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09-07 投稿



testa 发音

英:['testə]  美:['testə]

英:  美:

testa 中文意思翻译



testa 词性/词形变化,testa变形

名词复数: testae |

testa 短语词组

1、dolichoris testa ─── [医] 扁豆衣

2、ovi testa ─── [医] 卵壳

3、praeparata testa ─── [医] 精制牡蛎粉

4、trionidis testa ─── [医] 鳖甲

5、testudinis testa ─── [医] 龟板

testa 相似词语短语

1、teste ─── n.证人;n.(Teste)人名;(法)泰斯特

2、festa ─── n.(意)节日;(意)祭日;(意)祝宴;n.(Festa)人名;(法、意、葡、捷、俄、瑞典)费斯塔

3、Vesta ─── n.维斯塔(罗马神话中的女灶神)

4、test ─── n.测验,考查;测试;检验;化验;v.测验;化验,检查;试验,测试;考验

5、tesla ─── n.特斯拉(磁通量单位);n.(Tesla)人名;(英、捷、塞)特斯拉

6、testae ─── n.外种皮;介壳,甲壳(testa的变形)

7、test. ─── n.测验,考查;测试;检验;化验;v.测验;化验,检查;试验,测试;考验

8、tecta ─── n.顶盖;视觉盖(tectum的复数)

9、cesta ─── n.法国塞斯塔核研究中心

testa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Questi sono i figliuoli di Levi secondo le loro case patriarcali, i capi famiglia secondo il censimento, fatto contando i nomi, testa per testa. ─── 以利亚撒死了,没有儿子,只有女儿;基士的儿子们,就是他们的亲族,娶了她们为妻。

2、Seeds globose;testa fleshy, inner layer hard, foveolate-reticulate. ─── 种子球状种皮肉质,内部的层坚固,蜂窝状网状。

3、Results: The surface of leaves,fruits,testa and pollen grain of the cultivated Pinellia pedatisecta Schott.showed different characteristics. ─── 结果:栽培掌叶半夏的叶、果皮、种皮、花粉粒以及块茎均具有显著特征。

4、Seeds not carinate, testa finely reticulate to linear-foveolate. ─── 种子不具龙骨状隆起的,种皮细网状的到线形蜂窝状。

5、Seeds globose, compressed, with a thick, leathery testa. ─── 种子球状,压缩,具厚,革质种皮。

6、A study on the seed of Lardizabalaceae and Sargentodoxaceae: (1) A SEM examination of testa. ─── 文章题目 木通科、大血藤科种子的研究,(1) 种皮的扫描电镜观察.

7、Seeds ovoid;testa crustaceous, with thin fleshy coat. ─── 种子卵球形壳质的种皮,有薄的肉质种皮。

8、Non vedi che il semaforo e’ rosso? Vorrei sapere dove hai la testa!! ─── 你在发什么呆啊!已经变红灯了!

9、Leaves orbicular or suborbicular, shorter than wide; testa pouch-shaped. ─── 叶圆形或近圆形,短于宽;种皮小袋形成。

10、Ed ella, spintavi da sua madre, disse: Dammi qui in un piatto la testa di Giovanni Battista. ─── 她在母亲的怂恿之下,说:“请把施洗的约翰的头放在盘子上给我。”

11、Seeds cuneate, small (ca. 1 mm), angular, testa tuberculate. ─── 楔形的种子,小(长约1毫米),角,种皮具瘤。

12、Seed: testa transversely rugose or glandular punctate. ─── 种子:种皮横向具皱纹或者腺具点的。

13、The testa constrained the seed germination to a certain degree,for the germination percentage increased when the seeds were peeled off partially or completely. ─── 种皮对板栗种子萌发有一定机械束缚作用,去皮程度越高,板栗种子的发芽率也越高;

14、Dry seeds absorb water by imbibition, initially via the testa, and as seed volume increases great imbibitional pressures develop. ─── 水分通过外种皮吸收,使种子体积增大吸涨压增高。

