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09-03 投稿



emasculation 发音


英:  美:

emasculation 中文意思翻译



emasculation 词性/词形变化,emasculation变形

动词第三人称单数: emasculates |动词过去分词: emasculated |动词过去式: emasculated |形容词: emasculative |动词现在分词: emasculating |名词: emascula-tion |

emasculation 短语词组

1、emasculation definition ─── 阉割定义

2、bulk emasculation ─── [医]集体去雄

emasculation 相似词语短语

1、emasculating ─── vt.阉割;使柔弱;adj.柔弱的;阉割了的

2、musculation ─── 肌肉活动;肌活动

3、recalculation ─── n.重新计算

4、maculation ─── n.斑点;污点

5、calculation ─── n.计算;估计;计算的结果;深思熟虑

6、blastulation ─── n.[胚]囊胚形成

7、ejaculation ─── n.[生理]射精;突然说出

8、emasculator ─── [兽医]去势器

9、emasculative ─── adj.阉割的;使…无力的

emasculation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Influence of Health Education on the Depressive State of Emasculation Old Peoples Who Suffer from Prostatic Cancer ─── 健康教育对老年前列腺癌去势患者抑郁心理影响的临床调查

2、plant emasculation ─── 植物去雄

3、Preliminary Report on Suitable Time of Emasculation and Pollination during Potato Crossbreeding ─── 马铃薯杂交育种适宜的去雄与授粉时间初报

4、emasculation technique ─── 去雄技术

5、The flowers were pretreated by (A) emasculating then bagging, (B) removal of stigma and (C) crosspollination, respectively as compared with control: open-pollination after emasculation. ─── 结果表明:去雄套袋、截去柱头以破坏授粉和杂交授粉等处理与去雄不套袋作对照之间结实率的差异不显著。

6、For Chinese men, finally proud that they have international sports icons like the basketball star Yao Ming and the hurdler Liu Xiang, the soccer team endures as the ultimate symbol of emasculation. ─── 中国人为有篮球巨星姚明和跨栏选手刘翔这样的国际体育明星骄傲,而男足则是他们最大的耻辱。

7、the anxiety complex of emasculation ─── 阉割焦虑情结

8、bulk emasculation ─── 集体去雄

9、Emasculation will probably be needed, and the pollen so obtained being used either in the pollen-mix or for dilution purpose. ─── 或许需要去雄,如此获得的花粉可用于混合授粉或稀释授粉。

10、Emasculation The removal of the stamens of a plant before the anthers burst to prevent self-pollination or unwanted crosses to nearby plants. ─── 去雄:在植物花粉囊裂开之前将雄蕊摘除,以防止自花受粉或与邻近植物的有害杂交。

11、The application of emasculation with hot water in hybridization of Poa ─── 温汤去雄在早熟禾杂交中的应用

12、The chemical emasculation in hybrid as emphasis was explored. ─── 以化学杀雄杂交技术作为重点进行探讨。

13、Was it not, on a more profound level, also a quotidian act of emasculation in a world that, let's face it, takes pleasure in grabbing you by the balls and not letting go? ─── 从更深角度来看,这不也是一种每天削弱男子气的行为吗?让我们面对现实吧,这个世界以抓住你的睾丸不让你走为乐。

14、Keywords Animal model;Emasculation;Osteoporosis;Stretch;Compress;Torsion; ─── 动物模型;骨质疏松;拉伸、压缩、扭转;

15、hot water emasculation ─── 温汤去雄

16、Emasculation will probably be needed, and the pollen so obtained being used either in the pollen-mix or for dilution purpose ─── 或许需要去雄,如此获得的花粉可用于混合授粉或稀释授粉。

17、mass emasculation ─── 群体去雄

18、Preliminary Report on Suitable Time of Emasculation and Pollination during Potato Crossbreeding ─── 马铃薯杂交育种适宜的去雄与授粉时间初报

