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09-07 投稿



undercutting 发音

英:[ˌʌndəˈkʌtɪŋ]  美:[ˌʌndərˈkʌtɪŋ]

英:  美:

undercutting 中文意思翻译




undercutting 词性/词形变化,undercutting变形

原型:undercut 现在分词:undercutting

undercutting 短语词组

1、undercutting jib ─── 下切吊臂

2、undercutting argument ─── 削弱论点

3、undercutting tool ─── 平面切刀

undercutting 相似词语短语

1、intercutting ─── v.(使)镜头交切

2、uppercutting ─── 上切

3、underclothing ─── n.内衣;内衣裤

4、undercoating ─── n.涂底漆;底部防锈层;内涂层;v.上内涂层;涂底漆(undercoat的现在分词)

5、underquoting ─── v.开出较市场价低之价格

6、underclubbing ─── 分润滑

7、underwetting ─── 亚湿润

8、undersetting ─── n.暗流;底流;vt.放在…下面;支撑

9、underletting ─── v.廉价出租;转租,分组

undercutting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While we must develop policies to meet the challenges faced by these workers, we must also take care not to undercut the substantial economy-wide benefits of trade. ─── 一方面我们必须采取措施帮助这些工人面对挑战,另一方面我们也要注意不要忽视了贸易在大范围经济层面带来的利益。

2、As the knurled collar is embedded in the sheet ,the undercut cavity beneath the collar is filled with displaced sheet material, thereby captivating the fastener in the sheet. ─── 当花齿深深嵌入面板的时候,螺母的底部中空部分会被面板材料完全填满,因此螺母能完美的镶嵌在面板里。

3、On the other hand, when entering a fiercely competitive market, it may be necessary to accept a short-term loss by undercutting market prices to gain a market toehold. ─── 另一方面,如果进入一个存在激烈竞争的市场,可能就需要压低价格,承受短期损失以求在市场上站稳脚跟。

4、The first half of March saw a revival of supply fears, although the upward trend was somewhat undercut by the OPEC decision to keep output unchanged. ─── 3月份上半月的供应担心有所反弹,尽管欧佩克维持产品不变的决策多少削弱了价格上涨趋势。

5、However, if such a direct comparison is not possible, the existence of price undercutting may be demonstrated on the basis of export unit values. ─── 但是,如不可能进行此类直接比较,则可依据出口单价证明存在价格削低。

6、If our two companies were to join forces we could undercut all our competitors. ─── 如果我们两家公司联合起来的话,我们可以削价同我们的所有竞争对手抢生意。

7、Bing: We could, but wouldn't we be taking a risk that the gray market would undercut us? ─── 宾:我们可以,但我们不就得冒著水货市场和我们削价竞争的风险吗?

8、Undercut, overcut or vibration often occur in the process of corners milling, which will lead to cutter's life decreasing, workpiece over-tolerance, or even workpiece and spindle damage. ─── 在圆角的走刀过程中,常常发生欠切、过切、振动等现象,一般要通过手工打磨来消除过切、欠切痕迹或振纹。

9、To undercut its Japanese competitors, which deploy expensive robotic arms to make uniform battery cells, BYD reverted to manual assembly lines with inexpensive labor. ─── 为与使用机械臂制造规格统一的电池的日本对手在价格上进行竞争,比亚迪退回到了使用廉价劳动力的人工组装线。

10、Economic growth in Asia is slowing more than many expected, undercutting the region's ability to keep other parts of the world from sliding into recession. ─── 亚洲经济增长的放缓比很多人预计的更为严重,这削弱了该地区帮助世界其他地区免于陷入衰退的能力。

11、But deep-rooted problems are undercutting its status. ─── 但一些根深蒂固的问题正在削弱美元的这一地位。

12、The price signal may have undercut efforts in developing countries to put in abatement measures in order to sell carbon permits to rich nations. ─── 价格信号有可能会因为发展中国家为向富裕国家出卖温室气体排放许可而削弱其减少温室气体排放措施的努力。

13、Similarly, any medications that aim to relieve inflammation by quelling TLR activity and cytokine release must not, at the same time, undercut the body's defense against infection. ─── 同样的情况,想减低类铎受体活性和细胞素的释放、以缓和发炎反应的药物,也绝不能损及身体对感染的防卫。

