hypothesis 发音
英:[haɪ'pɒθɪsɪs] 美:[haɪ'pɑθəsɪs]
英: 美:
hypothesis 中文意思翻译
hypothesis 反义词
hypothesis 短语词组
1、Bail's hypothesis ─── [医] 贝耳氏假说(在液体培养基内,微生物的密度有一定限度,称为M浓度)
2、Ampere hypothesis ─── [化] 安培假说; 安培分子电流假说
3、alternative hypothesis ─── [计] 择一假设 ─── [化] 备择假设
4、equilibrium hypothesis ─── [化] 平衡假设
5、Gompertz's hypothesis ─── [医] 冈珀茨氏假说(认为死亡机率随着年龄增长按几何级数增加)
6、askable hypothesis ─── [计] 可询问假设
7、decision process for hypothesis testing ─── [经] 用于假设测算的决策过程
8、cardionector hypothesis ─── [医] 心动调节结构假说(有两个起搏点)
9、null hypothesis ─── [计] 虚假说, 零假说 ─── [化] 零假设; 原假设
10、Gad's hypothesis ─── [医] 加德氏假说(动脉与门静脉交通处成锐角)
11、dipole hypothesis ─── [医] 两极说
12、annthilation rays hypothesis ─── [机] 射线消失假说
13、generalized continuum hypothesis ─── [计] 广义连续统假设
14、atomic hypothesis ─── [机] 原子假说
15、Harrower's hypothesis ─── [医] 哈娄尔氏假说(激素饥饿假说)
16、admissible statistical hypothesis ─── [计] 容许统计假设
17、class hypothesis ─── [计] 类假设
18、Avogadro's hypothesis ─── 阿伏伽德罗假说
19、ergodic hypothesis ─── [化] 遍历假说
hypothesis 同义词
hypothesis 词性/词形变化,hypothesis变形
名词复数: hypotheses |
hypothesis 相似词语短语
1、hypothesize ─── vt.假设,假定;vi.假设,假定
2、hypotheses ─── n.假定;臆测(hypothesis的复数)
3、hypothesizes ─── vt.假设,假定;vi.假设,假定
4、hypothesises ─── 假设
5、hypothesise ─── v.假定,假设
6、hypothetise ─── 抵押
7、hypothesist ─── n.假设(hypothesis的变形)
8、hypothesiser ─── 假设者
9、hypothesised ─── 假设的
hypothesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This is the belief of a small subgroup of Young Earth creationists, which is sometimes termed the Omphalos hypothesis. ─── 一小部分杨地球创造学家相信这个,该信仰有时按照浮饰假设来。
2、Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. ─── 任何物理理论都是暂时的,因为它只是一种假设:人们永远不可能也证明它。
3、Wolf).In Marriage and Family in Eurasia: The Hajnal Hypothesis in Perspectivee. ─── 刊于海外华人研究论集,郝时?主编,页263-294。
4、The persona hypothesis is a first cut at defining the different kinds of users (and sometimes customers) for a product. ─── 人物角色假设是为特定领域的产品定义不同用户种类(有时是顾客)的第1步,这一假设是确定一系列初始访谈的基础。
5、We also explain why these alternative regulatory levels might have been neglected, and briefly discuss ways to test our hypothesis. ─── 我们还解释了为什么这些替代监管水平有可能被忽略,并简要讨论如何测试我们的假设。
6、Scientists in our day have largely abandoned the notion of a Creator as an unnecessary hypothesis, or at least an untestable one. ─── 今日的科学家已抛弃造物主的观念,认为这样的假说毫无必要,至少是无法验证的。
7、That is, it is a hypothesis about the underlying nature of reality. ─── 也就是说,他是一个关于真实的底层性质的假说。
8、One explanation for the rise of these two conditions is the hygiene hypothesis. ─── 对于这两种疾病增加,有一个解释是卫生假设。
9、A hypothesis is only a "best" guess. ─── 假说只不过是一个"最佳"猜测.
10、His theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal. ─── 他的理论基于人人生来平等的前提。
11、Candles casting light; cast aspersions on my character; findings that cast doubt on our hypothesis. ─── 发出光亮的蜡烛;对我的人格进行排谤;对我们的假说产生疑问的发现
12、The hypothesis must check with the facts. ─── 必须用事实对假说进行检验.
