maturated 发音
英: 美:
maturated 中文意思翻译
maturated 词性/词形变化,maturated变形
形容词: maturative |动词过去式: maturated |动词现在分词: maturating |动词第三人称单数: maturates |动词过去分词: maturated |
maturated 相似词语短语
1、maturate ─── v.化脓;(使)成熟
2、aurated ─── 听觉的
3、obturated ─── vt.封闭;填塞;密闭
4、micturated ─── vi.排尿
5、matured ─── adj.成熟的;到期的;v.成熟;到期(mature的过去分词)
6、saturate ─── vt.浸透,使湿透;使饱和,使充满;adj.浸透的,饱和的;深颜色的
7、saturated ─── adj.饱和的;渗透的;深颜色的;v.使渗透,使饱和(saturate的过去式)
8、maturates ─── v.化脓;(使)成熟
9、macerated ─── adj.浸渍的;v.浸渍;浸软(macerate的过去式)
maturated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、For the maturated study of main circuit configuration,the development of APF mainly depends on its control method. ─── 有源电力滤波器主电路结构的研究已经比较成熟,其性能的提高主要依赖于所采用的控制方法。
2、At the end of 20 century, Ofsted amended the Framework of inspecting schools frequently and made it matur and perfect. ─── 而且从上世纪末开始,英格兰教育标准局频繁修订学校督导大纲,英格兰学校督导制度也因此逐步走向成熟和完善。
3、The black color represents that the trainee kung fu has maturated and has become professional, and also represents the black belted warrior who is not influenced by darkness and fear. ─── 黑色代表练习者的武道技术的成熟和专业;黑色也象征了黑带武士不受黑暗和恐惧的影响.
4、Objective To compare the clinical outcome of study on PCOS women treated by IVM of oocytes maturated in two different IVM media, which include patient serum or human follicular fluid. ─── 目的 通过自体血清和人成熟卵泡液来源的两种不同IVM培养系统对PCOS不孕患者行IVM治疗的病例对照研究,比较两者的临床结局。
5、There are a lot of problems in the traditional definition of sport.Therefore, it gives us some dazzling things and misunderstandings about un maturated sport research and practice. ─── 传统体育的定义和分类仍存在着许多问题,给我们原本就不成熟的体育在理论研究和实践运用中带来许多困惑。
6、10-year ups and downs in show business have maturated this once-flamboyant sensation to a rather composed celebrity. ─── 十年来演艺事业的起起落落,使得这位一度光芒万丈的人气女星蜕变成一位淡定自若的演艺名人。
7、The paper has expounded components and several types of coal bed gas and analys ed the influences of microlithotype, matur ity, reservoir pressure and so fort... ─── 对分析煤盆地间、钻孔间以及煤层间煤层气成分的变化具有重要意义。
8、Recently, process in small size is completed, the process will be maturated in medium size. ─── 目前小试已完成,生产工艺将于中试之后成熟。
9、Network correlative technologies are continuously improved and maturated over Internet, meanwhile the former centralized application systems are developed to adapt to distributed architecture. ─── Internet网络及其相关技术正在不断发展成熟,建立在广域网上的应用系统也在从传统的集中式网络架构向分布式架构发展。
10、Presently, Internet spreading all over the world and it is a low-cost and shareware resource. Along with newly technology- Virtual Private Network (VPN) maturated, its performance can entirely reached security demand of data transfer. ─── 目前,Internet已经遍布到世界的每一个角落,这是一个廉价的共享资源,随着新技术--虚拟专用网(VPN)技术的逐渐成熟和应用,其性能可以完全达到数据安全传输的要求。
11、Conclusions: ICSI with oocytes maturated in vitro may have the similar outcome to with those maturated in vivo. ─── 结论:用体外成熟的卵子ICSI后助孕可取得与体内成熟卵子相似的结果。
12、Another feature of the compact disc was that it showed the composer’s removed the conception on the technique of electronic music as well as his idea of music creation more maturated. ─── 新专辑既反映出作曲家在电子音乐技术观念上的更新,也反映出他的音乐创作思想更加成熟。
13、Retrospecting the development of Shanghai office market, it just gradually maturated with the development of Shanghai economy. ─── 回顾上海办公楼发展历程,上海的办公楼市场正是跟随着上海经济的发展而逐渐成熟并发展起来的。
14、Although the B2C e-commerce business mode, as a growing mode, has shown great potential, it is not completely maturated and some unsolved problems is seriously hampering its development. ─── B2C电子商务模式,作为一种成长中的商务模式,虽然已显示出了巨大的潜力,但目前尚未真正发育成形,一些未能解决的问题正严重阻碍它的健康发展。
15、Cloning of Bovine Adult Somatic Cell with Rabbit's Maturated Oocytes as Nuclear Recipient ─── 牛兔异种体细胞以兔卵母细胞为核受体的牛体细胞克隆研究
16、maturated embryo ─── 成熟胚
