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08-26 投稿



grice 发音

英:  美:

grice 中文意思翻译



grice 短语词组

1、falco grice ─── 希腊猎鹰

grice 词性/词形变化,grice变形


grice 相似词语短语

1、grece ─── 希腊人

2、Price ─── n.价格;价值;代价;vt.给……定价;问……的价格;n.(Price)人名;(英)普赖斯;(法)普里斯;(葡、瑞典)普里塞

3、gricer ─── 格里瑟

4、gride ─── v.锉切;n.刺耳擦刮声

5、grace ─── n.优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲;vt.使优美;n.(Grace)人名;(英)格雷斯,格雷丝(女名);(法)格拉斯

6、Brice ─── n.布赖斯(男子名)

7、drice ─── 德里斯

8、griced ─── 肮脏的

9、grices ─── n.格赖斯

grice 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I know about New York, Agent Grice. ─── 我知道纽约的事了,格赖斯特工。

2、Applying the theory in Grice's conversation to explain its diplomatic appropriate can help us comprehend the wisdom and profundity of our country's ancient culture. ─── 运用格赖斯会话含意理论诠释其外交辞令,可以帮助我们更好地领悟到我国古文化的智慧与精深。

3、4. I'll give you a good grice. ─── 我会给你个合适价格的。

4、Soap also helps to break up the grice grease and dirt that hold most of the germs. ─── 同时,肥皂通常能留下香味,增加了人们再次洗手的可能性。

5、" The results meshed with Grice's theory, but they did not rule out the incongruency theory was at work because there was a positive response for names that were atypical. ─── 这一研究结果与格里斯的暗示理论恰巧吻合,但并不排除不一致理论也发挥了作用,因为研究对象对非典型性的名称也有积极的反应。

6、Grice's cooperative principle and conversational implicature made "pragmatic inference" and "pragmatic logic" become important research subjects in modern pragmatics. ─── 格赖斯对意义的区分及会话含意理论的提出使“语用推理”和“语用逻辑”,成为当代语用学研究的重要领域。

7、The pragmatic research concentrates on its communicative functions and argues that Grice’s Cooperative Principle is the whole story for its interpretation since silence violates the maxims. ─── 语用学家则比较关注沉默的交际功能,指出沉默的内在间接性决定了格莱斯的合作原则足以理解所有的沉默形式。

8、In the field of pragmatics, Grice"s theory of Conversational Implicature and Sperber and Wilson"s Relevance Theory provide us with two different perspectives to understand metaphor. ─── 在语用学中,格赖斯的会话含义理论与斯珀伯与威尔逊的关联理论为我们分析隐喻的含义提供了新思路。

9、The application of Grice cooperative principle and conversational maxim in human-machine dialog ─── Grice合作原则及会话准则在人机对话中的应用

10、Grice, H.P.Logic and Conversation[A].In Cole &Morgan(eds).Semantics 3: Speech Acts. ─── 刘润清.英语语篇分析[A].载王福祥等(编).话语语言学论文集[C].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1989.

11、In this lecture the arguments pro and con the view of humor as a violation of the Principle of Cooperation (Paul Grice ) are examined. ─── 本演说探讨违反保罗•葛莱斯提出的「合作原则」的幽默看法之赞成及反对论点。

12、In order to guarantee the conversations go smoothly, the two participants in the conversation should abide by some basic principle, which is called Grice's Cooperative Principle. ─── 摘要为了保证会话的顺利进行,谈话双方必须共同遵守一些基本原则,这就是格莱斯的“合作原则”。

13、Then, by looking into "meaning", and especially Grice"s theory of conversation, we get a general idea about the main foundation of relevance theory. ─── 通过对什么是“意义”和会话原则的简要介绍,指出关联理论最主要的理论来源和基础。

14、e. they are telling the relevant truth clearly.The cooperative principle given by Grice is an idealized case of communication. ─── u听听听听听 We assume that people are normally going to provide an appropriate amount of information, i.

