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09-08 投稿



groper 发音


英:  美:

groper 中文意思翻译



groper 词性/词形变化,groper变形

动词过去分词: groped |副词: gropingly |名词: groper |动词现在分词: groping |动词第三人称单数: gropes |动词过去式: groped |

groper 短语词组

1、groper in chief ─── 总探索者

2、Packet Internet Groper ─── [计] internet网络包测程序

groper 相似词语短语

1、gropers ─── n.科鱼,白斑鱼;古氏黄唇鱼;隆头鱼科;苏眉鱼;抚摸他人身体的人;n.(Groper)(美、罗、加)格罗珀尔(人名)

2、grouper ─── n.石斑鱼;鲶科鱼;鲈科之鱼

3、proper ─── adj.适当的;本身的;特有的;正派的;adv.完全地;n.(Proper)人名;(英、德)普罗珀

4、grower ─── n.栽培者;生长物;n.(Grower)人名;(英)格罗尔

5、groped ─── vi.摸索;探索;vt.摸索;n.摸索;触摸;n.(Grope)人名;(德)格罗佩

6、gropes ─── vi.摸索;探索;vt.摸索;n.摸索;触摸;n.(Grope)人名;(德)格罗佩

7、grope ─── vi.摸索;探索;vt.摸索;n.摸索;触摸;n.(Grope)人名;(德)格罗佩

8、groser ─── 格罗泽

9、grocer ─── n.杂货店;食品商

groper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1.to seek; to look for; to explore; to go in quest of; to grope after; 2.in search of ─── 寻求

2、grope about ─── adj. 摸索(探索)

3、Packet Internet Groper a program used to test whether a particular network destination is online, by sending an Internet control message protocol echo request and waiting for a response. ─── 包因特网查询工具用于通过发送一个Internet控制消息协议回送请求并等待应答来测试一个特定网络目的地是否联机的一种程序。

4、Shanghai CIMC Reefer Containers Co., Ltd.(SCRC),founded in June 1995,is a member of the CIMC Grope. ─── 上海中集冷藏箱有限公司(SCRC)成立于1995年6月,是中国国际海运集装箱(集团)股份有限公司(CIMC)的控股公司。

5、And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. ─── 你的牛在你眼前宰了、你必不得吃他的肉、你的驴在你眼前被抢夺、不得归还.你的羊归了仇敌、无人搭救。

6、By day they encounter darkness, And at noon they grope about as in the night. ─── 14他们白昼遇见黑暗,午间摸索如在夜间。

7、Now they grope through the streets like men who are blind. They are so defiled with blood that no one dares to touch their garments. ─── 14他们在街上如瞎子乱走、又被血玷污、以致人不能摸他们的衣服。

8、Let me not grope in vain in the dark but keep my mind still in the faith that the day will break and truth will appear in its simplicity. ─── 愿我在黑夜中不会徒劳地摸索,而保持头脑的冷静,深信白日必将来临,真理也会在它的朴实里现身。

9、And then we grope stone in river by our limited knowledge to wade carefully through it. ─── 对于知识,我们必须谦虚,必须承认自己的孤陋寡闻,然后以有限的知识谨慎、小心地摸着石子过河。

10、At midday you will grope about like a blind man in the dark.You will be unsuccessful in everything you do;day after day you will be oppressed and robbed, with no one to rescue you. ─── 你必在午间摸索、好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样.你所行的必不亨通、时常遭遇欺压、抢夺、无人搭救。

11、Why grope after the meaning of a word? Look it up in the dictionary! ─── 何必去苦想一个单词的意思?查字典吧!

12、Make business enterprise can according to the characteristics of oneself, grope for a set of cost management method which is suitable for oneself to develop. ─── 使得企业能根据自身的特点,摸索出一套适合自己发展的成本管理方法。帮忙翻译一下!谢谢!

