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09-13 投稿



extremist 发音

英:[ɪkˈstriːmɪst]  美:[ɪkˈstriːmɪst]

英:  美:

extremist 中文意思翻译



extremist 网络释义

n. 极端主义者,过激分子

extremist 词性/词形变化,extremist变形


extremist 短语词组

1、far right extremist ─── 极右 ─── 极端分子

2、extremist group ─── 极端主义团体

3、extremist democracy ─── 极端主义民主

extremist 相似词语短语

1、extremists ─── n.极端主义者,过激分子

2、extreat ─── 外向的

3、euphemist ─── n.用委婉语法的人

4、extremity ─── n.极端;绝境;非常手段;手足

5、extremism ─── n.极端主义(尤指政治上的极右或极左);极端性;过激主义

6、extremest ─── 极端的

7、extremes ─── n.狂热分子,极端条件

8、extrait ─── 花香精

9、extremis ─── 临终

extremist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In any case, fears over immigration, crime and security are now a mainstream concern, not just an extremist one. ─── 不管怎么说,关于移民的恐惧,犯罪和安全现在已是一个主流内容,而不是极端的。

2、Second, the modus operandi of elements from the holy war, a target of attack, they should be a new type of local Indian extremist forces. ─── 其次,从圣战分子作案手法、袭击目标看,他们应是印度本土新型极端势力。

3、dissident extremist ─── 持不同政见的极端分子; 极端异议者

4、S. ally in the war on extremist groups, has often been accused by Mr. ─── 我所了解的伊斯兰教是宽容的、和平的,它尊重人类生命和尊严。

5、At present, due to the impact of terrorism, separatism and extremist as well as the domestic complicated factors, the nationality and religionary conflicts happened very often in the west regions of China. ─── 摘要当前,在国际国内“三股势力”的影响下,与国内诸多因素相交织,我国西部地区民族宗教突发事件发生频繁,群体性增强。

6、Major Extremist Islamic Organizations in the Middle East ─── 中东主要伊斯兰极端组织现状

7、Often, opposition comes not only from the conservatives, who cling to tradition, but also from the extremist militants, who favor neither the old nor the new. ─── 通常,反对意见不仅来自坚持传统的保守派,也来自极端主义武装分子,他们既不喜欢旧的,也不喜欢新的。

8、A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. ─── 异教,邪教一般被视为走极端或伪造的宗教或宗教派别,其追随者们通常在一个独裁的、极有性格魅力的领袖领导下过着不循惯例的生活

9、I may be an extremist, but I think hiring people is the worst thing a company can do ─── 我可能有点极端,但我还是觉得雇佣新员工是一个公司所能做的最烂的事。

10、Manningham-Buller also said that many of the suspects are British, and she warned that young British Muslims are been being recruited to extremist causes and ideologies at an alarming rate. ─── 她警告说年轻的英国穆斯林正在以惊人的速度被毒化为极端主义者。

11、Iraqi security forces need to continue to grow and improve and take the fight to al Qaeda and other extremist groups. ─── 伊拉克安全部队需要继续增长和改进和采取战斗对阿尔-凯达和其它极端小组。

12、Islamic extremist network ─── 伊斯兰极端主义组织

13、It says extremist religious groups, drug traffickers, organized crime gangs, and armed rebels are among those who often act with brutality to stop journalists from looking into their activities. ─── 它说,极端的宗教团体、贩毒组织、有组织的犯罪团伙和武装叛乱组织经常以残酷手段阻止新闻记者报导他们的行动。

14、We must hope governments thwart the efforts of extremist jihadis to continue to make the news. ─── 我们肯定希望各国政府能够制止极端分子继续制造新闻。

15、At the International Atomic Energy Agency, my colleagues and I work to keep nuclear materials out of the reach of extremist groups. ─── 在国际原子能机构,我的同事和我的任务就是让核材料远离极端主义组织。

16、So, no narrow, extremist, or parochial stand or ideology is able to monopolize our society. ─── 因此,短视、极端、或狭隘的立场和观念,都无法垄断我们的社会;

17、An extremist ideology starting with a few people explodes across the internet. ─── 一种极少数人酝酿的极端主义观念可通过网际网路急剧扩散。

18、A spectacular setback for Syria, Iran and their extremist allies in Hamas and Hizbullah might be just the right tonic for America's own flagging fortunes in the region. ─── 对叙利亚、朗以及他们最忠诚的盟友哈马斯和真主党的一次沉重打击,对于美国在这一地区逐渐示弱的国家利益也许是一剂好药。

19、All staff be vet for links with extremist group before be employed ─── 所有职员录用前均须审查是否与极端分子团体有关

