eschar 发音
英:[ˈesˌkɑːr; ˌeskər] 美:[ˈeskɑː(r)]
英: 美:
eschar 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 焦痂
eschar 词性/词形变化,eschar变形
eschar 短语词组
1、neuropathic eschar ─── [医] 神经病性褥疮
2、unroof eschar ─── 去痂
eschar 相似词语短语
1、escheat ─── n.归还财产;充公;vt.归还;没收;vi.被没收;被征用
2、Béchar ─── 贝查
3、Ascham ─── 阿斯克姆(人名)
4、escheator ─── 管理充公产业的官员
5、escarp ─── n.内壕(等于escarpment);vt.使成斜面
6、achar ─── n.印度式腌菜,腌渍物
7、eschars ─── n.[外科]焦痂(烧伤后的疮痂)
8、escolar ─── n.玉梭鱼(生活在大西洋热带区);n.(Escolar)人名;(西)埃斯科拉
9、eschew ─── vt.避免;避开;远避
eschar 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Objective To develop an acellular xenodermal frame and to apply it in the repair of burning wounds after eschar excision. ─── 目的研制一种去细胞的异种真皮支架用于修复深度烧伤的切(削)痂创面。
2、Objective To study the change of pharmacokinetics parameters of imipenem in the interstitial fluids under eschar of burn rabbits in the early stage. ─── 目的研究亚胺培南在严重烧伤早期痂下组织液和血浆中的药代动力学变化。
3、natural removal of eschar ─── 自然脱痂法
4、eschar excision ─── 切痂术
5、denudation of eschar ─── 剥痂术
6、The eschar begins to soften . ─── 焦痂开始软化。
7、crude extract of burn eschar ─── 烧伤焦痂粗提液
8、early eschar shaving ─── 早期削痂
9、removal of eschar ─── 痂切除
10、An experimental study on the pharmacokinetic of Imipenem in the interstitial fluids under eschar of burn rabbits in the early stage ─── 亚胺培南在烧伤早期家兔痂下组织液的药动学实验研究
11、Keywords scrub typhus;multiple organ damage;eschar; ─── 关键词恙虫病;多脏器损害;焦痂;
12、Lower power settings mean less thermal necrosis to surrounding tissue and a further reduction in eschar build-up. ─── 低功耗设置意味着减少热量向周围组织坏死,并进一步减少痂建设。
13、Of the 58 confirmed cases, 70.69% showed skin eschar, 89.66% had lymphadenopathy, and 89.66% presented with fever. ─── 另调查58例确定病例中,出现皮肤焦痂者佔70.69%,有林巴病变者佔89.66%,发生高烧者佔89.66%。
14、Conclusion: Early eschar open decompression can effectively prevent early airway obstruction so as not to incise trachea in severely burned patients with face-neck deep bums. ─── 结论:早期行双颈部焦痂切开减压,可有效防止面颈部深度烧伤患者早期发生气道梗阻,避免气管切开,该方法简便可行。
15、Advances include rapid removal of eschar, skin grafting, and early enteral feeding. ─── 包括进展迅速清除痂,植皮,和早期肠道喂养。
16、eschar burn ─── 焦痂性烧伤
17、Keywords Burn injury;10% Povidone iodine ointment;Abscess under eschar;Pseudomonas Acruginosa; ─── 烧伤;10%皮维碘软膏;焦痂下积脓;绿脓杆菌;
18、The eschar begins to soften ─── 焦痂开始软化。
19、At the site of inoculation that rapidly progresses to an ulcer surrounded by vesicles and then to a necrotic eschar. ─── 疾病很快从围有水泡的溃疡发展成为焦痂。
20、(2) incision being impeded by severe hypertrophy or eschar formation at the orifice (n=34). ─── 34例为乳头开口过厚或焦痂形成无法继续切开。
21、Conclusion The application of tangential excision of eschar and skin grafting in the full thickness burn can be better service the beautiful outlook and protect the function of limbs. ─── 结论三度烧伤创面采用削痂植皮术治疗能更好地维护肢体的美观、保护肢体的功能。
22、Objective To investigate the remote effects of epidermal growth factor(EGF)and early removal of eschar combined with skin grafting for the treatment of skin lesion produced by mustard gas. ─── 目的观察早期使用表皮细胞生长因子治疗、创面早期切痂植皮对芥子气皮肤损伤的疗效。
23、excision of eschar by laser ─── 激光切痂
24、Cutaneous anthrax usually presents with painless ulcer, followed by central black eschar and surrounding lymph node swelling.It is the most common form of anthrax. ─── 皮肤性炭疽通常呈现无痛溃疡,中央部份黑色,附近淋巴腺肿胀,是最常见的类别。
25、Sub- eschar injection ─── 痂下注射
26、separation of eschar ─── 脱焦痂
27、The eschar begins to soften. ─── 痂脱落或手术去除前难以确定其分期。
28、eschar and ulcer were found at leg, scrotum, anus, axillary fossa, upper arm and neck; ─── 分别于小腿、阴囊、肛门、腋窝、上臂、颈部发现焦痴或溃疡;
29、Results: The time and durations of relieving pain, removing herpes and turning eschar are sign-ificantly shorter in the observed group.Conclusions: The ultrared radiation used i... ─── 结果:观察组能明显缩短止疼、止疱、结痂所需时间及病程。