13、During the ten years of grope since its birth, the Chinese cyber media knew its own success and failure clearly. ─── 一次又一次蜕变,使中国网络媒体开始探索规模化与专业化的发展道路,在运营规模、应用范围和技术水平上也有了相应的进步。

14、grope about for information ─── 到处搜集情报

15、And when, still heavy with sleep, I grope for her and suddenly find myself fully awake, a torrent of tears bursts from my oppressed heart, and I weep bitterly in view of a hopeless future. ─── 依然睡意朦胧的我,伸出手到处摸索,想找到她,找着找着就突然醒了,泪水从我压抑的心中,激流般涌出;面对一个无希望的未来,我不禁失声痛哭。

16、Traditional Chinese Medicine researches considerate languish on the essence of it, grope for the modernization road of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ─── 为了中医学的生存和发展,中医药研究人员苦苦思索着中医学的本质,探索着中医学的现代化道路。

17、Why grope after the meaning of a word? ─── 为什么要琢磨这个词的意思呢?

18、You'll cringe at the exhibitionist. You'll despair at the cryer. And you'll run for the hills from the groper. ─── 你会对裸露者起哄。你会对哭泣者绝望。而且你会从摸索大胆地转向“峰顶”。

19、They grope in darkness, and there is no light; And He causes them to stagger like a drunken man. ─── 25他们无光,在黑暗中摸索;?使他们东倒西歪,像醉酒的人一样。

20、At all times investors work hardly to grope after the rule of the stock market for gainning the earnings and avoiding the loss. ─── 为趋利避害投资者们一直孜孜以求探索其内在规律,寻找有效的分析方法和工具。

21、"By day they meet with darkness, And grope at noon as in the night. ─── 伯5:14他们白昼遇见黑暗、午间摸索、如在夜间。

22、They grope in darkness with no light, And He makes them stagger like a drunken man. ─── 伯12:25他们无光、黑暗中摸索、使他们东倒西歪、醉酒的人一样。

23、The Grope for the Reform of the Institution of the Chinese Grain Reserve ─── 中国储备粮制度改革的探索

24、"They grope in darkness with no light, And He makes them stagger like a drunken man. ─── 他们无光、在黑暗中摸索、又使他们东倒西歪、像醉酒的人一样。

25、But the study on the rolling contact fatigue failure mechanism of super hard material coati-ngs is in grope. ─── 但是目前对于超硬涂层材料滚动接触疲劳失效机理的研究还处于探索之中。

26、Hence, the hands (or “feet”) of the man who takes advantage of overcrowding to grope female passengers (or female colleagues in offices) are called xianzhushou. ─── 因此,这种猥琐男子的手就被称作“咸猪手”,在人群里鬼鬼祟祟,伺机非礼周围女乘客或女同事。

27、Polymerization process was tracked and observed by microscope to summarize and grope the polymerization mechanism of dispersion polymerization. ─── 反应中使用显微镜跟踪观察了微球的形成过程,探索了分散聚合的反应机理。

28、Meanwhile, the development of Capital Market Theory is relatively lagging and weakness, many things are still in discussion and grope. ─── 同时,与实践相对应的是资本市场理论发展的相对滞后和薄弱,许多方面还处在探讨和摸索中。

29、By analyzing metacognition theory we raise to train the metacogition ability of college students and grope the necessities in their course of learning and thinking. ─── 在教与学的过程中,学生的学是内因,是矛盾的主要方面,取着决定性的作用。

30、When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators. ─── 当停电时,人们在摇曳不定的烛光下暗中摸索.因没有红绿灯的指示,汽车在道路上迟疑不前:冰箱也停止工作,导致食物变质。

31、The best belongings you could bequeath to your children are to allow them independently grope for their self life road. ─── 2 你能留给孩子的最好财产莫过于允许他完全独立自主地自主地摸索自己的道路。

32、Grope for reforming and developing of higher engineering education in the 21st century ─── 21世纪高等工程教育的改革与发展探索

33、grope for the right answer ─── 寻求正确答案

34、Brock's grope probe ─── 布罗克(氏)探测探针

35、Domain Grope ─── 产业集群

36、When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight;cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators. ─── 如果没有电,人们需要借助微弱的烛光来摸索前行,路上的汽车由于没有交通信号灯的指示将会迟疑不前,食物也会在没有电的冰箱里腐烂。

37、From the grope on EEG in this paper, there is a good foreground for controlling artificial with EEG, but it needs researchers" more effort for achieving really to clinical application. ─── 从本文对脑电信号的探索性研究来看,脑电信号控制上肢假肢具有良好的发展前景,但其完善和产品化还需要更多的学者和工程技术人员的不断努力。

