glisten 发音
英:[ˈɡlɪs(ə)n] 美:[ˈɡlɪs(ə)n]
英: 美:
glisten 中文意思翻译
glisten 词性/词形变化,glisten变形
glisten 短语词组
1、gleam glow glimmer glisten ─── 微光
glisten 相似词语短语
1、glistens ─── vi.闪光,闪亮;n.闪光,闪耀
2、glisters ─── n.闪烁;华丽;灿烂;vi.闪烁
3、glister ─── n.闪烁;华丽;灿烂;vi.闪烁
4、blister ─── n.水泡;水疱;气泡;砂眼;起泡剂;vt.使起水泡;痛打;猛烈抨击;vi.起水泡
5、listen ─── vi.听,倾听;听从,听信;n.听,倾听
6、Kristen ─── 克里斯汀(人名)
7、glistened ─── vi.闪光,闪亮;n.闪光,闪耀
8、aglisten ─── adj.光辉耀眼的;闪烁的
9、glinted ─── v.闪烁;(光线)反射;闪闪发光;使发光;(眼睛)发亮(表达不友善的感情);n.闪烁;闪光,微光;(眼神中的)光亮
glisten 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The sun was fierce , the land seemed to glisten and drip with steam . ─── 天上烈日炎炎,大地被蒸晒得闪闪发光,热露淋淋。
2、I am brushed gently ah brush, dirty leather shoes of father is brushed blackly like blackboard by me, glisten still, really clean! ─── 我轻轻地刷呀刷,爸爸的脏皮鞋被我刷得像黑板一样黑,还闪闪发光,真干净!
3、Nature diagnosis of urinary calculi using color Doppler glisten fake imaging ─── 彩色多普勒闪烁伪像在泌尿系结石定性诊断中的应用价值
4、Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver? ─── 为什么我满头银发?
5、The sun rose from the east and shone upon the entrance to the house, making the leaves of the big colanut tree glisten with the dew. ─── 太阳从东面升起了,阳光照耀在这家的门前,照得门前大树的叶子的露水闪着光。
6、The suggestion to "lick your lips" not only puts a little glisten on the lips but also relaxes the face. ─── 也可以舔一下嘴唇,不仅会使嘴唇看起来有光彩也会使脸部放松。
7、i watched the moonlight glisten on the waters of laguna beach. "ill miss it here, but living in the big apple is everything ive ever wanted -a dream come true." ─── 我凝视着倒映在拉古纳湾水面上的月光。“我很留恋这里,可住在纽约是长久以来我心中惟一的梦想--如今,美梦就要成真了!”
8、An ornament hung on every branch of the tree, and the tinsel made the tree glisten in the dark. ─── 树上每根枝桠都挂着装饰品,而锡箔使这棵树在黑暗中闪闪发亮,
9、Her eyes began to glisten, and her lids to twinkle. ─── 她的眼睛开始发亮,眼皮直眨。
10、infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head doth glisten with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in my prayer to Thee! ─── 我的骨骼已软弱了,我已白发苍苍了,我的主啊!我没有为祈祷你而失望。
11、You will glisten, Must believe itself to me!arm is best! ─── 你为什么要和别人一样?
12、Below, thawed patches glisten through, ─── 下面,已经解冻的土地在闪光,
13、It has good properties of palladium coating, such as bright surface , high glisten rate , low contact resistance , high rigidity, antifriction, anticorrosion and so... ─── 利用本工艺电镀能得到性能优良的钯镀层,如外观白亮、反光率高、接触电阻小、硬度高、耐磨、耐蚀等优点。
14、When have the over-load protection, the pressure overload, the red light or the yellow light glisten, and auto-stop. ─── 配有过载保护装置,压力过载时,红灯或黄灯闪亮,并自动停机。
15、Where the treetops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow. ─── 树梢在雪中闪耀,孩童在雪天专心听雪橇铃声的到来。
16、The glisten glazes posses glistening effect only when they are applied on a proper under-glaze. ─── 闪光釉只有施在相应的底釉上才具有闪光效果。
17、The raindrops glisten on the undulating grass, With which my sorrow grows from year to year,alas!In mist-veiled bower I have so muc... ─── 细雨湿流光,芳草年年与恨长.烟锁凤楼无限事,茫茫.銮镜鸳衾两断肠.魂梦任悠扬,睡起扬花满绣床.薄幸不来门半掩,斜阳.负你残春泪几行!
