义

2、eulogistic oration ─── 颂词

3、eulogistic define ─── 褒义

4、eulogistic def ─── 悼词定义

5、eulogistic lullaby ─── 颂扬的摇篮曲

6、eulogistic name ─── 颂词名

7、eulogistic speech ─── 悼词

eulogistic 词性/词形变化,eulogistic变形

名词复数: eulogies |形容词: eulogistic |副词: eulogistically |

eulogistic 相似词语短语

1、eulogist ─── n.赞颂者;作颂词者

2、eulogistical ─── adj.颂词的

3、logistic ─── adj.后勤的,与后勤有关的;安排协调方面的;组织上的;n.数理逻辑;符号逻辑

4、biologistic ─── 生物学家

5、eulogists ─── n.赞颂者;作颂词者

6、phlogistic ─── adj.燃素的;发炎的

7、epilogistic ─── 淫羊藿

8、neologistic ─── 新词

9、analogistic ─── 类比的

eulogistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The issue, it will be seen, is a perfectly sharp one, which no eulogistic terminology can smear over or wipe out . ─── 你们将看到,这个问题非常突出,没有什么褒义术语能够掩饰或排除它。

2、a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment ─── 赞颂词正式的颂扬性文章,如公开称赞

3、One is the eulogistic word freedom, and the other is the opprobrious word chance. ─── 一个是表示褒义的词“自由”, 另一个是表示贬义的词“偶然”。

4、Show your corporation and products to the world !Eulogistic transmission starts from here... ─── 展示您的企业和产品给世界各地的消费者!

5、it will be seen, is a perfectly sharp one, which no eulogistic terminology can smear over or wipe out. ─── 你们将看到,这个问题非常突出,没有什么褒义术语能够掩饰或排除它。

6、His “Da Shou Bi” fame comes from his eulogistic and gravestone writings that are ordered by the king.Furthermore, “Da Shou Bi” refers to his great talent in writings. ─── 张说的“大手笔”主要有两个涵义,一是指他奉敕而撰的颂赞文和碑志文,二是指他在这类文章创作上的杰出成就。

7、His “Da Shou Bi” fame comes from his eulogistic and gravestone writings that are ordered by the king. ─── 他的大手笔之文内容雅正,形式活泼,气势恢弘,在同类文章中别具一格,具有浓厚的文学色彩。

8、As a type of meeting or conference news, eulogistic reporting takes on a formalized "rigid image" as a result of pecularity and conventionality of the events reported. ─── 摘要表彰报道作为会议新闻的一种,因为其报道题材的特殊性和约定性而呈现出模式化的“刻板形象”。

9、The cultural attitude held firmly by those intellectuals who were reduced to poverty was the inherent motivation of the creation of eulogistic poetry. ─── 知识分子在沦落中坚守的文化心态是咏史诗创作的内在动力。

10、eulogistic poetry ─── 咏史诗

11、Show your corporation and products to the world ! Eulogistic transmission starts from here... ─── 展示您的企业和产品给世界各地的消费者!传颂------从这里开始......

12、It may also be used to describe a person's duplicitous personality, but mostly in the eulogistic sense. ─── 它也可以用来形容一小我私家的个性很具有欺骗性或迷惑性,但这种形容很多环境下是褒义的。

13、eulogistic reporting ─── 表彰报道

14、The eulogistic prayer is lamentable ─── 诛文凄怆

15、a formal eulogistic composition ─── 正式的颂扬性文章

16、Cultural Analysis of the Cause of Formation of Eulogistic Poetry ─── 咏史诗成因的文化分析

17、This is a formal eulogistic composition. ─── 这是一篇正式的颂扬性文章。

18、The method of "Poems" and thinking method of "Historic Classics" provided a thinking pattern for the creation and acceptance of eulogistic poems. ─── 用诗方式和史学思维为咏史诗的创作与接受提供了思维模式;

19、Han Song: Another expressiont of the Eulogistic subject of Han Fu--some thoughts about relationslip of Han Song and Han Fu ─── 汉颂:汉代颂扬主题的另一种表现--兼谈汉颂与汉赋的关系

20、Cultural Analysis of the Cause of Formation of Eulogistic Poetry ─── 咏史诗成因的文化分析

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