geometric 发音
英:[ˌdʒiːəˈmetrɪk] 美:[ˌdʒiːəˈmetrɪk]
英: 美:
geometric 中文意思翻译
geometric 词性/词形变化,geometric变形
副词: geometrically |异体字: geometrical |
geometric 短语词组
1、geometric interpretation ─── [计] 几何解释
2、geometric mean value ─── [电] 几何均值
3、geometric isomerism ─── [化] 几何异构; 几何异构现象 ─── [医] 立体异构
4、geometric algorithm ─── [计] 几何算法
5、geometric mean radius ─── [电] 几何平均半径
6、geometric graph ─── [计] 几何图
7、geometric accuracy ─── [计] 几何精确度
8、geometric analogy problem ─── [计] 几何类比问题
9、geometric distribution ─── [计] 几何分布
10、geometric mean ─── [计] 等比中项; 几何均数 ─── [化] 几何平均
11、geometric mean distance ─── [电] 几何均距
12、geometric interpolation ─── [计] 几何插值法
13、geometric analogy ─── [计] 几何图形模拟
14、geometric editor ─── [计] 几何编辑
15、geometric distortion correction ─── [计] 几何畸变校正
16、geometric continuity ─── [计] 几何连续性
17、geometric model ─── [计] 几何模型
18、geometric code ─── [计] 几何码
19、geometric distortion ─── [电] 图形失真
geometric 常用词组
geometric model ─── [计]几何模型
geometric parameter ─── 几何参数
geometric modeling ─── 几何造型;几何建模;图形表示法;形状记述法
geometric 相似词语短语
1、gasometric ─── 气体定量的
2、geometrids ─── n.尺蠖科;adj.尺蠖的
3、geometrist ─── 几何学家
4、aerometric ─── adj.大气测量的;量器计的
5、geometrical ─── adj.几何的,几何学的
6、geocentric ─── adj.以地球为中心的;由地心开始测量的
7、geometries ─── n.几何图形,几何体;几何尺寸(geometry的复数)
8、geometrise ─── 几何学
9、geometrid ─── n.尺蠖科;adj.尺蠖的
geometric 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、People used to measure the radius of nonplastic circular by the length of bowstrings in the geometric calculation . ─── 在几何量测量中一直以弓高弦长等方法测量非整形圆弧半径值。
2、Inthis paper,We shall expound several geometric means comparative signifcat test method-ank test. ─── 在此基础上,今又提出多组几何均数比较的顺序检验。
3、The method also permits inverse design with flaps, specification of geometric constraints (thickness, camber, etc.). ─── 办法还允许逆向设计皮瓣、几何约束规格(厚度、拱等).
4、CCR, ECH and CCH all account for a rather high percentage in the geometric changes of left ventricle in EH. ─── EH左室几何形态改变,CCR、ECH和CCH均占有较高比例。
5、EDB is important to the integration of CAD/CAE and to keeping the consistency of geometric data in CAD and CAE. ─── 为了解决CAE零部件实体建模困难的问题,研究开发了基于统一工程数据库的CAD/CAE集成系统。
6、objects cast shadows as if the light were emitted from a single geometric point like a naked light bulb. ─── 物体投射阴影似乎光从几何学的点发出像无遮罩的灯泡。
7、Pure geometric forms and soft radii support its simplicity and ease of use. ─── 完美的几何形状和软件的支持使得操作简单易行。
8、As Morgan combined more and more industries and railroads after 1901 his power grew almost by geometric ratio. ─── 1901年以后,随着摩根兼并越来越多的工业和铁路,他的力量几乎按照几何比率增长。
9、The geometric and optical properties of the fibre shall be in accordance with table below. ─── 光纤的几何结构特征应该与下列要求相符。
10、It covers the basic elementary geometry, conics, geometric functions and tangent curves. ─── 它包括基本的初等几何学,圆锥曲线,几何学函数和切线曲线。
11、The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant. ─── 分析学家只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。
12、The geometric significance of weights in NURBS curves is introduced. ─── 介绍了NURBS曲线权因子的几何意义。
13、The methods of smoothing in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) are also introduced. ─── 介绍了计算机辅助几何设计(CAGD)中较常用的光顺处理方法。
