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09-06 投稿



exemplifying 发音

英:[ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪɪŋ]  美:[ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪɪŋ]

英:  美:

exemplifying 中文意思翻译



exemplifying 词性/词形变化,exemplifying变形

动词第三人称单数: exemplifies |动词过去分词: exemplified |名词: exemplifier |动词过去式: exemplified |形容词: exemplifiable |动词现在分词: exemplifying |

exemplifying 相似词语短语

1、exemplifier ─── 例证者

2、exemplified ─── vt.例证;例示

3、exemplify ─── vt.例证;例示

4、demulsifying ─── n.反乳化作用;v.反乳化(demulsify的ing形式)

5、simplifying ─── v.简约,简化(simplify进行时形式)

6、electrifying ─── adj.令人振奋的;惊人的;n.毛绒电光整理;v.使充电;使激动(electrify的ing形式)

7、exemplifies ─── vt.例证;例示

8、amplifying ─── adj.放大的

9、coemploying ─── 共同就业

exemplifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The 40-unit resort owes its design inspired by a sun drenched island, a beautiful view of the sunset, creating an amazing display of amber hues exemplifying the passion of fire. ─── 该度假城的40套公寓的设计源自于阳光海岸,日落的余晖将为度假城营造自然与建筑的完美结合,同时也展示了火的热情。

2、Before her death in 1977, Alice Paul helped orchestrate enormous changes in the rights and status of American women, exemplifying a strong and determined leader. ─── 在爱丽斯.保罗于1977年去世之前,她帮助美国妇女争取到许多权益,树立了一个强势与坚毅领导者的典范。

3、Exemplifying the method of Derivative Applied to Question - solving ─── 例谈导数法在解题中的应用

4、But tree-by-tree, they are being destroyed for economic exploitation, exemplifying the conundrum faced by our world, a bitter fruit that someone, somewhere will inevitably inherit. ─── 这是红树林,它扮演著调节淡水跟海水之间的功能,但是却因为人为开发、迅速消失中。

5、Objective The purpose of the study was to complete the objective nursing materials and ensure safe and scientific vein transfusion in the practice of inverting duties by exemplifying. ─── 目的:完善客观护理资料,确保静脉输液科学安全进行。

6、Both Hegel"s philosophy and aesthetics are prolific with his whole system exemplifying the unification of dialectics, epistemology, and ontology. ─── 黑格尔的哲学思想和美学理论包含看极其丰富的内容,他的整个体系充分体现了辩证法、认识论和本体论的统一。

7、He lived in poverty, exemplifying his own moral teachings. ─── 他生活在贫穷中,身体力行自己的道德教化。

8、By exemplifying, some critical problems in the course of evaluation are discussed. ─── 并讨论了评价过程中存在的一些关键问题;

9、Study of Regional Effluent Control--Exemplifying Kunshan City ─── 区域尾水控制初探--以昆山市为例

10、179.After the teacher's interpretation, exemplifying and comparison, all the students comprehended the respective meaning of "clap" and "slap" and their differences consequently. ─── 在老师的解释、举例和比较之后,所有学生都理解了“拍手”和“掌击”分别的意思和他们的区别

11、change of color plays an important role in lighting design of gala evening by exemplifying. ─── 色彩变化在电视文艺晚会灯光设计中的重要作用。

12、further exemplifying that humans have emitted an input of carbon far greater than the output. ─── 进一步表明人类已经排放的碳输入量远远大于产出量。

13、Exemplifying the Problem-Solving Techniques for the Sampling Codomain of the Conic ─── 例谈圆锥曲线中取值范围的解题策略

14、After careful examination,radical differences can be found in their theoretical presuppositions,arguing perspectives,exemplifying focus and semiotic models. ─── 而后者则把语言看成是开放的,动态的,例证重心为结构,其符号模式为三元的。

15、and respecting and exemplifying America's values around the world. ─── 和尊重美国的价值并让其在全世界成为榜样。

