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09-07 投稿



gyroscope 发音

英:['dʒaɪrəskəʊp]  美:['dʒaɪrəskop]

英:  美:

gyroscope 中文意思翻译



gyroscope 短语词组

1、gyroscope demo ─── 陀螺仪演示

2、magnetic gyroscope ─── 磁陀螺仪

3、electrostatic gyroscope ─── 静电陀螺仪

4、gyroscope moment ─── 陀螺仪力矩

5、gyroscope axis ─── 陀螺仪轴

6、gyroscope action ─── 陀螺仪动作

7、missile gyroscope ─── 导弹陀螺仪

8、gyroscope pendulum ─── 陀螺摆

9、Karafuto Acceleration Integrating Gyroscope ─── 卡拉夫托加速积分陀螺

10、gyroscope reverse ─── 回转仪反转

11、magnetohydrodynamic gyroscope ─── [电] 磁动流体力学回转仪

12、Armstrong-Whitworth and Sperry Gyroscope ─── 阿姆斯特朗-怀特沃斯和斯佩里陀螺仪

13、gyroscope level ─── 陀螺仪水平仪

14、gyroscope motion ─── 陀螺仪运动

15、pendulous gyroscope ─── 悬锤陀螺仪

16、gyroscope compass ─── 陀螺仪罗盘

17、gyroscope couple ─── 陀螺仪耦合

18、vertical gyroscope ─── [电] 垂直回转仪

19、gyroscope error detector ─── [电] 回转仪检差器

gyroscope 词性/词形变化,gyroscope变形

副词: gyroscopically |形容词: gyroscopic |

gyroscope 相似词语短语

1、pyroscope ─── n.高温仪

2、hydroscope ─── n.验湿器;水气计;深水望远镜

3、myrioscope ─── 鼓膜镜

4、hygroscope ─── n.[气象]湿度计;验湿器

5、baroscope ─── n.气压计;[物]验压器

6、gyroscopic ─── adj.回转仪的,[航][水运]陀螺的

7、gyroscopes ─── n.陀螺仪(gyroscope的复数)

8、pyroscopes ─── n.高温仪

9、aeroscope ─── n.空气纯度镜;[环境]空气细微物取样器

gyroscope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The equipment and environment of fiber of gyroscope (FOG) zero-drift experiment are introduced. ─── 介绍了光纤陀螺零漂实验的设备环境,硬件和软件的构成及数据采集过程。

2、The installation error model of the gyroscope integrated is analyzed,and then error calibration model of flexible gyroscope integrated is deduced when malalignment angle is considered. ─── 从挠性陀螺组合安装误差模型入手,推导出存在轴不对准角情况下的挠性陀螺组合静态误差标定模型,并给出静态误差标定的位置试验方案。

3、Compared with gimbaled gyroscope, ultrasonic suspended gyroscope has such characteristics as follow: It has simple configuration and few disturbing sources. ─── 与框架陀螺仪相比有以下特点:结构简单,干扰来源少,支承作用点随转子相对壳体的线位移而移动。

4、Piezoresistive MEMS vibrating gyroscope is one of very important directions in MEMS research.A practical interface circuits can greatly improve the performance of the gyroscope. ─── 压阻式微机械陀螺是MEMS研究的重要方向之一,有效的接口电路是发挥陀螺性能的重要保证。

5、In this paper,the effect of the angle vibration of platform isintroduced,in which the pulse modullation of servo loops is made to reduce the gyroscope drift in the INS. ─── 介绍了在平台式惯导系统中,由脉冲调宽加矩方式控制的惯性稳定平台的角振动对陀螺漂移所产生的影响。

6、In this paper analyzing the reasons about accidental nostart and unstability of zero potential output in rate gyroscope, determining and verifying a failure mode, and giving a method for avoiding lossefficiency. ─── 对速率陀螺仪偶然不启动和零位输出不稳定的原因进行分析,确定并验证了失效模式,并提出了防止失效的措施。

7、Light sensor, accelerometer, compass (magnetometer) and gyroscope. ─── 光线感应,加速感应,内置罗盘及陀螺仪。

8、A dynamic model of passive suspension in the bearingless slice motor system is developed,based on the principles of geostatics and mechanics of gyroscope. ─── 以应用于超洁净领域的新型无轴承薄片电机为研究对象。

9、In the words of David Riesman, an American sociologist, their minds work like radar, taking in signals from near and far, not like a gyroscope, pivoting on a point. ─── 在意识形态上,他们更倾向于支持自由市场和民主,他们认为,与其他体制相比,自由市场及民主能更好地平衡各种相冲突的利益。

10、fiber resonant laser gyroscope(FRLG) ─── 光纤激光陀螺

11、YAO Jian-jun.Effects of SINS design parameters on mechanical dither amplitude of ring laser gyroscope[J].Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology,2006,14(3):11-17. ─── [2]姚建军.捷联惯导系统结构参数对机抖陀螺抖动幅度的影响特性研究[J].中国惯性技术学报,2006,14(3):11-17.

