infrequently 发音
英: 美:
infrequently 中文意思翻译
infrequently 同义词
once in a blue moon | uncommonly | irregularly | occasionally | fitfully | once in a while |seldom | intermittently | rarely | now and then
infrequently 反义词
infrequently 相似词语短语
1、ineloquently ─── adv.无说服力地
2、unfrequented ─── adj.人迹罕至的;荒僻的
3、unfrequents ─── 不寻常的
4、infrequency ─── n.罕见;很少发生
5、unfrequent ─── adj.不常见的;很少发生的
6、infrequence ─── n.很少发生;罕见(等于infrequency)
7、unfrequently ─── 不常
8、frequently ─── adv.频繁地,经常地;时常,屡次
9、infrequent ─── adj.罕见的;稀少的;珍贵的;不频发的
infrequently 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Instances update shared rows infrequently and without holding locks for a significant amount of time. ─── 实例不会经常更新共享的记录,也不会长期持有锁。
2、The most common side effects associated with Rogaine use are itching, scaling and irritation. Since Rogaine is a topical solution, systemic side effects are only infrequently observed. ─── 伴随落建的使用,最普遍的副作用表现为头皮氧,头皮屑增加和皮炎。因为落建是外用溶液药,全身的副作用很少被观测到。
3、Are classes declared as value types only infrequently used as method parameters, returned from methods or stored in Collections? ─── 值类型的类用于参数,方法返回值以及存放在集合中?
4、The dear object to a married man shall be his wife but it is not infrequently her clothes. ─── 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西本应是他的娇妻,但往往那些是她的衣裳。
5、” As with laws against sharing MP3 music files, these restrictions are infrequently observed and hardly ever enforced. ─── 不过,就好像禁止分享MP3音乐档案的法律一样,这些限制并不常见,也几乎不曾执行。
6、The dearest object to a married man should be his wife but it is not infrequently her clothes ─── 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西应是他的娇妻,但往往那是她的衣裳。
7、Set this time interval to a small value when roles are updated frequently or to a larger value when roles are updated infrequently. ─── 可在频繁更新角色时将此时间间隔设置为较小的值,在不频繁更新角色时将其设置为较大的值。
8、But not infrequently a man will engage in activities of which the purpose is destructive without regard to any construction that may come after. ─── 但是有人从事的活动往往以破坏为目的,根本不考虑以后的建设。
9、'The problem is that albatro es - no matter the ecies - breed relatively infrequently and only by the time they are 12 to 15 years old,' said Croxall. ─── 克罗克索尔说:"问题在于不论何种信天翁,都只有满12至15岁后才会繁殖,次数也不多。
10、You are more liable to injury if you exercise infrequently. ─── 不经常运动就更容易受伤。
11、Infrequently - less than once per frame ─── 不经常改变:一帧改变小于一次
12、not infrequently ─── adv. 常常
13、It is an axiom of Internet dating that everyone allegedly has a sense of humor, even if evidence of it is infrequently on display. ─── 互联网相亲有一条格言:每个人都据说有幽默感,即使很难在显示器上表达出来。
14、You are more liable to injury if you exercise infrequently. ─── 不经常运动就更容易受伤。
15、The 52 times capped midfielder has managed to continue to be the most durable player at the very top level in world football in recent years, missing games as infrequently as Tiger Woods misses cuts. ─── 代表国家队出场52次的数字让他继续成为近些年在各项顶级国际足球赛事中出战时间最长的球员,他错过的比赛场次少的如同泰格伍兹错过的切数。
16、A 'Background' file describes the technical details of the scans.An 'Infrequently Asked Questions' file deals with solutions to a printing problem. ─── ?背景?文件说明了地图扫描的技术细节,?不常见问题?提供了地图打印方面问题的解决办法。
17、'The problem is that albatrosses - no matter the species - breed relatively infrequently and only by the time they are 12 to 15 years old,' said Croxall. ─── 克罗克索尔说:"所有的措施操作起来都相当简单,花费也很少。
18、It is well tolerated by the CNS, with seizures reported infrequently, and can therefore be used at high doses and in patients with meningitis. ─── 它对CNS具有很好的耐药力,这种发作偶尔有报道,因此,它可以对有脑膜炎的病人使用高剂量。
19、As we have noted above, though, large rocks make fast interplanetary voyages very infrequently. ─── 不过,前面曾经提及,在行星之间快速飞行的大石块相当罕见。
20、With the view of supporting the kimono, Japan's traditional but infrequently worn garment, Kyoto government will give free transport and site entry to anyone who wears a kimono. ─── 和服是日本的传统服装,但现在已少有人穿了。为了宣传这一传统,京都市政府决定为所有身穿和服的人提供免费乘坐地铁和参观景点的机会。
21、America.Duplicates were weeded out by gifts, exchange, and sale.Canfield wanteda working library, not one filled with infrequently consulted rare books. ─── 坎菲尔德反对购买全部藏书,因为它们经常包含了哥伦比亚已经拥有的副本。
22、However, post-natal depression arises infrequently and usually abates during the first year, so it is probably irrelevant for the child's eating habits over time. ─── 但是,产后忧郁症并不常出现并且常于产后第一年就可治愈,随着时间的延长,这很可能和儿童的饮食习惯无关。
23、You infrequently go to see him, do you? ─── 你很少去看望他,是吗?
