gley 发音
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英: 美:
gley 中文意思翻译
gley 短语词组
1、tundra gley soil ─── 冰沼潜育土
2、gley soil ─── 潜育土
3、gley horizon ─── 潜育层,灰黏层
4、Gley's glands ─── [医] 格累氏腺, 甲状旁腺
5、accretion gley ─── 淤积潜育层,结核潜育层
6、humic gley soil ─── 腐殖质潜育土
7、Gley's cells ─── [医] 格累氏细胞(睾丸间质细胞)
8、Gley's glanas ─── [医] 格累氏腺(甲状旁腺)
9、a-gley adv. ─── 斜 ─── 斜地;弯曲地
10、gley process ─── 潜育作用
gley 词性/词形变化,gley变形
过去分词:gleyed 名词复数形式:gleys 现在分词:gleying
gley 相似词语短语
1、fley ─── v.威胁;使受恐吓;n.(Fley)人名;(德、法)弗莱
2、glee ─── n.快乐;欢欣;重唱歌曲;n.(Glee)人名;(法)格莱
3、gleys ─── n.[土壤]潜育土;n.(Gley)人名;(法)格莱
4、gleg ─── adj.灵敏的,敏锐的
5、gey ─── adv.非常,及其;相当地;n.(Gey)(法、俄、德、美)热伊(人名)
6、agley ─── adv.倾斜地;弯曲地;adj.歪斜的
7、gluey ─── adj.胶的;粘着的;胶质的
8、gleby ─── 土壤
9、gled ─── adj.高兴的;令人高兴的;感激的;乐意的(等于glad);n.鸢(等于glede)
gley 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Where this layer is sufficiently impermeable to maintain the A horizon in a waterlogged condition, the soil is termed a gley podsol. ─── 淋溶层B高度的不透性保持了淋溶层A处于浸水状况,这种土壤称为灰壤。
2、Gley soils are typical of tundra, meadows, and boggy areas. ─── 灰黏土是苔原、草地以及沼地所特有的。
3、gley horizon ─── 潜育层灰粘层
4、gley sward soil ─── 潜育性生草土壤
5、Gley rs cells ─── 格累氏细胞
6、glei soil ─── 潜育土
7、The defining feature is the gley horizon below the humus-blue-grey clay whowe color is due to ferrous iron compounds that have been reduced by microorganisms, flecked with localized areas of rust-colored oxidized ferric compounds. ─── 潜育土的一个重要特点是位于土壤腐殖质层之下,其土层呈灰蓝色是由于含有被微生物还原的亚铁离子,而且常有部分铁被氧化生成红棕色的锈斑。
8、humic gley soil ─── 腐殖质潜育土
9、Gley's glanas ─── [医] 格累氏腺(甲状旁腺)
10、Best laid schemes gang aft a-gley. ─── 最好的计划往往失败。
11、Gley (glei) A waterlogged soil lacking in oxygen, in which raw humus accumulates as a result of lack of decomposition by bacteria. ─── 是一种氧含量低而水含量很高的土壤,由于缺少分解性细菌而在其内积累了大量的腐殖质。
12、gray forest gley soil ─── 潜育灰色森林土
13、The paddy soil probably had a long history of tillage, and furthermore it had formed gley horizon and illuvium, but its fertility was not high either. ─── 水稻土有较长耕作历史,并已形成了潜育层和潴育层,但土壤肥力并不高。
14、The paddy soil probably had a long history of tillage, and furthermore it had formed gley horizon and illuvium, but its fertility was not high either. ─── 水稻土有较长耕作历史,并已形成了潜育层和潴育层,但土壤肥力并不高。
15、gley sod-pozolic soil ─── 潜育生草灰化土
16、Redwell uranium deposit hosted in the red elastic rock formation, is a typical example of gley type uranium mineralization, which has not been reported so far in China. ─── 产于红色碎屑岩中的红井铀矿床是潜育型砂岩铀矿化的一个典型例子。
17、slimy gley soil ─── 淤泥潜育土
18、Redwell uranium deposit hosted in the red elastic rock formation, is a typical example of gley type uranium mineralization, which has not been reported so far in China. ─── 产于红色碎屑岩中的红井铀矿床是潜育型砂岩铀矿化的一个典型例子。
19、gley like podzol ─── 潜育状灰壤
20、Gley cells ─── 格累细胞
21、gley podzolic soils ─── 潜育灰壤
22、Gley rs glands ─── 副甲状腺, 格累氏腺, 甲状旁腺
23、gley like paddy soil ─── 潜育状水稻土
24、tundra gley soil ─── 冰沼潜育土
25、Gley's gland ─── 格累(氏)腺, 甲状旁腺
26、glei alluvial brown soil ─── 潜育棕色冲积土
27、gley meadow soil ─── 潜育化草甸土
28、Keywords Gley type uranium mineralization;Genetic mechanism;Prospecting model; ─── 潜育型铀矿化;成因机理;找矿模式;
29、Gley's glands ─── 甲状旁腺格累氏腺副甲状腺
30、formation of a gley is known as gleying. ─── 潜育层是通过潜育作用形成的。
31、accretion gley ─── 结核潜育层淤积潜育层
32、glei horizon ─── 潜育层
33、deep gley soil ─── 深位潜育土壤
34、Gley glands ─── 格累腺
35、mid gley soil ─── 中位潜育土
36、gley barrier ─── 潜育壁垒
37、The formation of a gley is known as gleying. ─── 潜育层是通过潜育作用形成的。
38、Gley (glei) A waterlogged soil lacking in oxyen, in which raw humus accumulates as a result of lack of decomposition by bacteria. ─── 潜育土:是一种氧含量低而水含量很高的土壤,由于缺少分解性细菌而在其内积累了大量的腐殖质。
40、cell, Gley's ─── 格累(氏)细胞:睾丸间质细胞
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