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09-06 投稿



exploder 发音

英:[ɪksˈpləʊdə]  美:[ɪkˈsploʊdər]

英:  美:

exploder 中文意思翻译



exploder 词性/词形变化,exploder变形


exploder 短语词组

1、Exploder Control Sensor ─── 爆器控制传感器

2、exploder mechanism ─── 爆炸器机构

3、Exploder Dynamo Condenser ─── 爆炸发电机冷凝器

4、mail exploder ─── [计] 邮件散发程序

5、gas exploder ─── 气爆震源

exploder 相似词语短语

1、exploded ─── adj.爆炸了的;分解的;被破除的;v.爆炸(explode的过去分词)

2、explorer ─── n.探险家;勘探者;探测器;[医]探针

3、expander ─── n.[电子][声]扩展器;膨胀器;使身体健壮的强身器具;使增大者

4、explorers ─── n.探险家;探索者,探测者;集合对象(explorer的复数形式)

5、expender ─── 消耗品

6、exploiter ─── n.开拓者;剥削者

7、explore ─── vt.探索;探测;探险;vi.探索;探测;探险

8、explode ─── vi.爆炸,爆发;激增;vt.使爆炸;爆炸;推翻

9、explodes ─── vi.爆炸,爆发;激增;vt.使爆炸;爆炸;推翻

exploder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、agriculture machine exploder ─── 农机开发

2、exploder new complex materials with organo-montmorillonite. ─── 利用有机蒙脱石进行新材料的开发研究。

3、NET with the expanding of the net technology, and explains that there are some questions are to be resolve stilly in the course of exploder of this system. ─── NET的公路质量管理系统应用的广泛前景,并对本系统在开发过程中存在的需要改进的地方进行了相应说明。

4、Multifunction No High Voltage Switch Securement Capacitor Coal Mine Exploder ─── 煤矿用隔爆型多功能无高压触点电容式发爆器

5、Application of Safety Network Lockout Exploder in Mine Production ─── 安全网络闭锁发爆器在矿井生产中的应用


7、The article describes the designing project of this system and builds every kind of models in each of exploder phases. ─── 文章具体描述了公路质量管理系统的设计方案并用UML对系统的各个开发阶段进行了各类建模。

8、China's Department of aviation and spaceflight is striving to research, exploder, and generalize HLA . ─── 在我国的航空、航天有关部门也在大力开展HLA的研究、开发和应用推广。

9、gas exploder ─── 气枪

10、Chaohu lake region is one of the heartland of AnHui province in economy and culture.It is important to the stratagem of "exploder west" in our country. ─── 摘要环巢湖地区是安徽省经济文化中心之一,该区域在我国西部大开发的发展战略中有着重要的地位。

11、mail exploder ─── 函件分发器

12、Development of Special-purpose Engineering Plastic Used for Exploder Case ─── 发爆器外壳专用工程塑料的研制

13、electrical exploder ─── 电放袍器

14、The article describes the designing project of this system and builds every kind of models in each of exploder phases. ─── 4.文章具体描述了公路质量管理系统的设计方案并用UML对系统的各个开发阶段进行了各类建模。

15、Products exploder of the enterprise should be guided by the markets, which means the designs should adapt and serve the markets.Eventually the enterprise can explore and occupy the markets. ─── 企业在产品开发中要以市场为导向,即设计要适应市场,服务市场,最终开拓并占领市场,只有这样才能在充满竞争的市场中占有一席之地。

16、exploder mechanism ─── 爆发器起爆机构

17、In a YouTube video posted recently he explained: 'We add reaction enhancer and put it in the exploder to produce the artificial meat. ' ─── 在他发布在视频网站Youtube上的一段视频中,这位学者解释道:“我们在其中添加了某种物质,并且尝试着制造出这种人工肉类。”

18、Every time they harass me I wanna explod ─── 每次鬼佬找我茬,我就想发飙

19、In the planning design of "Xiandian Renjia" quarter the designers exploder the method of unify planning and architectural creating a ecological residential quarter in a small town. ─── 本文通过“仙店人家”居住小区的创造过程,探索了进行小城镇生态住区规划与建筑设计一体化的方法.

