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09-02 投稿



exculpate 发音


英:  美:

exculpate 中文意思翻译



exculpate 词性/词形变化,exculpate变形

名词: exculpation |动词过去分词: exculpated |动词现在分词: exculpating |形容词: exculpable |动词过去式: exculpated |动词第三人称单数: exculpates |

exculpate 短语词组

1、exculpate sb from a charge ─── 开脱(某人)的罪责

exculpate 相似词语短语

1、to exculpate ─── 开脱

2、inculpate ─── vt.使连累;使负罪;控告

3、exculpated ─── vt.开脱;使无罪

4、exculpating ─── vt.开脱;使无罪

5、exculpable ─── 可原谅的

6、exculpatory ─── adj.申明无罪的;辩解的

7、exculpates ─── vt.开脱;使无罪

8、excurvate ─── adj.往外弯曲的,弯曲的

9、exculpation ─── n.辩解;使无罪

exculpate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two months passed away in hopeless expectation on my part, while I must do the magistrate the justice to say that he used every means to obtain information of the person I declared could exculpate me if he would. ─── 假如有关钻石的那个故事的,确是卡德鲁斯自己瞎编的,而世界上根本就没有布沙尼神甫这么个人,那么,我就没救了,除非能把卡德鲁斯本人捉到,而且能使他自己招供一切。

2、Why always have you reason to exculpate for your failure of exams, and never try to through exam one time. ─── 怎么你总是有理由为自己考试不及格开脱,从来没有努力考好过一次。

3、exculpate oneself from blame ─── 为自己辩解.

4、He exculpate himself from a charge of theft. ─── 他辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑。

5、Acting or tending to exculpate. ─── 开脱罪责的开脱的行为或倾向

6、exculpate a person from a charge ─── 开脱对某人的指责

7、exculpate oneself from a charge of theft ─── 辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑

8、Happily, Mr Obama has the authority needed to lead the world towards a resolution: his hands are clean, and his lack of desire to exculpate his country is evident. ─── 幸运的是,奥巴马拥有带领世界走向解决所需要的威信:他的双手是乾净的、他无意为美国开脱是显而易见的。

9、Whatever I write would be an appeal to her, an attempt to exculpate myself, even though such exculpation is not really possible. ─── 我所写的都还将会吸引她,或会变成我为自己的辩解,就算这些辩解也不大可能有用。

10、How would you exculpate for them? ─── 你如何为他们辩解?

11、He exculpate himself from stealing the money. ─── 他自行辩白没有偷钱。

12、Conservative writers quickly used the insanity defense to exculpate the Palins and the Bachmanns. ─── 保守派作家迅速用精神问题为Plains和Bachmanns开脱。

13、exculpate sb. from a charge ─── 申明某人无罪

14、But there is a troubling subtext: the author’s attempts to exculpate himself. ─── 不过令人烦恼的是,作者总打算替自己开脱。

15、exculpate vt. ─── 声明无罪;

16、exculpate oneself from a charge of theft ─── 辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑。

17、Other figures, including the main presidential adviser, have tried to exculpate Mr Assad. ─── 而另一些人,其中包括总统的首席顾问,竭力为巴沙尔开脱。

18、Now you must face them frankly, facing these situations, your instinctive action is “escaping then covering up”, trying to exculpate yourself from the trouble. ─── 现在你必须要坦白面对他们。面对这些情形,本能的反应是“先逃避后掩盖”,想尽办法为自己开脱。

19、exculpate sb from a charge ─── 开脱(某人)的罪责

20、Whatever I write would be an appeal to her, an attempt to exculpate myself, even though such exculpation is not really possible. ─── 我所写的都还将会吸引她,或会变成我为自己的辩解,就算这些辩解也不大可能有用。

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