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09-04 投稿



gramme 发音


英:  美:

gramme 中文意思翻译



gramme 网络释义

n. 克n. (Gramme)人名;(法)格拉姆

gramme 短语词组

1、centimetre-gramme-second system ─── 厘、米、克、秒(制)

2、gramme equivalent ─── 克当量

3、gramme ion ─── 克离子

4、le gramme ─── 克

5、gramme molecule ─── 分子克

6、gramme-reontgen ─── [医] 克伦琴(X线能吸收单位)

7、gramme ring ─── [电] 克环

8、radium gramme unit ─── [医] 镭辐射设备

gramme 词性/词形变化,gramme变形

名词: grammatologist |形容词: grammatologic |

gramme 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The grey ash - from volcano Eyjafjallajokull - is being sold in 160 gramme portions in sealed glass containers as souvenirs of the disaster. ─── 这些来自艾雅法拉火山的灰色火山灰,正以每份160公克的份量装在密封玻璃罐中,被当成这场灾难的纪念品销售。

2、system is the calorie, which is established as the amount of heat required to raise one gramme of water by one degree centigrade. ─── 秒制单位是卡,将1克水升高摄氏1度所需的热量定为1卡。

3、Output: to gramme degree for one labour and one day. ─── 生产:人均日产可达克级,药用量是微克级。

4、gramme roentgen ─── n. 克伦琴

5、gramme moledular volume ─── 克分子容积

6、People notice. Of course some things are not perfect, our recipes are not written down to the exact gramme so we rely on our chefs. ─── 当然,有些事无法尽善尽美,我们的食谱并非精确到克,所以我们要依靠大厨。

7、Bamboo charcoal has super adsorb ability. intestine holedistributing wide, every gramme intestine hole area higher than 300square meter, like a basketball court, far bigger than normal charcoal. ─── 竹炭具有超强的吸附能力---竹炭内部的孔隙分布极广,每公克内部的表面积高达300平方公尺以上,约相当于一座篮球场的面积,远远大于木炭。

8、I know my gramme(English/Chinese)are very bad, but I will try, and hope everyone can help. ─── 不论是中文还是英文,我的文法都一样很差。不过,我会尽力去尝试,也希望各位能帮忙。

9、Mr Gramm suggested that his compatriots are suffering a “mental recession” rather than a real one. ─── 在格莱姆先生看来美国人正经历这“精神衰退”而不是实际上的萧条。

10、The mathmatical model is establised and the computer pro gramme, which realizes the process of the computiing the model,is worked out. ─── 建立了数学模型,并编制了实现此过程的计算机程序;

11、and in Japan, Mitsubishi Corporation will produce a business card for you coated with a gramme of gold. ─── 日本三菱(MitsubishiCorp)会递给你一张镀有一克黄金的商务名片。

12、No, They can't be Foreigner without Lou Gramm, if you want to see Foreigner go see Lou Gramm Band. ─── 选择您想要观看的国家 / 地区内容 (影片及频道)。这个动作不会变更网站的语言。

13、Gramm, a close friend of Senator McCain’s for many years, has had a very loud say in the economic policies of the McCain presidential campaign. ─── 这些经济政策是G.

14、"We have strong support from people like Jack Kemp, Phil Gramm, and Steve Forbes signed up. ─── 我们有肯普、格拉姆和福布斯等加入共和党的人的坚定支持。

15、XML gramme ─── XML语法

16、gramme equivalent ─── 克当量

17、centimeter gramme second ─── 厘米 克 秒

18、It was found in concentrations of 29 to 850 picogrammes per cubic metre of air. A picogramme is one trillionth of a gramme. ─── 每立方空气中含有29到850微微克浓度。一微微克是一克的万亿分之一。

19、I have been a client of weed dealers in North America since the mid-1980s and no matter who the vendor, the price has remained $10 a gramme. ─── 自上世纪80年代中期以来,我一直在光顾北美地区的大麻贩子。无论从谁那儿买,价格始终保持在每克10美元。

