immaturity 发音
英:[,ɪmə'tʃɔːrɪtɪ; ,ɪmə'tʃʊərɪtɪ; ,ɪmə'tjɔːrɪtɪ; ,ɪmə'tjʊərɪtɪ] 美:[ɪmə'tjʊrəti]
英: 美:
immaturity 中文意思翻译
immaturity 短语词组
1、mental immaturity ─── [法] 智力不成熟
2、divorcing immaturity ─── 离婚未成熟
3、immunologic immaturity ─── 免疫不成熟
4、immaturity-inadequacy ─── 不成熟- ─── 不成熟
5、immaturity for charity ─── 慈善事业的不成熟
6、degree of immaturity ─── 不成熟程度
7、immaturity-maturity theory ─── 不成熟-成熟理论
8、immaturity period ─── 不成熟时期
immaturity 反义词
immaturity 同义词
heavy-handedness | crudeness | silliness | stupidity | youth | naivety | irresponsibility | rawness |adolescence | childhood | childishness | ingenuousness | infancy | inexperience | greenness | babyhood | immatureness | awkwardness
immaturity 词性/词形变化,immaturity变形
名词: immaturity |副词: immaturely |
immaturity 相似词语短语
1、immaturely ─── 发育未全地;未成熟地;未完全发展地
2、immotility ─── n.无法移动;固定
3、imparity ─── n.不平等;不同;不配合
4、immature ─── adj.不成熟的;未长成的;粗糙的
5、immunity ─── n.免疫力;豁免权;免除
6、immaterial ─── adj.非物质的;无形的;不重要的;非实质的
7、prematurity ─── n.早熟;过早;早开花
8、impurity ─── n.杂质;不纯;不洁
9、maturity ─── n.成熟;到期;完备
immaturity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、the earliest state of immaturity. ─── 最早的未成熟的状态。
2、Thus it is difficult for each separate individual to work his way out of the immaturity which has become almost second nature to him. ─── 任何一个个人要从几乎已经成为自己天性的那种不成熟状态之中奋斗出来,都是很艰难的。
3、Attention to profit is a sign of immaturity, while attention to loss is a sign of experience. ─── 只关注利润是一个不成熟的标志,而关注风险控制是一个专家的标志。
4、Youth is fleeting, but immaturity can last a lifetime. ─── 年轻离你远去,但不成熟伴你一生。
5、A Comparison of Application about Imputation Principles of Torts in the Immaturity Student Hurts Accident ─── 未成年学生伤害事故中归责原则的适用比较
6、1 Snap judgments like"love at first sight "or"instant hate",if taken seriously, have ususlly been considered signs of immaturity or lack of common sense. ─── 1瞬间判决喜欢"一见钟情"或"立即痛恨",如果认真对待,通常被认为有粗糙的迹象或缺乏常识.
7、For the premature and the very low birth weight infants with delayed gastric emptying and intestinal peristalsis, neurological immaturity and respiratory compromise, the PN therapy is the only choice. ─── 当经口喂养无法满足患儿需要量时,应给予肠内或肠外营养支持。如果患儿存在胃肠道功能障碍,肠外营养是唯一选择。
8、Immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another. ─── 不成熟就是不经他人的指引就无法运用自身的理解力。
9、Incompatibility provides only a partial explanation for the rising divorce rate . Perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common . ─── 不能和谐相处只是不断升高的离婚率的部分原因。最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因为缺乏共同的东西。
10、immunologic immaturity ─── 免疫未成熟性, 免疫不成熟
11、Quickness, a fearless attitude, incisive game on one hand, questionable decision making, turnovers, immaturity on the other. ─── 他一方面速度快反应敏捷,有初生牛犊不怕虎的态度,但另一方面,在球场上的判断、失误以及尚未成熟则是他的缺点。
12、Perhaps the maximum significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the otIT , and quite simply the lack of stuff in common . ─── 最很重要的因素估计是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因该缺乏共同的物品。
13、This immaturity is self-imposed when its cause lies not in lack of understanding, but in lack of resolve and courage to use it without guidance from another. ─── 当不成熟导致谎言的原因不在于缺乏理解力,而在于不经他人引导就缺乏运用自身的理解力的决心与勇气时,这种不成熟就是自我强加的。
14、Some auction houses have exploited its immaturity by persuading designers and their galleries to put their own work up for sale. ─── 一些拍卖行通过说服设计师和他们的美术馆去出售他们的作品来利用市场的不成熟。
15、In this model, the immaturity detector is made by the method of the aberrance of self or nonself, the immaturity detector made by;this method has stronger pertinence and higher rate of survival. ─── 在新模型中,未成熟检测器的生成采用了通过自体或非自体变异的方法来生成,通过这种方法生成的未成熟检测器有着更强的针对性和更高的成活率。
