Euclidian 中文意思翻译
Euclidian 相似词语短语
1、nuclidic ─── 纽克利德
2、Euclidian ─── adj.欧几里得的;欧几里得几何学的
3、cycloidian ─── 旋回
4、Numidian ─── adj.(北非古国)努米底亚的;努米底亚人的;努米底亚语的;n.努米底亚人;努米底亚语
5、quotidian ─── adj.每日的;平凡的;每日发作的;n.每天发生的事;日发疟
6、rachidian ─── adj.脊柱的
7、ascidian ─── n.海鞘类
8、Euclidean ─── adj.欧几里德几何学的;欧几里德的
9、suidian ─── 周重复第页
Euclidian 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Euclidian classification ─── 欧氏距离分类
2、As to classifier designation, first simple Euclidian distance classifier is used, then back-propagation network is utilized. At last a data fusion scheme is realized. ─── 在分类器设计方面,最初采用了简单的加权欧氏距离判别法,然后利用了BP(Back-Propagation)网络,之后提出了一个数据融合的混合实现方案。
3、(Euclidean geometry deals with non-curved surfaces).Imagine space as a two dimensional structure -- a Euclidian universe would look like a flat plane.Parallel lines are only possible on a flat plane. ─── 零曲率在一个平面上或者欧几里德空间(欧几里德几何学专门用来处理非曲面)上描述宇宙,一个欧几里的空间就是一个平面,在一个平面内才有可能出现平行线。
4、using a compositive method of Specialist Grading and Entropy to confirm the index weights, and Euclidian Distance Discriminant to make competitiveness ordering of evaluating objects; ─── 运用专家评分和熵权法结合的综合方法确定指标评价权重,采用欧式距离判别法对评价对象进行竞争力排序;
5、Based on the Euclidian distance measured on 7 economic characters by using phenotyhic clustering method, 40 sugarcane genotypes were grouped into 6 clusters from which 24 genotypes were selected. ─── 应用表型聚类法,根椐7种性状的欧氐距离把40个甘蔗基因型划分为6个类群,从中筛选出24个基因型。
6、Discussion on Several Problems about Euclidian Geometry in E~4-Space ─── E~4欧氏几何中的几个问题
7、Control-constraint LMI representation is obtained taking account of upper bound on Euclidian 2-norm of control input. ─── 考虑被控对象控制向量 2范数上界 ,得到控制受约束的LMI表述。
8、For character recognition, the minimum Euclidian distance is used. And for those confusing characters such as '8' &'B' and'0' &'D' , a special processing is necessary. ─── 在字符识别模块,用最小欧氏距离法进行识别,对‘8’和‘B’及‘0’和‘D’等易混淆的字符进行特殊处理;
9、Experimental results on ORL,Yale and AR face datasets show that pseudo-PCA,-2DPCA,-MatPCA and-(2D)~2PCA based on the correlation metric outperform PCA,2DPCA,MatPCA and(2D)~2PCA based on the Euclidian distance. ─── 在ORL,Yale和AR等人脸数据集上的实验表明,该类方法的识别率高于相应的基于欧氏距离的PCA,2DPCA,M atPCA和(2D)2PCA等方法。
10、10.In this paper, we discuss the ridge estimator and the prinripal component es-timator are "close" in the sense of Euclidian when we limited the ridge parameter k in aspectal range. ─── 当法方程的系数阵呈病态时,平差参数的最小二乘估计不再是一个良好估计.为改进最小二乘估计,许多学者提出了众多的有偏估计方法,其中影响最大的是岭估计和主成分估计.
11、By calculating the Euclidian dis-tances of the phase point in phase space, both the phase density and the phase variance are defined and compared with correlation dimension which reflects the chaotic features of nonlinear dynamics system. ─── 通过计算相空间状态点间的欧氏距离,定义相对嵌入维数的态密度和态方差,并与反映非线性动力学系统混沌特征的关联维数作比较。
12、euclidian distance ─── 欧几里得距离
13、A Study on Optimum Classification Character Based on the Distributive Entropy of Euclidian Distance ─── 基于欧氏距离分布熵的特征优化研究
14、This method utilizes convolutional encoding and signal space expanding to increase Euclidian distance between signals, and the effect of quantization is further improved. ─── 对小波变换后的数据进行网格编码量化,利用卷集编码和信号空间扩展来增大量化信号间的欧氏距离,获得了更好的量化效果。
15、A nonlinear parameter,Distributive Entropy of Euclidian Distance(DEED),is introduced and based on which,the ratio of between-class DEED to within-class DEED(JRd) is defined as a criterion for the feature selection. ─── 在此基础上定义了欧氏距离分布熵(Distribution Entropy of Euclidian Distance DEED)这一空间分布信息度量参数,同时给出了它的计算方法.
