ental 发音
英:[['entəl]] 美:[['entəl]]
英: 美:
ental 中文意思翻译
ental 相似词语短语
1、mental ─── adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者
2、ectal ─── adj.外侧的;表面的;外表的
3、edental ─── adj.无齿的
4、rental ─── n.租金收入,租金;租赁;租用的房屋(或汽车、设备等);adj.租赁的;收取租金的
5、entail ─── vt.使需要,必需;承担;遗传给;蕴含;n.引起;需要;继承
6、dental ─── adj.牙科的;牙齿的,牙的;n.齿音
7、entails ─── vt.使需要,必需;承担;遗传给;蕴含;n.引起;需要;继承
8、cental ─── n.百磅(重量单位,等于45.3公斤)
9、amental ─── 圣旨的
ental 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This paper discusses generation cost curves,unit price curves and increm ental costcurves,and points out that there mightbe declining segments in thermal- power unit price curve. ─── 从分析核燃料组件价格的形成入手,讨论了核燃料组件价格的形成特点及其对核发电成本的影响。
2、Examples for two parallel conductors are given,and compared with the exper im ental results. ─── 文中对平行双导体在传导性点电极激励下产生的电流、电位分布绐出了计算结果,并与实验结果进行了比较。
3、F ig.4 N eutral gel electrophoretic analysis ofDNA fragm entation in retinas from norm alrabb its(L ine 1)and experim ental rabb its of 6h,1d,3d after laser exposure(L ine 2,3,4respectively). ─── 标题: 图4视网膜组织细胞DNA凝胶电泳。1道为正常视网膜组织,2、3、4分别为照后6小时、1天和3天组,照射组出现DNA ladder。
4、Clinical Observation and Experim ental Studies on the Plasma Fibrinolytic Activity in Coronary Heart Disease with Blood Stasis ─── 冠心病血瘀证血浆纤溶活性的临床和实验
5、Based on the resu lts,a compre-hensive evaluation is m ade of the eco-environm ental quality of B ishan county,wh ich ind icates... ─── 然后对璧山县生态环境质量进行了综合评价,结果表明:该地区的生态环境质量所有因素中,社会经济因素最好,其次为自然因素,最差的为环境压力因素。
6、sions, Homo sexuality and M ental H eath, 1994. N ew Yo rk. ─── 李银河,王小波.中国男性恋现象.第1版.太原:山西人民出版社.
7、Keywords Neural network;Red tid;Noctiluca scientillans;Environm ental factors; ─── 神经网络;赤潮;夜光藻;环境因子;
8、Clinical Research about Regeneration of Bone Defect in Ental Implant with Bioresorbable Collagen Membrane Combining Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral ─── 可吸收性胶原膜结合无机牛骨修复种植牙骨缺损的临床研究
9、The experim- ental results show that the vacuum is a main factor for controling the magnitude of the circu- lating flow rate of liquid stee... ─── 计算表明,循环流量随浸没比的增大而增大,且随密度比的增大而减小。
10、Results The revised MBI have a good consistency and validity, the middle-ranking party and governm ental cadres job burn out have different on demographic variables. ─── 结果修订的工作倦怠量表具有较好的信度和效度,处级党政干部的工作倦怠在人口统计学变量上具有差异。
11、Horizontal Tank Structure With Multiple Cone Ental Incline Of Bulk Powder Goods Tanker ─── 粉罐汽车多锥内倾卧式罐体结构
12、ental capacity ─── 心理素质
13、ental membrane ─── 内膜(昆虫)
14、Experim ental Study oftheTreatm ent of Peripheral Nerve Defectwith P (LA-TMC) Resorbable Tube ─── 聚乳酸-三亚甲基碳酸酯可吸收性导管治疗周围神经缺损的实验研究
15、Keywords Biological technique;Environm ental protection;Sustainable development; ─── 生物技术;环境保护;可持续发展;
16、environm ental value ─── 环境价值
17、Objective To analyze the needs and influence factors ofm ental health service in Kunming, and to provide evidence basis for the deliveryof community services. ─── 目的探讨昆明市社区精神卫生服务需求及其影响因素,为社区开展精神卫生服务工作提供参考依据。
18、The Europe Ental theory came into current world history books which were widly accept hundreds of years ago. ─── 数百年前被人们广泛接受的欧洲中心论倾向,出现在了当时的世界史课本中。