16、Exemplifying English Teaching by the Means of Using Rhymes Skillfully ─── 例说巧用童谣教英语

17、The general public, usually considered as exemplifying a lack of discrimination or sophistication ─── 群众平民,社会大众:一般的公众,通常缺乏辨别力和老练程度

18、Exemplifying Strategies for Solving Abstract Function ─── 例析抽象函数问题的求解策略

19、further exemplifying that humans have emitted an input of carbon far greater than the output. ─── 进一步表明人类已经排放的碳输入量远远大于产出量。

20、Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating turbo-generator sets. ─── 以几个典型故障为例,阐述汽轮发电机组故障的阶段性。

21、And respecting and exemplifying America's values around the world. ─── 和尊重美国的价值并让其在全世界成为榜样。

22、Exemplifying some projects with defects in recent landscape design, this paper shows the way of applying linguistic analysis to eliminate them. ─── 通过例举当前景观设计中的通病,指出应用语言学分析手段加以克服的途径。

23、He points out that the ghost mother deity appears in the cave as a pictorial representation exemplifying the thought (fangbian shuofa) in the Fahua Sutra, and it was intended to proclaim the Mahayana Vehicle. ─── 并指出,鬼子母故事题材在石窟中是作为《法华经》方便说法思想意图表现的,意在宣扬大乘佛法。

24、Exemplifying the Range of Value- deciding Limited by a Class of Conic Sections ─── 例说一类二次曲线约束下的取值范围题的解法

25、One often speaks of this succession of shapes having the same power as exemplifying lens bending. ─── 我们常常举出这样一系列形状不同,然而具有相同光焦度的透镜,作为透镜的配曲调整的例子。

26、Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating turbo-generator sets faults having different symptoms in different phases. ─── 以几个典型故障为例,阐述汽轮发电机组故障的阶段性。

27、Accessories, too, have been personally popularized by Her Majesty who has again revitalized dying crafts by exemplifying how they can serve todays fashions. ─── 在王后殿下再一次亲身示范传统手工艺怎么服务于当今世上的活动中,传统的配件也得到了她个人的推广。

28、The third chapter studies Baldwin's homosexual issue by exemplifying two homosexual relationships in the novel: Rufus and Eric;Rufus and Vivaldo. ─── 第三章以小说中两对同性关系鲁弗斯和埃力克、鲁弗斯和维瓦尔多为例,对鲍德温的同性恋话题进行了论述。

29、exemplifying of syntagm and paradigm ─── 组合和聚合实例化

30、By exemplifying,some critical problems in the course of evaluation are discussed. ─── 并讨论了评价过程中存在的一些关键问题;

31、The most striking part in the paper is to offer a variety of detailed and vivid first-hand teaching cases and through exemplifying and analyzing the cases as the evidence for research. ─── 论文最大的特点是理论与实际的结合,提供了大量详实而生动的来自教学一线的教学案例,通过对案例的例举和分析,为论文提供了丰富的研究依据。

32、exemplifying clause ─── 列举条款

33、By exemplifying, some critical problems in the course of evaluation are discussed. ─── 并讨论了评价过程中存在的一些关键问题;

34、The strategies that should be adopted for different cases have been put forth.And the concrete solutions have been given by exemplifying. ─── 提出了针对不同情况应采取的策略,通过实例,给出了具体解决方法。

35、In this paper, the applications of MATLAB in the calculation for multi-components bubble point temperature were discussed, by exemplifying the typical experiment methods in chemical technology. ─── 以化工原理实验中多组分泡点的温度计算为例,讨论了MATLAB在化工中的应用。

36、based on or exemplifying anagoge. ─── 基于神秘解释的或以神秘解释为例证的。

37、Abstract: Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating turbo-generator sets faults having different symptoms in different phases. ─── 文摘:以几个典型故障为例,阐述汽轮发电机组故障的阶段性。