24、The occurrence of phantom breast sentation( PBS) following mastectom-my for cancer has been described infrequently in the medical literature. ─── 医学文献里人们对乳腺癌行乳腺切除术后发生的乳房幻觉很少作描述。
25、He often leaves me alone at home, at least not infrequently. ─── 他常常留我独自在家,这情况不是不常见。
26、Not infrequently he thought to follow her some evening, and see for himself what the condition of the family might be. ─── 他常常想找一个晚上跟她回家去,亲自去看看她家里的情况怎么样。
27、HABITAT Narwhals live in the icy waters of the Arctic seas. They rarely stray far from ice. In summer they infrequently enter estuaries, deep fjords, and bays. ─── 习性:独角鲸生活在北冰洋的冰水中。它们很少会远离冰块。夏天的时候,它们很少进入河口,深峡湾和海湾。
28、Although wolf hybrids can occur naturally in the wild, this happens very infrequently due to the territorial nature of the wolf. ─── 虽然狼混血儿能自然地在荒野中生存,但是这很少发生在野外的狼的领土。
29、Dialog boxes are also good for presenting infrequently used functions and settings. A dialog box serves to isolate these operations from more frequently used functions and settings. ─── 对话框常适合用于表达不常使用的功能和设置,可以用对话框将这些操作与更为频繁使用的功能和设置隔离开。
30、Although the prevalence of epidural labor analgesia has been increasing in most countries, it is still infrequently in Taiwan compared with most west countries. ─── 其在大多数国家均有逐渐普遍之趋势,唯台湾产妇的接受度仍远较西方国家低。
31、That in itself might not be such a problem - after all, only the infrequently used pages are shunted off to disk. ─── 分页本身没什么问题毕竟,只是那些不经常使用的页才要被分派到磁盘中。
32、23.It's okay for a device that is intended primarily for one-handed use to support some advanced functions that require two-handed use, as long as they are needed infrequently. ─── 对于主要是单手操作的设备,也可以考虑加入一些需要双手,但仅仅是偶尔使用一下的高级功能。
33、Not infrequently the clouds began to gather, and there was every sign that a change was at hand. ─── 不时看到云块开始聚集,大有天色马上要变的样子。
34、Not infrequently he was termed Hurry Skurry ─── 他经常被称为哈利?霹雳。
35、Coordinates the services and administrative tools used for storing infrequently used data ─── 协调用来储存不常用数据的服务和管理工具
36、Lower concentrations have been detected infrequently in tears,saliva,breastmilk,colostrum,urine,and cervical and vaginal secretions. ─── 人们偶尔也在眼泪、唾液、母乳、初乳、尿液以及宫颈和阴道分泌物中发现少量病毒。
37、Finally: Establish good rules, change them infrequently and judiciously, and turn the people loose upon the economy. ─── 在经济上,要放松对人们的管制。
38、Cached plans may be stored to disk if they are used infrequently, and they do not increase the cache usage. ─── 如果高速缓存的计划未被频繁使用,并且不会提高高速缓存使用率,它们就可能被存储到磁盘中。
39、Update shared rows only infrequently and, even then, without holding locks for any length of time. ─── 对共享记录的更新只能以偶尔进行,即便如此,也不能随意占用锁。
40、Not infrequently, this room had glass walls, through which visitors could gawk at the great electronic wonder inside. ─── 中等企业或是大学可能拥有一两台计算机,而大型的研究院最多几十台。
41、"They feed mainly on water plants, which they obtain by tipping-up in shallows and infrequently by diving. They often forage near the shore for seeds and insects." ─── 在浅水搅起水生植物从而食之,很少潜水觅食;也常在海滨觅食种子和昆虫。
42、Canfield wanted a working library, not one filled with infrequently consulted rare books. ─── 坎菲尔德想要一个实用的图书馆,而非一个装满鲜被使用的善本图书的图书馆。
43、Clinically significant increases in prothrombin time (PT) and INR have been observed within days to months after starting Xeloda, and infrequently within one month of stopping Xeloda. ─── 希罗达开始治疗后几天到数月内临床上可出现凝血酶原时间(PT)和INR明显升高,希罗达停药后一个月内可恢复正常。
44、While abstaining from sex for a few days raises the sperm count, quality can be damaged if a man ejaculates too infrequently. ─── 虽然短期禁欲可以提高男性的精子数量,但是因为射精减少,精子质量会下降很多。
