gloominess 发音
英:[ˈɡluːminəs] 美:[ˈɡluːminəs]
英: 美:
gloominess 中文意思翻译
gloominess 同义词
depressed | down in the mouth | gloomful | dreary | unhappy | blue | murky | despairing | down | low-spirited | sulky | solemn | bleak | depressing | cheerless | wretched | drab | downhearted | sullen | melancholy | discouraging | dingy | dismal | funereal | obscure | drear | sad | cloudy | overcast | dim | twilight | down in the dumps | disconsolate | glooming | pessimistic | glum | doleful | morose | moody | sorry | desolate | downcast | black |dark | somber | grey | dusky | dispirited | miserable | vague | dull | sorrowful | grim | negative | low
gloominess 词性/词形变化,gloominess变形
形容词最高级: gloomiest |名词: gloominess |副词: gloomily |形容词比较级: gloomier |
gloominess 反义词
jovial | merry | pleasant | happy | gay |jocund | jolly | delightful
gloominess 相似词语短语
1、gloomiest ─── 悲观的;阴暗的;前景黯淡的;令人沮丧的
2、gooiness ─── 粘性
3、goosiness ─── 鹅
4、goopiness ─── 粘性
5、goofiness ─── 愚笨;傻;可笑;疯癫
6、goodiness ─── n.糖果;身份低微之老妇;吸引人的东西;伪君子(goody的变形)
7、glossiness ─── n.[光]光泽度;有光泽
8、bloodiness ─── n.残忍,残酷;血腥;血污
9、gloomless ─── 阴郁的
gloominess 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Much more importantly, of course, we march on to Cardiff in a campaign which, despite a month of extraordinary gloominess and anxiety, is still thrillingly alive on four fronts. ─── 最重要当然是在经过了极其黑暗和忧虑的一个月后,我们进入了联赛杯决赛,而且仍然很有希望竞争四项冠军。
2、Aerobic exercise can ease the gloominess of depression, reduce the tension associated with anxiety and promote relaxation. ─── 有氧运动能缓解消极郁闷的情绪,减轻由于焦虑导致的紧张,变得更放松。
3、Later, he had to commit suicide to leave this world, where he had been so long spiritually repressed and suffocated by an innate desperate gloominess. ─── 他后来以跳楼方式告别人世,与这种长期受压抑的苦闷心情有某种内在的联系。
4、LL: Well, rainy days can definitely have an effect on me, but I'd have to say that beating the gloominess is more important than what makes me feel glum. ─── 要想换个好心情可没那么容易,有人吃东西会感觉好起来,可是食物对我不起作用。
5、As the main body of desire, the physical body experiences apartness, gloominess, pressure and edged emotional feelings, which we never met before. ─── 人作为欲望的主体,我们的肉体在现代社会当中,空前地遭遇到时间和空间的分裂、遭遇到各种欲望的冲击和现实社会权力的压抑、感受到边缘化情绪性体验。
6、2.He would laugh her out of her gloominess. ─── 他会用笑声使她摆脱忧郁的情绪。
7、Fortunately, friends always bringing me the rain that washes the machine, which perfectly operate loneliness and generate fulfilling, washing away the gloominess of continuous working. ─── 所幸的是朋友带来的大雨,总为我洗刷那完美运行孤单带来满足的机器,刷洗长久工作产生的黏腻.
8、Ur heavy breathing in the gloominess is familiar with the early morning lane's fog. ─── 黑暗中你沉重的呼吸是清晨弄堂里熟悉的雾。
9、It was an expression of his persistent style of gloominess. ─── 夔州时期,沉郁之风表现为意蕴更加深沉,且面临夔州山川风物,呈现出奇拔道壮的风格。
10、What They Do - They contain magnesium which aids in fighting gloominess, misery and confused states of mind. ─── 作用——上述物质都含有镁元素,镁元素有助于抵抗沮丧、苦恼和困惑的精神状态的发生。
11、The media uglified Henan not only for reflecting the reality of Henan, but for serving the political struggle, that is, uncovering the gloominess of the stratocracy. ─── 这种对河南形象的“丑化”,并非是为了单纯反映河南当时的现实,重点是服务于政治斗争的要求,揭露军阀统治的黑暗,有其合理性。
12、The prime minister admitted he was surprised by the gloominess of the underwater scene. ─── 普京总理承认,看到水下幽暗的景象,他感到很惊讶。
13、That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, ─── 那日是忿怒的日子,是急难困苦的日子,是荒废凄凉的日子,是黑暗,幽冥,密云,乌黑的日子。
14、Soon he was seized with fits of gloominess. ─── 一阵阵的忧郁立即向他袭来。
15、gloominess and pain ─── 愁痛
16、Are ewes naturally cheery and bees predisposed to gloominess? ─── 母羊天生乐观而蜜蜂天生忧郁?