15、Taboo words meet the needs of the cooperative principles by Grice and face-saving purpose by sociologist Goffman, which also shows the principles of calculability and cancellability while conveying conversational implicatures. ─── 这一语言现象遵守了格莱斯的合作原则,也遵循了社会学“面子”问题的需要,体现了会话含义的可推导性和可取消性原则。

16、So what are Grice's candidates for future disasters? A small amount of probing reveals a couple of concerns: monetary easing and China. ─── 那么格赖斯认为未来会出现哪些灾难呢?稍做一下调查就会揭示出两件令人担忧的事:货币宽松和中国。

17、The theory of conversational implicature was first proposed by Grice in the William James lecture delivered at Harvard. ─── 会话隐含理论最早是由格赖斯于1967年在哈佛大学的讲座中提出的,其基础是合作原则。

18、Grice' s Theory of Conversational Implicature ─── Grice会话含义理论

19、Chapter Four is devoted to a discussion on Grice"s Conversational Implicature Principle and its application in literature translation; ─── 第三章对合作原则及其四准则进行分析,并选择了若干译例加以对比研究。

20、An issue of great importance in pragmatic study, Grice's theory of conversational implicature has had a profound impact on linguistics and translatology. ─── 摘要格赖斯会话隐涵义理论作为语用学研究的一个重大课题,对语言学和翻译学都有着深远的影响。

21、The English language philosopher Paul Grice proposes that in ordinary conversation, speakers and hearers share a cooperative principle. ─── 英语语言哲学家保罗格莱斯提议,在普通的谈话,演讲者和听众分享合作的原则。

22、"You'll see just a complete overbuild of capacity, " says Grice. ─── 格赖斯表示:“你会看到彻底的产能过度累积。”

23、From Grice to Qian Guan-lian: Comments on pragmatic principles ─── 从格赖斯到钱冠连:对语用原则的思考

24、Grice claims that metaphor results from the deliberate violation of the maxim of quality and thus produces the conversational implicature.He also proposes the schema to derive this implicature. ─── 格赖斯认为隐喻因为违反了合作原则中的质准则从而产生会话含义,他还提出了推导会话含义的模式。

25、Applying the theory in Grice' s conversation to explain its diplomatic appropriate can help us comprehend the wisdom and profundity of our country' s ancient culture. ─── 运用格赖斯会话含意理论诠释其外交辞令,可以帮助我们更好地领悟到我国古文化的智慧与精深。

26、Critically Assimilate the Cooperative Principle of Grice and Seek New Ways to Understand the Conversational Implicature ─── 批判格莱斯合作原则,探索理解会话含义的新途径

27、American philosopher Paul Grice concluded that natural language had its own logic. ─── 美国哲学家保罗.格赖斯提出的会话原则旨在解释会话意义。

28、This article explores the nature and general characteristics of conventional implicature, a very controversial and tricky notion of meaning left behind by Grice. ─── 摘要规约含义是格赖斯遗留下来的一个十分棘手的关于自然语言意义的哲学问题。长期以来,人们很少关注这一问题,有限的讨论也几乎是一片质疑和批判之声。

29、Grice), etc.. As far back as the year 1955, Austin proposed his Speech Act Theory, carrying on preliminary research on the indirect phenomenon in different languages. ─── 一、英汉委婉语的避讳功能委婉语的产生首先语人们的语言灵物崇拜(又称语言拜物教)有密切关系。

30、These social lies observe Leech's Politeness Principle (1983), despite their breaching of Grice's Cooperative Principle (1975). ─── 这些谎言表面上似乎违背了格莱斯的质量原则(1975),实际上却有益于社会交往,可以在语用礼貌原则下得到解释。

31、then, in Chapter One, it expounds some related theories of pragmatics, with Grice"s cooperative principle, conversational implicature principle and Sperber and Wilson"s relevance theory included. ─── 本文共分以下七部分:导论部分简述语用学和连贯性的概念。

32、Chapter four first introduces the Grice"s theory of non-natural meaning. ─── 第四部分首先阐述了语用学中的格赖斯提出的非自然意义理论。

33、I'll give you a good grice. ─── 我会给你个合适价格的。

34、Helpfully, Grice is clear about timing any purchase of Chinese equities. ─── 有益的是,格赖斯清楚购买中国股票的时机。

35、Grice's Co - operative Principle ─── 格莱斯合作原则

36、The Perfect BathLooking for the ultfmate indulgence without a day spa grice tag? ─── 一个令人陶醉的入浴经验不需去温泉美容院花大把金钱泡澡享受!