20、single shot exploder ─── 单独炮眼放炮器

21、NET exploder flat defined a kind of CLS and unified programming class libraries and provided a communication standard of next generation network and XML. In this part, the article analysis several main composing parts of . ─── NET开发平台定义了一种公用语言子集(CLS)并统一了编程类库,提供了对下一代网络的通信标准和可扩展标记语言(XML),其中分析了.

22、Mr Newmark has been called a "newspaper killer" and "the exploder of journalism", among other things. ─── 纽马克称为“报纸杀手”、“新闻业的爆炸者”,还有一些别的称呼。

23、For the optical characteristics of the control signal, the rhythm of the regulator Exploder. ─── 特征为光控信号、节奏稳压的发爆器。

24、It will make the exploder focus on designing the metadata and its style of relative tools,which makes the process of designing easier,and enforce the flexibility and extension of the sys... ─── 使得开发人员只专心于设计相关工具所需的元数据及其样式,简化了设计过程,同时增强了系统的灵活性和可扩展性。

25、Mr Newmark has been called a "newspaper killer" and "the exploder of journalism" , among other things. ─── Newmark先生因此被称为“报纸杀手”和“新闻业的爆破手”。

26、exploder warehouse ─── 危险品库房

27、dynamo exploder ─── 点火机

28、The article discusses the necessity of digital management of exploder warehouse. ─── 文章简要论述实现危险品库房的数字化管理的必要性。

29、Beethoven exploder ─── 卑斯欧文发爆器

30、safety exploder ─── 安全信管

31、Manufacture and Application of A New - style Exploder ─── 一种新式发爆器的研制及应用

32、electric exploder ─── 电爆器

33、Cosmically Customize and Celerity Production Exploder----Li jun song Yang yong ying ─── 吸油烟机风机系统降噪设计

34、This chip is a sort of new type and high precision Digital Signal Processing, it making exploder time from several hours to several minutes. ─── 为了确保本项目所设计的汽车黑匣子达到国际汽车黑匣子的当前水平,提出了相对较高的技术指标。

35、Excellent marketing strategy can make the exploder get the most profit, the least risk and good brand. ─── 优秀的营销策略能让开发商达到利润最大化,风险最小化及品牌树立的三大目的。

36、We attach importance to innovate and exploder new products and insist on the management tenet of “mutual benefit, time, quality”. ─── 产品远销欧洲、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、韩国、香港及中东等国家和地区。

37、Keywords Exploder Multifunction Coal mine Measure Shut; ─── 发爆器;多功能;煤矿;测量;闭锁;

38、The exploder is controlled by single chip processor PIC16C55 and can be used in explode old buildings and in mines. It has been improved in many performances of the traditional devices, and the cost reduced greatly. ─── 介绍了一种由单片机PIC16C55控制的发爆器,它改善了现有老式发爆器笨重、操作繁琐、维修不便、安全可靠性差等缺点,大幅度地降低了制造成本。

39、Firstly, the demand analyses in the initial days of exploder were discussed in this part. ─── 首先介绍了系统开发初期的需求分析;


vi. 爆炸;激增;爆发 vt. 使爆炸;驳倒 一、读音:英 [ɪk'spləʊd],美 [ɪk'sploʊd] 二、例句: Several scientific myths were exploded by Galileo's observations. 科学上的几种荒诞说法因伽利略的观测而被推翻。 三、词汇用法: 1、explode的基本含义是“爆炸”,主要指炸弹、锅炉、油箱等内部能量突然释放,强调爆炸时的状态; 引申可表示“迅速扩大”“激增”,用于人时则可表示“勃然大怒”“破除/推翻…”等。




1、explosion[ɪkˈsploʒən] n.爆炸, 爆发

2、exploder [iksˈpləudə] n.爆炸物, 爆炸装置, 放炮器, 雷管

3、exploding [ɪk'splodɪŋ] n. 爆炸,爆发;水热炸裂




1. The percussive shells explode immediately on impact.


2. The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second.


3. She heard laughter explode, then die.






v. (使)爆炸( explode的现在分词 ); 突然(发出巨响, 活跃起来, 迸发感情); 推翻; 驳倒


1. I have been working on exploding the myth of fixity of meaning.


2. He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.






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