distrusting 发音
英:[dɪsˈtrʌstɪŋ] 美:[dɪsˈtrʌstɪŋ]
英: 美:
distrusting 中文意思翻译
distrusting 词性/词形变化,distrusting变形
动词过去式: distrusted |动词第三人称单数: distrusts |动词现在分词: distrusting |动词过去分词: distrusted |
distrusting 同义词
suspect | disbelief | leeriness | chariness | dubiousness | denial | have | misgiving | wariness | doubtfulness | unbelief | incredulity | suspicion | doubt | sceptical | wary | question | be suspicious of | be | suspicious | misgivings | uncertainty | be wary of |mistrust | skepticism | of | disbelieve | cynicism | distrustfulness
distrusting 反义词
distrusting 相似词语短语
1、mistrysting ─── 不信任
2、distasting ─── n.厌恶;讨厌;vt.厌恶;不喜欢;vi.不喜欢
3、intrusting ─── vt.交托,信任(等于entrust)
4、distracting ─── adj.分心的;分散注意力的;v.使分心(distract的ing形式);转移注意力
5、mistrusting ─── v.不信任,怀疑;n.不信任,怀疑
6、districting ─── n.分区;空间聚合;v.分区(district的ing形式)
7、distressing ─── adj.使痛苦的;悲伤的;使烦恼的;v.使痛苦;迫使(distress的ing形式);使困苦;n.破坏处理
8、mistrustingly ─── 不信任地
9、disgusting ─── adj.令人厌恶的;令人极不能接受的
distrusting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Today, they are positively paranoid, distrusting even the best borrowers and forcing companies to pay far more interest on money borrowed. ─── 今天,他们又都走向另一个极端,对哪怕最优秀的借款人都不信任,还强行提高各公司借款利率。
2、He has a distrust of foreigners. ─── 他不信任外国人。
3、Rule of Diversity: Distrust all claims for “one true way”. ─── 多样原则:决不相信“不二法门”的断言。收藏指正
4、Elinor, conning over every injunction of distrust, told herself likewise not to hope . ─── 他马上丢开眼前的失望又开始新的希望了。
5、What people do not understand, they cannot use correctly and are likely to distrust. ─── 人们不懂得它们,就不能正确地加以应用而且很可能产生疑虑。
6、"Scholarship cannot flourish in an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. ─── “学术在猜疑和不信任的气氛下无法蓬勃发展。
7、Have you any distrust of my new method? ─── 你对我的新办法有怀疑吗?
8、But all grown persons ineffably distrust one another. ─── 但所有成年人之间的互不信任简直难以形容。
9、Nothing but the sight of my uncle and his eyes playing hide and seek with mine, revived the force of my distrust. ─── 只是一见到我伯伯的脸,见到他那双遇到我的眼锋时就鬼鬼祟祟、躲躲闪闪的眼睛,又使我恢复不信任的感觉。
10、Without becoming a cynic, you can develop the habit of instinctively distrusting thoughts that rely on conventional wisdom. ─── 并非要变得愤世嫉俗或者玩世不恭,你可以开发一下自己本能的怀疑思维,这种习惯是取决于常规思维的。
11、Since then, the distrust of science has, to some extent, been thankfully redressed. ─── 之后,令人欣慰的是,对科学的不信任在一定程度上得到了纠正。
12、Elinor, conning over every injunction of distrust, told herself likewise not to hope. ─── 埃莉诺细细领会每一句叫她不抱信心的暗示,同样告诫自己不要作过奢的指望。
13、He looks at me sharply, distrusting my equivocation. ─── 他犀利地看着我,不相信我的含糊其辞。
14、Distrusting, lying. Damn it, it is more and more like marriage. ─── 变脸:猜疑、撒谎。妈的,这越来越象婚姻了。
15、Rule of Diversity: Distrust all claims for "one true way". ─── 多样原则:决不相信“不二法门”的断言。
16、On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment. ─── 一方面我承认他有天分,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。
17、An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration. ─── 不信任的空气弥漫在这个行政部门。
18、"Why, my dear mother, it is necessary, in order to make your advice turn to account, that I should know beforehand what I have to distrust. ─── “噢,亲爱的妈妈,为了您的忠告对我有用,我必须要知道我究竟怕什么。
19、Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust. ─── 不信任有传染性。但是信任亦然。
20、"I had rather take my chance that some traitors will escape detection than spread abroad a spirit of general suspicion and distrust" (Learned Hand). ─── “我宁愿冒某些叛国者将避免暴露的危险也不愿四处传播怀疑和不信任情绪” (冷尼德·汉德)。
21、The other Families distrust him because he made you his Consigliere and you're not even Italian, much less Sicilian. ─── 可是现在其他大家族都不信任他,因为他把你提为参谋,而你连个意大利人也不是,更不是西西里人。
22、Extreme, irrational distrust of others. ─── 多疑症对于他人极端且毫无道理的怀疑
23、And there is distrust in Washington. ─── 华盛顿有不信任。
24、Here you must give up all distrust,here all cowardice must end. ─── 十年后,希望我还有体会村上的心境,不过,我想很难.