45、If you use your MacBook or MacBook Pro infrequently, it's best to recalibrate the battery at least once a month. ─── 如果您不经常使用MacBook或MacBook Pro,则最好每个月重新校准一次电池。
46、Lower concentrations have been detected infrequently in tears, saliva, breastmilk, colostrum, urine, and cervical and vaginal secretions. ─── 人们偶尔也在眼泪、液、乳、乳、液以及宫颈和阴道分泌物中发现少量病毒。
47、The dearest object to a married man should be his wife but it is not infrequently her clothes. ─── 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西应是他的娇妻,但往往那是她的衣裳。
48、You are $10 deep here I'd be inclined to fold because they are probably re-raising you wide enough that you would need a setup flop to stack them and this will happen too infrequently. ─── 你有$10的深筹码,这里我倾向于弃牌,因为虽然他们可能用范围很广的牌来再加注你,但是你也需要翻牌后凑成牌才能好打(但是很少能凑成)。
49、Simple Binary Tree Class - Binary Search Trees are useful for finding items in a list that changes infrequently. ─── 二叉搜索树在查找经常变化的列表时是很非常有用的。
50、A set of services and administrative tools that you can use to store data from infrequently used files on magnetic tape. ─── 一组用于存储不经常使用文件到磁带上的服务以及管理工具。
51、Other commonly used memorization strategies include association, contextualization and word formation.The infrequently used memorization strategies include grouping and key word. 3. ─── 3.艺术类学生和非艺术类学生的大部分词汇学习策略的使用情况相似。
52、This is a good choice if you have limited hard disk space or will only use these clips infrequently. ─── 如果硬盘空间有限或者很少使用这些剪辑,那么这是个好的选择。
53、The dear object to a marry man shall be his wife but it is not infrequently heR clothes. ─── 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西本应是他的娇妻,但往往那些是她的衣裳。
54、There is also a tendency to look for greatness in everything that is old,and not infrequently rust is taken for patina. ─── 也存在这样一种趋势,认为老的什么都是好的,而且经常的,铜锈被当成了铜绿.
55、Asynchrony offers the most help to irregular chip designs in which slow actions occur infrequently. ─── 因此,对于一些非常规的晶片,如果其设计上不会出现太多的缓慢动作,非同步系统便非常适合。
56、It’s a rite of passage, but also one you want to do very infrequently. ─── 它是这条通道上的一个典礼,但同时是你偶尔会经历的。
57、For example, an assembly consisting of types and classes used infrequently for program maintenance can be put in the same assembly. ─── 例如,程序维护时不经常使用的类型和类组成的程序集可以放在同一程序集中。
58、There was, however, another, infrequently used, drag operation. ─── 到目前为止,这是最常用的拖放习惯用法。
59、'The problem is that albatrosses - no matter the species - breed relatively infrequently and only by the time they are 12 to 15 years old,' said Croxall. ─── 信天翁--传说中航海人的守护者--已经濒临灭绝了。
60、in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room. ─── 在1985年的你们的教堂里,你常常会发现豪华的公寓和木板房样的教堂里的不人道的生活条件之间的巨大反差。
61、Coordinates the services and tools used for storing infrequently used files in a secondary storage media ─── 协调用来在辅助存储媒体中储存不经常使用的文件的服务和工具
62、While advising parents to consider the possible risk, several hormone experts emphasized that the problem appears to happen infrequently and clears up when the oils are no longer used. ─── 几位荷尔蒙研究的专家一方面提醒父母注意这些产品的危险性,一方面指出这个现象并非常例,只要停止使用这些产品便会恢复。
63、Do your users really need a custom RSS feeds for categories of an infrequently updated CMS?Do you really need to have a style switcher that detects where the user is geographically? ─── 你真的需要一个网站样式转换器来帮你检测到用户地理位置哪里,然后将网站呈现不同的风格。
64、I saw him not infrequently during the difficult years he spent in Paris ─── 在他落魄巴黎的一段坎坷困顿的日子里,我经常和他见面。
65、On the other hand, when used infrequently as recovery from an exceptional situation, it is a good thing! ─── 不过,恢复异常情况时偶尔使用一下,效果也不错!
