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08-26 投稿



discretionarily 发音

英:[[dɪskreʃ'nərəlɪ]]  美:[[dɪskreʃ'nərəlɪ]]

英:  美:

discretionarily 中文意思翻译



discretionarily 相似词语短语

1、discretionally ─── 随意地

2、indiscretionary ─── adj.鲁莽的

3、discriminatorily ─── adv.歧视地;有区别地;有辨别力地

4、discretionary ─── adj.任意的;自由决定的

5、disciplinarily ─── 纪律地

6、accretionary ─── 生长的;堆积的;粘连的

7、discretional ─── adj.任意的(等于discretionary);自由决定的

8、incretionary ─── adj.内分泌的,激素的

9、concretionary ─── adj.凝固的;含凝块的;凝固而成的

discretionarily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The DSM market is divided to two types in the analysis, which are the discretionarily retrofit market and the lost-opportunity market, to make the evaluation more accurately. ─── 通过分析,得出了苏州市采取各项DSM技术措施的潜力,并对其成本效益进行了分析,从而为苏州市有关部门提供了决策支持。

2、Stick discretionarily can be reached to personalized decorations. ─── 可任意黏贴来达成个性化装饰。

3、It has compass that con judge the thing's directions. It can rotate over 360 degrees discretionarily . ─── 附带指南针判别被照物方向,独具新颖。全方位360度任意连续旋转。

4、Results:The physiological and pathological characteristics such as shape,size and color distribution were observed in discretionarily oriented places or curved sectioning. ─── 结果:可以从任意角度和位置来观察切面的形状、大小、灰度分布等各种生理病理特征。

5、we look for something to eat discretionarily. ─── 我们随便找点东西填填肚子吧.

6、Smart pressure sensor, and user can set the pressure range and the warning signal discretionarily. ─── 智能型压力传感器,使用者可任意设定压力范围及报警点。

7、Four wheel snake it stable, and the two pulling boards can be discretionarily placed to weld. ─── 小车四轮驱动,行走平稳,两拖板六自由度可实现任意焊接方式。

8、It has compass that con judge the thing's directions.It can rotate over 360 degrees discretionarily. ─── 附带指南针判别被照物方向,独具新颖。全方位360度任意连续旋转。

9、Results: The physiological aid pathological characteristics such as shape, size aid color distribution were observed in discretionarily oriented places or curved sectioning. ─── 结果:可以从任意角度和位置来观察切面的形状、大小、灰度分布等各种生理病理特征。

10、Radioactive wastes (sources) must be stored and treated in accordance with the provisions, and are prohibited from being buried or transferred discretionarily. ─── 放射性废物(源)必须按规定收贮和处理,禁止擅自掩埋或者转让。

11、In many actual projects ,a lot of corporations neglect software testing management and arranged it discretionarily. ─── 在实际项目中,许多企业忽略了对软件测试的管理,测试工作的开展具有随意性。

12、Customers can adjust the motors' rotating speed, orientation and cycle discretionarily by the keyboard and LED display, Thus the intelligent wring-thread-machine method is obtained. ─── 用户可以通过键盘和LED显示器任意调节电机的旋转速度、方向和周期,从而得出实现智能脚线机的方法。

13、There are large resources of attack tools and articles on the internet, which can be discretionarily used and shared by them. ─── 网络中有大量的攻击工具和攻击文章等资源,可以任意使用和共享。

14、Four wheel smake it stable, and the two pulling boards can be discretionarily placed to weld. ─── 5、小车四轮驱动,行走平稳,两拖板六自由度可实现任意焊接方式。

15、The 3D reconstruction could display craniovertebral junction independently or jointly.Any diameter of the structures reconstructed could be measured discretionarily at any angle. ─── 三维重建结构可以单独或联合显示,甚至可行结构的任意取舍,重建结构的任意径线及角度均可进行适时三维测量。

16、General harmonic wavelet is an ideal band-pass filter,due to selecting frequency range discretionarily. ─── 广义谐波小波可任意选取频带,是理想的带通滤波器。

17、There are large resources of attack tools and articles on the internet, which can be discretionarily used and shared by them. ─── 网络中有大量的攻击工具和攻击文章等资源,可以任意使用和共享。

18、He smokes discretionarily in public regardless other's health. ─── 他不顾别人的健康而在公共场所随意抽烟。

19、Also, move things in the scene discretionarily, put things together,build a house,put the toy bricks up,and then cultivate their mode of thinking about the third dimension. ─── 可以将场景中的东西任意挪动,拼贴,盖房子,搭积木。培养孩子思维方式的立体感。

20、The tube can be crooked and straightened back discretionarily. ─── 且有抗静电性,适合输送燃气及油料。

21、Forging or making at discretion the registered trademark logo of any other party; or selling a forged or discretionarily made registered trademark logo of any other party; ─── (二)伪造、擅自制造他人注册商标标识或者销售伪造、擅自制造的他人注册商标标识。

22、resolves the problem that the subject can discretionarily decide that who and when can access his owned objects. ─── 解决了主体可自主地决定其他的哪些主体可以在何时访问他拥有的客体。

23、No entity or individual shall discretionarily carry out mass vaccination. ─── 任何单位或者个人不得擅自进行群体性预防接种。

24、I traveled by bus discretionarily so I didn't know the exact location of me at Changbai Mountain. ─── 所以至今我也没有搞清楚到过长白山的什么位置,客车带我任意前行,踩到了长白山的肚皮还是脚指头,我一概不知。

25、The automatic retracting side device by each spindle can change angle of bobbin’s forming discretionarily; ─── 单锭自动收边设置,可任意调节筒子成形角度;

26、The upper and lower limit value of the temperature controlled by this system can be set discretionarily and an alarm will be given by system if the temperature exceeds the limits. ─── 并可根据需要设置控制温度的上、下限,系统具有超过设置上、下限温度自动告警等功能。

27、Stick discretionarily can be reached to personalized decorations . ─── 可任意黏贴来达成个性化装饰。

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