14、Social Control.After the Soviet system prevailed, the influence of Sharia (Islamic law) and adat (customary practice) courts were gradually undercut and replaced by Soviet courts. ─── 前苏维埃制度的社会控制下,曾盛行,其影响伊斯兰教(伊斯兰法)和(惯例)被苏联的法院被逐步削弱和取代。

15、The prime minister is attempting to regain his footing by reorganizing his cabinet -- a process that was undercut by the recent resignations. ─── 布朗正试图通过重组内阁来重新站稳脚跟,而最近一系列部长的辞职则影响了内阁重组进程。

16、Undercutting Action of acid as it cuts sideways instead of only downward in etching photo-engravings. ─── 侧壁腐蚀电版腐蚀时,酸除向下腐蚀,还向侧面腐蚀的情况。

17、Competitors in the book trade did their best to undercut each other's prices. ─── 图书市场的竞争者们竞相压价。

18、This paper introduced the calculation of the maximum undercut and the involute length of gear after cutting with gear cutter hob. ─── 介绍了磨前滚刀滚切齿轮的最大根切量和磨后的渐开线长度计算,并建立了数学模型。

19、The Asat test will likely further undercut U.S. government enthusiasm for such scientific space cooperation, at a time when the U.S. and China are debating military space policy at the United Nations. ─── 在美中两国正在联合国就太空军事政策进行辩论时,反卫星试验很可能将会降低美国政府对此类太空科学合作的热情。

20、Secor said the parasitic worm infection may undercut the immune system's ability to fight off HIV infection and may make it easier for HIV to get into white blood cells. ─── 当人们从污染的水中经过、游泳或洗浴,寄生虫穿过皮肤,顺血而行,引起贫血、腹泻、内出血、脏器损伤和死亡。

21、We lost the carrot in the debate over Jewish emigration that undercut the 1972 trade agreement with the Soviet Union. ─── 关于犹太人移民的辩论导致了削减一九七二年同苏联的贸易协议,我们在这场辩论中丢失了胡萝卜。

22、You were not permitted to undercut or to overcharge. ─── 你不得以低价或高价交易。

23、You do not have to undercut your competitors, and you have every right to charge more than they do. ─── 你没有必要为对付你的竞争者而削价,你有完全的权利比他们的要价更高。

24、As a consequence, U.S. and European agribusiness can undercut the prices of agricultural products from the less developed countries. ─── 其后果之一就是,美国和欧洲的农业综合企业能借此降低来自发展中国家的农产品价格。

25、Many economists think that the central bank is itching to raise rates, so risking undercutting a weak economy. ─── 很多经济学家认为日本央行现在有加息的迫切愿望,即便这样做有恶化虚弱经济的风险。

26、Which might make our own goods more viable in the global economy now that Chinese goods don't undercut them in price. ─── 中国产品降不了价,我们自己的产品也许在国际市场上就能存活了。

27、Figure 3. Bottom side of a plastic stencil, showing undercut features to sit over board components. ─── 塑胶底侧,有砍口,可以盖在电路板元件上。

28、The motiations for Dr.Leon's alleged actions remain unclear, except that he might hae been trying to undercut the study's conclusions by pre-emptie criticism. ─── Leon博士被举称的这些行为的动机尚不清楚,除非他也许想通过先发制人的批评来削弱这一研究的结论。

29、Squid from South Africa was sold at high prices on the European market and local sellers do not wish to undercut those prices early next year. ─── 南非鱿鱼在欧洲市场的卖价很高,当地的卖家不希望明年年初的价格就开始下滑。

30、Beyond Iraq, a redoubled effort to build a viable Palestinian government that can eventually reach a settlement with Israel would undercut another source of anti-Americanism and Islamic radicalism. ─── 在伊拉克以外,我们要加倍努力地去建立一个能站得住脚跟的巴勒斯坦政府。

31、They face competition from e-commerce retailers who undercut their pricing power and erode their margins. ─── 同时还要面对不断侵蚀他们利润空间的那些削价电子零售商。

32、This paper researches the effects of undercut defect on stress concentration in welding joint of pressure pipe by means of the finite element method software ANSYS. ─── 从数值模拟入手,采用大型有限元软件ANSYS研究了不同尺寸、不同位置的咬边缺陷对压力管道焊接接头应力集中系数的影响。

33、The formation of notches and burn-in (undercut) during welding shall be avoided and to be given the necessary attention at design and production stage. ─── 在焊接期间应该避免形成切口及咬边,在设计及生产阶段要特别注意这一块。