18、" I watched the moonlight glisten on the waters of Laguna Beach. ─── 我看月光闪闪在水域上的拉古纳海滩。
19、The classical line coordinates the localilzation chrome-plating line steadily to glisten many; ─── 经典的线条配合着本土化的镀铬线条稳重不乏闪亮;
20、I watched the moonlight glisten on the waters of Laguna Beach. ─── 我凝视着倒映在拉古纳湾水面上的月光。
21、It lights up the pupils of small awestruck schoolchildren and makes the rain-drenched sides of Tianjin taxis glisten as they creep through the heavy downpour. ─── 照亮了一群学童的瞳孔,那景象令他们感到敬畏又惊奇,而天津黄包车在豪雨中缓缓前进,雨水浸湿的车身也在闪电下熠熠生光。
22、But the month the curved harbor, the dim light of night deep lights glisten, the Pearl of the Orient has not slept all night, is defending the promise which the vicissitudes fluctuate. ─── 月而弯弯的海港,夜色深深灯火闪亮,东方之珠整夜未眠,守着沧海桑田变幻的诺言。
23、twinkle; glimmer; glisten ─── 闪烁
24、In smooth respect, careful with the metal kind glisten material things, wait like aureate floor lamp, droplight, wall lamp. ─── 在光的方面,慎用金属类闪闪发光的材料用品,如镀金的落地灯、吊灯、壁灯等。
25、Dewdrops sparkle [glisten] in the morning sun. ─── 露珠在晨光下闪闪发光。
26、1. At night, colourful lights glisten and dazzle the eyes. ─── 每当夜晚,各色灯光闪耀夺目。
27、GLISTEN PC will not leave brushmarks, and will dry in less than one hour, but will take 3-4 days to reach maximum hardness. ─── GLISTEN PC 粉刷后不会留下刷痕, 并会在一小时内固化, 但达到最大硬度需3至4天的时间.
28、Blood and gasoline glisten on the streets of Nezahualcoyotl. ─── 内萨瓦尔科约特尔的街道上的血迹与油渍反射着月光。
29、Glisten means shining brightly, sparking, esp. Of wet or polished surface, tear-filled eyes. ─── 潮湿或光滑物体表面的反射光,或者,满含泪水的眼睛闪闪发亮、发光;
30、Where the treetops glisten, -Where the treetops glisten, ─── 那里树顶闪闪发光,-那里树顶闪闪发光,
31、GLISTEN commits itself to the exploitation and manufacture of the civilian, engimeering)commercial Lighting products and ownscapable marketing staff. ─── 专力于民用、工程、商业照明产品的研发与制造,并有自己的营销团队。
32、As Spring River surges to sea-level height, The moon arises from sea with swelling tides To glisten on waves for thousands of miles Till the river is awash with moonlight. ─── 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。滟滟随波千万里,何处春江无月明。
33、Suddenly ploughed tracts and irrigation channels appeared, and the glisten of flooded rice-fields; ─── 刹那间,犁耕田和灌溉渠出现了,水稻田也在闪闪发亮;
34、He is a beautiful engineer, the figure is slender, well-balanced, there is dainty tie on snow-white shirt, cusp leather shoes is glisten, bearing experts chicly. ─── 他妆扮入时,就象要去赴晚宴一样。
35、But does this body of water that extends from the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba south to the Indian Ocean really glisten a rosy hue? ─── 东为亚喀巴湾。南部通过曼德海峡与亚丁湾、印度洋相连。是连接地中海和阿拉伯海的重要通道。是一条重要的石油运输通道。具有战略价值。
36、Snowcapped mountain tops glisten in the strong Alpine sunshine. ─── 阿尔卑斯山的阳光让山头覆盖的雪景,闪亮无比。
37、Could you glisten to me read these sentences ? ─── 听我读一读这些句子好吗?