13、Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis. ─── 从这项假设中可以得出几个结论。
14、The appearance of working hypothesis provided the impetus for these changes. ─── 在此过程中“科学工作假说”的不断出现,是促进其生长的动力。
15、It's next to useless to simply prove the hypothesis in theory. ─── 仅从理论上证明这一假设,几乎毫无价值。
16、No serious arguments that dispute this hypothesis have been advanced. ─── 对于这些前提,尚未发生激烈的争论。
17、An example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis, proposition, or theorem. ─── 反例证对某种假设、命题或定理进行反驳或推翻的例子
18、The current hypothesis is that the Vedic form of Sanskrit survived until the middle of the first millennium BC. ─── 当前的假说就是梵语形式的吠陀经保存了下来,直到公元前一千年中叶为止。
19、Dr. Anderson's hypothesis is too difficult to prove. ─── 安德生博士的假设太难了以致不能证实。
20、Compose builds traditional economics on the hypothesis with degressive pay. ─── 传统经济学构建在报酬递减的假设之上。
21、It would be pointless to engage in hypothesis before we have the facts. ─── 在我们还没掌握事实的情况下瞎猜是毫无意义的。
22、This art icle applies the data of China to validate Mazumdar's hypothesis by designing an index of trade composition. ─── 为了验证 Mazumdar这一假设 ,本文构造一个贸易结构测度指标 ,通过格兰杰因果关系检验和 VAR模型估计中国的贸易结构与经济增长的关系。
23、In the narrow sense, the hypothesis implies that mutations in genes result in mutations of enzymes. ─── 在狭义上说,这一假说表示基因突变的结果导致酶的突变。
24、Going counter to the facts (usually as a hypothesis). ─── 倾向于与事实相反(通常用作假设)。
25、Hypothesis 2 received very marginal support in that job involvement. ─── 假设2在工作态度方面得到了比较模糊的支持。
26、He threw his original hypothesis into the melting pot and began a new one. ─── 他抛弃他原先的假设,开始新的假设。
27、It is based on the noisy market hypothesis and price mean reversion. ─── 其基础是噪声市场假说和价格回归价值。
28、In science a negative hypothesis can never be proved conclusively true. ─── 在科学领域中的一个反面的假设永远不能最终被证明是真理。
29、Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible. ─── 她的研究基于语言可以简化这样一个假说。
30、We have no substantial evidence to support this hypothesis. ─── 我们缺少事实根据来支持这种假说。
31、The idea behind Copernicus hypothesis was not new. ─── 哥白尼假设所包含的思想并不是新的。
32、What he said is a pure hypothesis. ─── 他所说的纯粹是假设。
33、His theory seemed to knock the bottom out of the existing hypothesis. ─── 他的理论似乎推翻了原有的假设。
34、From now on I will regard the Computational Hypothesis as saying this. ─── 从现在开始,我将认为计算性假说说的就是这个。
35、He put forward the hypothesis that the bones belonged to an extinct type of reptile. ─── 他提出一个假说,说那些骨头属于一种已绝种的爬行动物。
36、It is merely a hypothesis; so far. ─── 到目前为止,这仅仅是一种假设。
37、Let's discuss this topic on the hypothesis that it is true. ─── 我们假定它是真的,来讨论这主题。
38、What until then had been a hypothesis, became an article of faith. ─── 在此之前还只是一种假设的东西,变成了一种信条。
39、The hypothesis is that memory is socially constructed. ─── 假说是,记忆社会上被修建。
40、In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. ─── 在某种意义上,任何假设都是向未知的跳跃。
41、His new hypothesis is considered probable. ─── 他作出的新假设被认为是有充分根据的。
42、Accounting hypothesis should adjust and innovate in order to adapt to these changes. ─── 为了适应这种变化,会计假设也需要不断地做出修正与创新。
43、As a result, the denominator and numerator should be about equal if the null hypothesis is true. ─── 因此,如果无效假设为真,那么分母和分子应该差不多相等。
44、Candles castinglight; cast aspersions on my character; findings that cast doubt on our hypothesis. ─── 发出光亮的蜡烛;对我的人格进行排谤;对我们的假说产生疑问的发现。
45、I quite agree with this hypothesis with only one reservation. ─── 我十分同意这种假设,只是还有一点保留意见。
46、You reject the hypothesis if the F-value is greater than the 95th percentile. ─── 如果F值比第95 个百分点处的值大,则拒绝该假设。
47、Understand methods of hypothesis development and testing. ─── 了解研究假之建与检定之方法.
48、What hypothesis have we put forth? ─── 我们作了何种假定?
