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08-31 投稿



morbidly 发音

英:[ˈmɔːrbɪdli]  美:[ˈmɔːbɪdli]

英:  美:

morbidly 中文意思翻译



morbidly 词性/词形变化,morbidly变形

名词复数: morbidities |

morbidly 相似词语短语

1、torridly ─── 炽热的

2、morbid ─── adj.病态的;由病引起的;恐怖的;病变部位的

3、morbidity ─── n.发病率;病态;不健全

4、torpidly ─── adv.迟钝地;麻痹地;动物休眠地

5、horridly ─── adv.可怕地;讨厌地

6、moribundly ─── 桑迪

7、sordidly ─── adv.污秽地;不洁地;下贱地;卑鄙地

8、morbilli ─── n.[内科]麻疹

9、turbidly ─── adv.混浊地;浓密地;混乱地

morbidly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For, as it was impossible to assign a reason for such distrust and abhorrence, so Mr. Dimmesdale, conscious that the poison of one morbid spot was infecting his heart's entire substance, attributed all his presentiments to no other cause. ─── 因为,既然不可能为这种怀疑和厌恶找到理由,而且明知一处病灶的毒素正在侵染他的整个心脏,于是丁梅斯代尔先生也就不把他的一切不详预感归咎于其它了。

2、In most countries the sight of two morbidly obese men dressed in pants grappling in public would be cause to call the police. ─── 在大多数国家,看到两个病态肥胖的男人在公开场所穿着短裤相互摔打,人们可能会去报警。

3、No, it can't be! This story is too morbid for me. All the people I approach die one after another. ─── 不,别这样!这故事太过病态,与我打交道的人接二连三的死去。

4、The doctor detected a morbid lung condition. ─── 医生发现肺上有病症。

5、Burning fat is the right emergency treatment for the morbidly obese - in life or in business. ─── 对肥胖症而言,燃烧脂肪作为一种应急治疗法,无论是应用在个人生活还是用在企业,都合情合理。

6、With the gradually rising urbanization level,some morbid urban problems come out,for example,the imbalance development of the inter-regions,over urb. ─── 但是,由于历史、政策等多方面原因,巴西在城市化过程中出现了区域不平衡和过度城市化、贫民窟等严重的城市问题。

7、The work tells a morbid doctor's infatuation about body and sex: from one side, he fears and worries about his own body, from another side, he also has his special life habit. ─── 作品讲述了一个病态医生对身体与性的迷恋:一边是对自己身体存在的恐惧不安与焦虑,一边又带有着特殊的生活癖好。

8、Slaughenhoupt has seen more overweight children at his clinic. “We haven't compared our data yet,” he said, “but my sense is that children with stones are bigger, and some of them are morbidly obese. ─── “我们还没有比较对数据进行比较分析,”他说:“但给我的感觉是患结石病的孩子确实要胖些,有一些胖得太厉害。”

9、Most people who are obese or morbidly obese think their eating habits are pretty healthy, results of a telephone surey of 12,000 people conducted earlier this year show. ─── 大多数肥胖或者病态肥胖的人群,认为他们的饮食习惯是相当的健康,这一结果来自于对12,000人的电话调查,它有效的指导了今年的早期展现.

10、Unstopped, however, it will tend to the morbid, and few, historically, have had such resources or occasions for self-mutilation as the rich and famous in our century. ─── 不过,如果没有节制的话,它往往会变成一种病态,而且历史上很少有人像当代的富人和名人们那样拥有这种自残的资源或者机会。

11、Being forgetful is morbid, but willing to forget is a grace. ─── 健忘是一种病态,善忘是一种境界。

12、Imatinib mesylate pharmacokinetics before and after sleeve gastrectomy in a morbidly obese patient with chronic myeloid leukemia. ─── 之前和之后在慢性粒细胞白血病病态肥胖病人的胃切除甲磺酸伊马替袖子药代动力学。

13、First, the plots are fragmentary and incomplete, giving a description of the morbid life in semi-colonial cities with rapid rhythm. ─── 其次是结构的跳跃性,完全按照作家或作品中人物的情绪需要而随意拼接;

14、Human who every has morbidly suspicious mind, always fictionalizes some causal relation to explain why others will have such speech and behavior. ─── 凡有疑心病的人,总是虚构一些因果关系去解释别人为什么会有这样的举止言谈。

15、Why do you like going to cemeteries so much? Is it some kind of morbid curiosity? ─── 你为什么这么爱去墓地?是不是有些不太正常?

