panegyrical 发音
英: 美:
panegyrical 中文意思翻译
panegyrical 词性/词形变化,panegyrical变形
副词: panegyrically |形容词: panegyrical |
panegyrical 相似词语短语
1、panegyric ─── n.颂词,赞颂
2、panegyrised ─── 泛酸
3、panegyricons ─── 潘基里翁
4、panegyrically ─── 泛泛地
5、panegyrise ─── 泛黄铁矿
6、categorical ─── adj.绝对的(名词categoricalness,副词categorically,异体字categoric);直截了当的;无条件的;属于某一范畴的
7、panegyrics ─── n.颂词,赞颂
8、panegyricon ─── 聚吡咯
9、panegyries ─── 帕内格里斯
panegyrical 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Our company has a good reputation;our products are popular and panegyrical by the customers. ─── 本公司具有良好的服务信誉,产品深受用户的信赖和推崇。
2、Our company has a good reputation; our products are popular and panegyrical by the customers. ─── 本公司具有良好的服务信誉,产品深受用户的信赖和推崇。
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