14、The demand-and-supply-curve framework is the main geometric tool that will be used in analyzing trade policy options. ─── 供求曲线的结构是用于分析贸易政策选择的主要几何图形工具。
15、There are nothing but roofs everywhere, laid out with execrable geometric cunning. ─── 到处都是屋顶,铺得很整齐、很叫人讨厌的屋顶,除此之外一无所有。
16、Of or relating to a geometric system in which two or more lines can be drawn through any point in a plane and not intersect a given line in the plane. ─── 双曲线几何的属于或有双曲线几何体系有关的,在这体系中从一平面上的一点能画二条或多条直线,而且这些直线不与平面中已画出的那条直线相交
17、The drastic reduction in the geometric dimension leads to great simplification in mathematical analysis. ─── 几何维数的急剧减少导致数字分析的极大简化。
18、A small geometric figure woven into fabric. ─── 在织物上织出的小几何图案
19、Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork. ─── 回纹细工饰带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;几何形浮雕细工
20、It melds these geometric features with the demonstrated convenience of surface design within a physics-based framework. ─── 在基于物理的框架之内,具有曲面设计的几何特征。
21、Unfortunately, this Modernist interest in geometric simplicity and function became exploited for profit. ─── 不幸的是,这些现代主义者感兴趣的是几何的朴素和功能上变得更有利益。
22、It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. ─── 它提供很多的几何学的述语和功能。
23、The side or face of a geometric figure to which an altitude is or is thought to be drawn. ─── 几何图形的边或面,在上面可以画出或被认为可以画出其高度。
24、The geometric mean of the autoantibody is 1:62 in DCM group, 1:4 in non-DCM group, and 1:4 in normal control group. ─── DCM组的抗心肌抗体平均几何滴度为1:62,非DCM组为1:4,正常对照组为1:4。
25、Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations, tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other technique. ─── 机加工能够达到几何形状,公差及表面精度,这些通常其他的技术都达不到。
26、This TLU has a geometric interpretation that clarifies what is happening. ─── TLU能够用几何学上的解释来阐明这种现象。
27、To avoid grid motion induced error, the geometric conservation law (GCL) is satisfied numerically. ─── 为避免网格运动给数值解带来额外误差,给出了几何守恒律的离散形式并在数值上满足了几何守恒律条件。
28、Named after an attachment on a loom used in weaving small geometric or floral patterns. ─── 因该类织机上有用于制造小几何图案或花形图案的附加装置而得名。
29、Many pictures have been based on simple geometric designs. ─── 许多图画是以简单的几何图案为基础的。
30、The method of geometric reduction simplifies the loop to a reducibility tree and clarifies the structure of the loop. ─── 几何归约法将约束闭环子图归约简化为层次分明的归约树,并进一步明确了闭环的组成和结构;
31、Add details to an existing picture using straight lines or geometric shapes. ─── 使用直线或几何图形为已有的图片增添细节。
32、D. Able to understand and apply Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) at intermediate to expert level preferred. ─── 能理解并应用几何定尺寸定容差(GD&T)有中高级水平者优先。
33、Variational geometric constraints (VGC) are classified as self-referenced VGC, cross-referenced VGC and mating VGC. ─── 定义了三类变动几何约束:自参考、互参考和配合变动几何约束;
34、A physical arrangement suggesting geometric forms or lines. ─── 几何排列表明几何图形或线条的一种物质排列
35、The side or face of a geometric figure to which an altitude is or is thought to be drawn. ─── 几何图形的边或面,在上面可以画出或被认为可以画出其高度。
36、The geometric mean titers of CFT-antibody of group A,B,C and D were 8.88, 30.28, 42.71 and 50. 10. respectively . ─── CFT抗体的几何平均滴度依次为8.88、30.82、42.71和50.51。
37、A geometric discription of the root system for the indefinite type Kac-Moody algebra of rank 2 is given. ─── 在第1个注记中,给出了秩为2的不定型 Kac-Moody 代数的根系的一个几何刻划.