19、Keywords emasculation;osteoporosis;stress relaxation;crept;viscoelasticity; ─── 去势;骨质疏松;应力松弛;蠕变;黏弹性;

20、Influence of Health Education on the Depressive State of Emasculation Old Peoples Who Suffer from Prostatic Cancer ─── 健康教育对老年前列腺癌去势患者抑郁心理影响的临床调查

21、His associations revealed excruciating feelings of emasculation and injury, picturing himself with squashed testicles and a missing penis. ─── 他的联想揭示剧烈的阉割和受伤感,用挤扁的睾丸和失去的阴茎刻画他自己。

22、Effect of Emasculation with Leaves on Hybrid Seed Yield of Maize ─── 玉米制种带叶去雄与产量关系的试验研究

23、bulk method of emasculation ─── 集团去雄法

24、His splayed hand pulled at his crotch as if emasculation would be sweet to him. ─── 他张开双手拉住胯下,仿佛阉割也是一种享受。

25、A New Method to Emasculation of Spikes for Crossing in Barley ─── 大麦有性杂交去雄新方法

26、Emasculation by Water Spray and Elimination of Inbreed Seedlings with Transgenic Marker in Heterosis Utilization in Upland Cotton; ─── 为寻求简便可靠的棉花去雄新方法,研究了喷水杀雄结合标记去杂用于棉花杂种优势利用的可行性。

27、Use of male sterile lines of a hybrid system can be removed from artificial emasculation, lower labor costs and improved seed purity. ─── 利用不育系进行杂交制种可以免去人工去雄,降低了劳动成本、提高了种子纯度。

28、Based on the results of emasculation,bagging and artificial pollination studies,Cistanche deserticola Ma takes selfing as the main breeding system. ─── 结合去雄、套袋和人工授粉试验结果,认为肉苁蓉属于以自交为主的繁育系统。

29、Advantages of Early Emasculation of Maize Production ─── 玉米制种超前去雄好处多

30、2.The emasculation theory. ─── 2,“除你武器”理论。

31、Chemical emasculation in hybrid ─── 化学杀雄杂交

32、Emasculation by Water Spray and Elimination of Inbreed Seedlings with Transgenic Marker in Heterosis Utilization in Upland Cotton ─── 喷水杀雄和标记去杂在棉花杂种优势利用中的应用

33、The sale of Smiths Aerospace to General Electric (GE) may also have looked like an example of British emasculation. ─── 史密斯航空公司被通用电气(GE)收购也被人们看做是英国的一次自我阉割。

34、Operating Condition about Artificial Emasculation Breeding Technique of Hybrid Insect-resistant ─── 杂交抗虫棉人工去雄制种技市操作规范

35、Transurethral electrovaporization of prostate combined with emasculation in the treatment of advanced prostatic cancer ─── 前列腺电汽化加去势术治疗晚期前列腺癌

36、Study on Chemical Emasculation Experiment of Chinese fir ─── 杉木化学去雄初步研究

37、Sadly, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests young Chinese men, particularly in the vulnerable 18-30 demographic, not only encourage this blatant emasculation, they embrace it. ─── 可悲的是,大量证据表明中国的男士们特别是年龄在18到30岁之间的,绝大多数不仅在鼓励这种公然没有男子气的行为,而且还欣然的接受。

38、Keywords Poa;emasculation;hybridization;heterosis; ─── 早熟禾;去雄;杂交杂种优势预测;

39、non emasculation breeding ─── 不去雄制种

40、Treatment 4:Emasculation,Bagged,Different strains of artificial handCross-pollination; ─── 处理4:去雄,套袋,人工异品系异花授粉;

41、chemical emasculation ─── 化学去雄

42、This article from the election, the planting to Miscellaneous go bad, emasculation, several key aspects of harvest on seed corn to improve the yield and quality of channels and technologies. ─── 本文从选地、播种、去杂去劣、去雄、收获等几个关键环节阐述了提高玉米制种产量及质量的途径和技术。

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