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09-08 投稿



egoistical 发音

英:[[e'ɡəʊɪstɪkəl]]  美:[[e'ɡoʊɪstɪkəl]]

英:  美:

egoistical 中文意思翻译



egoistical 同义词

egoistical | self-seeking | egocentric |subjective | selfish | self-absorbed | conceited | inconsiderate | vain | egotistic | insensitive | self-centered | self-centred

egoistical 反义词


egoistical 词性/词形变化,egoistical变形

形容词: egoistic |副词: egoistically |

egoistical 相似词语短语

1、exorcistical ─── 驱邪

2、agonistical ─── 激动的

3、egoistically ─── adv.任性地;利己地,自私地

4、egotistically ─── 自负

5、ekistical ─── 异国情调的

6、eulogistical ─── adj.颂词的

7、eristical ─── 经验的

8、egoistic ─── adj.自私自利的,自我中心的

9、egotistical ─── adj.任性的;自我本位的;傲慢自尊的

egoistical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist. ─── 把想法和希望分散到其他事物上,而不是过分关注自我,这样的人往往能够在琐碎的生活中寻得一份安宁,但是那些纯粹的自我主义者就无法做到这一点。

2、He / She is an egoistical person. ─── 他/她是一个很自我的人.

3、The egoist used other people as if they were doormats ─── 那个利己主义者总是利用别人,仿佛别人是门前的擦鞋垫。

4、That is the perfect egoist ─── 这是一个彻头彻尾的利己主义者。

5、I have always been aware that I am by nature self-absorbed and egoistical; ─── 我从来都深知,我生性就只顾自己,一切以自我为中心。

6、egoist n. ─── 自我主义者;

7、Under some conditions, altruistic individuals are more apt to evolve than those egoistical individuals. ─── 在某些情况下,利他的个体比利己的个体更有利于自身的进化。

8、Both drives him to become an extreme egoist. ─── 两者驱使他成为一个极端的利己主义者。

9、"The egoist" is the title from 1914 until its demise in 1919 of a London fortnightly review ─── 《利已主义者》是从1914年直到1919年停刊为止的伦郭一家双周评论的刊名。

10、1.The other always sees that you are an egoist. ─── 自负的人是自己最好的朋友。

11、John is such an egoist that he only cares about himself. ─── 约翰过于自我,只在乎自己。

12、an egoist; a self-seeker; an individualist ─── 利己主义者

13、I just wish you wouldnt act like such an egoist all the time. ─── 我只希望你不要总是表现得像个自我主义者。

14、You could have made her colour, any day in the year, by calling her a rank egoist. ─── 在一年的任何一天,你只要说一声她十分自私,就可以把她弄得面红耳赤。

15、And sports games can prepare children to nurture fine sense of morals and tastes,getting rid of egoist practices,and develop striving spirit and healthy psychological qualities. ─── 经研究:体育游戏能够促进儿童身心的发展需要,为儿童从小树立良好的品德和高尚的情操,打下基础,帮助儿童摆脱以自我为中心,培养儿童积极的情感和健康的心理素质。

16、He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar ─── 他是一个彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。

17、Egoist neglects a basic fact that people live in the same big ship, and thus are in the same boat. ─── 膨胀的自我使我们忽略了一个基本事实,那就是:我们同在生活这条大船上,别人的好坏与我们休戚相关。

18、Egoist: a person more interested in himself than in me. ─── 自我主义者:一个人对他自己比对我要感兴趣的多。

19、He's an egoist. ─── 他是一个利己主义者。

20、I just wish you wouldn't act like such an egoist all the time. ─── 我只希望你不要总是表现得像个自我主义者。”

21、A professional tattoo artist puts their client’s needs as the top priority;never allow yourself to be egoistical is a secret key for becoming successful in this challenging profession. ─── 纹身师不是艺术家,不能随意在别人皮肤上发挥,自己只是一名职业纹身师,应要用心去做好每一件作品,才是一名有职业道德的纹身师。

22、Would you like to my 爆米 at that time? Kidding! Well, I am not an egoist. ─── 今天逛街的时候还吃了爆米花,味道酸酸甜甜的,很不错。

23、Iwish you wouldn't act like such an egoist all the time. ─── 由此设想你还是可教育的。”

24、I'm too pensive when I write sometimes. . . and I'm not 'too talented', I'm just too egoistical. ─── 有时候我写东西时都会太过多愁善感……我也不是那麽的有天分,我只是太过自我而已。

25、I think some people find the essay the last resort of the egoist, a much too self-conscious and self-serving form for their taste ─── 我想有些人认为散文是利己主义者的最后一着,是不合他们口味的一种过于扭捏作态,过于自私自利的形式。

26、He also used to say, more than once.... Whenever some egoist would ask him, "Do you love me? ─── 这本书非常的有价值,但是它的钻石被隐藏在普通的石头中。

27、I'm an egoist and a stubborn person and I'll fight to the end for any chance I can get. ─── 我是一个自我主义者而且是个顽固的人,我会为我能得到的机会而努力的!

28、This deep understanding his own physiology allows the egoist to harness the energy of his mind to perform incredible tasks of biofeedback. ─── 对自己生理的深入了解使百变者能够利用他的精神能量产生难以置信的生物反馈。

29、You could have made her color, any day in the year, by calling her a rank egoist ─── 在一年的任何一天,你只要说一声她十分自私,就可以把她弄得面红耳赤。

30、out-and-out egoist ─── 极端个人主义者

31、I, the egoist in grain , forgot to scrutinize my own emotions, or to trouble my happiness by comparison with others’ happier fortune. ─── 我,这样一个彻头彻尾的自我主义者,忘记了细细体察自己的情绪,也忘记了要同其他更加幸运的人作一番比较,从而扰乱自己的幸福了。

32、an egoist; an egotist ─── 自我中心者

33、The egoist is in tune with his body like no other.He gauges his health by the rhythm of his heartbeat and the pulse of blood in his ears. ─── 百变者与自己的身体和谐无间,他靠耳中的心跳和脉搏的节奏来把握自己的健康状况。

34、The other always sees that you are an egoist. ─── 另一方总是看见你是个自我中心者。

35、I have always been aware that I am by nature self-absorbed and egoistical; ─── 一直以来,我也意识到我会自然而然地以自我为中心。

36、In having his Isabel marry an egoist, he robbed her nature of its chance to express itself. ─── 他将他的伊莎贝尔嫁给了一个利己主义者。这个利己主义者抹杀了她的表达自己的天性的机会。

37、They say: If you love yourself you will become an egoist, if you love yourself you will become narcissistic. ─── 他们说:如果你爱你自己,你就会变成一个自我为中心的人,如果你爱你自己,你就会变成一个自恋狂。

38、From a social contract view of ethics or for the ethical egoist, the answer would seem to be: nothing. ─── 从社会契约道德角度来说,或者道德自我注意的角度出发,答案似乎是什么也没有。

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