34、The party's strategy is to accomplish as many of these ends as possible within the existing political framework, thereby undercutting the argument for democratisation and power-sharing. ─── 在中国,党的策略是,在现有政治框架内实现尽可能多的这些目标,从而削弱支持民主化和分权的论据。

35、Narratives, unlike, say, sermons, are not obligated to offer packages of wisdom (and a writer like Hawthorne, who often seems to do so, has a habit of undercutting the stated "moral" of his stories). ─── 叙述不像是说教,没有义务提供智能教训(有的作家譬如霍桑,习惯去除故事中所谓的“道德”意味)。

36、Especially its parting work will become to very complicate,when the geometric shape of workpiece include a lateral undercut. ─── 为了使成品脱模后完整无损,模具操控方法的决定就变得相当重要;

37、The industry complains the scheme's costs will mean countries such as Indonesia will be able to undercut Australia in global coal markets. ─── 但煤炭行业抱怨说,实施该方案的代价是某些国家例如印度尼西亚将削弱澳大利亚在全球煤炭市场上的地位。

38、Erosion, which may include undercutting, knick point migration, headward erosion and downcutting, continues but at a much reduced rate. ─── 一些树最初在深冲沟出现前的浅冲沟中生长,一些冲沟里没有树木生长的迹象,生长的树木就是最初分开它们的栅栏标记。

39、Goleman warns this style should be used sparingly, because it can undercut morale and make people feel as if they are failing. ─── 但他警告说这种方法不能单独使用,因为它注重对群体的褒扬,可能会致使表现不好的情况得不到纠正。

40、She says she's heard of the problems American workers face as manufacturers close their factories, but she doesn't think it's because China's undercutting them on price. ─── 她说,她听说过制造商关闭工厂从而使美国工人面临失业的问题,但她并不认为这是由于中国以较低的价格抢走生意所致。

41、If opened to all, it could undercut private insurers by “screwing our children and grandchildren”, says Regina Herzlinger, a health-care expert at Harvard Business School. ─── 哈佛商学院的医保专家ReginaHerzlinger表示,若向社会开放此项政策,将“压榨我们的孩子和孙子”来削弱私人保险公司。

42、Moreover, China' s latest promise, plus the offer from Egypt toprovide another750 troops, has undercut Mr Bashir's assertion that anypeacekeeping force would be a bridgehead for a hostile Western invasion. ─── 值得一提的是,中国的就近承诺加之埃及对中国提出的添增750人军队的要求削弱了巴歇尔先生的主张-何维和部队都将称为西方恶势力侵略行动的立足点。

43、Within the elastic limit of the material,the relation between the retention of gold alloy clasp and the depth of abutment undercut showed positive correlation. ─── 在卡环弹性极限内,金合金卡环固位力与卡环臂进入基牙倒凹的深度成正比。

44、It also emphasizes that enterprises should take measures for motivations holistically to prevent measures from undercutting each other and negativity off... ─── 另外,对员工进行激励,还应该注意激励措施的系统性,不能顾此失彼,否则会使激励的正负效果相互抵消,降低激励的投资回报率。

45、Can you explain an undercut to me? ─── 你能给解释一下异侧摆越吗? The gymnast releases one hand from the pommel and brings his legs around.

46、A large computer hardware retailer positioned itself at the bottom end of the market by undercutting all its competitors. ─── 一家大型电脑硬件零售公司志在竞争压价,把自己定位于市场价格的底部。

47、If that is so, it is no good trying to undercut a successful explanatory practice by appeals to metaphysical qualms about the nature of causation. ─── “原因”正是我们在对客体的行为进行成功解释时所诉诸的东西。

48、By repeatedly undercutting his prices, his competitors soon had him on the ropes. ─── 不停降价,他很快被竞争对手逼入绝境了。

49、Dell spokeswoman says the company is focused on profitable growth rather than undercutting rivals to gain market share. ─── 戴尔发言人说,公司的重点在于利润增长,而不是与竞争对手抢夺市场份额。

50、In the case of a fl atf aced follower, such undercutting occurs when the convex radius of curvature of the cam surf ace shrinks beyond zero. ─── 在这个案例中,这样一种平面从动件抢发生在凸曲率半径凸轮表面缩超越零。

51、Undercut In printing presses the difference between the radius of the cylinder body, it is the allowance for plate or blanket plus a margin for packing adjustment. ─── 印刷机上,圆筒肩?直径和圆筒本身直径的差额。这个宽限,容纳印版或胶布和调校压力用的垫料。