12、The idea behind the experiment is simple: Put a spinning gyroscope into orbit around the Earth, with the spin axis pointed toward some distant star as a fixed reference point. ─── 实验背后的原理十分简单:将转动的回转仪放在环绕地球的轨道,转轴指向远处星体,作为固定基准点。

13、CUI Feng,SU Yu-feng,ZHANG Wei-ping,et al.Micro gyroscope based on elecrostatically levitated rotor and its key techniques[J].Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology,2005,13(6):63-64. ─── [3]崔峰,苏宇锋,张卫平,等.静电悬浮转子微陀螺及其关键技术[J].中国惯性技术学报,2005,13(6):63-64.

14、B. Zhou, Z. Y. Gao, A. Gaisser, etc, Software optimization of digital readout electronics for micro-machined gyroscope system, Symposium GYRO Technology 2002, Stuttgart, Germany. ─── 周斌,高钟毓,陈怀,张嵘,陈志勇,微机械陀螺数字读出系统及其解调算法分析,清华大学学报,2003.

15、re-entrant optic gyroscope (RE-FOG) ─── 再入式光纤陀螺(RE-FOG)

16、Piezoelectric transducer (PZT) are often used for providing reciprocal sine phase modulation in all-fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) and its non-linearities can affect the accuracy of FOG. ─── 在全光纤开环光纤陀螺中,利用压电陶瓷调制器可以为光纤陀螺提供互易性正弦相位偏置,但相位调制中的寄生非线性会对陀螺测量产生影响。

17、In order to realize the calibration and test of dynamically tuned gyroscope (DTG),general-purpose detection system of DTG based on PXI is designed. ─── 为了实现动调陀螺仪的性能调试和参数的标定,设计了一套基于PXI总线的动调陀螺仪检测系统。

18、This paper introduces a tunnel guide system composed of gyroscope and total-station,and explains its application to roadheader. ─── 介绍陀螺仪和全站仪相结合的巷道导向系统,并对其在掘进机上的应用进行说明。

19、A navigational instrument based on a gyroscope; provides an artificial horizon for the pilot. ─── 一种基于回转仪的航行工具;为航行提供一种人工地平仪。

20、In intelligent instrument domain, we ownata logger for temperature and humidity ,numerical barometer with high accuracy, transducer, the CO2 density measures instrument,Gyroscope,the GPS terminal etc. ─── 在智能仪器领域,我们拥有自主产权的温湿度仪表、变送器、记录仪,高精度数字气压表、变送器,CO2浓度测量仪,电子陀螺仪,GPS终端等等智能仪器。

21、It should be emphasized that this treatment of the gyroscope problem involves only a simple though important case. ─── 应该强调指出,这种对回转仪问题的处理仅包括了一种简单而重要的情况。

22、He also tested the first rocket controlled by a gyroscope. ─── 他还试验了第一枚用陀螺仪控制的火箭。

23、The basic principle of micromachined gyroscope with magnetic-suspension rotor based on MEMS is introduced,especially the principle of rotation is discussed. ─── 介绍了基于MEMS技术的磁悬浮转子微陀螺的基本原理,重点对旋转的原理进行讨论,给出相应实现方案的指标分析和系统设计,并进行了实验。

24、The capacitances in the structure of silicon micromachined gyroscope( SMG) are analyzed, in order to reduce parasitic capacitances in the structure and increase the signal noise ratio (SNR). ─── 为减小杂散电容提高信噪比,分析了硅微机械陀螺仪结构中的电容。

25、But since the crisis took hold, the macroeconomic gyroscope has begun to level out dramatically. ─── 但自从经济危机来临之后,宏观经济开始显著地趋于稳定。

