growthful 中文意思翻译
growthful 相似词语短语
1、trothful ─── 特洛富
2、growth fund ─── 信托投资基金(专用于购买迅速发展的企业股票的)
3、growths ─── n.增长;发展;生长;种植
4、growthist ─── 生长学家
5、growth ─── n.增长;发展;生长;种植
6、growthy ─── 生长快的
7、growth funds ─── 成长型基金
8、breathful ─── 气喘吁吁的
9、groanful ─── 呻吟
growthful 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The lowering of interest rates will act as a stimulant to economic growth. ─── 利率的下降将刺激经济增长。
2、The rate of overall industrial growth was above eight percent. ─── 工业总增长率超过百分之八。
3、Ethylene is a growth hormone in plants. ─── 乙烯是植物中一种生长荷尔蒙。
4、He had a week's growth of beard on his face. ─── 他脸上的胡须留了一个礼拜了。
5、Economic growth decelerated sharply in January. ─── 一月份经济增长急剧减缓。
6、Because I have been speaking only of the empathic process, it may seem that I regard it as the only important factor in growthful relationships. ─── 因为上文我只论述了共情的过程,可能有人觉得,我只将共情视为良好关系中唯一重要的因素。
7、Growth models usually consider labor as homogeneous. ─── 增长模型常常把劳动力视为同质的。
8、If you prune the dead wood away, the tree has a better chance of growth. ─── 如果你把枯枝剪去,这棵树就会长得更好。
9、It is hoped that the tax cuts will act as a stimulant to further economic growth. ─── 希望降低税率这一措施能刺激经济进一步增长。
10、His growth is normal for that age. ─── 就他的年龄来讲,他的生长是正常的。
11、He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. ─── 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
12、Double growth for Angels and Archangels. ─── 天使周:天使与大天使产量加倍。
13、The ice Wade grew with the growth of cities. ─── 冰的买卖随着城市的发展而发展。
14、Man is a child, his power is the power of growth. ─── 人是一个初生的孩子,成长是他的力量。
15、In the 1980s economic growth went into reverse. ─── 20 世纪80年代,经济增长发生了逆转。
16、The richness of the soil favored the growth of crops. ─── 土地的肥沃有利于运动员的生长。
17、The study of the characteristics of human populations, such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics. ─── 人口统计学对人口特征,例如数量、增长情况、密度、分布和人口动态统计等进行研究的学科
18、The primary concern of people is economic growth. ─── 人们最关心的是经济增长。
19、We seek personal growth and enable others to do so. ─── 寻求个人成长同时也诲人不倦。
20、It's the company's policy to sacrifice short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth. ─── 为长期发展而牺牲短期利润是公司的方针。
21、Holiday economy injected fresh energy to the consumption growth. ─── 假日经济为消费增长注入新的活力。
22、There was an outcry against the concomitants of industrial growth. ─── 人们强烈抗议工业迅猛增长所带来的一系列恶果。
23、Comparatively fast growth in ethnic population. ─── 少数民族人口有较快增长。
24、Babies get very hungry during growth spurts. ─── 婴儿在猛长期间会很饿。
25、Heavy growth of hair, often in abnormal distribution. ─── 多毛症毛发多的,且分布不正常
26、The chart show the company's rapid growth in recent year. ─── 图表显示了该公司近年来的迅速发展。
27、Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth. ─── 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。
28、You should seek medical advice for that growth. ─── 关于那个肿瘤的问题,你该咨询一下医生。
29、Week of Imp: Double growth for Imps and Familiars. ─── 小鬼周:小鬼产量加倍。
30、Lack of demand will slow (down) our economic growth. ─── 市场需求低就要拖慢我们的经济增长速度。
31、In fact few men have had a greater influence on the spread of news and the growth of newspapers in the world than Julius Reuters. ─── 事实上,尤利乌斯·路透对新闻传播和世界报纸的发展影响之大,几乎没有人可与之相比。
32、There has been a gradual growth in membership. ─── 会员逐渐增加。
33、Export growth has started to flatten out. ─── 出口增长已逐渐缓了下来。
34、The study of plant nutrition and growth as related to soil condition, especially to determine ways to increase crop yield. ─── 农业生物学; 土壤生物学关于植物养分和与土壤条件相关的生长的研究,尤其是对判定如何增加农作物产量方法的研究