30、Keywords Tsutsugamushi disease;Eschar;Smear; ─── 恙虫病;焦痂;涂片检查;
31、The bite of this mite leaves a characteristic black eschar that is useful to the doctor for making the diagnosis. ─── 这一咬叶螨的特徵黑色焦痂是有用的医生作出诊断。
33、Complications of massive transfusion for excision of eschar in empyrosis patients and the treatments ─── 烧伤切痂大量输血的并发症及其治疗
34、High fever, skin eschar, ulcer, rashes and lymphadenopathy were mostly presented. ─── 常见症状为高热、皮肤焦痂和溃疡、皮疹及淋巴结肿大。
35、Keywords burns;eschar grinding;biological dressing A;wound management; ─── 烧伤;磨痂;生物敷料A;创面处理;
36、Keywords Eschar;Open decompression;Neck;Burn;Treatment;Airway obstruction; ─── 焦痂;切开减压;颈部;烧伤;治疗;气道梗阻;
37、Establishment and application of eschar smear method for detection of tsutsugamushi disease ─── 恙虫病焦痂涂片检查方法的建立和应用
38、Eschar treatment ─── 痂皮处理方法
39、Comparison and evaluation of recant living ability to the treatment of removal eschar in the shock stage of burn ─── 烧伤休克期切痂的治疗对比及近期生活能力评估
40、Excision of eschar skin grafting ─── 切痂植皮
41、Stage is difficult to determine until eschar has sloughed or has been surgically removed. ─── 在焦痂脱落或手术去除前难以确定其分期。
42、High fever, skin eschar, ulcer, rashes and lymphadenopathy were mostly presented. ─── 常见症状为高热、皮肤焦痂和溃疡、皮疹及淋巴结肿大。
43、Keywords Tropical area;Deep burn;Removal of eschar and skin grafting;Complication;Comparison; ─── 热带地区;深度烧伤;切痂植皮;并发症;比较;
44、Objective To explore the application of tangential excision of eschar and self-skin grafting in the full thickness burn. ─── 摘要目的探讨削痴植皮术在三度烧伤创面早期祛痂手术中的应用。
45、Eschar abrading ─── 磨痂
46、Experimental Researches of Time Selection of Excision of Eschar and Skin Grafting after Alkali Burn ─── 碱烧伤创面切痂与植皮时机选择的实验研究
47、Quantitative eschar shaving ─── 定量削痂
48、excision of eschar ─── 切痂
49、autolysis of eschar ─── 焦痂自溶
50、Keywords Dorsum of hand Tangential excision of eschar Delayed skingrafting Burn of hand Immediately grafting Grafting for burns Burn; ─── 手背烧伤;削痂术;延期植皮;烧伤植皮;手烧伤;立即植皮;烧伤;
51、Objective To investigate the remote effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and early removal of eschar combined with skin grafting for the treatment of skin lesion produced by mustard gas. ─── 摘要目的观察早期使用表皮细胞生长因子治疗、创面早期切痂植皮对芥子气皮肤损伤的疗效。
52、Nursing care of patients with hand deep burn underwent excision of eschar and skin grafting at early stage ─── 深度手烧伤早期切痂植皮的护理
53、Stage is difficult to determine until eschar has sloughed or has been surgically removed. ─── 在焦痂脱落或手术去除前难以确定其分期。
54、The burn wound, whose eschar was shaved, was covered with large piece of allogenous skin with automicrograft skin flaps beneath its dermic side and bound up with pressed dressing after suture. ─── 切取自体刃厚皮制作成微粒皮,通过漂浮法将微粒皮转移到复温处理后的大张异体皮真皮面,用其覆盖削痂后创面,缝合固定,加压包扎。
55、stage of eschar separation ─── 焦痂分离期
56、eschar shaving ─── 削痂
57、Clinical observations in 14 cases of massive deep burns treated with Chinese herbs medicine and skin-grafting under the eschar ─── 中药制痂开窗,痂下植皮治疗14例大面积深度烧伤的临床观察
58、At the site of inoculation that rapidly progresses to an ulcer surrounded by vesicles and then to a necrotic eschar. ─── 疾病很快从围有水泡的溃疡发展成为焦痂。
59、Influence of Tramadol on chill reaction in anesthesia analepsia period of patients with a large area of burn after underwent eschar excision and skin grafting ─── 曲马多对大面积烧伤切痂植皮术病人麻醉苏醒期寒战反应的影响
60、stage v: lesion is covered by a tough membranous layer that may be rigidly adherent to the ulcer base. stage is difficult to determine until eschar has sloughed or has been surgically removed. ─── 五期:损伤被一硬膜层覆盖,该硬膜层可能牢固地附着于溃疡基。在焦痂脱落或手术去除前难以确定其分期。
61、tangential excision of eschar ─── 削痂术
62、staged excisiion of eschar ─── 分期切痂
63、neuropathic eschar ─── 神经病性焦痂
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