16、Less positively, he was surprised by the immaturity of American schoolchildren. ─── 不那么积极的方面是,他为美国学生的不成熟感到惊讶。
17、Foolishly juvenile behavior or character; immaturity. ─── 幼稚愚蠢的稚气的行为或性格;不成熟
18、Simplicity and immaturity ─── 朴而拙
19、I am disgusted by the immaturity and stupidity presented in this column. ─── 我对这个专栏的幼稚和愚蠢感到厌恶。
20、Therefore, weanling pig diets have been manipulated predominately to overcome the limitations or immaturity in digestive function so as to maximize the growth of the whole animal. ─── 所以,为了使猪只达到最快的生长速度,克服消化器官的缺陷或不成熟成为断奶仔猪日粮的主流。
21、functional immaturity ─── 功能成熟不良
22、He [Rafael] is a young boy, inexperienced and there's a bit of immaturity about what happened but they got him sent off. ─── 他(拉斐尔)是个年轻人,缺乏经验,犯规也显示了不成熟,但是他们导致了他被罚下。
23、The benevolent idea, often from outside, is that it is all part of the democratic process.The grumpier view of many Ukrainians is that it is a sign of the incompetence and immaturity of the elite. ─── 国外将此看作是全部的民主过程,而许多暴怒的乌克兰人却倾向于认为这是政客精英们无能和不成熟的表现。
24、Photographs of the boy showed his physical immaturity. ─── 该男孩的那些照片显示了他生理上的不成熟。
25、Yet it is simple immaturity, rather than too much cash, that explains the roller coaster. ─── 但不是过多的现金而是简单的不成熟造成了过山车式的危险。
26、To some extent, it would be unfair to punish a childs misbehavior against law, neglecting the childsignorance and immaturity, and ignoring the adults influence. ─── 作者先阐明法律上的理想状态,再提出达到这一状态的两个前提条件,进而针对两个前提分别分析中国青少年现状,最后得出结论:目前尚不具备条件。
27、It's because of his intention; his self-destructive demeanors in his post was more than enough to be the prof of his immaturity. ─── 因为他的动机;他文中自我毁灭的举动已经足够证明他的不成熟。
28、Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics forz so long. ─── 我们一定要抗拒诱惑,不再靠已毒害我国政治许久的党派之私、褊狭和幼稚。
29、Despite the immaturity of knowledge management technologies, the benefits they offer demand your attention. ─── 尽管知识管理技术尚末成熟,但它们带来的好处已要求你重视它们。
30、mental immaturity ─── [法] 智力不成熟
31、Enlightenment is characterized by changing the human being from "immaturity" to the endless imagination and creativity as well as establishing independent character and subjective awareness. ─── 摘要启蒙就是要促使人类摆脱“不成熟状态”,激发人的无穷想象力和无限创造力,真正确立起独立人格和主体意识。
32、immaturity period ─── 未熟蚕
33、reinforces dependence and immaturity. ─── 强化女性的依赖性和不成熟。
34、Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship pettiness immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党派政治,琐碎狭隘,不成熟,长期以来这些东西荼毒了我们的政治。
35、A man with no experience can only display his mediocrity and immaturity. ─── 单一即意味着平庸,意味着幼稚。
36、It is difficult for the isolated individuals to work himself out of the immaturity which has become almost natural for him. ─── 对于孤立的个人来说,想要挣脱那几乎已成为自己天性的不成熟状态是困难的。
37、Now but Bynum does not have that kind of alliance first-class status which obviously the outside clamors, we saw he too many immaturity and insufficient at least in these Ji Qiansai. ─── 但显然拜纳姆并没有如今外界叫嚣的那种联盟一流地位,起码在这几场季前赛中我们看到了他太多的稚嫩和不足。
38、emotional immaturity ─── 情绪不成熟
39、Let's resist trap temptation to tank cast on trap shattemptow saleisannodded border pettiness border immaturity toy Harry poisrelationshipd rhyme politics floating so monkey. ─── 党争纷纭,锱铢必较,轻狂懵懂,皆腐坏人心惑乱政局之弊也,其来已久,余今愿与诸君协力,共灭除之。
40、Simplicity and Immaturity: Studying the Zhuang Ethnic Minority Culture- Ecological- Aesthetic Vogue in Remote - Antiquity Aesthetic Trace ─── 朴而拙:从远古时代的审美印记看壮族文化生态美的风尚
41、Statues and formulas, these mechanical tools of a serviceable use, or rather misuse, of his natural faculties, are the ankle-chains of a continuous immaturity. ─── 雕像和公式,这些有用,或者更确切地说,滥用人类天赋的机械工具,是一种脚镣,持续且不成熟。