26、As you drive, a navigator's controller gathers information from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, the car's speedometer wire and its own gyroscope to pinpoint your location. ─── 你开车的时候,导航装置的控制器会从全球定位系统(GPS)卫星、汽车的速率计线路和导航装置本身的迴转仪收集资讯,即可精确指出你的位置。

27、In this paper, the electrode supported structure of the small electrostatically suspended gyroscope (ESG) and the equation of disturbing torques caused by electrode area error are introduced. ─── 介绍了小型静电陀螺仪的电极支承结构和电极面积误差引起的干扰力矩的计算公式,并根据影响电极面积的各种因素推导出了电极面积的误差范围。

28、intefferometrie fiber optic gyroscope(IFOG) ─── 干涉型光纤陀螺

29、Principle and fabrication of the turnable gyroscope ─── 可倒陀螺的机理研究与制作

30、HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- Two spacewalking astronauts hung science experiments on the outside of the space station's new lab Friday and packed up a broken gyroscope for next week's shuttle ride home. ─── 休斯顿,德克萨斯(美联社)--两位宇航员通过太空行走将实验仪器安装到哥伦布实验舱上,并带回一个破损的回转仪,这个回转仪将会于下周同宇宙飞船一同回到地球。

31、By example of the totor lapping experiment of smallsized electrostatic gyroscope, a basic lapping method for achieving ball superprecision lapping is introduced. ─── 并以此作指导,对小型静电陀螺仪球形转子的研磨进行了验证。

32、The invention discloses a method and a device for testing vibration performance of an optical fiber coupler for an optical fiber gyroscope. ─── 本发明公开了一种光纤陀螺用的光纤耦合器振动性能测试方法及装置。

33、The control object in a single-freedom silicon micromachined vibratory gyroscope is the proof mass,because of system structure,feedback control is the only choice to control the proof mass. ─── 以单自由度硅微振动轮式陀螺仪的检测动极板为控制对象,系统的结构特性决定了只能选择反馈控制方式对其进行控制。

34、Main factors that inf luence gyroscope drift under the linear vibrating condition are theoretically an alyzed. ─── 从理论上分析了在线振动条件下影响陀螺漂移的因素。

35、For instance, it has no front- and rear-facing cameras, no gyroscope, no GPS, no G3 wireless connection (only WiFi). ─── 例如,NookColor没有前置和后置摄像头,陀螺仪,GPS全球定位系统,G3无线连接(只有wifi)。

36、Attach an inertial gyroscope to the ThinkPad and scan the map in rotate, as well as tilt and roll. ─── 将一个惯性陀螺仪连接到ThinkPad,并通过转动、倾斜和翻转动作扫描地图。

37、having the characteristics of a gyroscope. ─── 具有回转仪的特点的。

38、Fiber optic gyroscope (FOD) is a new type of rotation sensor, which appeared abroad in 70's.In this paper, the signal processing system of FOG is studied and designed. ─── 光纤陀螺是七十年代在国外出现的一种新型的角速度传感器,本论文 研究和设计了光纤陀螺信号检测系统。

39、Research on decoupled micromachined gyroscope ─── 一种解耦的微机械陀螺研究

40、interference fiber optic gyroscope ─── 光纤陀螺

41、A gyroscope consisting of a rotating wheel in a rigid case. ─── 回转轮一种由装在固定的盒中的一个转轮组成的回转仪

42、Four-frequency differential ring laser gyroscope ─── 四频差动激光陀螺

43、interferometric fiber optic gyroscope ( I- FOG) ─── 干涉式光纤陀螺

44、A gyroscope with an hourglass in the center, but I don't remember it too clearly. ─── 在中间有一个沙漏的陀螺仪,但是我记得不是很清楚了。

45、A testing principle was developed for whole frequency band response testing problems in fiber optic gyroscopes based on the magneto-optic Faraday effect of the gyroscope. ─── 为解决光纤陀螺全频带频率响应测试问题,提出了基于光纤陀螺Faraday效应的频率响应测试原理。

46、Meanwhile, gyroscope and odograph transfer course angle and distance respectively to the computer by serial port. ─── 同时,陀螺,里程表等也将目标的航向信息和运行距离结果通过串口传到计算机。

47、In order to improve the precision of gyroscope,case rotation is usually applied to automatically compensate drift error torque relative to the case. ─── 为提高陀螺仪的精度,采用壳体翻滚自动补偿与壳体有关的漂移误差力矩。