20、It is well to be reminded that Gandhi started out with the normal ambitions of a young Indian student and only adopted his extremist opinions by degrees and, in some cases, rather unwillingly. ─── 值得一提的是,甘地起初抱得是印度青年学生的正常的雄心,只是逐渐采用了他的那些偏激的思想,在某些情况下还相当不情愿。

21、But discussing al-Qaeda at a meeting with newspaper editors in Lahore, Mrs Clinton said the extremist group had had a safe haven in Pakistan since 2002. ─── 但希拉里在拉合尔会晤一些报纸主编期间谈到基地组织时表示,自2002年起,极端组织就在巴基斯坦拥有了避难所。

22、Southeast Asian Isian Islamic Extremist Force and Its Influences ─── 东南亚伊斯兰极端主义势力及其影响

23、Jack Valenti, however sweet and however brilliant, is perhaps the nation's foremost extremist when it comes to the nature and scope of“ creative property. ─── 无论杰克?伦提何等恭顺聪明,他仍然可能是整个国家对于“创造性财产”的性质和范围最为极端的分子。

24、If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gullible ears, expect to hear it. ─── 如果编造一个令人难以置信的幸存故事或一个令人轻信的诡计更适合极端分子的终结的话,那愿意信的人就去信吧。

25、"Maybe you're the extremist due to you think you somehow created your own self, " says Giff. ─── “也许你才是极端分子,因为你居然认为是你创造出了自己。”吉夫说。

26、Commander General Ghani says his forces are looking for Fazalullah.He says the extremist cleric is on the run and keeps changing his locations. ─── 他说:“这个地区地形险要,很难以展开军事行动,充满了险峰,深谷和茂密的森林。

27、Contrary to what you thought, I hold no brief for any extremist organization. ─── 和你所想的恰恰相反,我不支持任何极端的组织。

28、In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the president said, the United States is determined to defeat al-Qaida and extremist forces. ─── 总统称,美国政府下定决心要击溃阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织和极端分子的武装力量。

29、When it comes to talking about patriotism, he's an extremist. ─── 一谈到爱国主义,他就很偏激。

30、He was blacklisted because of his extremist views. ─── 他因观点偏激而被列入黑名单。

31、Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hasan appeared to believe. ─── 同事们原本希望进行一次医疗问题的讨论,结果却得到了对《古兰经》的极端解读,哈桑似乎相信了这种解读。

32、The CBC documentary“ Samosa Politics” by reporter Terry Milewski aired June28 and investigated how Canadian politicians court extremist groups to secure voters. ─── 多伦多-世界锡克组织对加拿大广播公司提出诉讼。一名记者和一名自由党议员宣称CBC播放的关于锡克极端主义的记录片伤害了锡克族社区的声誉。

33、Medvedev's blog from a visitor identified as wunder_bar, who asks if the presidential site can also be closed for extremist statements that are not noticed and deleted on time. ─── 她说,这是星期一法庭的裁决给俄国因特网带来吓阻效应的实例。

34、World Extremist Muslin Youth Groups ─── 世界激进化穆斯林青年群体现状

35、Keyes was a kook, an extremist, his arguments not even worth entertaining. ─── 凯斯先生是个疯子,一个极端主义者,他的论点根本不值得注意。

36、religious extremist ─── 宗教极端分子

37、Only the uniformed Argentinean police disturbed the idyll.They were posted 24 hours a day to protect the old lady from antisemitic and ultraconservative extremist groups. ─── 不过阿根廷的便衣警察却打扰了艾蜜莉的田园生活,1天24小时都有警察派驻,保护这位年迈的女士,防止反闪米特人与极端保守激进团体的骚扰。

38、But “the Taiwan independence” the extremist does not depend on not bountifully. ─── 可“台独”极端分子不依不饶。

39、A previously unknown extremist group has said it carried out Friday's bomb attack. ─── 一个先前未知的极端分子组织声称其实施了周五的炸弹袭击。

40、About Religious Extremist Groups in Central Asia ─── 中亚宗教激进组织概况

41、But the absence of jeering was a reminder of how far this once-ostracised extremist is now accepted in French politics. ─── 不过,没有遭到嘲弄却提醒了人们这位一度遭到排斥的极端主义者在当今法国政坛被接受的程度。

42、He had begun life as an extremist of the school of Robespierre; ─── 他作为罗伯斯比尔之流的极端分子开始人生;

43、Because his iconic statue, his deferred capture clealy would have a significant impact on the confidence of his forwards both core Al-Qaeda and these unaffiliated extremist throughout the world. ─── 因为本拉登的偶像象征,他的死亡或捕获会对“基地”组织骨干力量及其在全世界独立的极端组织分子产生重大影响。