42、degree of immaturity ─── 未成熟程度
43、Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity. Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another. ─── 启蒙乃是人脱离其自我导致的不成熟状态。不成熟状态就是没有他人引导便无法使用自己的理智。
44、On the other hand, it can also be objective factors: immaturity of social auditing profession, unusefulness of work procedure, imperfect laws and regulations. ─── 也有客观方面的原因,如我国民间审计尚不成熟,工作程序不科学,法律法规不健全等。
46、It traces the development of a young man from immaturity to maturity. ─── 它描写一位青年从不成熟到成熟的发展过程。
47、He wears the big Texas cowboy hat that Oliphant gives him to emphasize what the cartoonist considers his immaturity and dependence on a group of ruthless senior advisors. ─── 奥列芬特这样画是想强调他眼中的布什是不成熟的,而且依赖那些缺乏同情心的高层幕僚。
48、The only valid knock on Kobe was his immaturity, feuding with his All-NBA teammate and coach leading to their departure. ─── 唯一有说服力来说明科比不够完美的恐怕就是他和队友(奥尼尔),教练(菲尔)长期不和导致对方的离开。
49、A state of arrested development in an adult, characterized by retention of infantile mentality, accompanied by stunted growth and sexual immaturity, and often by dwarfism. ─── 幼稚病一种出现于成年人当中的发育停滞的状态,其特点是思维幼稚,伴有发育不良和性方面的不成熟,还有侏儒现象发生
50、Paul let the Corinthians diagnose themselves by their practices. Jealousy and strife are the works of the flesh (Gal 5:20), revealing their immaturity. ─── 保罗让哥林多信徒认识在他们中间,有嫉妒纷争,这些在百体中的斗争,正显露出他们的不成熟。
51、One of them, 30- year-old Chen Zhonglei, said the suicides are due to the immaturity of the workers and not the company's policies. ─── 其中一位工人陈忠磊,今年30岁,他认为自杀事件是由于员工的不成熟而非公司的政策。
52、Nonreactivity may be related to fetal immaturity, a sleep cycle, drugs, fetal anomalies, or fetal hypoxemia. ─── 可能与胎儿不成熟,处于睡眠周期,药物作用,胎儿异常或胎儿缺氧有关。
53、the immaturity student hurts accident ─── 未成年学生伤害事故
54、A state of arrested development in an adult,characterized by retention of infantile mentality,accompanied by stunted growth and sexual immaturity,and often by dwarfism. ─── 幼稚病,一种出现于成年人当中的发育停滞的状态,其特点是思维幼稚,伴有发育不良和性方面的不成熟,还有侏儒现象发生。
55、Perha the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one ouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common . ─── 最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因为缺乏共同的东西。
56、Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity. ─── 政治通常是人类不成熟的表现行为。美国作家薇拉。
57、Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so l0ng. ─── 党争纷纭,阴谋卑鄙,愚鲁无知,皆腐蚀清白、惑乱政局之弊也,其缘由已久,余今愿与诸君协力,共灭除之。
58、He said that China's capital market, listed companies are majority state-owned shares, a higher proportion of small and medium-sized investors, the market share of cultural immaturity. ─── 他说,我国的资本市场上市公司的国有股占据多数、中小投资者比例较高、市场股权文化不成熟。
59、Immaturity is the inability to make use of one's own understanding without the direction of another. ─── 不成熟状态就是没有他人引导便无法使用自己的理智。
60、“your ideological views to me are a sign of profound immaturity, you know. ─── “你知道,你的意识形态观点对我来说是极其不成熟的表现。”
61、On the Immaturity of Market Economy and the Features of Its Legal Acts ─── 市场经济非成熟态及其法律行为特征
62、Extreme immaturity of fetus ─── 极不成熟胎儿
63、All the offences mentioned above are due partly to immaturity and partly to an insufficient sense of responsibility. ─── 上面所说的那些,一方面是由于幼稚而来,另一方面也是由于责任心不足而来的。
64、Civil Law countries or area upper difference suitable for use hurting accident middle imputation in immaturity student is bigger; ─── 摘要大陆法系国家或地区在未成年学生伤害事故中归责原则的适用上差异较大;
65、As is to be expected, the immaturity of MDB solutions means that vendor implementations still have a ways to go in terms of stability and reliability. ─── 可以预见,MDB的不成熟意味着供应商实现在稳定性和可靠性方面还有一段很长的路要走。