48、two-dimensional silicon micro-machined gyroscope ─── 二维硅微机械陀螺

49、The gyroscope in tank is used to stabilize the aim system of the gun. ─── 坦克中的陀螺仪用于稳定火炮的瞄准系统。

50、Micromachined gyroscope is a kind of typical micro-electro-mechanical system(MEMS) device, which consists of sensor, actuator, and control circuit, etc. ─── 基于micro electro mechanicalsystem(MEMS)技术的微机械陀螺是集传感器、致动器、检测与控制等于一体的复杂多学科交叉系统 ,其整体特性是各个子系统综合作用的结果。

51、A gyroscope is so mounted that, as its axis of spin establishes and maintains the true vertical, it makes possible the establishment of a reference plane in the horizontal. ─── 在船上安装一具陀螺仪,旋转它的转轴并保持在直立状态,如此一来便可对应水平面建立一个参考面。

52、Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope (SGCMG) ─── 单框架力矩陀螺

53、The Allan variance and PSD were utilized to analyze the output of the FOG,and some main noise of the fiber optic gyroscope could be extracted and confirmed,then the performance of ARMA and AR of the FOG was evaluated. ─── 利用A llan方差及PSD分析法对光纤陀螺输出信号的分析,有效地分离并确定影响光纤陀螺输出性能的几种主要随机误差源,并对所建立的光纤陀螺ARMA模型和AR模型的精度进行了评估.

54、MEMS comb linear vibrated gyroscope ─── MEMS梳状线振动陀螺仪

55、two-degrees of freedom gyroscope ─── 双自由度陀螺仪

56、The coning motion effect and its affection on measurement results of the angular velocity gyroscope are analyzed in this paper. ─── 分析了摆式列车过曲线时的圆锥运动效应及其对角速率陀螺仪测量结果的影响,提出了圆锥误差补偿的"多子样"算法。

57、The Gyroscope Precession in the Kerr Field ─── Kerr场中陀螺的进动

58、Does the iPad 3 need a higher precision gyroscope part than what is shipping today? ─── IPad 3需要一个比现在发布的更精确的陀螺仪吗?

59、dynamically tuned gyroscope (DTG) ─── 动力调谐陀螺

60、Used in combination with GPS, an accelerometer, a compass and the gyroscope can be used for in indoor navigation with floor accuracy. ─── 与全球定位系统、加速度计、陀螺仪和指南针结合使用,可用于具有地面精度的室内导航。

61、In this paper,deformation of spherical rotor suffered from pressure and without pressure in electrostatic gyroscope are analyzed in terms of theoretical and finite element numerical methods. ─── 对静电陀螺球形转子在外受和未受大气压作用进行了理论和有限元数值分析。

62、Considering the special demands of the guidance munitions which has high accuracy and low cost,the system is composed of IMU based on flexible gyroscope. ─── 它是在普通航弹上加装制导系统而成,结构简单,造价低,效用大。

63、At last, some significative conclusions were gained.And this work will advance the batch production of the high precision optical fiber gyroscope. ─── 在此基础上得出了几个有意义的结论,这将有益于高精度光纤陀螺的工程化。

64、Dynamics of a Dynamically Tuned Gyroscope ─── 动力调谐陀螺仪动力学

65、Study of a Decoupled Z-Axis MEMS Gyroscope ─── 一种Z轴微机械陀螺的自解耦方法研究

66、So sensitive are the gyroscope's sensors and servo mechanism that it can respond within millisecond to the Gyro-X's slightest change in road stance. ─── 因此,敏感的是陀螺仪的传感器和伺服机构,它可以毫秒内作出回应,向陀螺X的有丝毫的改变,在道路的立场。

67、The gyro vertical utilizes a gyroscope as an integrating device to obtain the average position of a pendulous gravity reference. ─── 垂直陀螺利用一个陀螺仪作为积分装置以得摇摆不定的重力基准线的平均位置。

68、Attitude Gyroscope Coupling Unit ─── 姿态陀螺仪耦合部件

69、A gyroscope consisting of a rotating wheel in a rigidcase. ─── 回转轮一种由装在固定的盒中的一个转轮组成的回转仪。

70、Stimulated Brillouin Optical Fiber Gyroscope ─── 受激布里渊光纤陀螺

71、Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other. ─── 即使在发生了大动荡和似乎无法挽回的变化以后,总又恢复原来的格局,好像陀螺仪总会恢复平衡一样,不管你把它朝哪个方向推着转。

