unmanly 发音
英:[ʌn'mænlɪ] 美:[ʌn'mænli]
英: 美:
unmanly 中文意思翻译
unmanly 网络释义
adj. 怯懦的;无男子气概的;女子气的;娇气的
unmanly 反义词
unmanly 同义词
pusillanimous | apprehensive | timid | fearful | poor-spirited | weak | feminine |cowardly | unmanlike | cringing | yellow
unmanly 词性/词形变化,unmanly变形
名词: unmanliness |形容词最高级: unmanliest |形容词比较级: unmanlier |
unmanly 相似词语短语
1、unhumanly ─── 不人道的。
2、unman ─── vt.使失去男子气质;使怯懦;阉割
3、manly ─── adj.男子气概的;强壮的;适于男人的;adv.雄赳赳地;n.(Manly)(英)曼利(人名)
4、unmans ─── vt.使失去男子气质;使怯懦;阉割
5、unmarry ─── vt.离婚;vi.与某人解除婚姻
6、humanly ─── adv.以人特有的方式;像人地;在人力所能及的范围;带人的感情(或仁慈)地;尽最大努力
7、unwomanly ─── adj.不似女流的;女人不应有的
8、unmantle ─── 脱开
9、womanly ─── adj.有女人味儿的;适合女人的
unmanly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It is for the same reason that to cry out with bodily pain, how intolerable soever, appears always unmanly and unbecoming. ─── 同样的道理,无论身体的疼痛多么难以忍受,只要大声喊出来就显得不庄重不优雅。
2、The latest finding about Japan's increasingly unmanly men is that some40% think enjoying in-game love is worthwhile, whilst 20% admit toactually wanting a relationship with characters in a game. ─── 日本男人越来越没有男人味,而关于这个现象的最新发现是:40%的日本男性认为游戏中的恋爱是非常有价值的,其中20%承认他们想与游戏中的角色建立关系。
3、The precautions taken were meager and haphazard enough, as was proved in distressing instance after instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business, but a certain degree of restraint was observed. ─── 在残酷无情的战争中,一桩桩令人悲痛的事件证明,德方的克制是很不够的,而且带有任意性,但确实有一定程度的节制。
4、If Dr. Grantly had used it of me, he has been unmanly and inhospitable ─── 要是格伦雷博士使用它来说我,那么他就不象一个男子汉,待客人也太不礼貌啦。
5、Freddie had proved to be nothing more than an innkeeper and ladies' man, the idiom for ladies' man untranslatable but connotating a greedy infant always at its mother's nipple--in short, unmanly. ─── 实践证明,弗烈特只不过是开旅店的行家和女人手中的玩物而已,所谓女人手中的玩物的特点,虽然难以具体描述,但大致意味着是一个老是偎在妈妈怀里吃奶的贪馋的婴儿。
6、"Most men consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often overlooked," Neuman says. ─── 能否容忍他们俩在外面吃饭讨论项目方案?
7、AS morning after morning he left her, still with that harsh, unmanly frown upon his face, she would look up at him with her entreating eyes. ─── 天天早上,当他挂着那种恶狠狠的、男子汉不该有的脸相颦眉蹙额离她而去时,她以恳求的眼光仰望着他。
8、Moderation will protect us against the twin dangers of visionary expectations from politics and unmanly contempt for politics. ─── 节制将保护我们免遭政治的双重危险,要么是对政治抱有幻想,要么是对政治持懦弱的轻视态度。
9、Grandma: Besides kids, we are going to have a grand week together.Carol, I finally get to teach you about make up.And Ben, it is not unmanly to embroider.After all, it is the eighties. ─── 凯特:孩子们,还有,我们将度过快乐的一周,卡罗尔,我终于有机会教你如何化妆了,至于本,男人也应该学点儿针线活儿,再说,现在是80年代了。
10、He is an unmanly fellow. ─── 他不像个男子汉。
11、At that time, pants were considered unmanly. ─── 那个时候,裤子被视为很女人气。
12、Jong-chul was not considered as potential leader after he was dubbed unmanly by his father. ─── 金正哲则没有进入过领导人竞争,因为父亲称他不像个男人。
13、31. As late as 1897, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered unmanly. ─── 一直到1897年,英国海军的船员还不允许用刀和叉吃饭,因为用刀叉吃饭被认为是没有男人气概的.