52、Rule #38: Never undercut your staff in public (i.e., In public meetings, donot reverse decisions on work that you have given them to do). ─── 不要在公开场合让你的下属感到受到戏弄(比如,在公开会议上,颠倒已经做出的工作决定)。

53、Where transactions are “lumpy”, as in the commercial aircraft industry, the short-term profits from undercutting rivals are too big to resist. ─── 但类似民用航空这种价格“奢侈”的行业,情形就不同了,其针对竞争对手降价带来的短期利益之丰厚,实在令人难以抗拒。

54、Lising KOH anisotropic wet etching technique to obtain the V-shape structure of fiber array.This technique apply precrision alignment to control undercut effective. ─── 利用KOH非等向性湿蚀刻技术,得到光纤阵所需之V型凹槽结构,并配合精确对准光罩之应用,有效控制侧蚀量,应用于光纤阵列晶圆制程技术。

55、Zambians can do that.The Chinese building firms are undercutting the local firms. ─── 中国建筑公司正在使我们当地的建筑公司逐渐失去优势,渐渐走向崩溃和破产。”

56、The case study shows the undercut features and improves the efficiency that the proposed method is available in recognizing in undercut feature recognition. ─── 实例测试表明,该侧凹特征识别方法可以有效地识别注塑产品中的侧凹特征,提高侧凹特征的识别效率。

57、Bing: We could, but wouldn't we be taking a risk that the gray market would undercut us? We couldn't compete with that pricing, as long as we stay legitimate. ─── 宾:我们可以,但我们不就得冒著水货市场和我们削价竞争的风险吗?只要我们维持合法经营,我们就无法和那种价格竞争。

58、For the final shakeout, we’d like to see the S&P undercut its March low on explosive downside volume, something like the January lows. ─── 关于最后的震仓行情,我们预计标普可能会以天量底切3月低点。

59、Low-cost producers all over Asia would quickly step in and eat their lunch by undercutting their prices in the U. S. market. ─── 全亚洲的低成本制造商将迅速借由降价进入美国市场并坐收渔利。

60、If the undercut depth is less than the minimum adjust it with a hacksaw blade. ─── 如果曹的深度比最小值小,调整它与钢片的距离。

61、Suppliers must co-ordinate without negotiation on a mutually profitable price, then stop anybody undercutting it. ─── 供应商必须在对双方有利的价格下达成默契的合作,而且任何一方都不可以事先降价。

62、Manufacturers can supply blades with undercut protection positioned around the core to help slow the steel core wear. ─── 可供应厂商削价叶片围绕核心位置,以帮助保护钢铁核心磨损缓慢。

63、Even as a foundering consumer and a global recession may conspire to pinch corporate profits in 2009, another factor could undercut earnings a bit more: the strong dollar. ─── 就在美国企业2009年的利润可能因消费疲软和全球经济衰退的双重作用而出现下降之际,另一个有可能削弱企业利润的因素也浮出水面,那就是美元走强。

64、The retail price will undercut its nearest petitor by at least 20%. ─── 其零售 价较同类产品便宜20%以上。

65、If he had not seized this opportunity to undercut them Schryhart or Arneel would have done so. ─── 假使他不抓住这个机会拆他们的台,希利哈或者阿尼耳也会这样干的。

66、There's an undercut at this position and it needs a slider. It will also have a parting line on this side, is that OK? ─── 产品的这个位置不能出模,我们打算做行位,在此面上会有分模线,你接受吗?

67、External defects: undercut,overip,arc pit, gas cavity in surface,crack in surface. ─── 外部缺陷:咬边、焊瘤、弧坑、表面气孔、表面裂纹。

68、One video retailer sold the hit movie Titanic for $9.99, undercutting the $19.99 suggested retail price and losing about $6 on each copy sold. ─── 一个影片销售商以9.99美元的价格出售火爆电影泰坦尼克号,该片建议零售价19.99美元,每张亏损6美元。

69、We cannot buy from you because another supplier undercut you. ─── 其他供应商的报价比你们低,所以我们不能从你处采购。

70、By repeatedly undercutting his prices, his competitors soon had him on the ropes. ─── 不停降价,他很快被竞争对手逼入绝境了。

71、It became 6-6 after Wu undercut an attempt on the blue 2, while a stunning long 3 pot in the next took Belgium to the hill. ─── 下一盘吴迦庆有机会上场,可惜2号球打太薄没进,比利时队不但把握机会拿下了这一盘,还连续清台再下二城,反而以8比6的比数听牌!