38、Tangram is puzzling game, including seven pieces of geometric dissections which are separated from a square. ─── 七巧板是一种拼图游戏,由一个正方体分割出来的七块几何色板组成,通过拼凑、组合可以砌出过千的图案。
39、With hindsight one can see on geometric grounds that the new "numbers" had to contain four components. ─── 事后来认识,我们能看到在几何的基础上,新的“数”必须包含四个分量。
40、Cane spiders are bright yellow with a brown geometric pattern on their backs, and can grow to be the size of a silver dollar. ─── 细蜘蛛是明黄色的,在背上有一种褐色的几何图案,并能长大成一块硬币的大小。
41、E8 encapsulates the symmetries of a geometric object that is 57-dimensional and is itself is 248-dimensional. ─── E8概括了57维和自身248维几何对象的对称性。
42、But in these geometric figure below is tokenism approach.Mr. ─── 但是在这些几何图形下面是象征主义的手法。
43、Optimal Sublinear Inequalities Involving Geometric and Power Means. ─── Jiajin Wen,Sui Sun Cheng(台湾),Chaobang Gao.
44、Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a group of geometric and positional isomers of linoleic acid. ─── 共轭亚油酸是亚油酸的一组几何和位置异构体,具有多种生理功能。
45、She went out into the street, geometric blocks of hot, glassy light and concrete shadow. ─── 她出来到街上,见到一块块是几何图案的热辣辣的,亮晶晶的阳光和实实在在的阴影。
46、Of or relating to geometric surfaces that are defined by quadratic equations. ─── 二次曲面的由二次方程式所定义的几何平面的,或与其有关的
47、Geometric designs were popular wall decorations in the 14th century. ─── 几何图案是14世纪流行的墙面装饰。
48、The computational cost of a raster rendering thus rises in direct proportion to the geometric complexity of the scene. ─── 因此,光栅演算系统的运算成本,与场景的几何复杂度呈直接正比关系。
49、People can see that the rules are not geometric shapes, such as asymmetric washbasin and bathtubs. ─── 人们看到的不是有规则的几何形状,例如一些不对称的洗脸盆和浴缸。
50、Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets;geometric openwork. ─── 回纹细工饰:带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;
51、NormGeomSelect is a ranking selection function based on the normalized geometric distribution. ─── 基于正态分布的序列选择函数。
52、A one-to-one correspondence between the points of two geometric figures that is continuous in both directions. ─── 同态向两边延伸的两个几何图形在各点上的一一对应
53、Also, see Kok geometric latticework see corner of the inter-bedroom-style building with a unique character. ─── 另外,格子见棱见角的几何型样式使整间卧室具有一种别致的建筑气质。
54、Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle in the specified order. ─── 以指定顺序将局部几何变换旋转指定角度。
55、The light-encoded filaments are like rays of light that hold a geometric form of language. ─── 光编码细丝像光的射线,它拥有几何学语言形态。
56、A part of a geometric configuration, such as an angle in a triangle. ─── 三角形的一个角几何形状的一部分,例如一个三角形中的一个角
57、Natures geometric flawnessness flaunted by egocentric flower. ─── 头状花序种子图片 Flower head seeds.
58、Buying investment property or a long-term investment cycle costs geometric? ─── 买房投资大成本周期长投资房产得失几何?
