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09-10 投稿



exterminator 发音

英:[ɪkˈstɜːrmɪneɪtər]  美:[ɪkˈstɜːmɪneɪtə]

英:  美:

exterminator 中文意思翻译



exterminator 网络释义

n. 根除者;(美)灭鼠药;(美)职业的消灭害虫者

exterminator 词性/词形变化,exterminator变形


exterminator 短语词组

1、determined exterminator ─── 确定的灭虫剂

exterminator 相似词语短语

1、exterminate ─── vt.消灭;根除

2、determinator ─── n.限定词

3、exterminatory ─── adj.有根绝作用的;根绝的

4、exterminators ─── n.根除者;(美)灭鼠药;(美)职业的消灭害虫者

5、determinators ─── n.限定词

6、terminator ─── n.终结者;终止子;明暗界限

7、exterminated ─── vt.消灭;根除

8、extermination ─── n.消灭;根绝

9、exterminates ─── vt.消灭;根除

exterminator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Each one dons a perfectly appropriate name like the Leviton Vaporizer , The Exterminator or my personal favorite, the Buzzkill 5000 . ─── 每一个教员完全适当的名称,如立维腾汽化器,该灭虫或我个人的喜爱,在Buzzkill5000。

2、The tenant be inform that the exterminator of cockroach will be here in two day ─── 房客们接到通知说消灭蟑螂的人两天後来

3、Be careful when you use the exterminator. ─── 用杀虫剂时一定要小心。

4、Aha! You sense a meal. That means it's time to unfurl yourself like an exterminator's tent engulfing a termite-filled house. ─── 啊哈!你感觉到一顿美餐。那意味着是时候展开你自己,就像灭虫网吞没白蚁泛滥的房子一样。

5、You're an exterminator charged with examining a house for bugs. ─── 您装满了杀虫剂准备清除屋里的臭虫。

6、The exterminator suspects a previous tenant kept an adult snake as a pet. ─── 灭虫人员认为上一个房客可能养了一只成年蛇作为宠物,然后生了一堆崽。

7、1.An exterminator said he had a method that involved the use of cyanide and would render the house uninhabitable for two years. ─── 一位灭虫专业人员说,他有一个灭蛇的办法,但是这一办法需使用氰化物,因而可能会使房子在两年内不能住人。

8、By day he works as a pest exterminator and by night he is a martial artist. ─── 韩国医院新来的住院医中,奉达熙就象她土气的名字一样土里土气,年龄也最大,是一个不折不扣的老姑娘。

9、2.The exterminator disinfests the house. ─── 杀虫剂驱除了房子里的害虫。

10、Last week, Last.fm "bug exterminator (department of pain)" and long-time programmer Jonty Wareing admitted that he added the codes. ─── 上周,Last . fm“虫灭鼠药(痛苦系)”和资深程序员JontyWareing承认,他加入了这些代码。

11、By day he works as a pest exterminator and by night he is a martial artist.Jeon Ha Ri, is a medical student from ... ─── 他们一开始就引起摩擦、互不对眼,其实对金志宪而言,他本身也不喜欢男人婆型的朴彤晰,不过两个人每天工作都很忙,再则金志宪已经有了有钱的女...

12、What is an exterminator? ─── |杀虫专家是什么意思?

13、2 Somebody called for an exterminator? ─── 有人正在找害虫终结者吗?

14、The tenant is inform that the exterminator of cockroach will is here in two day. ─── 房客们接到通知说消灭蟑螂的人两天后来。

15、I was gonna have to call an exterminator and tent the place. But it was just you. ─── 我本来想叫个终结者扫荡这地方,原来光你就可以。

16、You're an exterminator charged with examining a house for bugs. ─── 您装满了杀虫剂准备清除屋里的臭虫。

17、feedback exterminator ─── 反馈抑制器

18、an exterminator needed more people to pay him to kill the insects and rats in their houses. ─── 译文:从事专业灭害的老板需要更多的人出钱雇他去灭杀家中的虫鼠。

19、color TV magnet exterminator ─── 彩电消磁器

20、[tghrdy00] Somebody called for an exterminator? ─── 有人要杀虫剂吗?