15、Hilum(pl. hila) 1.A scar on the testa of a seed marking the point at which it was attached to the ovary wall by the funicle. ─── 种脐:1是种子的外种皮上保留的一个痕迹,显示种子与子房壁在此处靠珠柄连接。

16、Seeds not carinate or winged, testa ribbed-scalariform. ─── 种子不具龙骨状隆起也不具翅,种皮具肋梯状。

17、Seeds ovoid-ellipsoid, ca. 0.4 mm in diam.;testa reticulate, cells ribbonlike. ─── 种子卵球形椭圆形,约0.4毫米直径;

18、The 250 Testa Rossa wears the chassis number 0714TR. ─── 250泰斯塔队穿的底盘号码0714TR。

19、The chemical components and the contet of fatty acid in peach pit (endocarp, peachseed and testa) were analyzed by GC - MS. ─── 通过GC-MS方法对桃核(核壳,桃仁,种皮)中的脂肪酸化学成分进行分析。

20、Seeds not carinate, testa scalariform-reticulate to foveolate. ─── 不具龙骨状隆起的种子,种皮梯状网状的到蜂窝状。

21、Because of testa is too hard, Embryo can not break through it extend outward. ─── 种皮过于坚硬,使胚不能突破种皮向外伸展。

22、Testa The hard dry protective covering of a seed, formed from the integuments of the ovule. After fertilization the layers of the integuments fuse and become thickened and pigmented. ─── 外种皮:覆盖在种子外部的坚硬干燥的保护层,由胚珠的珠被发育形成。受精作用后珠被各层发生融合并加厚着色。

23、Seeds not or scarcely carinate, testa finely scalariform-reticulate. ─── 种子不具或者几乎不具龙骨状隆起,种皮细梯状网状。

24、Lo stesso attaccante del Siviglia pareggia al 74' e dieci minuti dopo Lucio trova il gol della vittoria con un preciso colpo di testa da calcio d'angolo. ─── 同样是这位杀手在74分钟扳平了比分。随后,在角球中卢西奥以一记凶狠准确的头槌砸开了胜利之门。

25、For example: 20% chance to run TestA and 80% chance to run TestB. ─── 20%的概率运行TestA,80%的概率运行TestB。

26、TestA:Now, after the forest, there comes a little stream. The water is nice and clean. But you are not thirsty. Would you drink some water? ─── 现在走过森林,来到一条小溪前,水很干净,可你不渴。你会喝水吗?

27、The testa sculptures of 11 species and 1 variety belong to Acer Linn. in the Northeast of China were examined by the help of scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the pictures of SEM were taken. ─── 借助于扫描电子显微镜,对我国东北地区槭属(Acer)的11种1变种的种皮雕纹进行了扫描观察,并拍制了电镜照片。

28、Studies on the optimum extraction process of flavonoids in the testa of Ginkgo biloba L. ─── 银杏外种皮黄酮类化合物提取工艺研究。

29、Con il connettore in posizione chiusa, svitare il dado B sfilare lateralmente il perno A, la testa di tenuta C e la fettuccia. ─── 随着连接器在关闭位置,拔螺丝螺母B面了脚甲的负责人C和保持磁带。

30、Principali testa cuscino auto, profumi, la sede, il pad in piedi il business wholesale. ─── 主营汽车头枕抱枕,香水,座垫,脚垫的批发业务。

31、Seeds globose;testa crustaceous, with a fleshy coat. ─── 种子球状壳质的种皮,有的一肉质种衣。

32、Ginkgolic phenols, Ginkgolic acids and Ginkgolic flavoniods were purified with solvents from starting material, which was obtained by ultrasonitor from the testa of Ginkgo Biloba L. ─── 试验中通过薄层层析、分光光度,高效液相色谱、红外波谱对产品进行定性定量测定和结构分析。

33、This review deals with the variation of testa luster as well as the mechanism of flavonoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana . ─── 在此,就拟南芥种皮的色泽变异及类黄酮生物合成机理作一介绍。