19、The Europe Ental theory came into current world history books which were widely accept hundreds of years ago. ─── 数百年前被人们广泛接受的欧洲中心论倾向,出现在了当时的世界史课本中。
20、Keywords eco-environm ental quality;evaluation;ind icator system;AHP; ─── 生态环境质量;评价;指标体系;层次分析法;
21、Keywords polymer wastes recycling;chemical recycling;recovery and utilization;environ ental management;environmental protection;resource utilization; ─── 聚合物废料再循环;化学再循环;回收与利用;环境治理;环境保护;资源利用;
22、AHP is app lied to determ ine the we ight of each ind icator and the comprehensive indexes for the eco-environm ental quality of the region are calcu lated. ─── 通过层次分析法,确定各评价指标的权重,计算出研究区的生态环境质量综合指数。
23、In th is paper som e experim ental techn iques for determ in ingSARsuch as d ifferential-power techn ique,imp lantab le electric-field probes,... ─── 本文综述了几种确定SAR的实验方法,包括能差法、电场法、测温法、量热法和热像法,并对其用途和误差来源进行了分析。
24、Effect of the excess fluoride on nitric oxide content in serum and the bone developm ent from theexperim ental rats ─── 过量氟对实验大鼠血清一氧化氮含量及骨发育的影响
25、Objective To study the mental response of the family-pla nning technici an at the basic level and take on effective measures to improve the ability of m ental response and mental health. ─── 目的了解基层计生技术人员心理应激情况,以利于采取有效干预措施,提高心理应激的能力和心理健康水平。
26、Last many years , consume huge capital administer H uai river pollution recent appearance serious kick back, expose the invalid problem of the environm ental control of our country. ─── 历时多年、耗费巨资治理的淮河近期出现严重污染反弹,暴露出我国环境管制的失效问题。
27、R ental Wantong Centre 240-room cement-office independent of rough toilet 35,000 yuan intentional contact friends may call at any time! ─── 出租万通中心240平纯写字楼毛坯房水泥地有独立卫生间35000元有意的朋友可随时来电联系!
28、3.Change of inorgan ic phosphorus content in d ifferent va-rieties(com b inations)during grain developm ental stage. ─── 标题: 图3不同材料籽粒发育过程中无机磷含量的变化 F ig.
29、According to com prehensive analysis ofexperim ental resultsanddiscuss,becauseofresidualtension ofbrassitself,sostress-corrosion lead to itscracking. ─── 综合分析表明,该黄铜制品的开裂是由残余拉应力引起,属应力腐蚀开裂所致。
30、Mindlink. You have a Sex ental bond with others. ─── 连心术:你与他人之间有一道精神链接。
31、Satisfactory agreements have been obtained between the calculated and experim ental values of outlet concentra-tion in a corrugated plate separator. ─── 本文所建立的波纹板填料轻烃脱水的数学模型的模拟计算结果和实验结果能较好地吻合。
32、Keywords Lake Dianchi;environmental pollution;environm ental renovation;social mechanism; ─── 滇池;环境污染;环境修复;社会机制;
33、Discussion and Study on Cultivating Experim ental Interest in Higher Vocational Universities and Colleges Teaching ─── 高职院校电工课程教学中实验兴趣培养的探讨与研究
34、The source roc k co uld be formed in the condition of relatively stable continental margin epicontin ental marine in micro-plate. ─── 原岩形成于相对稳定的大陆边缘-微板块内的陆表海环境。
35、Horizontal Tank Structure With Multiple Cone Ental Incline Of Bulk Powder Goods Tanker ─── 粉罐汽车多锥内倾卧式罐体结构
36、Keywords environm ental geology;artificial neural network;linear regression; ─── 环境地质;人工神经网络;线性回归;
37、Ental hygyene suneey for middle school student of Guangzhou city ─── 广州市中学生心理健康调查分析
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