66、Let us resist the temptation to fall behind on the alike partisanship and pettiness and immaturity those have poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党派之争、琐碎幼稚,长久以来这一些物品荼毒了咱们的政坛。
67、Market Failure and Market Immaturity in China's Technology Transaction and Government Role ─── 我国技术交易中存在的问题与政府作用研究
68、Through Carl Jung?s individualization theory, this article explores Bertha Young?s(the heroine in Katherine Mansfield?s short story ""Bliss") process from immaturity to maturity. ─── 文章用卡尔·荣格 (CarlJung)的个性化理论探索了凯琴琳·曼斯菲尔德 (KatherineMans field)短篇小说《幸福》(Bliss)中的主人翁白莎·杨 (BerthaYoung)从幼稚走向成熟的心路历程
69、immaturity index ─── 不成熟指数
70、Perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse, the immaturity of one spouse or the other, and quite simply the lack of things in common. ─── 最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因为缺乏共同的东西。
71、The immaturity of junior high school students ? self-consciousness leads to the teacher抯 emphasis on developing the student抯 subjective initiative. ─── 初中学生主体性处于不成熟状态特点决定了教师在教学中应重视促进学生主体性的发展。
72、Roiphe does not need to insist on her immaturity for her readers to sympathize with her. ─── 洛芙不需要通过强调自己的不道德感来获得读者的共鸣。
73、Making use of immaturity or blew fallen papaya as raw material, and study out the produce technology of fragrant and crisp papaya preserves. ─── 利用未成熟或台风吹落的番木瓜果实为原料,研究出了香脆番木瓜果脯的生产技术。
74、Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever. ─── 年纪会增长、幼稚会成熟,无知可以教育,酒醉也会清醒,但是愚蠢却无药可救。
75、Early pioneers in the field of learning disabilities were convinced of the important role thatimmaturityin oral language played in reading failure. Immaturity: shaky foundation in oral language. ─── 学习不能症研究的先行者们相信,口语不成熟导致的阅读困难中是学习不能症的重要原因。
76、Developmental immaturity ─── 发育不成熟
77、Sexual immaturity ─── 性不成熟
78、professional immaturity ─── 专业未成性
79、Clean-shaven faces, therefore, suggest appeasement and being an obvious sign of sexual immaturity. ─── 光光的下巴则代表了顺从和明显的不成熟。
80、Maybe the immaturity of the young artists is a kind of special nature, and some valuable life radiates special brilliance under such immaturity. ─── 一些有价值的生机就在不成熟的状态下散发出特殊的光芒。
81、However, over the course of his career, Kwame's immaturity has got himself in trouble with both his employers and the law. ─── 然而,在布朗整个生涯过程中,他的不成熟让他面对老板,法律都有过麻烦。
82、Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. ─── 启蒙运动就是人类摆脱自我强加的不成熟。
83、There is a little immaturity stuck away in the crannies of even the most judicious of us, and we should treasure it. ─── 对于我们这些最较真的人来说,电影有一点粗糙,但我们将视之为所爱。”
84、From the academic standpoint alone, immaturity of research methods is one of the important factors. ─── 单从学术的立场来看,研究方法的不成熟也是造成这种困扰的一个重要因素。
85、Dogmas and formulas, those mechanical instruments for rational use (or rather misuse) of his natural endowments, are the ball and chain of his permanent immaturity. ─── 条例和公式这类他那天分的合理运用、或者不如说误用的机械产物,就是对终古长存的不成熟状态的一副脚梏。
86、Among the many supposed reasons for divorce are the serious problems of selfishness, immaturity, lack of commitment, inadequate communication, and unfaithfulness. ─── 没有哪一个答案可以简单直白地解释婚姻幸福,这是个既复杂又具挑战的问题。
87、houghts such as apparent immaturity .partiality and unsuitability . ─── 但我们没有理由过于苛责维新派。
88、As the matter of fact, these advantages haven't been fully played because of the incompletion and immaturity of PCP product and the matching technology. ─── 但由于目前螺杆泵及其才有配套工艺技术的不完善、不成熟,使得螺杆泵采油的技术优势没有得到充分发挥,尚不能适应油田开发的需要。
89、ack on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党派之争、琐碎幼稚,长期以来这些东西荼毒了我们的政坛。
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