17、During the period when he was in Kuizhou, the style of gloominess became even more profound, but the sceneries of Kuizhou makes his style more meticulous than previously. ─── 而草堂期形成的萧淡婉丽之风此期发展为更加细致入微,清新婉丽。
18、A man has no gloominess if he is able to keep happy and tranquil mood with or without position and fame all the time. ─── 一个人无论得意或失意都能维持快乐、安怡的心情,这样的人,就永远不会有郁卒的情绪。
19、However the faded memories, which slumber in the dusk gloominess, have turned into a lotus of the past that is slowly withering and will never revive. ─── 而我惟有在这青桐萌花的时节,把所有过往的快乐和思索化为深深浅浅的墨迹浮动在一枚素色的薄笺上,任它们弹指间轮回成一纸带泪的笑颜。
20、Symbolises: conservativeness, security, maturity and reliability, but it can also signify gloominess and sadness. ─── 象征:稳妥、安全、成熟性和可靠性,但也意味着愁悲伤.
21、As I approach to say hello to him, he looks back.He still wears the same smile yet there’s a touch of gloominess in his eyes.Even though it’s just a flash I can’t help but notice that melancholy. ─── 我趋前打算和他打个招呼,刚巧他也看过来,笑容依旧,但眉宇间藏著抑郁,纵然一闪而过,那忧伤还是让我看见了。
22、Gloominess is the patent of beautiful girls. ─── 周奔驰:忧郁是漂亮女孩的专利。
23、This colt tranquilly satisfies its thirst, but the gloominess of the background reflects the melancholy that artist Charng Yu experienced while away from home. ─── 画家常玉笔下的马儿,在枯索的旷野上饮水解渴,是画家寄居异乡心情的自况?(大未来画廊提供)
24、A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and deep darkness, Like the dawn spread over the mountains-A people great and mighty. ─── 2那是黑暗、幽冥的日子,密云、乌黑的日子,好像晨光铺满群山;
25、Outside the sun-slothed breeze blows everywhere, but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house. ─── 所以窗子和门的根本分别,决不仅是有没有人进来出去。
26、the backlog has caused a cash crunch for some dealers,but the crowded showrooms were a welcome change from the gloominess that has characterized most of this year. ─── 货物积压导致了零售商一些经济上的问题,但是拥挤的展厅已经从黑暗之中迎来了变化,这将使今年大多数时间的写照。
27、Outside the sun-slothed breeze blows everywhere but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house. ─── 到处是给太阳晒得懒洋洋的风,不像搅动屋里沉闷的那样有气愤。
28、and his reserve appeared rather the result of some oppression of spirits than of any natural gloominess of temper. ─── 他的矜持似乎是精神受到某种压抑的结果,而不是由于性情天生忧郁引起的。
29、The dust and grime in the house can easily be scrubbed off, but it is the gloominess of Khann's heart that worries the volunteers. ─── 家里的层层污垢容易刷除,而肯哈心中的忧虑,才是志工所心疼的。
30、The prime minister admitted he was surprised by the gloominess of the underwater scene. ─── 普京总理承认,看到水下幽暗的景象,他感到很惊讶。
31、That is incapable and is tiny, my heart, a gloominess. ─── 那份无力和渺小,我的心,一片灰暗。
32、I've never understood why anyone would want to spread misery and gloominess. ─── 我真的不明白为什么有些人总想传播痛苦和忧郁。
33、A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; ─── 那日是黑暗,幽冥,密云,乌黑的日子,好像晨光铺满山岭。有一队蝗虫(原文作民)又大又强。
34、However the faded memories, which slumber in the dusk's gloominess, have turned into a yesterday's lotus that was slowly withering and will never revive. ─── 逝去的记忆却蜇伏在黄昏的怅望里,成为缓缓远走的旧日莲,不再复返。
35、Darker purples can conjure gloominess and sadness. ─── 暗紫色使人联想起忧郁和悲伤。
36、Take me away from the Gloominess like the fire. ─── 像火焰般,带我离开黑暗沮丧吧
37、type of gloominess ─── 抑郁型
38、2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; ─── 2那日是黑暗,幽冥,密云,乌黑的日子,好像晨光铺满山岭。有一队蝗虫作民又大又强。
39、Lots of Wall Street economists less renowned for their gloominess have by now moved past the -3% mark. ─── 许多华尔街的经济学家没这么出名,因为他们的预测刚超过3%的门槛。
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