historiographer 发音
英:[hɪsˌtɔːriˈɑːgrəfər] 美:[hɪˌstɔːrɪˈɒɡrəfə(r)]
英: 美:
historiographer 中文意思翻译
historiographer 词性/词形变化,historiographer变形
historiographer 相似词语短语
1、historiographic ─── 编史的
2、historiographers ─── n.历史学家;史料编纂者
3、hierographer ─── 象形文字
4、stereographer ─── 立体构图仪
5、histographer ─── 组织学家
6、horographer ─── 水平仪
7、historiographical ─── 编史;史料编纂法
8、autobiographer ─── n.自传作者
9、historiography ─── n.编史;历史编纂学
historiographer 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、historian; historiographer ─── 史学家
2、Because of this successive generations all established agencies and officials for astronomical observation, whose results were reported to the throne and delivered to the historiographer. ─── 这种求真求实的精神,促使西方的天文学在短短三、四百年内一日千里,终于进入太空,令我们瞠乎其后。
3、office of historiographer ─── 史馆
4、Maksim Ksuta is a collagist, portrait painter and historiographer who graduated from the the Moscow State Aviation Technological University. ─── Maksim Ksuta是一位拼贴画艺术家、肖像画家和历史学家,毕业于莫斯科国立航空技术大学。
5、REN Fang, a historian in the Qi- and Liang-dynasties, once served as Emperor Wu’s historiographer whereas norecords are available to confirm that REN Fang had written canonicalhistory. ─── 任昉是齐梁时期的历史学家,曾做过梁武帝的史官,但没有任昉写过正史的记录。
6、Therefore, as to the true history, no historiographer could depict it clearly within one or two words. ─── 所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?
7、Historiographer's Learning of Chu State Saw in Unearthed Literature and "Meanwhile School" , "Elder Huang School" ─── 出土文献所见楚国的史官学术与“老庄学派”黄老学派
8、For the first, he had realized a transit from a patriot to a Marxist, which was the same road that a group of advanced historiographer had experienced in the 20th century. ─── 首先,他从一个爱国者走向一个马克思主义者,反映了20世纪一批进步史家所走过的共同道路。
9、Historiographer's Learning of Chu State Saw in Unearthed Literature and "Meanwhile School", "Elder Huang School" ─── 出土文献所见楚国的史官学术与"老庄学派"黄老学派
10、Content: "Historiographer" words" is a kind of genre in which Sima Qian expressreference on historical events, often with a strong flavor of emotions. ─── “太史公曰”是司马迁用以议论史事、表达思想的文体。
11、In Autumn and Spring Period and the Warring States Period, historiographer culture became very common and open, including going canvassing kings and teaching students. ─── 春秋战国时期史官文化向普及型、放型文化的迅速转变,促进了文化传播。
12、Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty. ─── 章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。
13、system of historiographer ─── 史官制度
14、For the first, he had realized a transit from a patriot to a Marxist which was the same road that a group of advanced historiographer had experienced in the twentieth century. ─── 首先 ,他从一个爱国者走向一个马克思主义者 ,反映了 2 0世纪一批进步史学家所走过的共同道路。
15、In the first part, we pointed that the urgency, the need and the feasibility of studying the historiographer records in Zuo Zhuan. ─── 第一部分,指出对《左传》中史官资料研究的紧迫性、必要性和可行性。
16、More interesting is that the new film written by martial arts add a special history historiographer leaves, the figure is set to money eyes, who Writing Whose money on "corrupt", highly ironic. ─── 更有趣的是,片中新加入了专门撰写武林历史的史官红叶,该人物被设置成见钱眼开、谁给钱就写谁的“贪官”,极具讽刺意味。
17、Forever, moreparticularly and embedded research on "Historiographer" words" needs todifferentiate all the issues above. ─── 但只有辩明上述诸问题,才能对“太史公曰”进行更细致深入的研究。
18、"Historiographer Sima's words" ─── “太史公日”
19、A Survey of the Rational Consciousness of Textual Historiographer in the Qing Dynasty ─── 关于清代考史学家理性意识的考察
20、the styles should he based on the definition andcategory but not the positions of "Historiographer"s words". ─── 应从文体的角度而不是按照位置对“太史公曰”进行分类。
21、Including their charectors and lows the ancient Chinese historiographer system and the historiography development based on the historiographer establishment and the history accounting ways. ─── 形成于先秦时期的史官建置及史官职能,奠定了中国古代史官制度和史学发展的基础,也决定了其在发展过程中应有的特点和规律。
22、Historiographer Case ─── 国史案
23、Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty. ─── 摘要章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。
24、historiographer culture ─── 史官文化
25、Opium was labelled wu xiang or 'black fragrance' by the editors of Da Ming Huidian, as Yu Zhengxie, a Qing court historiographer, decoded. ─── 据清代历史学家俞正燮考证,《大明会典》中所记载的“乌香”就是鸦片。
26、He was so much fascinated by the ever changing hues of the river-landscape that his biographers called him the historiographer of the River Seine. ─── 他是如此着迷河流不断变化的色彩,风景,他的传记作者称他是塞纳河史官。
27、The reason for the forming of his poetics system lies in that his consciousness of responsibility as historiographer and emphasis on the practical knowledge of managing state affairs. ─── 形成这一诗学体系的原因,在于其面对政治的危机及学术的衰颓所产生的强烈的史官意识及经世致用的实学思想。
28、A critical review of the assistant historiographer Zhang Lie-wen of Ming dynasty ─── 明代副使张烈文评价
29、historiographer's feelings ─── 史家情怀
30、N-S DIV: state historiographer ─── 国史
31、N-S DIV:Historiographer ─── 撰史学士
32、The style of Laozi was related with the warning tradition of Chu and the historiographer profession of Laozi. ─── 《老子》文体与楚国独特的箴诫传统以及老子本人史官的职业背景有关。
33、On Historiographer and Historiographer Culture in the History of China ─── 我国古代史官和史官文化浅论
34、On the Historiographer Institution of the Tang Dynasty ─── 略论唐代史官制度
35、Scholars rarely set foot in clearing up the precondition issue about theresearch on "Historiographer" words" by the numbers. ─── 关于“太史公曰”研究的前提性问题进行全面系统地整理,学人却极少涉足。
36、Then why should historiographer write the sentence repeatedly at the opening or when each emperor ascended the throne? ─── 那么,为何史官要在开篇和每位国君即位时都要反复写该句?
37、The culture of historiographer, based upon the social reality and laying stress on the rites and virtues, stemmed out of the culture of witchcraft and, as a result, replaced it gradually. ─── 史官文化由巫文化发展而来,并逐步代替了巫文化,它以现实为基础,注重“隆礼”、“敬德”,强调史的劝善惩恶作用。
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