38、1.to reflect light; to glisten; 2.light reflection ─── 反光
39、The massive demon's skin is sickly yellow in color, and its reddish-black wings and horns glisten evilly in the light. ─── 这个庞大恶魔的皮肤是病态的黄色,他红黑色的翅膀和角则闪着邪恶的光芒。
40、Laurel glisten brightly in the season of autumn, ─── 桂花到了秋天,便开得很皎洁;
41、Glisten breastpin, no matter you fasten it on collar or hair, can have the effect that make the finishing point. ─── 闪闪发光的胸针,无论你把它别在衣领或头发上,都会有画龙点睛的效果。
42、Indeed, but they all with are the star, in the vast stars two most glisten the planetesimal which but does not make widely known, the nature, refinedly. ─── 的确,但他们又都同为星斗,浩瀚繁星中两颗最闪亮但不张扬的星子,自然、脱俗。
43、Dewdrops sparkle [glisten] in the morning sun. ─── 露珠在晨光下闪闪发光。
44、Glisten to mark their presence ─── 而闪闪发光以显示其价值
45、Glisten (v.): shine or sparkle with reflected light, as a wet or polished surface; flash ─── (湿的表面或光滑面)反光;闪耀,闪光
46、Where the tree tops glisten, and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow. ─── 树顶闪闪发光,而孩子们聆听雪地里的雪橇铃声。
47、The sun rose from the east and shone upon the entrance to the house, making the leaves of the big cola nut tree glisten with the dew. ─── 太阳从东方升起来,照着那座宅第的大门,巨大梧桐树的叶子上,晨间的清露珠光闪耀。
48、From overlook of this square look as far as one can, enter another into grand and solemn and respectful ancient building, extend is worn glisten glazed tile fastigium, orderly arrange in in on axes. ─── 从这广场极目远眺,一进又一进宏伟肃穆的古建筑,伸展着闪闪发光的琉璃瓦屋脊,整洁排列在中轴线上。
49、Clean neatly on the ground, ingle has not gone out, the tableware on bowl hutch is glisten. ─── 地上打扫得干干净净,炉火还没有熄灭,碗厨上的餐具闪闪发光。
50、Ah, there its layers and ex-panse diappear immediately, what I feel is being clustered round by nu-merous transparent pearls which glisten and fall down continuously. ─── 啊,顿失了它的茫茫重重,感受到的是无数透明珍珠的簇拥,频频闪动,绵绵不断。
51、The coat should glisten with a silver sheen. ─── 裁判在评判时,必须看到萨摩将尾巴卷到后背一次。
52、workers are dwarfed by towering bins of car-parts, copper wire and turnings that glisten softly like huge metal snowdrifts. ─── 高大的储藏箱前,工人们像小矮人一样忙碌着,储藏箱里装满了汽车零件,铜线和镟坯,泛着柔和的金属光泽,像是下了一场铺天盖地的金属雪。
53、Be used for glisten implement's melting point ─── 使用于反光器之导熔点
54、Peace began to glisten in her eyes.She hugged the scrap of paper to her breast. ─── 她眼睛里开始闪烁出平静的光芒,她把这张纸贴在胸口。
55、to glitter; to glisten; to twinkle; to glint; to flash; to scintillate ─── 闪闪
56、Where the treetops glisten, and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow. ─── 树顶闪闪发光,而孩子们聆听雪地里的雪橇铃声。
57、A Guide To The Identification Of Glisten Automobile Number Plate ─── 反光机动车号牌视认性测试指南
58、The abrader is a bit rough, and because some different directions in different places, it leads different glisten in g. ─── 磨石还是有点粗,另外因为有些地方磨的方向不一致,导致反光较乱,剑尖磨得不错!!
