exampling 发音
英:[ɪɡˈzæmp(ə)l] 美:[ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l]
英: 美:
exampling 中文意思翻译
exampling 常用词组
for example ─── 例如
as an example ─── 例如;作为一个例子
example of ─── 例证;…的例子;…的榜样
exampling 词性/词形变化,exampling变形
exampling 相似词语短语
1、bepimpling ─── 皮疹
2、sextupling ─── adj.六倍的;六重的;由六个部分构成的;n.六倍;v.使成六倍;六倍增长
3、campling ─── n.(Campling)人名;(英、德)坎普林
4、resampling ─── n.[测]重采样;重新取样;v.重新采样(resample的ing形式)
5、crimpling ─── v.(使)皱缩,卷曲(crimple的现在分词)
6、bedimpling ─── 朴素的
7、trampling ─── n.践踏;踩踏;v.蹂躏(trample的ing形式)
8、examining ─── v.(仔细地)检查,审查;检查(身体);测验(某人);(尤指在法庭上)审问(examine的现在分词)
9、sampling ─── n.取样;抽样;v.取样;抽样(sample的ing形式)
exampling 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Exampl es'Application in Higher Algebra Teaching ─── 高等代数教学中的例题应用
2、Value of COD, DO, TP, NH3-N and PH in eleven exampling sections of Liuxi river was detected. ─── 试验选取了流溪河流域的11个断面,分别对采样点处的COD、DO、TP、NH3-N、PH值五项水质指标进行监测。
3、By exampling, it is posepole that quantitative counting and qualitative reviewing durable resistance about liquid corrosion on concrete. ─── 通过算例表明定量计算、定性评价混凝土在液相腐蚀下的耐久性是可能的。
4、Analysis of Epidemic Prevalence of Non- communicable Diseases and the Major Risk Factors in an Exampling Community ─── 示范点社区慢病现况及主要危险因素分析
5、Problems of Quality Management and Countermeasures in Enterprises Run by Private Citizens: Exampling Enterprises in Shaodong County ─── 民营企业质量管理存在的问题及对策——以邵东民营企业为例
6、point exampling ─── 点采样
7、It can take the place of the judgment matrix.Finally, the method was applied by exampling yet.It opens a new sight for the group decision. ─── 文中还以算例说明了该方法的实施过程,为群体决策的理论研究开拓了新的思路。
8、Case teaching is obviously different from exampling with distance and example teaching. ─── 案例教学与教学中举例说明和范例教学存在着深刻的区别。
9、The adjustment of Medical ethics on ART are affected through ethical regulation,exampling, leading, educating etc. ─── ART医学伦理调控的主要形式有伦理调节、导向、教育、辩护、制约等。
10、Exampling on the speciality service firm, the advantage and shortcoming of speciality accession model and four piece of principle for choice of comate are treated. ─── 本文从实践中总结出虚拟企业售后服务运营的三种基本模式:平行作业、专业加盟和一主多从。
11、Exampling by knitting with new CMS330. 6 automatic flat knitting machine of STOLL Company, the article presents knitting ways of several kinds of 3D industrial knitting fab-rics. ─── 本文以德国 STOLL 公司的 CMS330.6型电脑横机为例,介绍了几种三维产业用针织物的编织方法。
12、The decision tree method is the effective method of detecting for concept describing space and the representative learning way in exampling learning of which specially dispose mass object. ─── 决策树方法是发现概念描述空间的一种特别有效的方法,是实例学习中具有代表性的学习方法,专门用于处理大量对象。
13、exampling method ─── 示意法
14、The admeasure exampl e are reported also. ─── 文中给出了测量实例。
15、The results shows: the algorithm used to solve mileage calculation problems of exampling and verifying system of the railway bills shall meet customers demand. ─── 结果表明:该算法解决铁路客票核查系统中的里程计算问题满足客户需求。
16、Application of Hamilton-cayley Theorem in improving some conclusion and the computation of inverse matrix and matrix power is discussed by exampl ification. ─── 结合实例,介绍了哈密尔顿-凯莱定理在证明及求方阵的逆阵、方阵的高阶幂中的应用。
17、Analysis of Epidemic Prevalence of Non- communicable Diseases and the Major Risk Factors in an Exampling Community ─── 示范点社区慢病现况及主要危险因素分析
18、By exampling , it is posepole that quantitative counting and qualitative reviewing durable resistance about liquid corrosion on concrete. ─── 通过算例表明定量计算、定性评价混凝土在液相腐蚀下的耐久性是可能的。
19、The fundament implic of thi exampl is that the need and desir to commun across differ in cultur and ideolog is not onli felt by the two countri but by mani other nation as well. ─── 这一事件充分标明:不同文化、不同意识形态之间的交流不只仅是两个国家的需要和愿望,也是更多其它国家的心声。
20、Software realization mileage calculations on railway bill exampling and verifying system ─── 铁路票据审核系统中里程计算问题软件实现
21、ANALYSIS ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF GEOLOGIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE--Exampling Guilin Hydrology Engineering Geology Survey Institute ─── 地质工程施工企业经济发展浅析--以桂林水文工程地质勘察院为例
22、Furthermore, this paper constructs a Hub and Spokes route network exampl, and analyses the application of the optimal scheduling model on this route network. ─── 并通过一个案例说明该种轮辐式航线网航班计划优化模型的应用。
23、Through classified explaining and exampling the hidden usage, this article reveals the correspondence principle of the hidden change and tells us the relation of exception and p. ─── 通过对这种隐括用法的分类例释,可以揭示其隐显变换的对应规律,进而证实排除关系与强调关系及对立统一的内因。
24、It can take the place of the judgment matrix. Finally, the method was applied by exampling yet. It opens a new sight for the group decision. ─── 文中还以算例说明了该方法的实施过程,为群体决策的理论研究开拓了新的思路。
25、This review presents recent researching progresses of anti-obesity drugs,exampling some promising leads that are under clinical or pre-clinical phases. ─── 现分别介绍上述各类中的代表性药物和正处于临床或临床前研究阶段、有开发前景的药物的最新研究进展。
26、(5) the action mode for the conventionality and exampling of the religious membership continuously stimulating its prominence; ─── 五、宗教群体有惯例性和典范性的行为模式,使之不断地激活宗教群体资格的显著性。
27、Case exampl ─── 案例
28、5. Leadership comes from exampling and modeling over time. ─── 领导的才干与成效来自于长期以来树立的榜样与楷模。
29、EXAMPL: Regular exercise and a nutritious diet can afford one with good health and longevity. ─── 经常锻炼和有营养的饮食能带给我们健康和长寿.
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