38、Abstract: Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating the complexity of Turbo-generator sets fault. ─── 文摘:以几个典型故障为例阐述汽轮发电机组故障的复杂性。

39、The Deloitte Club is an initiative exemplifying this commitment. ─── 德勤俱乐部就是这一使命的生动载体。

40、The Florida Keys are a microcosm, exemplifying the swift changes brought about by the actions of humankind globally, with causes as varied as the individuals who leave their mark. ─── 佛罗里达小群岛这个小宇宙充分地反映了全球人类活动给自然界带来的迅疾的变化。

41、Zuoying Wannian Folklore Festival has transformed from a local activity into a traditional celebration exemplifying Taiwan's traditions, culture, religions, and beliefs. ─── 万年季从地方的宗教民俗活动发展为全国性足以代表台湾传统、文化、宗教、信仰的民俗庆典。

42、Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating the complexity of Turbo-generator sets fault. ─── 以几个典型故障为例阐述汽轮发电机组故障的复杂性。

43、Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating turbo-generator sets faults having different symptoms in different phases. ─── 以几个典型故障为例,阐述汽轮发电机组故障的阶段性。

44、Our Commitment: Deloitte has all along committed to supporting the young generation to excel in the accountancy profession.The Deloitte Club is an initiative exemplifying this commitment. ─── 我们的使命: 德勤始终如一地支持年轻一代在会计专业领域出类拔萃,德勤俱乐部就是这一使命的生动载体。

45、Exemplifying the possible financial risks shouldered by Chinese corporations in stock market ─── 我国上市公司财务风险实证透视

46、After aging in barrels, the wines are united in a single cuvee exemplifying the pinnacle of Russian River Zinfandel. ─── 成熟后的桶,美国俄罗斯河仙芬黛的葡萄酒是在一个单一的品种中完全体现出其顶峰。

47、Lady Macbeth, exemplifying a negative role as she breaks silence for her hungry ambition for power with evil intention and her exploiting her husband" s weakness. ─── 第三章描述了麦克白夫人和鲍西娅的“打破”沉默。麦克白夫人利欲熏心,野心勃勃,利用丈夫的弱点打破沉默显然是不可取的。她或许可以用其他的方式打破沉默。

48、The charms of personality are mainly shown as honesty,fairness,guilelessness,pursuit of ambition,making progress constantly,kindness,generosity,exemplifying and taking on responsibilities. ─── 这些人格魅力主要表现为:正直公道、磊落坦荡;追求理想,不懈进取;充满爱心,宽容大度;

49、And the West lake of Hangzhou is an even more exemplifying model for gardens and parks. ─── 而杭州西湖则是园林和公园中犹为卓著的典范。

50、We give the implementation of SRIW in Wavelet Domain for exemplifying it and propose the special evaluation of SRIW. ─── 以小波域为例给出了SRIW实现方法,提出了SRIW特有的评价标准。

51、The left already regards him as exemplifying everything that is wrong with the Democratic establishment. ─── 左派已然认为,他代表了所有和民主党立党原则背道而驰的观点。

52、This paper mainly discussed the applications of MATLAB in chemistry experiment and data handle by exemplifying the typical multiple statistics analysis. ─── 本文以几种常用的多元统计分析方法为例,简要介绍了MATLAB在化学试验及数据处理中的应用。

53、not exemplifying a class. ─── 不能作为种类的例子。

54、Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating the complexity of Turb. ─── 以几个典型故障为例阐述汽轮发电机组故障的复杂性。

55、a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors. ─── 预排系列片的样片;为了吸引资助人。

56、Exemplifying the teaching unit of human geography course, part five designs the teaching unit plan and provides some relevant cases, for the application of Web-based instruction mode . ─── 第五部分,以人文地理学课程教学单元为例,设计了单元教学计划,并提供了相关教学案例,以期为本教学模式的实施提供一些实践性的指导和启示。

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