17、Affiliating with her, I found that I had maturated a lot.She's older than me, it looks as if she's not a friend, but a tutor.Thank to her. ─── 和她相处,我觉得我成长了很多,她比我大几岁,现在看来,从某种程度上来讲,与其说是朋友,她更像是我的一位导师,感谢她。
18、The Distribution of Cadmium and Several Micronutrients in Maturated Soybean Plants Under Cadmium Stress . ─── 镉胁迫下大豆中镉与几种微量元素的分布状况。
19、When HPMC was added in FG and then maturated: the absorbance (A400) significantly increased, which indicated the combinative gel was formed; ─── 鱼皮明胶在添加HPMC并静置交互作用后,A400吸光值明显增高,显示鱼皮明胶与HPMC有混合凝胶效果;
20、Coloured with a nice red ruby note, this wine releases multiple aromas of maturated grapes and vanilla,very harmonious in taste,his structure and his tannins give him a very good balance. ─── 酒评:深红宝石色,散发出多种成熟葡萄以及香草的香气,酒体丰满柔和,体现拜牙谷的典雅风采。
21、The results showed that the reaction degree of samples maturated in different time all was near 1. ─── 随着熟化时间延长,硫化反应速率常数均明显增大;
22、7.Compare with the maturated Jiuzaigou scene site, Wuxuhai has a kind of natural ease. ─── 相比开发成熟的九寨沟,伍须海自有一种从容和淡定。
23、embryoids developed unsynchronously and maturated only on the medium for differentiation. ─── 胚状体只有在分化培养基上才能发育成熟。
24、Abstract: The maturated oil with a high yield is found for the first time in the Kashan Block, Iran. ─── 文章摘要: 伊朗卡山区块首次发现了高产成熟原油。
25、Through the activities, Zhou En-lai's thought maturated and his great capability was evident. ─── 这些实践促进了周恩来能力的锻炼和思想的成熟,对其以后的成长有着极其重要的意义。
26、We found that Chinese cognitive metaphor patterns maturated in middle Chinese. ─── 汉语时间表达的认知隐喻方式在上古还不够成熟,中古才趋于成熟。
27、The maturated oil with a high yield is found for the first time in the Kashan Block, Iran. ─── 伊朗卡山区块首次发现了高产成熟原油。
28、Early brix research indicated that FN02-3924 maturated particularly early, it could be harvested earlier for more than two months. ─── 早期田间锤度研究表明,FN02-3924属特早熟高糖品系,作能源甘蔗可提早2个多月开榨,具有广阔的应用前景。
29、grapes after amelioration couldn't reach the quality of normally maturated ones; ─── 对原料的改良无法达到正常成熟的葡萄所具有的质量;
30、Recently, process in small size is completed, the process will be maturated in medium size. ─── 目前小试已完成,生产工艺将于中试之后成熟。
31、Or think of this, one day, you live a hardly and inanimate life ,people may talk too you, you are maturated. ─── 也许你本来就没有梦想,这时候也会逼你去做梦。
32、The 10-year ups and downs in show business have maturated this once-flamboyant sensation to a rather composed celebrity. ─── 十年来演艺事业的起起落落,使得这位一度光芒万丈的人气女星蜕变成一位淡定自若的演艺名人。
33、At the south margin of the basin and around Nanshan Coal Mine, where used to be a depression of Late Permian, the Upper Permian source rock has become maturated. ─── 盆地西北缘的中、下侏罗统生油岩处于未成熟-低成熟阶段,为潜在烃源岩。
34、maturated follicle ─── 成熟滤胞
35、There are two forms of fruit maturating; one is that the fruits maturated in current year, another in the following year, such as E. duclouxii. ─── 果成熟期有二种,一是当年结果当年成熟;二是当年结果翌年果熟如冬桃。
36、I am hones,I do not people to lie,please understand,be yourself,want some one who can comunicate with in matur way.be able to travel. ─── 我是个诚实的人,不喜欢别人撒谎,请理解,做你自己,想找一个能成熟交流的人,愿意旅行.
37、The Distribution of Cadmium and Several Micronutrients in Maturated Soybean Plants Under Cadmium Stress. ─── 镉胁迫下大豆中镉与几种微量元素的分布状况。
38、As the earliest maturated drama model, Yuan-zaju takes an important role in the whole china narrative literature history. ─── 作为中国最早成熟的戏剧形式,元杂剧在整个中国叙事文学的历史上都占据着十分重要的位置。
39、We found that Chinese cognitive metaphor patterns maturated in middle Chinese. ─── 汉语时间表达的认知隐喻方式在上古还不够成熟,中古才趋于成熟。
40、The Lower Permian source rock is in a maturated-high maturated stage, it's the current oil source rock. ─── 盆地南缘南山煤矿一带,曾是晚二叠世的凹陷区(其凹陷局限),上二叠统生油岩已成熟;
41、Wood 's military thought marked, that the ideology of the civilian military training was maturated. ─── 伍德的军事思想标志着平民军事教育体制思想的形成。
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