16、from regular domain in Euclidian space n to some special domain(such as John domain, Uniform domain, QED domain, Lip domain); ─── 从欧氏空间中的规则区域(如球或矩形)推广到各种特殊的区域(如John域,Uniform域,QED域,Lip域等);
17、Basic transformation images of the Image Euclidian ─── 图像欧氏距离变换基图像
18、characteristics of the groups with hyperbolic symmetry and improve the IFS iterated function systems which are used to construct the classical fractal sets in the Euclidian plane. ─── 双曲对称群的特点,改造欧式平面上构造经典分形的IFS迭代函数系,利用这种迭代函数系与双曲平面对称变换构造出组合IFS,通过随机挑选组合IFS中的仿射变换,构造双曲排列的分形集。
19、the case indexing method based on Euclidian distance is most simple in calculation; ─── 基于欧式距离的范例检索计算最为简便;
20、Complex LMS Algorithm is researched and the TCM adative equalizer with pre-decision is designed. A new method with Euclidian distance associated with energy distribution characteristic for decision is presented. ─── 研究了复数LMS算法,设计出基于预判决的TCM自适应均衡器:给出一种基于欧氏距离和信号能量分布联合判决的算法,能够在载波恢复不理想时提高预判决的可靠性。
21、A Deterministic Heuristic Algorithm Based on Euclidian Distance for Solving the Rectangles Packing Problem ─── 基于欧氏距离的矩形Packing问题的确定性启发式求解算法
22、The method utilized convolutional encoding and signal space expanding to increase Euclidian distance between signals,and the gain of quantization was further improved. ─── 该方法在考虑了SAR原始数据特性的基础上利用卷集编码和信号空间扩展来增大量化信号间的欧氏距离,进一步提高了量化增益.
23、Connections Between Euclidian Distance Matrix and Positive Semidefinite Matrix ─── 欧几里得距离矩阵与半正定矩阵的关系
24、A Study on Optimum Classification Character Based on the Distributive Entropy of Euclidian Distance ─── 基于欧氏距离分布熵的特征优化研究
25、a special method to calculate the Euclidian distance between standards and trainings was proposed, so as to give a reasonable score finally. ─── 计算标准模板和被测信号的矢量失真测度时,应用了一种特殊的数学模型,能够定量地以百分制形式给出最终结果。
26、By using the Euclidian distances of the phase point in phase space, both the phase density and the phase variance are calculated. ─── 利用状态空间点间的欧氏距离来计算脑电状态空间的态密度和态方差.
27、In this paper we provedThorem Euclidian domains with two division algorithms are isomorphic to Z as Euclidian domain. ─── 本文证明了 定理 恰有两个除式的Euclid环同构于Z。
28、A Deterministic Heuristic Algorithm Based on Euclidian Distance for Solving the Rectangles Packing Problem ─── 基于欧氏距离的矩形Packing问题的确定性启发式求解算法
29、A Minimum Euclidian Distance Image Retrieval Relevance Feedback Algorithm Based on the Bayesian Classifier and Implementation on DSP ─── 基于贝叶斯分类器的最小欧式距离图像检索相关反馈及DSP实现
30、We generalizes the concept of the parallel rays of Euclidian space to a complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds and discuss its properties. ─── 第二部分是讨论了黎曼流形中的一些几何问题,主要是将欧氏空间平行射线的概念推广到一般黎曼流形,并研究其所具有的性质。
31、We introduce some model to mimic the networks developing on the Euclidian space. ─── 提出了确定性连接的演化的网络模型。
32、When Euclid originally laid down the axioms of his geometric system 23 centuries ago, one of them seemed less than obvious. ─── 2300年前,当欧几里得(Euclidian)最初提出构成他几何体系的那些公理时,其中一个公理似乎一点也不显眼。
33、The demands of customers and the productions of companies are deputized by the matrixes,and the Euclidian distances in this paper describe the discriminations between the demands of customers and the productions of companies. ─── 以顾客个性化需求矩阵和企业产出属性矩阵分别代表顾客的需求和企业的产出,以个性化需求与企业输出属性之间的欧氏距离表示企业输出产品的属性与顾客个性化需求之间的差别。
35、Thirdly, different judging criteria, including absolute distance, Euclidian distance and similarity matching, are adopted to match different requirements on recognition speed or accuracy. ─── 最后在各级分类中采用了不同的判别准则 ,包括绝对值距离、欧氏距离及相似度准则 ,以适应于时间、准确性的不同要求 .