38、by Jeff's motto - leave nothing but bubbles and take nothing but pictures - we leave the groper alone and head towards the rails on the wreck's top deck. ─── 被杰夫的话所触动,我们没有惊动那头鲸,朝着上层甲板上的栏杆前进。

39、and you will grope at noon, as the blind man gropes in darkness, and you will not prosper in your ways; ─── 你必在午间摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样。

40、[NIV] Now they grope through the streets like men who are blind. They are so defiled with blood that no one dares to touch their garments. ─── 14[和合]他们在街上如瞎子乱走,又被17血玷污,以致人不能18摸他们的衣服。

41、grope vi. ─── (暗中)摸索,探索  

42、Seen from both the inside the exterior system environment, this kind of organizations is being placed in the blindness to grope for and various intervention stage of benefits community, the total real strength, scale is relatively small. ─── 从内外部制度环境来看,这种组织正处于盲目摸索和多种利益群体的干预阶段,总体的实力、规模都较小。

43、packed internet groper ─── 带文分组网络探索命令

44、She dryly recounts a visit to a sex club that is done up like a crowded subway train, where the customers pay for the privilege of being able to grope the female “commuters”. ─── 她平淡的叙述了一次参观性俱乐部的经历。那个性俱乐部包装得像是一辆拥挤的地铁列车,顾客们只要花钱就能爱抚女性“通勤者”。

45、[NIV] Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night. ─── 14[和合]他们白昼遇见黑暗,午间12摸索,如在夜间。

46、Grope for Open and Designing All-round Experiment in Circuit Theory ─── 关于电路原理开放与设计性综合实验的一些探索

47、We grope like blind men at the wall; We grope like those without eyes; We stumble at midday as we would at dusk; Among the prospering we are like dead men. ─── 10我们摸索墙壁,好像瞎子;我们摸索,如同无目之人;我们晌午绊脚,如在黄昏一样;我们在肥壮人中,就像死人一般。

48、Secondly, the paper grope for the individual frame of agent and the colony architecture of multi-agent system, and studies the communication alternation mechanism, collaboration mechanism and communication model; ─── 其次,探索了多Agent系统的个体结构和群体结构,研究了多Agent系统中多Agent之间的通信交互机制、协作协商机制和通信模型;

49、They meet with darkness in the day time, and grope in the noonday as in the night. ─── 他们白昼遇见黑暗,午间摸索如在夜间。

50、We have to grope for ways to do thing. ─── 我们只能边探索边干。

51、They grope in darkness with no light; he makes them stagger like drunkards. ─── 他们无光、黑暗中摸索、使他们东倒西歪、醉酒的人一样。

52、Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night. ─── 他们白昼遇见黑暗,午间摸索如在夜间。

53、To meet the market economical rule, the automotive manufacturers grope for building up cooperation with the third part logistics (3PL) in more management modes. ─── 为了符合市场经济规律,汽车制造企业纷纷探索通过与第三方物流企业建立多种营运模式,发挥汽车制造企业本身的核心竞争能力,为第三方物流企业提供了专业的发展机遇。

54、For the network multi-media the teaching grope fored some experiences. ─── 为网络多媒体教学摸索了一些经 验。

55、We spot a massive eastern blue groper wagging its tail and circling the boiler. ─── 我们看到一只巨大的东方蓝鲸摆动着尾巴,围着锅炉转悠。

56、They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man . ─── 他们无光,在黑暗中摸索,又使他们东倒西歪,像醉酒的人一样。

57、grope about in the dark ─── 在黑暗中摸索

58、on the classical financial researching frame, by employing a cointegration Analysis model, try to offer a meaningful grope for the macroscopic affection on the stock market. ─── 以经典宏观经济和金融理论为框架,应用协整计量分析,本文分析了代表性宏观变量与股市收益率之间的关联性,试图为宏观对股市的影响提供一个有意义的探索。

59、, which should be adjusted from management.Yet how to balance the benefit and the risk during the information sharing still needs us to grope for in the further practice. ─── 当然事物都具有两面性,供应链企业之间的信息共享也不例外,企业如何对收益及风险两方面进行权衡,做出最佳的选择还需要我们进一步在实践中去摸索。