44、It wasn't immediately clear who Abu Yahya was, or what role he might have played in the extremist group. ─── 目前尚不清楚叶海亚是谁,也不清楚他在这一极端组织中可能扮演的角色。

45、But extremist thinking is often best confronted on its own terms. ─── 但是极端主义者的想法经常恰好遭遇自身的局限。

46、I do dislike have her extremist Idea ram down my throat ─── 我十分厌恶她强加於我的那些偏激观念

47、Gerrymandered districts produce extremist politicians, among whom agreement is all but impossible since two-thirds majorities are needed to pass budgets and impose new taxes. ─── 对于为本党利益改划了的选区内的极端政治家,要以三分之二的大多数来通过预算案并加以新税收项目,几乎是不可能的。

48、A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false,with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian,charismatic leader. ─── 异教,邪教一般被视为走极端或伪造的宗教或宗教派别,其追随者们通常在一个独裁的、极有性格魅力的领袖领导下过着不循惯例的生活。

49、All staff are vetted for links with extremist groups before being employed. ─── 所有职员录用前均须审查是否与极端分子团体有关。

50、Manningham-Buller also said,that many of the suspects are British, and she warned that young British Muslims are being recruited to extremist causes and ideologies at an alarming rate. ─── Manningham-Buller同时说,很多嫌疑犯是英国人,她指出那些年轻的英国穆斯林信徒正以惊人的速度被极端主义课堂和学说吸收。

51、I do dislike have her extremist idea ram down my throat. ─── 我十分厌恶她强加于我的那些偏激观念。

52、The FBI is investigating the arrest in Pakistan of five reported US men on suspicion of extremist links. ─── FBI介入调查五名美国人涉嫌与极端分子联系而被巴基斯坦当局逮捕一案。

53、"We understand that not all those who fight with the Taliban support al-Qaeda or believe in the extremist policies the Taliban pursued while in power," she said. ─── 她说:“我们理解,不是所有和塔利班一同作战的人都支持基地组织或者信奉塔利班执政时推行的极端主义政策。

54、religionary extremist ─── 宗教极端主义

55、Such popular forces will only gain in power and become more extremist if the US and Israel persist in demolishing any hope of Palestinian national rights, and in destroying Lebanon. ─── 如果美以执意消灭巴人建国权力与希望,并企图摧毁黎巴嫩,那麽这样的民兵力量将会更加茁壮且激进。

56、religious extremist forces ─── 宗教极端势力

57、One of the detainees was the alleged head of a bombing cell of the Sunni extremist group. ─── 其中一名嫌犯,宣称是什叶派极端分子团体轰炸组织的首脑。

58、I set a goal that was narrowly defined as disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al Qaeda and its extremist allies, and pledged to better coordinate our military and civilian efforts. ─── 我制定了一个目标,具体而言便是“挫败、瓦解并战胜‘基地’组织及其极端主义同伙”,并承诺更好地协调我们的军事及非军事行动。

59、Deploying moderate imams and Muslim scholars to counter extremist propaganda within some Islamic migrant communities might also be helpful. ─── 在穆斯林移民的居民住安插一些持中立态度的阿訇与穆斯林学者也会起一定的积极作用。

60、In response, Mr.Khaliq said that the mosque would be funded by donations, stressing that his group doesn't accept contributions from extremist organizations. ─── 哈立葛先生回复说该清真寺资金来自捐助, 同时他们强调不接受来自极端组织的资金。

61、Manningham-Buller also said that many of the suspects are British and she warned that young British Muslims are being recruited to extremist causes and ideologies at an alarming rate. ─── 也说许多嫌疑者是英国人,他也警告那些年轻的英国穆斯林正以惊人的速度被极端主义原因和意识招募.

62、He said the administration has set a clear and focused goal to defeat al Qaida and its extremist allies and is responsibly ending the war in Iraq. ─── 他说,美国政府已制定了打击基地分子及其极端主义盟友的明确和集中的目标,并在负责任地结束伊拉克战争。

63、The ruling would give authorities the power to force ISPs to block sites containing "extremist material", and to shut down domestic sites that carry such material. ─── 执政党将给予当局的权力,迫使互联网服务供应商阻止网站载有“极端的物质” ,并关闭国内的网站,进行这种材料。

64、He added that Jordan does not endorse extremist interpretations of Islam. ─── 他还说,约旦不支持对伊斯兰教的极端主义解释。

65、Activities of Islamic Extremist Forces in the Middle East ─── 伊斯兰极端势力在中亚的活动情况

66、her extremist political credo ─── 她那极端主义的政治信条.