16、Elizabeth's mind ran on acquirements to an almost morbid degree. ─── 伊丽莎白心里念念不忘学问的事情,几乎达到一种病态的程度。

17、The soybean leaves were infected by Septoria glycines and presented morbid state after 7 or 15 days in June in the east of Heilongjiang provice. ─── 大豆褐纹病在黑龙江省东部地区于6月中旬始见病斑,始发病期与当时气象因素有关。

18、While offering a voyeuristic keyhole to peer into the most repulsive and morbid details of death, it contemplates the philosphical significance of life and Destiny. ─── 三个伤感人物极力从死亡的层峦叠?v中窥探影影绰绰的生命之光。

19、Among the morbidly obese, 39percent thought of themselves as overweight, not obese, the survey found. ─── 调查发现,39%的病态肥胖的人认为自己只是超重而不是肥胖。

20、For a young man, this was rather a morbid turn of character, and so affected Carrie. ─── 对于一个年轻人来说,这实在是一种不正常的性格。 这使嘉莉的情绪也受到影响。

21、He's gone gray and grizzled. That blinding, boyish grin, his trademark the last two decades, now is reserved for moments of morbidly twisted humor. ─── 他的头发变得黯淡而灰白。在过去二十年里,稚气而灿烂的微笑一直是他的招牌。而如今,这种微笑只有在近乎病态的、扭曲的幽默时才依稀可见。

22、They who are fully confident on their knowledge are morbid and doomed to be frustrated. ─── 对自己的知充满信心的人就是病态,他们是注定要吃苦头的。

23、He left the street, and, entering the fosse, began a circuit, scanning the walls with morbid fascination. ─── 他离开大街,顺着城壕开始巡行,带着一种病态的迷惑神情细看着这些城垣。

24、Fuelled by morbid energy, a Great Unclean One pays careful attention to all of his followers, delighting in the smallest boil, reveling in the variety and effulgence of their poxes. ─── 充斥于病疫的活力之中,大不净者关注着所有他手下的方方面面,从最小的疮疖中获得了欣喜,又陶醉于他们多种多样闪着光辉的脓包之中。

25、In a recent study, researchers followed 53 morbidly obese adolescents ages 13 to 17 who underwent lap band surgery. ─── 在最近的一项研究中,研究者随访了53位年龄从13到17岁的经历了胃束带手术的肥胖青少年患者。

26、Uribe has been suffering from morbid obesity since 1992. He was gripped by suicidal thoughts until February of this year when he undertook a drastic diet. ─── 乌里韦于1992年患上过度肥胖症。今年2月之前,他一直在严格节食,并一度出现了自杀的念头。

27、"Apart from the obvious fact that you're morbidly obese, if you continue to eat chocolate your nervous system will shut down and your heart will stop beating. ─── “除开你肥胖得近乎病态的明显事实不说,如果你再吃巧克力,你的神经系统就会突然关闭,心脏也会停止跳动。”

28、Clifford was almost morbidly sensitive about these stories. He wanted everyone to think them good, of the Best, ne plus ultra. ─── 克利福对于他的小说毁誊,差不多是病态地易感的。他要人人都说他的小说好,是无出其右的最上作品。

29、Most of today's studies pertaining to bariatric surgery are conducted among severe or morbidly obese patients, regardless whether or not they had diabetes. ─── 当今大多数有关减重手术的研究是在严重肥胖或病态肥胖的患者中进行,而不管其是否合并糖尿病。

30、Indiiduals are considered morbidly obese when their body mass index is 40 or higher. ─── 一个人的体重指数达到或者超过40会被认为是肥胖症患者。