72、The gyro vertical utilizes a gyroscope as an integrating device to obtain the average position of a pendulous gravity reference. ─── 垂直陀螺利用一个陀螺仪作为积分装置以得摇摆不定的重力基准线的平均位置。

73、The effective approaches mentioned above have consumedly enhanced the working relia b ility of the reactive rate gyroscope system,gaining considerable social and econ omic benefits. ─── 以上的改进措施有效地提高了反馈式速率陀螺系统工作的可靠性,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。

74、By example of the totor lapping experiment of small-sized electrostatic gyroscope, a basic lapping method for achieving ball superprecision lapping is introduced. ─── 并以此作指导,对小型静电陀螺仪球形转子的研磨进行了验证。

75、interferometric fiber optic gyroscope ─── 干涉型光纤陀螺仪

76、The advantages of fiber-optic gyroscope(FOG) applying in deviation logging were analyzed,and a FOG assembly for inclinometer in well logging was researched. ─── 分析了光纤陀螺应用于油井测斜的优点,研究了供油井测斜仪使用的光纤陀螺系统。

77、Karafuto Acceleration Integrating Gyroscope ─── 基尔福特加速度积分陀螺仪

78、It is impossible to design a gyroscope which would meet all these requirements, and a compromise is always necessary. ─── 不可能设计一个能满足所有这些要求的陀螺,因此折衷常常是必要的。

79、In this paper,the effect of the angle vibration of platform is introduced,in which the pulse modullation of servo loops is made to reduce the gyroscope drift in the INS. ─── 介绍了在平台式惯导系统中,由脉冲调宽加矩方式控制的惯性稳定平台的角振动对陀螺漂移所产生的影响。

80、MEMS gyroscope is a kind of angular rate sensor developed in recent years, which has smaller size, lighter weight and lower cost than traditional rate sensor. ─── MEMS陀螺是近代发展起来的一种角速率传感器,与传统陀螺仪相比,它具有体积小、重量轻、价格便宜等特点,但其性能受环境温度的改变影响很大。

81、Nonetheless, Apple recently upped the ante in the smart phone GPS segment with the addition of a gyroscope to its latest iPhone model. ─── 尽管如此,苹果最近加大了在智能手机GPS方面的投入,在最新的iPhone机型中加入了陀螺仪。

82、Another test, involving the precession of a gyroscope in a satellite circling the earth, is scheduled for the 1970s. ─── 七十年代还安排了另一实验,它包括绕地球旋转的卫星中的陀螺进动性试验。

83、The history and operation principle of a fiber-optic gyroscope(FOG) is reviewed.The technology trends and commercialization of FOG are all introduced. ─── 介绍了光纤陀螺的原理特点和发展过程,着重描述和总结了光纤陀螺在国内外发展的技术趋势和产业化情况。

84、Can anybody here tell me the differences between gyroscope and vortex mixer? ─── 中文就是涡旋仪或者涡旋混合仪.

85、Oho S, Sonobe H, Makino J. Down sampling digital processing for open-loop optical Fiber gyroscope[J]. Transactions of IEICE, 1990,(4). ─── 叶炜.闭环光纤陀螺全数字式信号检测方法研究[J].光子学报1998,(4).

86、Thus, it is better to have the centre axis of gyroscope coincided with the gimbal ring and drive axis to reduce the influence to the dynamically tuned gyroscope. ─── 因此,在装配中应尽量做到陀螺、平衡环及驱动轴的轴线重合,以便减小对动力调谐陀螺的调谐条件的影响。

87、To eliminate dynamic lock-in error of Mechanically Dithered ring laser gyroscope,it is desirable to inject a pseudo smooth random noise into the sine wave dither signal. ─── 为了消除抖动偏频激光陀螺仪的动态闭锁误差,需要向正弦抖动信号中注入一具有平稳性的随机噪声,以使抖动幅度随机变化。

88、To solve the problem of sky-high modulation frequency requirement in MOG (Micro-Optical Gyroscope), a new double-frequency modulation technology based on triangular wave was proposed. ─── 对微光学陀螺双频率调制中需要极高调制频率差的问题,提出了一种基于三角波的双频率调制技术。

89、An instrument having a heavy gyroscope whose axis spins in a vertical plane to reduce the side - to - side rolling of a ship or aircraft. ─── 回转稳定器一种稳定器具,由一个粗重的回转仪构成,回转仪的轴在垂直的平面内旋转,这样可以减轻船只或飞机两侧的晃动

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