25、The school is a model of coexistence in Israel, where children from different backgrounds grow up with mutual distrust. ─── 以色列来自不同背景的小孩常在互不信任下成长,而这所幼儿园为以国立下和平共存的典范。
26、She wondered whether Dana, too, would fall prey to his distrust. ─── 她想知道戴纳是否也同样失去了她的信任。
27、Her constant lying ledme to distrust everything she said. ─── 她总撤谎,我完全不相信她的话了。
28、Mutual distrust prevents friendship. ─── 互相猜疑有碍友谊
29、A wave of distrust swept over him. ─── 他心头涌上了一阵不信任感。
30、His distrust of cities carries an odor of primitivism. ─── 他对城市的不信任态度带有一种原始主义的色彩。
31、His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice. ─── 他的话虽然很礼貌, 但话中含有不信任的暗示。
32、If you plant dishonesty,you will reap distrust. ─── 如果妳种下谎言,妳就收获怀疑。
33、Not distrusting my life, but having great hope to escape the sickness. ─── 不是因为我对我的病症已感绝望,反之,我极希望脱离这病苦。
34、"Seek simplicity, and distrust it" (Alfred North Whitehead). Is this always good advice for a knower? ─── ‘追求单纯,然后怀疑它。’这是一个好的建议么?
35、He has a distrust of strangers. ─── 他不信任陌生人。
36、He's so suspicious he would distrust his own mother. ─── 他这人疑心太重, 连自己的母亲也不相信.
37、He regards banks with distrust. ─── 他对银行不信任。
38、He seems to look on me with distrust. ─── 他好像不信任我。
39、His sly ways inspire me with distrust. ─── 他狡诈的作风激起了我的不信任。
40、Always distrusting. Always suspecting. Always observing coldly. ─── 总是不相信,总是怀疑,总是冷眼而视。
41、Popular distrust in court was further intensified in 1895. ─── 公众对法院的不信任,1895年进一步加深。
42、He is so suspicious he would distrust his own mother. ─── 他这人疑心太重,连自己的母亲也不相信。
43、In his watery eyes there is an expression of distrust. ─── 他那含泪的眼睛流露出惊惶失措的神情。
44、She thought of what had just passed with anxiety and distrust. ─── 她焦急,怀疑地想着刚刚发生过的事。
45、Before long, Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp. ─── 事后,曹操醒悟,知道中了周瑜的反间计。
46、Distrust can be contagious, but so can trust. ─── 不信任有传染性,但是信任也如此。
47、As its left wing has been injured by its owner or some other kid, there is distrust in its look though it shows some intimacy with man. ─── 可是它的左翅也许是被养着它的或别个孩子给扯坏,所以它爱人,又不完全信任。
48、His duplicity caused us to distrust him. ─── 他的口是心非使我们不相信他。
49、China used to eschew multilateralism, distrusting it as some kind of (Western) conspiracy. ─── 中国曾经一直不信任并且回避多边主义,认为它在某种程度上是一种(西式)阴谋。
50、She gazed at him, her eyes darkening with a curious expression of dislike and distrust as he silently turned away. ─── 她死盯着他,眼神越来越阴沉,显出一种对他又厌恶又怀疑的奇怪表情,这时他只好默不作声地把脸转了过去。
51、His conduct inspired us with distrust. ─── 他的行为引起我们对他的不信任。
52、And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. ─── 在一个充满怀疑的世界里,我们一定要继续勇于相信。
53、The more he had studied the agricultural problem, the more he regarded it with a mixture of distrust and incipient despair. ─── 他越研究农业问题,就越产生一种疑虑和近乎绝望交织在一起的感觉。
54、Moreover, distrust between Darius and Miletus' tyrant made war between the Persian s and the Greeks inevitable. ─── 加上统治米利都的僭主与大流士一世相互猜忌,使得波斯、希腊之间的战争成为必然之势。
55、Distrusting each other, often in doubt and questioning each other in a suspicious manner will eventually lead to the breaking up of the relationship. ─── 不信任对方,经常以怀疑的口吻盘问对方,这种互相猜忌的爱情就只有分手下场。
56、Leonardo made quite a point of distrusting the knowledge that scholars professed so dogmatically . ─── 雷钠德郑重宣布他不相信经院派学者奉为金科玉律的知识。
57、Her constant lying lead me to distrust everything she say. ─── 她总撤谎,我完全不相信她的话了。
58、The heart distrusting asks, if this be joy? ─── 怀疑的心在问:这就是欢乐么?