67、The latest incidents of violence in Pakistan underscore the extremist threat facing the country, a vital U. ─── 发生绑架的地区同巴基斯坦半自治的部落地区开伯尔相邻。

68、Fighting has intensified between forces loyal to Somalia's moderate Islamic government and a variety of Islamic extremist groups that control the rest of the country. ─── 忠于索马里温和派伊斯兰政府的武装力量与众多控制着部分国土的伊斯兰极端分子的斗争越发激烈。

69、" He said the three nations are joined by a common goal to "defeat al-Qaida and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. ─── 他说三国联合为了共同的目标:打击基地组织及其分布在巴、阿的极端分子联盟。

70、Then, federal media regulators warned Vedomosti that the article might be "an attempt to incite extremist activities. " ─── 然后,联邦媒体警告Vedomosti报纸说该文章“可能有煽动极端激进份子的企图。”

71、The Taliban advances in the northwestern districts early this year had raised questions about Pakistan's ability to rein in extremist forces. ─── 塔利班今年初在西北地区的发展已经使人民怀疑巴基斯坦是否有能力控制极端主义武力。

72、By 1794 he was regarded as a dangerous extremist, and the Committee of Public Safety had him arrested and guillotined. ─── 到1794年,他被视为危险的极端分子,公安委员会将埃贝尔逮捕,后被送上断头台。

73、Islamic extremist ─── 伊斯兰教极端分子

74、General Zia-ul-Haq, the extremist dictator of Pakistan in the 1980s, once said that the greatest mistake in his life was not killing me when he had the chance. ─── 巴基斯坦1980年代极端主义独裁者齐亚哈克曾说,他一生中最大的错误是有机会却没有杀我。

75、extremist political views; radical opinions on education; an ultra conservative. ─── 偏激的政治见解;激进的教育观;极端保守主义者。

76、extremist political views; radical opinions on education; an ultra conservative ─── 偏激的政治见解;激进的教育观;极端保守主义者

77、before you eliminated communism and islamism, you're eliminated!! enemies like extremist indo are worst race in the world. ─── 在你铲除共产主义和伊斯兰主义之前,你就被人铲除了!象极端印度教徒这样的敌人是这个世界上最差劲的物种.

78、He then clarified that the problem comes from certain factions of Extremist or Fundamentalist within the Muslim Faith. ─── 接著他阐明其实这些问题是由某些极端主义者或是基本教义之教派对回教信仰之认知而来的。

79、It's been widely reported that the father of the suspect in the Christmas incident warned U.S. officials in Africa about his son's extremist views. ─── 媒体大范围报道,圣诞节炸机事件嫌疑人的父亲早前已就其儿子的极端主义倾向向美国驻非洲官员发出警告。

80、So the question is not whether we will be extremist but what kind of extremist will we be. ─── 所以问题不在于我们是否要做极端主义者,而在于我们要做什麽样的极端主义者。

81、A right-wing extremist group had established a compound in the mountains of north Arkansas. ─── 有一个右翼极端组织在阿肯色州北部山区建立了一个基地。

82、Islamic Extremist Forces in Russia ─── 俄罗斯的伊斯兰极端势力

83、Local officials hoped that the freed people would not take part in extremist groups in the future. ─── 当地官员表示,希望获释的人今后不要再参加激进组织的活动。

84、But extremist thinking is often best confronted on its own terms. ─── 但是极端主义者的想法经常恰好遭遇自身的局限。

85、Also one of the weightiest arguments against extremist pure-blood elitism is that inbreeding could lead to heaps of other less fortunate genetic results, but that is outside the scope of this essay. ─── 另外一个反对纯血统至上主义的最重要论据是,近亲繁殖可能导致其他不那么理想的基因结果,但那已经超出了本文的讨论范围。

86、In the world of microbes, as in politics, some groups just can't seem to shake the label ''extremist. ─── 在微生物世界里,就如同在政界,总有一些“极端分子”。

87、Strange! Nothing will content them but the extremist limit of the land; loitering under the shabby lee of warehouses will not suffice. ─── 怪事!只有陆地的尽头才称得了他们的心;在仓库那边的背荫里闲逛一番,都还不够味儿。

88、"He walks the earth, no phone, no pooling, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate FREEDOM, an extremist, an esthetic voyager, whose home is THE ROAD." ─── 他行走在这片土地上,没有电话、没有泳池、没有宠物、没有香烟。无拘无束,一个极端主义者,一个追求美的旅人,脚下的路就是他的家。

89、Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi by Hindu extremist ─── 年,甘地在新德里被印度极端分子杀害

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