14、Some men think it unmanly to be domesticated; others find gratification in it. ─── 有些男人认为恋家没有男子汉气概;其他人却自得其乐。
15、Chemically, I'm at the most unmanly point in my life. ─── 从化学角度分析,我正处于一个男人最不当年的时候。
16、I would not have spoken thus harshly to you, but by your unmanly conduct you have brought in upon your self ─── 要不是你那种没有男子气的行为,我绝不会那么刻薄地说你,因此你只好自作自受。
17、'Silver, if you like,' cried the squire; 'but as for the intolerable humbug, I declare I think his conduct unmanly, unsailorly, and downright un - English.' ─── “希尔弗嘛,我想你的看法是对的,”乡绅说,“可说到刚才这位只会故意吓唬人的讨厌家伙嘛,我认为他的行为不像个男子汉,没有一点水手的风度,根本不像个英国绅士。”
18、And no wonder: "Guys have been taught to think it's unmanly to discuss their emotions, so they'll often get annoyed if you ask them to," says Rosenzweig. ─── 罗森薇格说:“男人们从小接受的教育就是,吐苦水的男人都是娘娘腔,所以当你让他们跟你谈心时,男人们难免会有抵触。”
19、5. It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. ─── 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概.
20、At that point, the only unsavory aspect, even unmanly, is when the star knows he will be getting the benefit of most doubts from the referees and the league. ─── 在这一点上,唯一的难吃的问题,甚至怯懦,是何时知道的明星,他将得到的利益,最怀疑的裁判和联盟。
21、In cases where another man is the harasser, the victim might be afraid that he comes across as unmanly, he says. ─── 而如果被另一名男性骚扰,受害者可能会担心给人留下缺乏男子气的印象。
22、But to persever in obstinate condelement is a course of impious stubbornness:it's unmanly grief. ─── 但若是固执的哀悔,那便是拘泥了。
23、But to persever in obstinate condelement is a course of impious stubbornness:it's unmanly grief.It shows a will most incorrect to heaven,a heart unfortifid,a mind inpatient. ─── 但若是固执的哀悔,那便是拘泥了。那岂是男子汉的哀伤,这只是表示出拂逆天意,心地不坚,缺乏耐性。
24、10. We'll never accuse you of having done anything forgetful or unmanly. ─── 我们决不会讲你不够朋友或没有男子汉气概的。
25、As morning after morning he left her, still with that harsh, unmanly frown upon his face, she would look up at him with her entreating eyes. ─── 天天早上,当他挂着那种恶狠狠的、男子汉不该有的脸相颦眉蹙额离她而去时,她以恳求的眼光仰望着他。
26、The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown. ─── 神父趁机规劝他说,象他刚才那样软弱太不够男子气了。
27、As late as 1897, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered unmanly . ─── 一直到1897年,英国海军的船员还不允许用刀和叉吃饭,因为用刀叉吃饭被认为是没有男人气概的。
28、Your partner can feel the loss as acutely as you, but may feel that it is unmanly to cry. ─── 你的伴侣对失败的感受和你一样强烈,但他可能会觉得哭泣是没有男子气概的。
29、The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown ─── 神父趁机会规幼他说,像他刚才那样软弱太不够男子气了。
30、Inclination in that direction has long been considered frivolous and unmanly ─── 这方面的爱好长期被认为是轻薄和非男子气的。
31、If Dr. Grantly had used it of me, he has been unmanly and inhospitable. ─── 要是格伦雷博士使用它来说我,那么他就不象一个男子汉,待客人也太不礼貌啦。
32、1. It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. ─── 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概。
33、The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown. ─── 神父趁机规劝他说,象他刚才那样软弱太不够男子气了。
34、"Should a thought so fatal and unmanly possess the colonies in the present contest,the name of ancestors will be remembered by future generations with detestation. ─── 在当前这场斗争中,如果这种致命而又软弱的思想在殖民地占据了统治地位,那么我们这些先人会被后代唾骂。
35、It is unmanly to attack a woman so! ─── 这样攻击一个女人算哪路好汉!
36、12. As late as 1897, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered unmanly. ─── 一直到1897年英国海军的船员还不容许用刀和叉子吃饭,因为用刀子吃饭被认为是没有男人气概。
manly的中文翻译 a.
1. 有男子气概的
He was her ideal of all that was manly.
他集男子汉所有气质于一身,是她心中的偶像。 2. 适合男性的,男子的
manly sports
副词 ad.
1. 古有男子气概地
manly的中文翻译 a. 1. 有男子气概的 He was her ideal of all that was manly. 他集男子汉所有气质于一身,是她心中的偶像。
2. 适合男性的,男子的 manly sports 适合男子的运动 副词 ad. 1. 古有男子气概地版权声明: 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,旨在传递更多信息,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任,不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需要同本网联系的,请发送邮件至 举报,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。