31、The questions that interested Anderson are the lonely, alienated or even morbid mentality in a society in which humanity has been violently destroyed. ─── 主题的内化(着重描写人物的内心世界)、时间的内化(侧重于心理时间)以及技巧的翻新构成了现代主义文学的共同特征。

32、Taking marriage and love as the main theme,Zhang Ai ling usually writes on marriage concerning economy,morbid love,inharmonious family and subsequent unhappy life. ─── 张爱玲的小说以婚恋现象为主要题材 ,多写经济婚姻、病态情爱、家庭的不和谐、爱情的不圆满以及由此而来的人生不幸。

33、The morbidly passionate tenderness with which his mother received him was by no means gratifying to the sixteen-year-old officer. ─── 母亲迎接他时那种热情得近乎病态的爱怜,这位十六岁的军官很不高兴。

34、Nazi Concentration Camp takes in groups of young women as sex slaves who are used as love machines for morbid soldiers . ─── 在纳粹集中营囚禁大批女犯性奴,作为变态军人的洩欲工具。

35、He had a morbid fascination with blood. ─── 他对血有着一种病态的喜好。

36、You could install a reverse periscope in your headstone so morbid voyeurs could come and ogle you. ─── 你大可在墓穴里安装一台倒置潜望镜,变态的过路人可以饥渴地窥视你。

37、Madame Tussaud plays the morbid charade in the waxwork museum. ─── 原文是“杜莎夫人蜡像馆最假戏真做”。

38、He was disenthralled from morbid fantasies. ─── 他被从病态的幻想中解脱出来。

39、The world morbidly acknowledged the 25th anniversary of the deadly pandemic with calls for action and a cure. ─── 世界公认病态25周年致命流行病与行动电话及治疗.

40、Why so much person is in morbid state in the center? ? ─── 为什么有那么多的人处于病态当中呢??

41、In avascular morbid cornea, the IL - 18 levels decreased slightly, the up - regulated VEGF only took part in the morbid corneal repair but not caused angiogenesis. ─── 但VEGF在角膜具有的正常生理功能提醒我们不能完全抑制VEGF,如何合理地选择il一18的浓度,调整VEGF生理和病理之间的平衡尚待进一步的研究。 结论

42、"You're morbid, George," said his friend. ─── “你胡思乱想,乔治,”他的朋友说。

43、She indulged her morbid fit. ─── 她纵容自己病态的情绪。

44、Vagabond singers and behavioral artists perform their bold shows ceaselessly in this area, and the wanton lovers seek their morbid love in a fruitless pursuance. ─── 在这里,永不停歇地上演着流浪歌手的漂泊、行为艺术家们的激情、一见钟情的爱恋和没有结局的邂逅。

45、She felt a morbid desire to ascertain the point. ─── 她感到有一种病态的欲望想弄明白这一点。

46、You've the great American disease, and you've got it "bad" -the appetite, morbid and monstrous, for colour and form, for the pictureque and the romantic at any price . ─── 你有美国人那伟大的通病,而且病得厉害--欲望,病态的畸形的欲望,为了色彩和形式,为了别致和浪漫,不惜一切。

47、Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 is produced in isolated adipocytes, associated with adiposity and reduced after weight loss in morbid obese subjects. ─── 单核细胞化学吸引剂蛋白1在孤立的脂肪细胞中产生,与肥胖症相伴随,在病态肥胖的例子中,在体重下降之后它也下降。

48、In the works of New-Sense Group there is a phenomenon of displaying west-affected morbid metropolitan view of love. ─── 在新感觉派小说所表现的洋场都市中,病态的“洋场爱”成为情爱生活的主潮。

49、Her abnormal experience of social life and suspicious and morbid view are projected to the "common men and women" with their desires, which castes to the taste of the petty townsfolk and shows her thinking limitations in literary creation. ─── 她以对社会人生的病态体验,用病态的怀疑目光,投射到世俗化、欲望化的“饮食男女”身上,在一定程度上迎合了小市民的心理,从而凸现了她创作中思想视域的局限。

50、Mergen M, Mergen H, Ozata M, et al. A novel melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) gene mutation associated with morbid obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2001,86:3448. ─── 张翼飞,宁光.MC4R及其基因突变与肥胖相关性研究进展.国外医学遗传学分册,2003,26:39-42.