66、Infrequently updated sites may be used more for occasional reference (assuming that the information is not too topical) rather than for heavy repeat use and should thus be given more of a transient stance than a sovereign one. ─── 偶尔才更新的网站则更多地用来做偶尔的查询(假设其中的信息并不是事实热点话题),而较少用来作为经常性的重复使用。 因此应该处于一种暂时姿态,而不是独占姿态。
67、It took so long to complete that it was done infrequently, if ever, and only by a small number of representatives on each team. ─── 完成它要耗费太长的时间,以至于不经常进行,并且只由每个团队的少量代表参与。
68、Eat cured or smoked meats infrequently. ─── 不要常吃腌制或熏烤的肉。
69、Because they collide infrequently, they tend not to settle into a flat disk. ─── 因为它们难得碰撞,也就不会稳定下来成为扁盘。
70、More infrequently, the magnetic field becomes unstable and undergoes a large-scale rearrangement. ─── 在更罕见的状况里,磁场会变得不稳定,而必须进行一种大规模的重组。
71、The line between correcting an incivility and starting a pointless flamewar is thin enough that hackers themselves not infrequently blunder across it; ─── 合理的粗鲁与发动一场无意义的论战之间只隔了一条细细的线,冒冒失失撞上去的黑客不在少数;
72、The media master set is the group of tapes used to store data from infrequently used files. ─── 媒体原件集是一组用来储存不常用文件的数据的磁带。
73、This is a problem not infrequently encountered by postdocs. ─── 这是一个博士后学生经常遇到的问题。
74、A general rule is that a minimum amount of information should be polled as infrequently as possible. ─── 一般的通则是,只需一些必要性的资讯,同时应该尽量减少轮询。
75、A court formerly held in some English cities and still held infrequently in London. ─── 地方法院曾经在英格兰某些城市开设的法庭,现在仍不定期地在伦敦开设。
76、Not infrequently, we see people on the Mason users list asking questions about how to handle caching DBI connections. ─── 在Mason的用户邮件列表中我们发现人们经常提问如何处理持续性的。
77、Because the colored dot appeared so infrequently, it grabbed subjects' attention and they perceived it as lasting twice as long as the others did. ─── 因为彩色点出现频次很少,于是获得了受测人的注意,他们感觉彩色点在屏幕上的持续时间长于别的点。
78、You can also specify any configuration directory with the --config-dir option, but you should need these options extremely infrequently. ─── 如果你得到一个“工作拷贝已锁定”的错误,运行这个命令可以删除无效的锁定,让你的工作拷贝再次回到可用的状态。
79、She not infrequently stopped at the parsonage, and had a few minutes' conversation with Charlotte, but was scarcely ever prevailed on to get out ─── 她常在牧师住宅的门前停下车来,跟夏绿蒂闲谈几分钟,可是主人从来不请她下车。
80、Lines up originally for the fan the buying a ticket establishment isolation strip, cannot apply, booking infrequently visited. ─── 原本为球迷排队买票设置的隔离带,根本派不上用场,售票点门可罗雀。
81、] The advanced options give you control over some nice, but infrequently used features.Not so infrequent that you won't use them, though, so you should know what they do and where they are. ─── 保存并且继续编辑:这个按钮,位于高级模式旁边的发表按钮旁边,保存文章并且在'''网页底部'''的文章预览部分显示了文章。
82、I saw him not infrequently during the difficult years he spent in Paris. ─── 在他落魄巴黎的一段坎坷困顿的日子里,我经常和他见面。
83、Small amounts of milk or milk products taken infrequently will likely cause little or no problems for most people. ─── 偶尔少量的牛奶或乳制品,对大部分的人而言,不至于造成严重的问题。
84、The bridge is used infrequently. ─── 这座桥很少有人用。
85、Extends disk space by storing infrequently used files in a secondary storage media. ─── 将不经常使用的文件储存在辅助存储媒体中来扩展磁盘空间。
86、Consider storing data that changes infrequently (or that changes on a known schedule) in a local database cache. ─── 因此,可以考虑将不经常更改的数据(或按已知时间表更改的数据)存储在本地数据库缓存中。
87、"among pricing objectives, maximizing profits is a logical goal, but one that is infrequently used." ─── 利润最大化的定价目标是一个逻辑目标,但是不经常使用。
88、Used infrequently and for very brief periods (no longer than two or three minutes), time-out may give a child the opportunity to calm down and cool off after a frustrating situation. ─── 如果偶尔并且短时应用(不超过两三分钟),反思角会让孩子冷静下来。
89、Although this issue is very important, I infrequently read news related to Copenhagen. ─── 即使这个事情非常重要,我也不常看新闻关于哥本哈根新闻。
They've got a foreign coach。
She's frequently called into coach individual executive sonsprucing up their personalstyle."
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