35、Agriculture had been keeping sound growth momentum. ─── 农业生产形势良好。
36、To attain full growth, one mustn't be squeamish. ─── 一个人要充分成长,绝不能太拘小节。
37、Growth has not been uniform across the country. ─── 全国各地的发展程度不一。
38、Growth can be represented by a linear or log linear trend. ─── 增长可以用线性或对数线性趋势来表示。
39、Cold weather constrained the plant's growth. ─── 寒冷的天气抑制了植物的生长。
40、Price controls are inimical to economic growth. ─── 价格控制对经济成长不利。
41、Their policy was to restrict our growth. ─── 他们的政策是限制我们的发展。
42、Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants . ─── 人工加热会加快植物的生长。
43、The icy wind had blasted the new spring growth. ─── 寒冷的风摧毁了春天才生长出来的东西。
44、TEDA isa new economic growth point of Tianjin. ─── 天津开发区是天津市一个新的经济增长点。
45、A bony growth on the surface of a bone or tooth. ─── 外生骨疣骨或牙齿表面上的骨质生长
46、To make larger or greater,as by increased growth. ─── 增长因不停的生长而使增大
47、Have an apple of our own growth. ─── 尝尝我们自己种的苹果吧。
48、Macroeconomics and Theories of Growth J. M. ─── 宏观经济学与经济成长理论。
49、Cold weather retards the growth of the crops. ─── 寒冷的天气妨碍了庄稼生长。
50、Its growth function is affected by male hormones. ─── 它的生长及运作直接受男性贺尔蒙影响。
51、The general aspect or outward appearance, as of a given growth of flora. ─── 外观,外形总体方面或外观,如一个植物区系的
52、The urban growth created many problems. ─── 城市的成长产生了许多问题。
53、Chemical fertilizers advance the growth of crops. ─── 化肥促进庄稼生长。
54、Yet only discernible variation is in growth rate. ─── 但仅在生长速度上能分辨的差异。
55、The doctor arrested the growth of the disease. ─── 医生止住了病情的恶化。
56、Does the company have a growth plan? ─── 公司有什么成长发展计划?
57、Perennial ryegrass throws a lot of autumn growth. ─── 多年生黑麦草在秋季长势很好。
58、These two stages witnessed supernormal growth of the rural economy. ─── 在这两个阶段农村经济呈超常规增长。
59、Mycelium on cereal grain is termed mold growth. ─── 在谷物上生长的菌丝体叫做发霉。
60、They are priceless partners in growth. ─── 他们是我们成长中无价的伙伴。
61、All living things depend on the sun for their growth. ─── 万物生长靠太阳。
62、What Is Constraining The Growth Of The VR Market? ─── VR市场增长的约束因素是什么?
63、First, the rapid growth of seigniorage. ─── 其一,铸币税急剧增长。
64、The only growth was some salt grass. ─── 唯一生长的植物是一些盐草。
65、Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants. ─── 人工供暖能促进植物生长。
66、The reason may involve growth hormones fed to cows. ─── 原因可能与给奶牛用生长激素有关。
67、The nutrient in the soil acts as a stimulus to growth. ─── 土壤中的养分能促进植物生长。
68、Light stimulates plant growth. ─── 光会刺激植物生长。
69、Will the Kyoto Protocol Affect Growth in Russia? ─── 京都议定书》是否会影响俄国的增长?
70、The growth of spruce and fir needles is determinate. ─── 云杉和冷杉的针叶生长是有限的。
71、He talks about economic growth as a great indicator for freedom, I agree with him. ─── 他论及经济增长是自由的一个有力的显示器,我同意。
72、Remove dead leaves to encourage new growth. ─── 去掉枯叶以促进新叶生长。
73、Our present task is to accelerate economic growth. ─── 加速经济发展是我们当前的任务。
74、SME lending is clearly a growth business. ─── 中小企贷款业务显然有很大的发展空间。
75、Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria. ─── 培养菌该种生长物或群落,如培养菌
76、There has been a growth in the number of students. ─── 学生的人数增加了。
77、Lack of sun retards plant growth. ─── 光照不足则植物生长缓慢。
78、Promote good growth and survival of prawn shrimp. ─── 可提高幼虾苗生长速率及生存率。
79、Lack of vitamin A affect the body's growth and resistance to disease and can cause night blindness. ─── 体内缺乏维生素A,会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,并可导致夜盲症。
80、Cold retards the growth of plants. ─── 寒冷的气候延缓了农作物的生长。
81、The economics of national growth are of great importance. ─── 国民经济的增长情况具有极大的重要性。
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