34、The result showed that under the SEM ornamentation of testa of species of the Juncaceae has 3types:longitudinal lined type; ─── 结果表明:在扫描电镜下,本科植物种子表面纹饰有3种不同的类型,即网纹型、条状突起型和纵条纹型。

35、Research on ultrasonic extraction of ginkgolic acids in the testa of Ginkgo Biloba L. ─── 超声萃取银杏外种皮中白果酸工艺研究。

36、Testa of seed consists of four layers which becomes hard and woody after ripening. The presence of aril outside the testa may increase the buoyancy of the fruit. ─── 芡种子的种皮共有四层,成熟后坚硬,种皮外有假种皮,有增加浮力的作用。

37、Seeds minute, testa pitted or reticulate. ─── 种子小,种皮具洼点或者网状。

38、Seeds ovoid, small, testa hard or mucilaginous. ─── 种子卵球形,小,种皮硬或者黏。

39、Testa Lablab Alba White Hyacinth Bean Seed-coat ─── 白色种子的种皮

40、Title: Genetic Diversity of RAPD Marker and Testa Pigments of Yellow-seeded Rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ─── 关键词:甘蓝型油菜;黄籽油菜;遗传多样性;色素;含油率;蛋白质含量;RAPD标记

41、(biology) relating to or possessing a test or testa ─── (生)与介壳有关或有介壳

42、each part of fruit exists inhibitory substance on germination. of which albumen and testa affect germination most strongly. ─── 果实各部位均含有抑制发芽物,尤以胚乳和种皮中所含的抑制物质的作用最强。

43、Seeds globose, compressed, with a thick, leathery testa. ─── 种子球状,压缩,具厚,革质种皮。

44、Seeds 1 or 2(or 3), small, testa thick, tuberculate;embryo curved. ─── 种子1或2(或3),小,种皮厚,具瘤;

45、That indicated the rice red character genetic had the testa and fruit-cavity xenia. ─── 发现特种稻米色素遗传存在花粉直感效应,我们称为种皮果皮直感效应。

46、Seeds not or scarcely carinate, testa finely scalariform-reticulate. ─── 种子不具或者几乎不具龙骨状隆起,种皮细梯状网状。

47、seeds very numerous, pale brown, oblong, minute, testa reticulate. ─── 非常多的种子,淡褐色,长方形,记录,网状。

48、Poi farai a pezzi il montone, laverai le sue interiora e le sue gambe, e le metterai sui pezzi e sulla sua testa. ─── 你要把公绵羊切成块子,再把内脏和羊腿洗净,放在肉块和羊头上面。

49、Testa Sojae Atricolor Black Soybean Seedcoat ─── 黑色种子的种皮

50、Testa says, for example, that his agency has had to put on hold a number of TV campaigns because his clients did not want to fall foul of the law. ─── 泰斯塔认为,他的广告公司不得不暂停一些电视广告的投放,因为客户不想违反法律。

51、Un uomo di Beniamino, fuggito dal campo di battaglia, giunse correndo a Sciloh quel medesimo giorno, con le vesti stracciate e la testa coperta di terra. ─── 我们有祸了!从前在旷野用各样灾祸击打埃及人的,就是这些神。谁能救我们脱离这些大能之神的手呢?

52、Testa The hard dry protective covering of a seed, formed from the integuments of the ovule. ─── 外种皮:覆盖在种子外部的坚硬干燥的保护层,由胚珠的珠被发育形成。

53、testa leathery, seeds fully covered by an aril and adnate to testa; embryo curved. ─── 种皮革质,种子完全被假种皮盖住且贴生于种皮;

54、Allegria, Juve sola in testa! ─── 兴奋,尤文独自领跑!

55、biology) relating to or possessing a test or testa. ─── (生)与介壳有关或有介壳。

56、There is a very small hole in the testa of a seed. ─── 种子的种皮上有一个非常小的洞。

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