21、An exterminator said he had a method that involved the use of cyanide and would render the house uninhabitable for two years. ─── 一位灭虫专业人员说,他有一个灭蛇的办法,但是这一办法需使用氰化物,因而可能会使房子在两年内不能住人。

22、A: By the way, when was the last time the exterminator was here? ─── 顺便一提,灭蟑螂、老鼠的人上次是什么时候来的?

23、A:By the way,when was the last time the exterminator was here? ─── 顺便一提,灭蟑螂、老鼠的人上次是什么时候来的?

24、reading a sentence like: Finally, the exterminator showed up and got rid of all the cockroaches, spiders and other bugs. ─── 读这个句子:最终杀虫剂起作用了,杀死了所有的蟑螂,蜘蛛,以及其他昆虫。

25、There is absolutely no reason to kill any spider or to call an exterminator if you have spiders in your house. ─── 二红尾的步足逐渐转黑,并有角质发亮的现象,估计离蜕皮也不是很远了。

26、Lloyd: If you need an exterminator, I have someone I can recommend. ─── 罗伊德:如果你要找灭蚁专家,我向你推荐最佳人选。

27、Above: Primal Scream, Exterminator. ─── 以上:原始尖叫,灭虫。

28、an exterminator needed more people to pay him to kill the insects and rats in their houses. ─── 从事专业灭害的老板需要更多的人出钱雇他去灭杀家中的虫鼠。

29、Finally, the sparrow was shot by an exterminator with an air rifle. ─── 最后,这只闯祸的麻雀被人用气枪击毙。

30、Single father Pung-ho works as a pest exterminator by day and a boxer at night. ─── 单亲爸爸恋爱中 (1)每天过着忙碌生活的单身爸爸姜丰浩白天是害虫防治师,晚上却变成拳击手。

31、The exterminator took the animal to a nearby pet store to confirm that it was a domesticated rat, then he took the animal home and adopted it, the letter stated. ─── 被抓的动物被送到了最近的宠物商店,它们被证实是家养的鼠类。信中提到,它们被送回了家并得到了收养。

32、GHOST:somebody call the ghost for the exterminator? ─── 小鬼:有人叫我去消灭某一样东西吗?

33、After accompanying Yowza on a tour of the Outer Rim and the Centrality, Wam returned to Tatooine and began a small business as an exterminator of womp rats and other vermin. ─── 他先陪尤扎巡游了外环星域和“中央”星团,然后回到塔图因做起了小生意,专门为别人杀灭王鼠和其它害兽。

34、The tenants were informed that the exterminator of cockroaches would be here in two days. ─── 房客们接到通知说消灭蟑螂的人两天後来。

35、A Maryland exterminator killed six snakes that were captured in Dressner's Middletown apartment. ─── 马里兰州灭虫人员在格拉迪斯女士的公寓里又找到六只蛇,然后把它们消灭了。

36、I was gonna have to call an exterminator and tent the place. But it was just you. ─── 我本来想叫个终结者扫荡这地方,原来光你就可以。

37、In this installment of Diagnosing Java Code, full-time Java developer and part-time exterminator Eric Allen discusses detecting, fixing, and avoiding this bug pattern. ─── 在诊断Java代码的这一部分中,专职Java开发者兼兼职捉虫者Eric Allen讨论检测、修复和避免这一错误模式。

38、'Vampire slayer, ghost remover, faerie fighter, werewolf exterminator, police consultant, foe of the footsoldiers of Hell. ' ─── ‘吸血鬼猎人,鬼魂终结者,妖精斗士,狼人杀手,警方的顾问,地狱军团的死敌。’

39、Each one dons a perfectly appropriate name like the Leviton Vaporizer , The Exterminator or my personal favorite, the Buzzkill 5000 . ─── 每一个教员完全适当的名称,如立维腾汽化器 , 该灭虫或我个人的喜爱,在Buzzkill 5000 。

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