72、In clinic,we should select the suitable undercut deepness wherein the cobalt-chromium alloy casting clasps,according to different brands of the casting alloy,undercut length,undercut slope,and the clasp thickness. ─── 在临床工作中 ,应根据不同厂商生产的铸造钴铬合金 ,结合倒凹长度、坡度及卡环粗细选择进入倒凹的深度 ,以获得较理想的固位效果。

73、Indian manufacturers scratch their heads in bafflement atChina's ability to undercut them. ─── 印度制造商们对于中国人为什么能抢走他们的生意感到百思不得其解。

74、Speaking in the middle west state of Micheagen Friday, Mr.Bush again criticized opposition Democrasts for calling for a timetable for troop withdrawal, saying it undercutting U. ─── 在周五在西部城市密歇根的一次讲话中,布什先生再次谴责反对党民主党对设立时间表的要求。

75、Suppliers must co-ordinate without negotiation on a mutually profitable price, then stop anybody undercutting it. ─── 供应商必须在对双方有利的价格下达成默契的合作,而且任何一方都不可以事先降价。

76、Now, with Chinese and Indian workers undercutting them by an order of magnitude, southerners must produce more or starve. ─── 现在随着大量中国和印度廉价劳动力的影响,南方必须加紧努力才不致挨饿。

77、Anisotropic - A process of etching that has very little or no undercutting. ─── 各向异性-在蚀刻过程中,只做少量或不做侧向凹刻。

78、The refined details of a silversmith are seductive but they are undercut by an astringent clear-sighted questioning. ─── 在完善细节,银匠是诱人的,但它们削弱了明确的涩有远见的讯问。

79、After 400 times dislodging, in bicuspid group, the retention of the clasp used in 0.50 mm undercut became less than the one used in 0.25 mm undercut. ─── 前磨牙 0 5 0mm倒凹组卡环经 4 0 0次脱位后 ,其固位力反而开始小于 0 2 5mm倒凹组卡环的固位力 ;

80、All these factors suggest that policy makers might have trouble preventing Chinese steel exports from undercutting global prices. ─── 中国已经是世界最大的钢铁生产国,但它的钢铁产量还在增加,这种发展趋势使中国政府和全球钢铁业感到担忧。

81、There are occasional signs of firms undercutting their rivals. ─── 偶尔也会有一些美国银行以较低收费进行竞争。

82、Family doctors also argue that retail clinics undercut the concept of a "medical home," a care provider who knows your history and can act as a director for all your medical needs. ─── 家庭医生也认为零售药店破坏了”医疗家庭“这个概念--指一个了解你历史,可以作为你一切医疗所需的指导员作用的健康护理提供者。

83、The army's denials have been undercut by photographs obtained by CNN, showing soldiers towing rickety boats full of Rohingyas out to sea and cutting them loose. ─── CNN获得的照片使泰国军方对于放逐难民的否认看起来好像扯谎,照片里摇摆不定的小船上挤满了罗辛亚族人,小船被军方的船用绳索拉着出海,然后士兵割断绳索,弃之大海。

84、Asda simply says it will keep undercutting all similar competitors by 10%. ─── 艾思达公司只是简单地回应它的售价将保持比所有同类对手的价格低10%。

85、The PWD itself sets minimum standards, but they are not supposed to undercut national ones. ─── PWD自己确立了最低工资标准,但并没意味着忽视英国本地的协议。

86、A large computer hardware retailer positioned itself at the bottom end of the market by undercutting all its competitors. ─── 一家大型电脑硬件零售公司志在竞争压价,把自己定位于市场价格的底部。

87、The grooved head of the sprue puller creates an effective undercut which is used to pull the sprue, or secondary sprues in underfeed designs. ─── 主流道拉料杆头部的凹槽形成了一个有效的底切,可以用来拉出主流道或者是下进料设计中的二级主流道。

88、If he had not siezed this opportunity to undercut them Schryhart or Arneel would have done so. ─── 假使他不抓住这个机会拆他们的台,无论如何希利哈或者阿尼耳也会这样干的。

89、They're undercutting us by 20p a packet. ─── 他们以每小包比我们的便宜20便士的价格跟我们抢生意。











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