20、1.Bamboo charcoal has super adsorb ability. intestine holedistributing wide, every gramme intestine hole area higher than 300square meter, like a basketball court, far bigger than normal charcoal. ─── 1. 竹炭具有超强的吸附能力 ---竹炭内部的孔隙分布极广,每公克内部的表面积高达300平方公尺以上,约相当于一座篮球场的面积,远远大于木炭。

21、Kang Di Tai's gramme series mack ─── 康迪泰克系列橡皮

22、5.I can nev er rememb er gramm ar rules. Sentences are a bett er way to learn gramm ar . ─── 我永远都记不住语法规则。学句子是学语法更好的途径。

23、"The key is to unite the party," said McCain."We have strong support from people like Jack Kemp, Phil Gramm, and Steve Forbes signed up. ─── 在福克斯新闻星期天节目中,麦凯恩说,他对自己目前在民意调查中取得的地位表示满足,也对他从党内名人那里获得的支持表示满足。

24、Barack Obama got a lot of play with his clever response to the Phil Gramm madness. ─── 在回应菲尔格拉姆的躁狂时,巴拉克奥巴马却将其聪明才智表现得淋漓尽致。

25、gramme molecule ─── 克分子

26、This pro - gramme is my brain child and I strongly object to somebody taking over the production of it. ─── 这个计划是我想出来的杰作,我强烈反对他盗用。

27、radium gramme unit ─── [医] 镭辐射设备

28、Phil Gramm was a general in that conflict, and there was nothing cute about it. ─── 菲尔.格兰姆就是这场战争的总指挥!这绝不是什么好玩的事情!

29、Gramme said so. ─── 格拉姆这样说的。

30、gramme atom ─── 克原子

31、Still, the nominal price wouldn't stick like that unless supply and demand were at least roughly in balance at $10 a gramme. ─── 但即使是这样,名义价格也不会如此稳定,除非供给和需求在每克10美元的水平至少实现了大致平衡。

32、Everyone seems good.Everyone talks about celebrating Gramm's life, not grieving her death, she was beloved. ─── 大家坐在一起缅怀纪念奶奶的一生,没人触及她已辞世这一悲伤的话题。

33、gramme calorie ─── n. 克卡

34、When we get to the viewing for the old woman they called Gramm, Janice and Benny greet us with smiles, and their daughter, Zoe, takes my girls off to meet her cousins and to color. ─── 当我们来到他们称为“奶奶”的老妇人的葬礼时,詹尼斯和拜尼微笑着迎接了我们,他们的女儿宙怡带我的女儿们去见她的表亲们并粉饰一番,每个人看起来都很好。

35、Before Mr McCain's speech on the Yorktown, Phil Gramm, a former senator, praised his wife, Cindy McCain, noting her decision to adopt a Bangladeshi orphan who might otherwise have died. ─── 在他在“约克城”号航母上发表演讲前,前参议员菲尔.格拉姆称赞其妻辛迪.麦凯恩收养一名柬埔寨弃婴之举,而非让其自生自灭。

36、Cost: material costs 10 yuan, water and electricity costs 1 yuan and laborage costs 15 yuan for each gramme output. ─── 成本:按每克计算,所需原料成本10元,水电1元,工资15元。

37、gramme activity ─── 综合性成套活动方案

38、gramme ring ─── 整流子环

39、Zénobe Théophile Gramme ─── 格喇姆(1826-1901),法国人,电气工程师。

40、The Gramm ys are presented by The Recording Academy, and winners of the 50th annual Grammys will be announced in Los Angeles February 10. ─── 格莱美由唱片机构提出的,第50届格莱美奖将于2月10日在洛杉机召开。

41、gramme rad ─── n. 克拉德

42、gramme n. ─── 克(重量单位);

43、At the Exhibition of Electricity at the Crystal Palace in London, they reported that the Hodson engine was seen driving generators by Brush, Gramme, and Siemens. ─── 在展览的电力水晶宫在伦敦,他们报告说,霍德森引擎被认为是驾驶的发电机,电刷镀,克,西门子等。

44、gramme winding ─── 环形绕组

45、gramme ring winding ─── 环型绕组

46、gram, gramme ─── 克

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