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09-08 投稿



gourmand 发音

['gʊəmənd; 'gɔː-]

英:  美:

gourmand 中文意思翻译




gourmand 网络释义

n. 美食家;贪食者adj. 贪食的n. (Gourmand)人名;(法)古尔芒

gourmand 词性/词形变化,gourmand变形


gourmand 相似词语短语

1、gourmandize ─── vi.享受美食;n.暴食;贪吃

2、Cournand ─── n.(Cournand)人名;(法)库尔南

3、gormand ─── n.美食者

4、Courland ─── n.(Courland)人名;(法)库兰

5、gourmandises ─── n.暴食;贪吃;美食

6、gormands ─── n.美食者

7、gourmands ─── n.美食家;贪食者;adj.贪食的;n.(Gourmand)人名;(法)古尔芒

8、gourmandise ─── n.暴食;贪吃;美食

9、gourmandism ─── n.美食主义

gourmand 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Changsha people boast to be the best gourmand of China and here people spend a lot of time eating. ─── 火宫殿的小吃太刻骨铭心了,忍不住想说两句。超爱吃辣的朋友们千万不能错过这里。

2、One observer, though, was not impressed with Laifu's life as a gourmand. ─── 一名观察员,但是,并没有留下深刻的印象来福作为美食家的生活。

3、The guidebook to the museum is written in three languages English,Gourmand Japanese. ─── 这家博物馆的导游词是用英语、德语和日语3种语言写的。

4、“I think a gourmand is someone who eats an excessive amount of food,” replied Lydia. ─── “我以为嗜食者是吃很多东西的人,”利迪娅答道。

5、He was long famed as a gourmand and heavy smoker and drinker. ─── 长期以来,他一直以嗜好美食和烟酒闻名。

6、Throw in a lucky get-rich- quick cat, and the Japanese gourmand is hooked. ─── 外加日本招财猫,牢牢套住日本老饕的胃。

7、I like good food, does that make me a gourmand? ─── 我喜欢好吃的东西,这是不是说我是嗜食者呢?

8、Must want to win this game's victory, plays the family to conquer these guard gourmand the guard. ─── 要想赢得这场游戏的胜利,玩家必须征服那些守卫美食家的卫兵。

9、“I looked in the glossary,” said Ruth. “A gourmand is someone who is fond of good eating. I like good food, does that make me a gourmand? ─── “我查了词汇表,”露丝说。“嗜食者是喜欢好吃的东西的人。我喜欢好吃的东西,这是不是说我是嗜食者呢?”

10、He is a gourmand. ─── 他是个美食家。

11、Even the top gourmand can't eat so much food. ─── 即使最贪吃的人也吃不下这么多东西啊。

12、Tanjia cuisine enjoys a history of over 100 years.It was named after Tan Zonghou, who was a high official in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and a great gourmand as well. ─── 北京菜中,不但包含了世界著名的宫廷菜,而且还包含了一批精美的由私家烹调出名的官府菜。

13、Gourmand is a loverof good food. ─── 美食家是爱吃好东西的人。

14、As a gourmand known by everyone, he knows all the restaurants in the district. ─── 作为人人皆知的贪吃的人,他知道这个地区所有的饭店。

15、I looked in the glossary, said Ruth. A gourmand is someone who is fond of good eating. I like good food, does that make me a gourmand? ─── 我查了词汇表,露丝说。嗜食者是喜欢好吃的东西的人。我喜欢好吃的东西,这是不是说我是嗜食者呢?

16、The venue, which has a Michelin Bib Gourmand rating, is due to reopen in time for the World Cup as the Warehouse Kitchen & Bar. ─── 这家拥有米其林美食等级的店将计划于世界杯期间以餐馆+酒吧的形式重新开业。

17、Striking up a friendship with a pretty young waitre ,the cheerily corpulent gourmand begi to design a series of dishesthat will tra form her life. ─── 他与年轻的女侍者依簟发展一段友谊,后者婚姻生活出现问题。

18、It is like a gourmand confessing he loves McNuggets. ─── 过去3年的年回报率也是11.5%,过去1年是0.4%。

19、My dream is to become a gourmand, therefore I chose english degree, so I'm able to travel around the world, taste the food of every country. ─── 我的志向是一名美食家,因此我选择了英语专业,这样就可以周游世界,尝遍各国美食。

20、Gourmand is a lover of good food. ─── 美食家是爱吃好东西的人

21、and such a gourmand - who became a master - had been haunting me for forty years as if a queer phantom. ─── 硬是有那麽一个因好吃而成家的人,像怪影似的在我的身边晃荡了四十年。