51、People are considered morbidly obese when their body mass index is at 40 or aboe, usually about 100 pounds oerweight. ─── 当他们的体重指数达到40或更高,人们被诊断为病态性肥胖,通常超重100磅。

52、Being morbidly obese puts stress on various systems in the body, including the hepatic system (your liver is part of this system). ─── 病态肥胖会给人体各种系统的正常运转带来压力,包括肝脏系统(人体的肝是其中一部分)。

53、Puked up &down in morbid faith. ─── (反复地唾弃病态的宗教信仰!

54、She was not actually nervous about the wild beast, but she had a morbid dread of performing an atom more service than she had been paid for. ─── 她倒并非真正害怕那野兽,而是绝对不愿多做一点没有报酬的事。

55、It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like. ─── 不厌其烦地谈论墓地以及诸如此类的事是一种病态。

56、When the Kuomintang changed over from civil war to national war, it suffered many needless losses mainly because of its underestimation of the enemy, but also because of its morbid fear of Japan (as exemplified by Han Fu-chu and Liu Chih). ─── 国民党当它从国内战争的战场向民族战争的战场转变时,主要由于轻敌,同时也存在着一种恐日病(以韩复榘、刘峙为代表),而遭受了很多不应有的损失。

57、The women created by SUN Li have the exterior beauties as well as the interior beauties, and their beauties are healthy, plain, without morbid state and artificialness. ─── 孙犁笔下的女性,既有外表美,又有内在美。

58、"Laparoscopic AGB is considered the least invasive surgical option for morbid obesity," write Franck Zinzindohoue, MD, and colleagues from Hopital Europeen G. ─── 对病态肥胖者而言,腹腔镜AGB被认为是侵袭性最小的外科选择。

59、If this earth looks so morbid and humans look so sad, all the “glory” should be owed to those sages. ─── 如果这个地球看上去是如此的病态,如果人类看上去是如此的悲伤,那么整个的“荣耀”要归功于那些圣人们。

60、Between April 1997 and June 2001, 500 patients with morbid obesity had laparoscopic placement of an AGB, including 438 women and 62 men. ─── 从1997年4月至2001年6月,共有500位病态肥胖患者进行了腹腔镜胃间隔术(AGB),其中女性438名、男性62名。

61、Why do you like going to cemeteries so much is it some kind of morbid curiosity? ─── 为什么你那么愿意去墓地,那不是一种病态的好奇吗?

62、The van der Luydens were morbidly sensitive to any criticism of their secluded existence. ─── 范德卢顿夫妇对有关他们隐居生活的任何批评都敏感得要命。

63、The boy was morbidly sensitive, with a hallucinatory imagination. ─── 小戈尔丁敏感得近乎病态,丰富的想象力也几乎让他分不清幻觉和现实。

64、The development of a diseased or morbid condition. ─── 发病机制疾病或生病状态的产生原因

65、Serena is morbidly fascinating in her natural coldness. ─── 塞莉娜冷酷的本性具有病态的吸引力。

66、Actually because of hungry be used to, I eat a thing to have the feeling that suffer a pain, decrease so that approach morbid state a bit is? ─── 其实因为饿惯了,我一吃东西就有负罪感,减得有点接近病态了是不是?

67、While offering a voyeuristic keyhole to peer into the most repulsive and morbid details of death, it contemplates the philosophical significance of life and Destiny. ─── 三个伤感人物极力从死亡的层峦叠嶂中窥探影影绰绰的生命之光。

68、They will be doing it for us, and our morbidly projected fears for our own bodies. ─── 他们会为了我们,也会为了我们对自己身体的病态恐惧而继续这样做下去。

69、An inverse correlation was found between BMD and morbid course(P<0.01). ─── 冠心病患者随着病程增加骨密度降低,呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。

70、She is rather a morbid person. ─── 她是个相当病态的人。

71、Tell from physiological angle, teenage development generates sexual demand to certain level is normal phenomenon, if do not have sexual demand, have frigidity only, may be a kind of morbid state. ─── 从生理学的角度讲,青少年发育到一定程度产生性需求是正常现象,如果没有性需求,只有性冷淡,则可能是一种病态。

72、She always has a morbid imagination. ─── 她总在做病态的想像。

73、Don't be so morbid! ─── 别尽往坏处想!