49、DNA is an intelligent system: The hypothesis of Intelligentlydesigning life structure by IG. ─── DNA是智力系统:智因自主设计生命体结构的假说。
50、Not only can the experiment verify the soundness of the hypothesis, it can also improve or debunk it. ─── 实验的过程不但可以检验其正误,往往还可能提升或推翻这个理论。
51、This supports the hypothesis that the retinal dopaminergic system may be the main cause for the long duration of negative afterimage. ─── 这支持了假设,即视网膜多巴胺系统可能为负后像时间长的主要原因。
52、His theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are created equal. ─── 他的理论基于人人平等的前提。
53、The Creation Hypothesis says: Physical space-time and its contents were created by beings outside physical space-time. ─── 创世假说说:物理时空和他的内容是被物理时空之外的生命创建的。
54、But other parts of the panspermia hypothesis are harder to pin down. ─── 不过,胚种说的其他部份则较难论定。
55、Two important consequences can be drawn from the SOC hypothesis. ─── “从SOC假说可以引出两项重要的后果。”
56、statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect. ─── 要花数年来收集证实或推翻他的假设的数据。
57、In the narrow sense, the hypothesis implies that mutations in genes result in mutations in enzymes. ─── 在狭义上说,这一假说表示基因突变的结果导致酶的突变。
58、We have proved the hypothesis. ─── 我们已经证明了这种假设。
59、Provisional personas are, in fact, a more fleshed-out persona hypothesis (as described in Chapter 4). ─── 实际上,临时的人物角色是较为充实的人物角色的假设(参见第4章)。
60、He made a black hole emitting radiation (now called Hawking radiation) is now the prophecy is a generally accepted hypothesis. ─── 他提出黑洞能发射辐射(现在叫霍金辐射)的预言现在已是一个公认的假说。
61、Accounting hypothesis comes from environment. ─── 会计假设来自环境。
62、Hypothesis testing is one of the most important aspects in statistic infer-enc. ─── 假设检验是统计推断的一个主要方面。
63、This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors. ─── 假如不存在下面两个因素,这可能是一种合理的假设。
64、Aslo,functional analysis paradigm involves function substitution hypothesis and function complementation hypothesis. ─── 在功能分析范式中也包含着两种观点,功能替代论和功能互补论。
65、Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats. ─── 在老鼠身上验证这一假设的工作现在要开始了。
66、The rigid arm CC is simply a statement that the "plane sections" hypothesis may be applied to the shear wall. ─── 刚臂CC只是说明了在剪力墙中可以应用“平截面”假设。
67、That is a very interesting hypothesis . ─── 235这是个十分有趣的假设。
68、What we call the evolutionary hypothesis is an explanation of a host of biological and paleontological observations. ─── 我们所说的进化假说是关于生物学和古生物学的大量观察的解释。
69、Many empirical results supported the hypothesis. ─── 很多经验性结论都可证 明假设成立.
70、The city manager should accept the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the two methods of tax listing. ─── 市政府官员应该接受两种征税登记方法没有差别这个无效假设。
71、She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis. ─── 她写了一些东西来概述她的假设。
72、I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. ─── 我必须为一种假设找到理由。
73、It's really easy to get attached to a hypothesis of your own. ─── 一般人都太容易执著于自己的理论了。
74、If their hypothesis is correct, Dr Graves believes the incidence of ME in Australia may be reduced by greater public-health measures. ─── 如果他们的假设是正确的,格拉夫博士相信通过更强的公共卫生措施,ME在澳大利亚的影响范围会逐步减小。
75、Galileo proposed a new hypothesis. ─── 伽利略提出了一种新的假设。
76、Other speculations include the hypothesis that quasars are actually white holes instead of supermassive black holes. ─── 其它的推测包括类星体实际上是白洞而不是超大质量黑洞的假设。
77、Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation. ─── 她的假说涉及到电磁辐射的作用。
78、In classical Capital Market Theory (CMT), Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is the headstone of CMT at all times. ─── 在经典资本市场理论(CMT)中,有效市场假说(EMH)一直是资本市场理论的基石。
79、Columbus sailed east to prove the hypothesis that the earth is round. ─── 哥伦布向东航行以证明地球是圆的的假说。
80、Failure of the Gaussian Hypothesis. ─── 失效的高斯假说。
81、These support the "mating mind" hypothesis, as Dr Miller has dubbed his idea. ─── 博士将他的想法称为人类的“配对意识活动”
82、Because 9.55>3.78, the 1% level critical value, we reject the joint hypothesis. ─── 因为9.55>3.78,其中3.78为1%水平的临界值,我们拒绝联合假设.
83、Embodiment hypothesis Economic theory which states that investments in new capital equipment embody technical change. ─── 体现假设论一种经济理论,认为新的资本设备投资体现技术的变革。
84、Unfortunately,even a casual reading of the average daily newspaper confirms this hypothesis. ─── 不幸的是,随便看看每天的报纸就会证明这种假设是正确的。
85、His hypothesis turned out to be correct. ─── 事实证明他的假设是正确的。
86、In expert systems,a hypothesis about the problem to be solved. ─── 专家系统中关于待解决问题的一种假定。
87、Another hypothesis is that ?tzi was a hunter of alpine ibex; the longbow and quiver of arrows may support this notion. ─── 另一个假说是,奥兹是到阿尔卑斯山上猎野羊的猎人;他身上的长弓与箭筒算是证据。
88、If this hypothesis is correct certain other consequences flow from it. ─── 如果这个假说是正确的话,肯定由此还会得出其他的推论。
89、We cannot accept or reject a hypothesis about a population parameter simply by intuition. ─── 我们不能只凭感觉简单地决定接受或拒绝总体参数的某种假设。
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