59、She added, seeing a shadow, not of distrust but worry, passing over her beloved mother's face. ─── 她接着说,一面注意到她亲爱的妈妈脸上掠过一层阴影,倒不是不信任的阴影,而是担心的阴影。
60、She was always looked on with distrust. ─── 人家对她总是不信任。
61、A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order. ─── 保守主义一种强调尊重传统制度、不信任政治激进主义并反对在已确定秩序中的突然变化的政治主张或态度
62、With disapproval, suspicion, or distrust. ─── 不以为然地,怀疑地,或不信任地
63、He seemed to look on us with distrust. ─── 他似乎对我们不太信任。
64、He has an inherent distrust of foreigners. ─── 他天生对外国人不信任。
65、Since the war, the enmity and distrust between the villagers has been partially buried. ─── 二战以来,村民间的仇意和猜忌多多少少地被掩埋了。
66、Before I learned to distrust my government and just about anyone who works for it. ─── 在我学会怀疑政府及其工作人员之前;
67、Therefore, you have to learn to distrust attitude and respect competence of every kind. ─── 因此,你必须学会怀疑,并尊重各种各样的能力。
68、But when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, distrust and disorientation spiralled. ─── 但当雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)宣告破产时,不信任感和迷失感如螺旋般急遽攀升。
69、He keeps his money at home because he has a great distrust of banks. ─── 因为他不相信银行,所以就把钱存放在家里。
70、Distrusting women, he remained a bachelor all his life. ─── 不信任女人,他做了一辈子单身汉。
71、He has a deep distrust of all modern technology. ─── 他对所有现代技术都深表怀疑。
72、No, at some point before she reached and took the fruit, she had come around to distrusting God and relying instead on her own judgment of things. ─── 不是的。在她到那里吃果子之前的某个时候,她已经开始不信任上帝并以自己对事物的判断取代了对上帝的依靠。
73、Before long. Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp. ─── 事后,曹操醒悟,知道中了周瑜的反间计。
74、He looked at the stranger with distrust. ─── 他怀疑地打量着那个陌生人。
75、His policy earned him the distrust of the Athenians. ─── 他的政策受到了雅典人的猜疑。
76、His distrust of federalism must be very great for him to make such absurd claims. ─── 他对联邦制的不信任程度一定是很深了,否则他不会发出这么可笑的声明。
77、His actions lead me to distrust him. ─── 他的行为使我不信任他。
78、He inspires me with distrust. ─── 他引起了我的怀疑。
79、If a director of an animated movie demands that characters in the movie act, he will immediately fall into distrusting animators and get frustrated. ─── 如果一位动画监督要求剧中的人物表演,他将立即陷入对动画制作人不信任的挫折感中。
80、Knave: Distrust of those who appear with deceiving attire and behave with false modesty. Honor is at risk. ─── 不信任那些以行骗服饰出现和假装诚实的行为表现的人。正直是危险的。
81、On one hand I admie his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgement. ─── 一方面我羡慕他的天赋,另一方面,我不相信他的判断力。
82、But the sources of distrust go way deeper. ─── 但这种对媒体的不信任有更深刻的根源。
83、She could not overcome her distrust of the stranger. ─── 她无法消除对那位陌生人的怀疑。
84、In fact, scorekeeping in close relationships, such as between spouses, is a sure sign of distrust. ─── 事实上,亲密友人之间(例如夫妻)居然会算帐,就表示他们必然已经出现了信任危机。
85、Lesson 38 What Cause People Distrust Newspaper? ─── 什么使得人们不相信报纸?
86、They looked at each other with distrust. ─── 他们心怀戒备地相互看着对方。
87、Their distrust of civilian politicians made early elections highly unlikely. ─── 因为他们不信任非军人政治家,因此极不可能很早就进行选举。
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