74、That may be particularly challenging since people who become morbidly obese usually have difficulty controlling what they eat and they often don't exercise. ─── 弗兰克教授说:“出现术后症状不必担心,喝奶昔或来个冰激凌就会缓解。”

75、The only real problem is, of course, a morbid imagination. ─── 当然,唯一真正的毛病是这种病人有病态的臆想。

76、"Currently, a morbidly obese teenager who suffers from diabetes only has one surgical option for weight loss, which is gastric bypass," he said. ─── 他说:“目前,对于因糖尿病而患肥胖症的青少年只有一种手术治疗方法-胃旁路手术。

77、In morden life , “love”has taken on something “morbid”while“sex”which is closed with it ,has become more and more separate and mistaken . ─── 在现代社会,“爱情”呈现出一种“病态化”倾向。

78、He and his team followed 71 morbidly obese patients with severe diabetes requiring high doses of insulin and oral medications to control their blood sugar levels. ─── 他解释说, 似乎是一对胃肠激素,与戏剧性的改善,胰岛素抵抗' 。

79、These results suggest that moxibustion treatment adjusts metabolism of blood lipoid, corrects the morbid state of phlegm,and reduces the lipoid. ─── 上述结果说明了贴敷灸对高血脂症患者具有显著的降脂效果,能改善机体不正常的痰浊病理状态,调节机体脂质代谢作用。

80、Mentioning death in polite society is considered morbid unless it's in the context of a lurid murder. ─── 在彬彬有礼的社交场合,提起死亡被认为是可怕的,除非是在叙述一件耸人听闻的谋杀案。

81、Today we appear to have excelled the hypochondriac cultures of the past by elevating the morbidly self-involved to the level of paragon. ─── 如今,我们似乎已经超越了过去那种把病态地自我关注说成是完美典范的强迫症文化。

82、Bariatric surgery has become a popular and effective method for rapid and permanent significant weight loss in morbidly obese individuals. ─── 对病态肥胖者而言,减肥手术变成一种普遍而有效的快速、永久的减肥方式。

83、However, Santoro said low testosterone causes infertility only if it is very low or occurs in morbidly obese men. ─── 不过,Santoro说,睾酮水平低导致不育只出现在水平极低或病态性肥胖的男子中。

84、Based on perturbation features of eigenvalue and eigenvector, the paper pointed outeigenvector of morbid eigenvalue may be perturbed to a great degree. ─── 在特征值及特征向量的扰动分析基础上,本文指出了病态特征值所对应的特征向量会受到较大扰动。由此,提出了不相关鉴别矢量集的优化算法。

85、Her sexuality is an affair of morbid voyeurism and masochistic self-mutilation.Erika and life travel separate paths. ─── 其后她遇上年轻学生华德,更发展一段病态的关系。

86、morbidly fascinating about the thought. ─── 这个想法有种令人病态地痴迷的因素。

87、A person with a BMI of oer 40 is considered morbidly obese. ─── 当BMI大于40时就可认为是病态的肥胖。

88、Encircling the City is a humorous and satirical novel written by Qian Zhongshu, centering on the morbid and deformed life of the Chinese intellectuals in the1930 s and1940 s. ─── 围城》是一部以三、十年代知识分子病态畸形生活为主要描写对象的幽默而辛辣的讽刺小说。

89、"You're morbid, George," said his friend. "This has been a strain to you and you don't know what you're saying. ─── “你胡思乱想,乔治,”他的朋友说,“你受了很大的刺激,连自己说什么都不知道了。

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