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09-08 投稿



emprise 发音


英:  美:

emprise 中文意思翻译



emprise 短语词组

1、emprise technologies

emprise 相似词语短语

1、emprises ─── n.冒险;壮举;侠士精神

2、emperises ─── 排

3、emerise ─── 出现

4、emprize ─── n.冒险事业(等于emprise)

5、temporise ─── vi.顺应时势;迎合潮流;妥协;拖延(等于temporize)

6、empresse ─── 就业

7、emperise ─── 排

8、comprise ─── vt.包含;由…组成

9、emperised ─── 帝国

emprise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Every three month for 20 years this little hand of healers met at the Walton Hotel behind locked doors and engaged in unknown emprise lasting till dawn. ─── 二十年来,这一小撮医生,每隔三个月,就聚在华尔饭店开一次会,直到黎明,不知其做些什么。

2、love - based emprise ─── 情侠

3、knights of great emprise ─── 非常勇武的骑士

4、Enterprise morality is the foundation and core of intangible property of the emprise. ─── 企业道德是企业无形资产的基础和核心。

5、Enterprise morality is the foundation and core of intangible property of the emprise. ─── 企业道德是企业无形资产的基础和核心。

6、Our company which based on advanced technology boosts the emprise's development. It wins the customers with excellent quality and service. ─── 海明公司以科技促进企业发展,以质量和服务赢得客户青睐。

7、Swordsman films (Chinese emprise films) influenced me the way of thinking. ─── 其实每个人都有很多不如意;

8、In China’s history ,people often emprise liberal arts and don’t pay attention to the science arts. ─── 而且,中国历史文化中的重文轻理的现象,使得艺术在知识教育体系中显得尤为重要。

9、An Emprise of the profites of Control Right in Listed Companies in China ─── 我国上市公司控制权收益的实证研究

10、knight - style emprise ─── 义侠

11、When it comes to fixing and coping with personal relations, films of real-life subject matter are constricted a lot. However, traditional emprise films offer Ang Lee vast space to imagine. ─── 现实题材的电影在确定与处理人物关系的时候毕竟受到很大的制约与限制,而传统的武侠电影恰恰给了李安畅想的空间。

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