36、In this article, the relative position between two planes, the perpendicular relation between two geometric elements and the angle between two planes in E~4--Space of Euclidian geometry are briefly analysed and discussed. ─── 本文主要就E~4欧氏几何中两平面间的相对位置、两几何元素间的垂直关系以及两平面间的夹角问题进行分析讨论。
37、Based on the dual variables, the Hamiltonian system theory is introduced into plane orthotropy elasticity, the transformation from Euclidian space to symplectic space is realized. ─── 通过引入对偶变量,将平面正交各向异性问题导入哈密顿体系,实现从欧几里德几何空间向辛几何空间的转换。
39、the case indexing method based on Euclidian distance is most simple in calculation; ─── 基于欧式距离的范例检索计算最为简便;
40、Moreover, the general Euclidian geometric shapes of the deposit vary in a regular way according to the photos. ─── 根据照片显沉淀物的欧几里德几何形状也有着规则的变化。
41、It is vain to cite Euclidian postulates that "quantities which are equal to the same quantity are equal to each other. " ─── 引证欧几里得的基本定理“等量之间彼此相等”是没有用的。
42、Moreover, the general Euclidian geometric shapes of the deposit vary in a regular way according to the photos. ─── 根据照片显沉淀物的欧几里德几何形状也有着规则的变化。
43、Supervised pattern classifiers with Euclidian Measurement are finally performed for recognition. ─── 以欧氏距离作为度量,使用标准模式分类器用于步态识别。
44、Extended Doublc Backlund Transformations of the Self- Dual SU (2)Gaugc Fields on Four-Dimensional Euclidian Space ─── 四维欧氏空间自对偶SU(2)规范场的扩展二重Backlund变换
45、6.Meanwhile, this algorithm provides approximate zeros of continuous mapping on Euclidian space and, in some casest can follow the pathwise connected set of zeros. ─── 另一方面,这算法可用于计算某些连续映射的零点,且具有跟踪连通零点集的功能.
46、Compared with traditional methods, such as Nearest Neighbor Rules, Euclidian Distance, Mahalanobis Distance and Neural Networks, this method achieves higher recognition rate. ─── 该方法与传统方法相比 ,克服了后者固有的过学习和欠学习问题 ,并且对复杂模式的识别能力强 ,达到了很高的人脸识别率。
47、Euclidian algorithm and Its Implementation in RS Decoder ─── RS译码的Euclid算法及其FPGA实现
48、Based on the dual variables,the Hamiltonian system theory is introduced into plane orthotropy elasticity,the transformation from Euclidian space to symplectic space is realized. ─── 通过引入对偶变量,将平面正交各向异性问题导入哈密顿体系,实现从欧几里德几何空间向辛几何空间的转换。
49、In this paper, we discuss the ridge estimator and the prinripal component es-timator are "close" in the sense of Euclidian when we limited the ridge parameter k in aspectal range. ─── 当法方程的系数阵呈病态时,平差参数的最小二乘估计不再是一个良好估计. 为改进最小二乘估计,许多学者提出了众多的有偏估计方法,其中影响最大的是岭估计和主成分估计.
50、It is found that the 3-10 samples, which have the nearest Euclidian distance (
在这个时代大显身手的是维也纳古典乐派的三位大师:海顿(交响乐之父)、莫 扎特(音乐神童)、贝多芬(乐圣)。在欧洲启蒙运动和大革命的洗礼中,欧洲音乐的主题从延续近千年对神的虔诚转移到对理性的崇尚上来,使得古典时期的作品具有丰富的哲理内涵。
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