59、I could see the brass glisten on the tiller as it banged about; and still no soul appeared upon her decks. ─── 我可以看到黄铜舵柄晃动时发出的闪光,可甲板上仍然连个人影都没有。
60、Rows of glaciers and snow-capped ridges on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau glisten against the blue sky and white clouds. ─── 青藏高原上那一列列的冰川和雪岭,在蓝天和白云的掩映下,熠熠闪耀。
61、It is that strong interest of life in a child that keep his life glisten compared to the life of an adult. ─── 正因孩子对生命还有浓厚的兴趣,所以他们的人生异常闪亮。
62、This blue plate is a module made of crystalline silicon. The grooves of the conductors and the silicon crystals glisten at its surface. ─── 这块蓝色平板是由多晶体硅制成的模块。导体的沟槽和多硅晶体在其表面闪闪发光。
63、3.Suddenly ploughed tracts and irrigation channels appeared, and the glisten of flooded rice-fields; and cranes preceded the suburbs of Mari. ─── 刹那间,犁耕田和灌溉渠出现了,水稻田也在闪闪发亮;到达马雷市郊区之前还看到了一些起重机。
64、The sun rose from the east and shone upon the entrance to the house,making the leaves of the big colanut tree glisten with the dew. ─── 太阳从东方升起,照耀在院落的入口处,门口大榕树上沾满露珠的树叶也因此闪着晶莹的亮光。
66、This blue plate is a module made of crystalline silicon. The grooves of the conductors and the silicon crystals glisten at its surface. ─── 这块蓝色平板是由多晶体硅制成的模块。导体的沟槽和多硅晶体在其表面闪闪发光。
67、The leaves glisten with dew. ─── 叶子上的露水闪闪发光。
68、Ruby and Garnet for lips.Lustre and Glisten Shimmer Powder for face and body. ─── 雅姿特别推介华美色彩系列,宝石红、枣啡红唇膏让樱唇娇美醉人;
69、6. Suddenly ploughed tracts and irrigation channels appeared, and the glisten of flooded rice-fields; and cranes preceded the suburbs of Mari. ─── 刹那间,犁耕田和灌溉渠出现了,水稻田也在闪闪发亮;到达马雷市郊区之前还看到了一些起重机。收藏指正
70、I watched the moonlight glisten on the waters of Laguna Beach. "I'll miss it here,living in the Big Apple is everything I've ever wanted - a dream come true." ─── 我凝视着倒映在拉古纳湾水面上的月光。"我很留恋这里,可住在纽约是长久以来我心中惟一的梦想--如今,美梦就要成真了!"
71、10 colours include Rose Glisten, Metallic Wine, Iced Magenta, Fatale, Livid Brown, Natural Ice, O掊ara Red, Matador, Tawny and Vienna. ─── 颜色包括:玫瑰红、浓酒红、紫桃、深紫、深啡、雪红、圣诞红、鲜红、小麦啡、可可棕。
72、The sun was fierce, the land seemed to glisten and drip with steam. ─── 天上烈日炎炎,大地被蒸晒得闪闪发光,热露淋淋。
73、I watched the moonlight glisten on the waters of Laguna Beach. "I'll miss it here, but in the Big Apple is everything I've ever wanted - a dream come true." ─── 我凝视着倒映在拉古纳湾水面上的月光。"我很留恋这里,可住在纽约是长久以来我心中惟一的--如今,美梦就要成真了!"
74、Where the treetops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow. ─── 树梢在雪中闪耀,孩童在雪天专心听雪橇铃声的到来。
75、"A Erdeng " it is purplish red color, "Su Wan " it is chestnut, because battalion is cured, the hair color like brocade is below the sun glisten. ─── “阿尔登”是枣红色,“苏宛”是栗色,由于营养好,锦缎般的毛色在太阳底下闪闪发光。
76、Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver? ─── 为什么我满头银发?
77、Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver? ─── 为什么我会白发苍苍?
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