22、I became a fiction gourmand, so to speak, devouring so many novels and short stories particularly when I was much younger. ─── 我成了一个虚构的美食家,可以这么说,吞食许多小说,尤其是当我年轻得多的短篇小说。

23、In overseas deeply chef, gourmand and housewife's favor. ─── 在国外深受厨师、美食家和家庭主妇的青睐。

24、My dream is to become a gourmand, therefore I chose english degree, so I'm able to travel around the world, taste the food of every country. ─── 我的志向是一名美食家,因此我选择了英语专业,这样就可以周游世界,尝遍各国美食。

25、It is like a gourmand confessing he loves McNuggets. ─── 这就像让一位美食家承认他喜欢吃快餐店里的老什子炸鸡一样难堪。

26、(While taking a meal, it always performance unhurriedly, in no case the elephant is some dogs gourmand and greeds like that, can't even therefore beg like a dog to the person. ─── 在进食的时候,它总是表现得从容不迫,绝不象有些犬那样的饕餮和贪婪,更不会因此而对人摇尾乞怜。这种贵族式的优雅与高傲常会令人心生敬意。

27、If you are gourmand, come to the "All you can eat & drink" Grey Chef BBQ. Western style BBQ & Buffet. Free flow of beer and soft drink. ─── 如果您是个美食家,请来尝试我们的“任您吃喝”歌彩烧烤。西部风格的烧烤和自助餐,生啤软饮免费。

28、If you are gourmand, come to the “All you can eat & drink” Grey Chef BBQ. ─── 如果您是个美食家,请来尝试我们的“任您吃喝”歌彩烧烤。

29、The guidebook to the museum is write in three language english, gourmand japanese. ─── 这家博物馆的导游词是用英语、第十一届德语和日语3种语言写的。

30、a group of self-rising French chefs has petitioned the Vatican that being a gourmand is no sin. ─── 一个法国的自发厨师团体近来向梵蒂冈请愿并声称讲究饮食者无罪。

31、He was long famed as a gourmand and heavy smoker and drinker. In 1980, his chef noted he would jog up and down stairs to shed the pounds. ─── 长期以来,他一直以嗜好美食和烟酒闻名。1980年,他的厨师曾表示,为了减肥,金正日计划爬楼梯。

32、Lovely Latina Seeks Gorgeous Gourmand ─── 拉丁美女爱上美食家

33、Maybe a special adaptation to peel fruit, suggest the gourmand set. ─── 美食家们建议,也许是为了剥开水果的一个特别适应工具。

34、Everyone in cat-party can't leave cats and we are all gourmand, and this is the place has cats and good food. ─── 我们都离不开可爱的猫咪,也不会离开美食。广生食品行真的是有美食有可爱猫咪的地方。

35、The main projects include: an entrance square, a big parking lot, a large video-game hall, an on-water world, a sport square, a gourmand food center and a hotel. ─── 主要建筑设施有:入口广场、大型车场、电子游艺城、水上世界、运动广场、美食城及宾馆等。

36、And for the example of comfort application, if a gourmand can easily find some suitable restaurants by using the location based service through VANET. ─── 或是开车族可以透过VANET网路所提供之服务,获取有关停车位位置之资讯。

37、After Zhang comes, used the kitchen knife nearby two to knock respectively first in He a gate, and said that had the gourmand with her. ─── 张某来后,先用菜刀在何某家的门两边各敲了一下,并说有馋鬼跟着她。

38、He wants to go for the old lady to open the door, but Zhang does not make way, said that feared has the gourmand with to come, the old lady then walked. ─── 何某想去为老太婆开门,但张某不让开,说怕有馋鬼跟进来,老太婆便走了。

39、08 Su Dongpo: born in Meishan Sichuan, Su Dongpo was the greatest gourmand in Chinese history. ─── 苏东坡:四川眉山人,中国历史上最伟大的美食家。

40、gourmand n. ─── 美食者;


饕餮(tāo tiè)是一个汉字词语,它源自古代神话传说中的一种怪兽形象。饕餮被描绘为一种凶恶、贪婪的神兽,形象通常为体型庞大的兽首人身,常有獠牙和獠目。它具有极强的食欲,能吞食各种生灵,被形容为食肉兽中的至恶者。



饕餮(tāo tiè)是传说中的一种神兽,形似牛身狮头,可以吞吃天地间的百兽。古代它常被用来修饰为极其奢华、盛大、精美的事物或场合,如饕餮盛宴、饕餮之旅等。因此,现在把嗜食与贪心比作饕餮,表示一个人极度贪婪,吃得很多或者贪得无厌,就称他为“饕餮”。

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