37、For various reasons these maxims are often violated or “flouted”.Most of these violations give rise to what Grice calls “conversational implicature”. ─── 由于种种原因这些原则经常被违反尔对合作原则的违反则导致产生格赖斯所说的“会话含意”。

38、The cognitive research holds that silence seems to be irrelevant to the given context in light of Grice's maxim of relevance, and hence have very week contextual effects. ─── 认知学家在格莱斯的关联准则的基础上结合斯珀伯和威尔逊的关联理论对沉默进行研究,认为沉默与特定语境似乎缺少关联因而获得较小的语境效果。

39、Grice's Idealization of the Cooperative Principle and Its Realistic Implications ─── 理想世界中的会话含义理论及其现实意义

40、Grice, H. P. Presupposition and Conversational Implicature. In Cole(ed.) 1981 ─── 何自然.语用学与英语学习.上海外语出版社,1997.

41、Grice' s theory of meaning ─── 格赖斯的意义理论

42、Le Grice ─── 勒格赖斯

43、The pragmatic research concentrates on its communicative functions and argues that Grice's Cooperative Principle (CP) is the whole story for its interpretation since silence violates the maxims. ─── 语用学家比较关注沉默的交际功能,指出沉默的内在间接性决定了格莱斯的合作原则足以理解所有的沉默形式。

44、In developing this claim, Grice laid the foundations for an inferential model of communication, an alternative to the classical code model. ─── 那就要搞清格赖斯的理论有什么了不起啦。格赖斯提出的理论叫做“交际推理模式”,这个模式不同于以往的“编码模式”。

45、The Characteristics of Medical Language Analyzed from the Viewpoint of Grice Cooperation Principles and the Use of Fuzzy Modifiers ─── 从Grice的会话原则和模糊语谈医用语言的会话特征

46、The American linguist H. Paul Grice has summed up “four principles” in conversation. ─── 美国语言学家H . PaulGrice概括了交谈中合作的四个基本原则。

47、Paul Grice ─── 格赖斯

48、Part two reviews Searle's contribution to Indirect Speech Acts and part three is Grice's theory of Conversational Implicature. ─── 第二部分综述了舍而对间接言语行为的贡献,第三部分是格赖斯的会话含义理论。

49、Eating grice dumplings is best not to cold, heat thoroughly before eating. ─── 粽子最好不要凉着吃,吃前要彻底加热。

50、Grice' s maxim of quantity ─── Grice的数量准则

51、Interpretation of Grice's Theory of Non-natural Meaning ─── 解析格莱斯的非自然意义理论

52、Grice's axiom ─── 格林斯公理

53、Grice operation ─── Grice手术

54、This paper presents the formation and functions of the Theory of Grice's Conversational Implicature, and discusses the effect on English listening comprehension teaching. ─── 摘要本文介绍了格莱斯会话含义理论的形成及其功能,探讨该理论在英语听力教学中的作用。

55、Grice and Sperber &Wilson take different approaches to explore the subject. ─── 格赖斯和斯波伯及威尔逊都主张靠语用推理。

56、Grice's co-operative principle is significant in the explanation of speech communication . ─── 格赖斯的合作原则在解释人类言语交际活动中起重大的作用。

57、Its realization necessarily violates certain maxim(s) of the Cooperative Principle proposed by Grice in certain sense. ─── 反语会话含义的实现必然违反格赖斯合作原则中的某条准则。

58、The pragmatic analysis concentrates on Grice’s four maxims of Cooperative Principle (CP): the maxims of quality, quantity, manner and relevance. ─── 语用分析主要从Grice合作原则中的四个会话准则出发,对聊天室会话和面对面会话进行对比分析。这四个会话准则分别是:量的准则、质的准则、方式准则和关系准则。

59、Its interpretation requires the help of the context.Fourthly, pragmatic meaning is achieved by violating one or more maxims of conversation according to Cooperative Porinciple of Grice. ─── 四、根据格莱斯的会话合作理论,语用词义是通过有意地违反一个或多个准则而实现的,词语可以通过有意对合作准则的违反而表达语用意义,进而实现言后行为。

60、L.Austin), American philosopher Searle( J.R.Searle) and Grice( H.P. ─── 英汉语中委婉语在许多方面虽不乏相通之处,但同时也存在诸多差异。

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