59、The degree reduction of parametric curves/surfaces is a key problem for Computer Aided Geometric Designed (CAGD). ─── 参数曲线曲面降阶是计算机辅助几何设计与制造中的研究热点之一。
60、The geometric mean peak current of return strokes is 11.9 kA with a range from 6.6 kA to 21.0 kA. ─── 回击电流峰值的几何平均值为11.9kA,变化范围为6.6~21.0kA。
61、The triangle to mesh ratio is the most important geometric metric for game performance. ─── 三角形对网格的比值对游戏的性能是一个非常重要几何度量。
62、In this picture, there are no things, only geometric relationships. ─── 在这个图像中没有物体,只有几何关系;
63、Alhena energetically creates a specific geometric seal, which allows a starseed link of communication. ─── 它以能量当方式创造了一个特别的几何封印,让星际种子互相通话。
64、The graphics engine maintains the coordinates of geometric shapes in a path in world coordinate space. ─── 图形引擎在世界坐标空间中维护路径内的几何形状的坐标。
65、The jumper has a geometric pattern on it. ─── 套头衫上有几何图案。
66、A geometric transform can be used to translate, scale, rotate, or skew the gradient fill. ─── 几何变换可用于转换、缩放、旋转或扭曲渐变填充。
67、The nonlinear prebuckling deformations and initial geometric imperfections of the shell were both taken into account. ─── 壳体屈曲的边界层理论被推广用于湿热环境的情况,相应的奇异摄动法用于确定层合圆柱薄壳的屈曲荷载和后屈曲平衡路径。
68、When most people think of shapes, they think of colorful geometric surfaces. ─── 当大多数人想到形状时,他们想到的都是彩色几何平面。
69、The spirit of vector analysis is to use symbols to represent physical or geometric quantities. ─── 向量分析实质是用符号来代表物理量或几何量。
70、The generatrix of a geometric figure. ─── 几何形状的母量
71、O. D. Faugeras, “Three-dimensional computer vision: A geometric viewpoint,” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. ─── 吕杰棋,3D视觉校正软体之研制,中华大学机械与航太工程研究所硕士学位论文,2007。
72、Population can increase in a geometric ratio. ─── 人口可以按几何级数增长。
73、If Geometric Brownian motion the is not assumed, the formula fails. ─── 在许多复杂的股价模型下, 买权的解将会更具挑战性。
74、In 1998,the reinfection rate was 23% and the geometric mean intensity of infected subjects was 64 5 epg. ─── 1998年 ,感染率为 2 3.0% ,感染度 (EPG)几何均值为 6 4.5 ;
75、The computation of geometric continuity is one of the key problems in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD). ─── 几何连续性的求解是计算机辅助几何设计 (CAGD)中的一个关键问题 .
76、Unweighted indices are simple arithmetic or geometric averages. ─── 不加权的指数指简单算术平均或几何平均数。
77、Geometric qualities or properties. ─── 几何本质或特征
78、Using simple geometric forms such as circles and squares in design and decoration. ─── 几何装饰的用简单的几何图形如曲线或方块来设计或装饰的。
79、Policy on geometric design of rural hightways II. ─── 公路几何设计2。
80、An algebraic or geometric expression from which another expression is derived. ─── 原始的一种代数的或几何的表达,基于此派生出另一种表达
81、By using an incremental approach, the problems involving material or geometric nonlinearity have been solved. ─── 借应用一种增量方法,已经解决了包括材料的或几何的非线性问题。
82、It simulates the interaction of light rays and objects using principles of geometric optics. ─── 它利用几何光学的原理模拟光线与物件之间的相互作用。
83、The profiles of moldings are traditionally enhanced by flower or leaf forms, geometric motifs, or spirals. ─── 传统上都会用花叶形状、几何图案、螺线纹的雕刻来美化线脚的基本轮廓。
84、The effect of different fin geometric parameters on the antiwear property heat exchanger was analysed. ─── 分析了翅片几何参数选取的不同对抗磨性能与换热的影响;
85、The Congo people decorate their pipes with figural and geometric patterns. ─── 刚果人民用几和形状的样式装饰他们的烟斗。
86、When Euclid originally laid down the axioms of his geometric system 23 centuries ago, one of them seemed less than obvious. ─── 2300年前,当欧几里得(Euclidian)最初提出构成他几何体系的那些公理时,其中一个公理似乎一点也不显眼。
87、Their highly distinctive art form, using geometric designs, is used for adornment as well as to paint their homesteads. ─── 他们极富特色的艺术形式利用了几何学的设计,用来装饰或油漆他们的家园。
88、Having the axis located elsewhere than at the geometric center. ─── 偏轴的,不同中心的具有在几何中心以外的轴线的
89、Keywords: geometric nonlinearity, sag effect, equivalent modulus of elasticity, vehicle-bridge interaction. ─── 关键词:几何非线性、中垂效应、等效弹性系数、车桥互制。
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