60、The study has achieved the valuable grope, which works out the PCprogram, researches the values in point on the parameters of the model. ─── 对活性污泥模型在我国推广应用进行了有益的探索。

61、PING stands for Passive Internet Groper and its job is to be able to essentially send an echo request to some device on the network. ─── 03要排除网络的故障我们要使用到几个工具。我们要学习使用的第一个,也是总重要的一个工具就是PING命令。

62、After several years of grope in kraft-recycle industry, our company has accumulated abundant experiences of recycle. ─── 公司经过多年在牛皮纸回收行业的摸索,积累了丰富的回收再利用经验。

63、Just friends, I won't grope you I promise. ─── 只是朋友嘛,我不会对你动手动脚的,我保证。

64、But in darkly, they then my emollient walking stick, is to give me the courage, prop up the dot to my confidence, encourage me to grope for the road of the precession in darkly. ─── 可是在黑暗中,他们则是我有力的拐杖,是给我勇气,给我信心的支撑点,激励着我在黑暗中摸索前进的道路。

65、At midday you will grope about like a blind man in the dark. ─── 29你必在午间摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样。

66、Your eye expression is his compass and your soul is the storehouse where he wants to grope. ─── 你的眼神就是他的指南针,而你的心灵就是他要探索的宝藏。

67、Two wicked claws grope the air before its four beady, black eyes and sharp, jagged mandibles. ─── 两只邪恶的爪子在它那四只黑色的圆眼睛和锯齿状的大颚前面晃动着。

68、Provide specialist technical support to the Aluminum Grope, customers and contract manufacturers. ─── 对集团的项目提供专业技术支持,对用户和制造厂商提供专业技术支持。

69、Without light, they grope in the dark and stagger like drunkards. ─── 在无光的黑暗中摸索,踉跄犹如醉汉。

70、At the same time , the thesis use the basic theory to grope for the theory of interior environment ecological design which only China have. ─── 同时,利用室内环境生态设计理论,研究探索具有中国特色的室内环境现代设计理念。

71、Theory of“Suburban Economical Sustainable Development”indicated a new grope for regional sustainable development centralized cities. ─── “城郊型经济可持续发展”理论命题的提出,体现了在以城市为核心的区域经济层面上追求可持续发展目标的新探索。

72、It's too late. I must try to grope about for an excuse to leave. ─── 太晚了,我必须设法找借口离开。

73、grope (or fumble) one's way in the dark ─── 在黑暗中摸索前进

74、I hope some one join my bokee grope. ─── 一定不要迟疑,马上告诉我们,帮助我们改进!

75、Grope of the Variation Management of the Electromechanical Works in Dongshen Water-supply Improvement Project ─── 东深供水改造工程机电工程变更管理探索

76、Grope for Clssified Teaching in Vocational School ─── 中等职业学校英语分层次教学的探索

77、Ways and grope of teaching on medical microbiology ─── 医学微生物学教学方法探讨

78、KJV] We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men. ─── [新译]我们摸索墙壁,好像瞎子一样;我们摸索,如同没有眼睛的人一般;我们在中午跌倒,有如在黄昏跌倒一样;我们在肥壮的人中,好像死人一般。

79、You'd better grope after the explanation by yourself ─── 你最好自己去寻找解释。

80、grope one's way down the stairs in the dark ─── 在黑暗中摸着下楼

81、Why grope after the meaning of a ward? Look it up in the dictionary! ─── 干吗要在心中琢磨一个词的意思?查词典好了!

82、grope one's way along a darkened corridor ─── 在黑暗的走廊里摸索着走

83、He is grope for, make great effort, is challenge ego and look for character. ─── 他正在摸索着,努力着,正在挑战自我,寻觅个性。


ping是缩写单词 全称Packet Internet Groper,翻译过来就是因特网包探索器

ping (Packet Internet Groper)是一种因特网包探索器,用于测试网络连接量的程序[1]。Ping是工作在 TCP/IP网络体系结构中应用层的一个服务命令, 主要是向特定的目的主机发送ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol 因特网报文控制协议)Echo 请求报文,测试目的站是否可达及了解其有关状态

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